تحويل 1-1-1695م الى هجري  (وصلة خارجية)  | تحويل 31-12-1695م الى هجري  (وصلة خارجية)  | ابحث في الموسوعة عن مواضيع متعلقة بسنة 1695

الألفية: الألفية 2
القرون: القرن 16 - القرن 17 - القرن 18
العقود: عقد 1660  عقد 1670  عقد 1680  - عقد 1690 -  عقد 1700  عقد 1710  عقد 1720
السنوات: 1692 1693 1694 - 1695 - 1696 1697 1698
1695 حسب الموضوع:
الفنون والعلوم
العمارة - الفن - الأدب - الموسيقى - العلوم
قوائم الزعماء
الحكام الاستعماريون - زعماء الدول
تصنيفا المواليد والوفيات
المواليد - الوفيات
تصنيفا التأسيسات والانحلالات
التأسيسات - الانحلالات
تصنيف الأعمال
1695 في التقاويم الأخرى
التقويم الگريگوري1695
آب أوربه كونديتا2448
التقويم الأرمني1144
التقويم الآشوري6445
التقويم البهائي−149 – −148
التقويم البنغالي1102
التقويم الأمازيغي2645
سنة العهد الإنگليزيWill. & Mar. – 8 Will. 3
التقويم البوذي2239
التقويم البورمي1057
التقويم البيزنطي7203–7204
التقويم الصيني甲戌(الخشب الكلب)
4391 أو 4331
    — إلى —
乙亥年 (الخشب الخنزير)
4392 أو 4332
التقويم القبطي1411–1412
التقويم الديسكوردي2861
التقويم الإثيوپي1687–1688
التقويم العبري5455–5456
التقاويم الهندوسية
 - ڤيكرام سامڤات1751–1752
 - شاكا سامڤات1617–1618
 - كالي يوگا4796–4797
تقويم الهولوسين11695
تقويم الإگبو695–696
التقويم الإيراني1073–1074
التقويم الهجري1106–1107
التقويم اليابانيGenroku 8
تقويم جوچىN/A
التقويم اليوليوسيالگريگوري ناقص 10 يوم
التقويم الكوري4028
تقويم مينگوو217 قبل جمهورية الصين
التقويم الشمسي التايلندي2238

سنة 1695 (MDCXCV) كانت سنة بسيطة تبدأ يوم السبت (الرابط يعرض التقويم كاملاً) التقويم الگريگوري، السنة 1695 بعد الميلاد (م)، السنة 695 في الألفية 2، السنة 95 في القرن 17، والسنة 6 في عقد 1690 بين 1583 و 1929 ومع فارق 1695 is 10 يوم عن التقويم اليوليوسي، والذين ظلوا مستخدمين حتى التحول الكامل إلى التقويم الگريگوري في 1929. It was also a particularly cold and wet year. Contemporary records claim that wine froze in the glasses in the Palace of Versailles.



  • January 7 (December 28, 1694 old style) - The United Kingdom's last joint monarchy, the reign of husband-and-wife King William III and Queen Mary II comes to an end with the death, from smallpox, of Queen Mary, at the age of 32. Princess Mary, the daughter of King James II، had been installed as the monarch along with her husband and cousin, Willem Hendrik von Oranje, Stadtholder of the Dutch Republic، in 1689 after James was deposed by Willem during the "Glorious Revolution".
  • January 14 (January 4 old style) - The Royal Navy warship HMS Nonsuch، with 36 cannons and a special fast-sailing design, is captured near England's Isles of Scilly by the 48-gun French privateer Le Francois. Nonsuch is then sold to the French Navy and renamed Le Sans Pareil.[1][2]
  • January 24 - Milan's Court Theater is destroyed in a fire.
  • January 27 - A flotilla of six Royal Navy warships under the command of Commodore James Killegrew aboard HMS Plymouth captures two French warships, the Content and the Trident, the day after the French ships had mistaken the English fleet to be a group of merchant ships to attack.
  • February 6 - Mustafa II (1664 – 1703) succeeds his uncle, Ahmed II as Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.
  • March 10 - Almost all French Army soldiers in a column of 1,300 troops, commanded by Brigadier General Urbain Le Clerc de Juigné, are killed or captured in the Battle of Sant Esteve d'en Bas against a smaller Spanish Empire force led by Ramon de Sala i Saçala. The battle, taking place during the War of the Grand Alliance in what is now Catalonia sees 260 of de Juigne's troops killed and 826 becoming prisoners of war. The Spanish side suffers only seven deaths.
  • March 7 - John Trevor، Speaker of the English House of Commons، is expelled from the House by vote of the members, after being found guilty of accepting a bribe of 1000 pounds sterling from the City of London Corporation.
  • March 14 - Paul Foley is elected as the new Speaker of the House after the expulsion of John Trevor.
  • March 26 - John Hungerford is expelled from the English House of Commons when members vote to find him guilty of accepting a bribe in return for using his committee chairmanship to promote the pending Orphans Bill.




  • October 11 - King William III of England dissolves Parliament in the wake of a scandal involving former Speaker of the House of Commons John Trevor and other Tory MPs.
  • October 25 - The 48-gun English Navy ship HMS Berkeley Castle is captured by the French Navy.
  • November 22 - The new Parliament، with 513 members of the House of Commons is opened by King William III. Commons is composed of 257 Whigs (who hold a majority of one), 203 Tories and 53 members of other parties or independents.
  • December 31 - A window tax is imposed in England.[10] Some windows are bricked up to avoid it.

مجهولة التاريخ




  1. ^ Rif Winfield and Stephen S. Roberts, French Warships in the Age of Sail, 1626–1786 Design, Construction, Careers and Fates (Pen & Sword, 2017) p. 1694
  2. ^ William G. Gates, Ships of the British Navy: A Record of Heroism, Victory and Disaster (W. H. Long, 1905) p. 120
  3. ^ "Appendix G: Refusal of the House of Commons to Renew the Licensing Act (1695)", Dictionary of Literary and Dramatic Ccensorship in Tudor and Stuart England, by Dorothy Auchter (Greenwood Press, 2001) p. 389
  4. ^ Alvin B. Kernan, "Samuel Johnson and the Impact of Print" (Princeton University Press, 2021) p. 59
  5. ^ Palmer, Alan; Veronica (1992). The Chronology of British History. London: Century Ltd. pp. 198–200. ISBN 0-7126-5616-2.
  6. ^ Russian History/ Histoire Russe (University of Pittsburgh, 2003) p. 88
  7. ^ M.S. Anderson, Peter the Great (Taylor & Francis, 2014) p. 36
  8. ^ أ ب "Azov campaigns of 1695–1696", The Black Sea Encyclopedia (Springer Berlin, 2014) p. 71
  9. ^ Yueren Xu; Honglin He; Qidong Deng; Mark B. Allen; Haoyue Sun; Lisi Bi (2018). "The CE 1303 Hongdong earthquake and the Huoshan Piedmont Fault, Shanxi Graben: Implications for magnitude limits of normal fault earthquakes" (PDF). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 123 (4): 3098–3121. Bibcode:2018JGRB..123.3098X. doi:10.1002/2017JB014928.
  10. ^ أ ب ت Williams, Hywel (2005). Cassell's Chronology of World History. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. p. 287. ISBN 0-304-35730-8.
  11. ^ "Peter I", by Robert Nisbet Bain, in The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Eleventh Edition, Volumbe XXI (Cambridge University Press, 1911) p. 289
  12. ^ Love Dean, Lighthouses of the Florida Keys (Pineapple Press, 1998) p. 131
  13. ^ Lavery, Brian (2003) The Ship of the Line - Volume 1: The development of the battlefleet 1650–1850. Conway Maritime Press. ISBN 0-85177-252-8.
  14. ^ J. J. Colledge and Ben Warlow, Ships of the Royal Navy: The Complete Record of all Fighting Ships of the Royal Navy from the 15th Century to the Present (Seaforth, 2021) p. 482
  15. ^ Eeghen, I. H. van (1961). "Buitenlandse manopolies van de Amstersamse kooplieden in de tweedee helft van de zeventiende eeuw". Jaarboek Amstelodamum. 53: 176–184.