قائمة المساجد في الولايات المتحدة

هذه قائمة أبجدية للمساجد البارزة في الولايات المتحدة ( Spanish: Mezquita)، بما في ذلك أماكن العبادة الإسلامية التي لا تعتبر مساجد تقليدية.

تاريخ المساجد في الولايات المتحدة

عدد المساجد لكل مليون ساكن في كل ولاية أمريكية ومقاطعة كولومبيا اعتبارًا من عام 2020

A mosque, also called "masjid" in Arabic, is defined as any place where Muslims pray facing Mecca, not necessarily a building. By that meaning, there were mosques in the United States by 1731 or earlier. Job ben Solomon (1701–1773), an African-American Muslim kidnapped into slavery, was documented by his slave narrative memoir to have prayed in the forest of Kent Island, Maryland, where he was brought during 1731–33.[1]

Some sources assert that what is likely the first American mosque building was a mosque in Biddeford, Maine that was founded in 1915 by Albanian Muslims. A Muslim cemetery still existed there in 1996.[2][3]

However, the first purpose-built mosque building was most likely the Highland Park Mosque in Detroit, Michigan, opened in 1921. The mosque was located near the famous Highland Park Ford Plant, which employed "hundreds of Arab American men". This mosque, which included Sunni, Shia and Ahmadi Muslims, was funded by Muhammad Karoub, a real estate developer.[1][4]

The earliest mosque of the Ahmadiyya Muslims Community is the Al-Sadiq Mosque, a two story building purchased by Mufti Muhammad Sadiq in 1922 in the Bronzeville neighborhood of Chicago, the original building was torn down and a purpose built mosque was constructed at the site in 1990s. However, the first "purpose-built" mosque, the Mother Mosque of America, was built in 1934 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.[5]

In 1994, the Islamic Center of Yuba City, in California, was destroyed by fire set in a hate-crime, the first mosque destroyed by a hate crime in U.S. history. It had just been completed at the cost of $1.8 million plus sweat equity of the Muslims of its rural community, including descendants of Pakistan who immigrated to the area ح. 1902. Its story, including its rebuilding, is told in David Washburn's 2012 documentary An American Mosque.[6]

النمو في القرن الحادي والعشرينy

Estimated proportion of Muslim Americans in each U.S. state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico as of the 2020 U.S. Religion Census

It has been estimated that there were somewhat more than 100 mosques in the U.S. in 1970, but immigration of more than a million Muslims since then led to hundreds more being built.[1] By 2000, there were 1,209 U.S. mosques, which rose to 2,106 in 2010, an increase of 74%.[7] Also, the number of mosques in America has grown to 2,769 in 2020.[8]

A 2011 study, The American Mosque 2011, sponsored by the Hartford Institute for Religion Research, the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies, as well as the nation's largest Islamic civic and religious groups, including the Islamic Society of North America and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, found that the U.S. states with the most mosques were New York with 257, California with 246, and Texas with 166.[7]

Since 2014, there has been a building boom for mosques.[9]

المساجد الفردية البارزة

التعديلات والإضافات المدعومة بمراجع مرحب بها.
Name Image Location State Year Group[أ] Notes
Homewood Masjid Homewood Alabama 1996 Established in a former segregated high school for African American students. A dedicated mosque, community center, and private PK-12 Islamic school.[10]
Islamic Community Center of Anchorage Alaska ICCA pic.jpg Anchorage Alaska 2010 S First masjid and Islamic school in Alaska.[11]
Islamic Community Center of Phoenix Phoenix, AZ, New Islamic Community Center of Phoenix Masjid, 2012 - Ibis Blas Photographer - panoramio.jpg Phoenix Arizona 1982 S
Islamic Center of Tucson Masjed UA.jpg Tucson Arizona 1991 ?
Tucson Yousef Mosque Tucson mosque2.JPG Tucson Arizona A
Islamic Center of Little Rock Little Rock Arkansas 1996 First purpose built mosque in Little Rock. A new larger mosque, community center, and Islamic school are currently under construction 6.2 mi (10.0 km) northwest of the original mosque.[12]
Baitul Hameed Baitulhameed.jpg Chino California 1989 A Largest Ahmadiyya mosque in the western United States with a floor space of 19,000 square feet (1,800 m2).
Islamic Center of San Francisco San Francisco California 1959 ? Oldest mosque in the San Francisco Bay Area and the second oldest mosque in California.[13][14]
King Fahad Mosque KFM pic.png Culver City California 1998 S
Islamic Center of Orange County ISOC masjid cropped.jpg Garden Grove California 1976 S Asserted to be one of the largest Muslim centers in the Western Hemisphere, with almost 7,000 worshipers.
Islamic Center of Irvine Islamic Center of Irvine.jpg Irvine California 2004 S
Islamic Center of Southern California ICSC pic.png Los Angeles California 1970s ND The congregation was founded in 1952. The current mosque dates to the late 1970s.[15] One of the largest mosques in the United States.[بحاجة لمصدر]
Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California Oakland California 1995 ND Occupies a former Masonic temple. Founded by Shia Iranians but is open to Muslims of any denomination.[16][17]
Masjid Annur Islamic Center Sacramento California 1982 S Largest mosque in Greater Sacramento. The organization moved into a larger property in 1994.[18]
SALAM Islamic Center SALAM Center, Sacramento, CA.jpg Sacramento California 2010 ? Established in a residential building and a pair of trailers in 1987. A dedicated mosque, community center, and Islamic school were constructed on the site between 2001 and 2010.[19]
Muslim Mosque Association Sacramento California 1947 ? Oldest mosque in the western United States. Established in a residential building in 1947. Features a minaret.[20]
Masjid Ar-Ribat al-Islami San Diego California S [21]
Islamic Center of Yuba City Yuba City California 1994 Completed in 1994 at cost of $1.8 million and thousands of hours of sweat equity, including community members descended from Pakistani who immigrated to the area in ح. 1902. It was then burnt by arson, in the first hate-crime destroying a mosque in the United States. The case received little attention at the time, but is subject of 2015 documentary An American Mosque produced by David Washburn.[6]
Women’s Mosque of America Los Angeles California 2015 ND First women-led Muslim house of worship. Offers monthly khutbas (sermons) to women and children (including boys 12 and under) of any Islamic denomination.[22][23]
Islamic Center of Greater Hartford Hartford and Berlin Connecticut Its president, Dr. M. Reza Mansoor is a Hartford Hospital cardiologist and "a long-time Trustee of the Hartford Seminary, the country's oldest center for the study of Islam and Christian-Muslim relations".[24][25] Berlin, CT, new mosque is also part of IAGH.[26] Mansoor was also founding president of the Muslim Coalition of Connecticut.[27][28][29]
Masjid An-Noor, Bridgeport, a.k.a. Bridgeport Islamic Society-Masjid An-Noor Bridgeport Connecticut Its building purchased in 1991 was formerly a bank.[30]

As the largest mosque in Bridgeport area, it was subject of questions in 2010 regarding any possible association of Faisal Shahzad, the May 1, 2010 Times Square bomber who lived in Bridgeport). Demonstrators from as far away as Texas confronted the mosque in protests in August 2010.[31][32][33][34][35][36][37]

Bridgeport Islamic Community Center BridgeportCT UnitedCongregationalChurch.jpg Bridgeport Connecticut 2017 The mosque occupies a former congregational church. Includes a community center and educational facilities.[38]
Islamic Center of Connecticut Windsor Connecticut
Assalam Center Mosque in Boca Raton, FL.jpg Boca Raton Florida
Atlanta Masjid of Al-Islam Atlanta Georgia Established when Elijah Muhammad purchased a property on Bankhead Hwy. Later moved to its present location.[39]
Al-Farooq Masjid Al-Farooq Masjid Mosque Atlanta, Georgia.jpg Atlanta Georgia 1980 The Al-Farooq Masjid was established in 1980 as The Atlanta Mosque, a nonprofit, non-political, religious organization. Later due to a name conflict with another organization, its name was changed to Al-Farooq Masjid of Atlanta.
Masjid Al-Muminun Atlanta Georgia Masjid Al-Mu’minun is one of the most recognized religious buildings in the city of Atlanta, and a vast number of people from different cultures and backgrounds visit the Masjid on a daily basis. Al-Mu’minun is nationally known for advocacy of Muslims and Islamic Issues. The Masjid congregation and staff have been the subject of numerous religious programs and news features in recent years
Islamic Community Center of Augusta Islamic-society-of-augusta.jpg Augusta Georgia 2012 S
Masjid Al-Quba Buford Georgia 2010 S Established first Masjid in vicinity of Mall of Georgia area.
An-Noor Mosque Mangilao Guam 2000 First mosque established in Guam.[40][41]
Honolulu Mosque Honolulu, Oahu Hawaii Established by the Muslim Association of Hawaii.
Mosque Foundation Mosque Foundation 1.jpg Bridgeview Illinois 1980 [42]
Mosque Maryam Mosque Maryam.jpg Chicago Illinois 1972 NOI Also known as Muslim Temple No. 2. Originally a Greek Orthodox church, purchased in 1972 by the Nation of Islam. Headquarters of the Nation of Islam and of Louis Farrakhan.
Baitul Jamay Baitul Jaamay, Chicago.jpg Glen Ellyn Illinois
Al-Sadiq Mosque Al-Sadiq mosque.jpg Bronzeville neighborhood, Chicago Illinois 1922 A Asserted to be the oldest extant mosque in the United States.
Islamic Foundation IF pic.jpg Villa Park Illinois 1974 [43]
Islamic Foundation North Islamic Foundation North.jpg Libertyville Illinois 2004 [44]
Masjid Darussalam Masjid DaursSalam.JPG Lombard Illinois 2013 S [45]
Muslim Community Center Chicago Illinois 1969 [46]
Muslim Association of Greater Rockford MAGR.jpg Rockford Illinois 1984 [47]
Masjid Al-Huda Schaumburg Illinois 1992 [48]
Masjid Noor ul-Islam, Burmese Muslim Education and Community Center Noor ul-Islam.jpg Fort Wayne Indiana 2015 The first masjid built by the Burmese Muslim community outside their nation.[49] BMECC website
Darul Arqum Islamic Centre Ames Iowa ? Darul Arqum Islamic Centre website
Mother Mosque of America Mother Mosque of America Cedar Rapids IA pic2.JPG Cedar Rapids Iowa 1934 ?
Masjid Omar Bin Khattab Harvey LA Mch2014 Mosque 1.jpg Harvey Louisiana
Baitur Rahman Baitur Rehman, Washington.jpg Silver Spring Maryland 1994 A
Baitus Samad Baitus Samad Baltimore Maryland 2017 A [50]
Diyanet Center of America DCA mosque at dusk Lanham Maryland 1993 S Mosque complex built with support from the Turkish government.
Imam Mahdi Islamic Education Center of Baltimore Parkville Maryland 2003
Islamic Society of Western Maryland Hagerstown Maryland 1994
Islamic Society of Baltimore Catonsville Maryland 1969 Visited by former US president Barack Obama in 2016.
Allston Congregational Church Allston Congregational Church Boston MA 01.jpg Boston Massachusetts A mosque meets in former Congregational church.
Islamic Center of Boston (ICB Wayland) Wayland Massachusetts 1979
Islamic Society of Boston Islamic Society of Boston.jpg Cambridge Massachusetts 1981
Islamic Society of Greater Lowell Chelmsford Massachusetts 1993
Quincy Mosque Quincy Massachusetts 1963
Sharon Mosque Sharon Massachusetts 1993 Established by Lebanese American immigrants.
Worcester Mosque Worcester Massachusetts 2005
Al-Islah Mosque Hamtramck Michigan 2000 S Established by Bangladeshi American immigrants.
Dearborn Mosque Dearborn Mosque Michigan.JPG Dearborn Michigan 1937 S
First Albanian Bektashi Tekke in America Taylor, Michigan Michigan 1954 SH Adheres to the Bektashi Sufi branch of Shia Islam.
Islamic Center and Mosque of Grand Rapids Islamic Center and Mosque of Grand Rapids.jpg Grand Rapids Michigan 1986 Adheres to Sufism.
Islamic Center of America Islamic Center America.jpg Dearborn Michigan 2005 SH Largest mosque in the United States.
Muslim Temple No. 1 Detroit Michigan 1931 NOI First mosque of the Nation of Islam.
Islamic Center of Mississippi-Starkville Starkville Mississippi
Daar-Ul-Islam Ballwin Missouri One of two mosques of the Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis.
Islamic Center of Central Missouri Islamic Center of Central Missouri at night.jpg Columbia Missouri 1983 First Islamic center established in Missouri.
Masjid Bilal Islamic Center and Lindell Apartments (4820150210).jpg St. Louis Missouri One of two mosques of the Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis.
St. Louis Islamic Center St. Louis Missouri 2010 A Bosnian mosque.
Masjid As-Sabur (As-Sabur Mosque) Las Vegas Nevada 1975 S
Masjid Ibrahim Las Vegas Nevada 2015 First mosque in North America whose construction was funded entirely by one woman (Sharaf Haseebullah)
Islamic Center of Passaic County ICPCNJ.png Paterson New Jersey 1990 One of the largest Muslim communities in New Jersey, in South Paterson which is the largest Muslim community in the United States.
Dar al-Islam Hassan Fathy Dar-Ul-Islam Mosque, New Mexico (12371058).jpg near Abiquiú New Mexico 1979
Islamic Awareness Center Binghamton New York 2001 Also known as Masjid Al-Tahweed.
Islamic Association of Long Island Selden New York 1974 Also known as the Selden Masjid.
Islamic Society of Central New York ISCNY pic.jpg Syracuse New York 1981 S A mosque and community center.
Masjid Al-Mamoor Jamaica New York Also known as the Jamaica Muslim Center, includes a Mosque, a school, a place for religious gathering, and eating facilities, and is one of the largest multi-purpose Muslim establishments in the U.S. Located in a Bangladeshi-American neighborhood.
Masjid Hamza Valley Stream New York
Mid-Hudson Islamic Association Wappingers Falls New York 1990 Also known as Masjid Al-Noor (Arabicمسجد النور)
Mosque No. 7 New York City New York 1946 S Where Malcolm X preached in a storefront until he split from Elijah Muhammad and left the Nation of Islam in 1964. Destroyed in a bombing in 1965, after Malcolm X's assassination.
Masjid Malcolm Shabazz Malcolm Shabazz Mosque.jpg New York City New York 1960s S Successor to the Sunni Muslim mosque that was named Muslim Mosque, Inc., which was started by Malcolm X after Malcolm X split from Elijah Muhammad in 1964. The mosque is located at 102 West 116th Street.
Hazrati Abu Bakr Siddique Flushing 33 Av 143 St mosque jeh.JPG New York City New York 1986
Masjid al-Ikhlas Masjid al-Ikhlas, Newburgh, NY.jpg Newburgh New York 1992
Islamic Cultural Center of New York Islamic Cultural Center E96 jeh.JPG New York City New York 1991 Also known as "96th Street Mosque".
Park51 New York City New York 2011 ND Proposed mosque, also known as the "Ground Zero mosque", a plan that became subject of controversy in 2010. Currently a museum, not a mosque, is planned. But in September 2011, a temporary 4,000-square-foot (370 m2) Islamic center opened in renovated space at the site.[51]
Beit El-Maqdis Islamic Center Beit El-Maqdis Islamic Center 6Av 63 jeh.JPG New York City New York
Noor Islamic Cultural Center NICC pic.jpg Columbus Ohio 2006 ?
Imam Khoei Islamic Center (New York) New York city New York (state) 1988 Islamic center; charity institution; One of the largest Shia Islamic centers in America[52]
Masjid King Khalid Raleigh North Carolina 1982 Masjid King Khalid was the first and only Masjid in the US that was built from a donation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to a private baptist University.[53]
Assyrian Muslim Cemetery mosque Assyrian Mosque, Mountrail County, North Dakota.jpg Mountrail County North Dakota 1929, rebuilt 2004 The original mosque at the site was built in 1929 by immigrants from what is now Lebanon and Syria. A modest replacement mosque was built in 2005, although it was built for historical purposes and is rarely used.[54]
Islamic Society of Greater Dayton Josie Street, Dayton Ohio 1985 S
Islamic Society of Greater Toledo Islamic Center of Greater Toledo OH.jpg Toledo Ohio 1983
Islamic Association of Cincinnati Cincinnati Ohio 1970 Community members donated their funds and skills to design and build a new facility. The new mosque officially opened in 2003.
Toledo Masjid of Al-Islam Masjid2.jpg Toledo Ohio 1953 Building built by the Syrian Lebanese immigrants in 1953. First Masjid (Mosque) built from the ground up in the State of Ohio and City of Toledo. Formerly the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo. Purchased in 2010 by Toledo Masjid of Al-Islam under the leadership of Imam Ibrahim S. Abdul-Rahim. Masjid Al-Islam is the name of many Masajid established by followers of Imam W.D. Mohammed of the Mosque Cares Ministry. Once called The American Muslim Mission.
Islamic Society of Tulsa Tulsa Oklahoma ? [55]
Bilal Masjid Beaverton Oregon 1987 S Oldest Masjid in Washington County.
Islamic Center of Portland Portland Oregon S Also known by Masjid As-Saber. Largest Mosque located in Oregon.
Portland Rizwan Mosque Portland Oregon A [56]
Islamic Education Center of Pennsylvania Allentown Pennsylvania 2005 Also known as Jesus Son of Mary Mosque (Masjid Eisa bin Maryam)
Islamic Center of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 1989 Largest mosque in Pittsburgh, with 600–750 attendees at Friday prayers[57]
Masjid Al-Jamia of Philadelphia Masjid Al-Jamia Building.jpg Philadelphia Pennsylvania 1988 S Founded in 1988, originally by Muslim students from the University of Pennsylvania; now independent; located in the building of the former Commodore Theatre, a cinema built in the Moorish (Spanish colonial) architectural style in 1928
Mosque of Shaikh M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Mosque-Front-small.JPG Philadelphia Pennsylvania 1984 ? Established by the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, which honors the Sufi teachings of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen.
Centro Islamico de Puerto Rico RioPiedras1.JPG San Juan Puerto Rico 1981 First mosque established in Puerto Rico. The mosque has a capacity of 200 men and 40 women and is located next to the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.[58]
Masjid Vega Alta VegaAlta1.jpg Vega Alta Puerto Rico 1992 Largest mosque in Puerto Rico, with a capacity of 1,200 men and 120 women.[58]
Masjid Montehiedra Montehiedra6.jpg San Juan Puerto Rico 2007 The mosque has a capacity of 400 men and 50 women. Features an Islamic weekend school.[58]
Al-Islam Mosque Mosque North Smithfield RI (cropped).jpg North Smithfield Rhode Island
Islamic Center of Murfreesboro Islamic Center of Murfreesboro with flag.JPG Murfreesboro Tennessee 2012 S
Al-Noor Houston Texas
Baitus Samee Mosque Baitus Samee, Texas.jpg Houston Texas 2002 A Visited by Mirza Masroor Ahmad in 2018.[59]
East Plano Islamic Center (EPIC Masjid) EastPlanoIslamicCenter2015.jpg Plano Texas 2015 S
Islamic Association of North Texas Iant.jpg Richardson, Texas Texas 1969 S
Islamic Center of Greater Austin Austin Texas 1977 S
Islamic Center of Irving ICI pic.jpg Irving Texas 1991 S One of the largest mosques in the United States established in 1991 with 3,000 weekly worshippers. The mosque holds an event every Sunday for those wanting to learn more about Islam. [60]
Islamic Society of Denton Denton Texas August 15th, 1981 S The Islamic Society of Denton (ISD) is a non-profit religious organization founded to serve the Greater Denton area community. The Masjid (Mosque) was built, primarily, by residents and students attending both the University of North Texas and Texas Woman's University. ISD opened in August 1981, making it the first Masjid built in Texas.
Nur Mosque Charlotte Amalie Virgin Islands 1978 First mosque established in the U.S. Virgin Islands.[61][62]
Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center (Arabic: مركز دار الهجرة الاسلامي, English: Land of Migration) Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center 2010-02-08.JPG Seven Corners area of unincorporated Fairfax County, Virginia Virginia 1991
All Dulles Area Muslim Society Sterling, Virginia Virginia 1983 All Dulles Area Muslim Society is a mosque in the United States, located in Sterling, VA and serving 5000 Muslim families. ADAMS offers a wide variety of services.
Islamic Center of Washington Islamic Center of Washington.jpg Washington, D.C. 1957 ?
Fazl Mosque American Fazl Mosque.JPG Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 1950 A Also known as the American Fazl Mosque. Served as the American headquarters of the Ahmaddiya movement in the United States until 1994.
Islamic Society of Northern Wisconsin Altoona Wisconsin-Mosque 2006-03-14.jpg Altoona Wisconsin

أنظر أيضا


  1. ^ أ ب ت Curtis, Edward E. IV (August 29, 2010). "Five myths about mosques in America". Washington Post.
  2. ^ Queen, Edward L.; Stephen Prothero; Gardiner H. Shattuck Jr. (1996). The Encyclopedia of American Religious History. New York: Facts on File.
  3. ^ Ghazali, Abdul Sattar (August 4, 2001). "The Mosques in America: A National Portrait by CAIR: The number of mosque attendants increasing rapidly in America". American Muslim Perspective. Archived from the original on September 28, 2007.
  4. ^ The mosque was sold to the city of Highland Park in 1926, who then sold it to a fraternal organization."Highland Park Muslim Mosque". detroit1701.org. Archived from the original on 2019-03-16. Retrieved 2019-01-23.
  5. ^ "8 Oldest Mosques in the United States". oldest.org. October 11, 2018.
  6. ^ أ ب "An American Mosque".
  7. ^ أ ب "Islamic places of worship in the U.S. up 74% since 2000". USA Today. 2012-02-29. Retrieved 2014-08-03.
  8. ^ A research on the growth and development of American mosques in 2020 Retrieved 8 March 2023
  9. ^ Audi, Tamara (August 14, 2014). "A New Mosque Rises—in Alaska: Construction Is Part of a Building Boom Nationwide as Muslim Population Rises". Wall Street Journal.
  10. ^ Bains, David R. (2019-12-17). "Homewood Masjid". Magic City Religion (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2022-11-27.
  11. ^ Masjid Building Flyer Archived فبراير 1, 2015 at the Wayback Machine
  12. ^ "ICLR History". The Islamic Center of Little Rock (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 2022-11-27.
  13. ^ "ABOUT US". icofsf (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2022-04-20.
  14. ^ "'It's Been Amazing'; Bay Area Muslims Celebrate Ramadan Together For First Time Since Pandemic" (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). 2022-04-16. Retrieved 2022-04-20.
  15. ^ "Brief History of the Islamic Center of Southern California (1952-1972) - IslamiCity". www.islamicity.org. Retrieved 2022-04-20.
  16. ^ "With Song And Celebration, Mosque Chips Away At Sunni-Shiite Divide". NPR.org (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2022-04-22.
  17. ^ "Mission & Vision". ICCNC (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 2022-04-22.
  18. ^ "History - Masjid Annur". Masjid Annur Islamic Center. masjidannur.com. Archived from the original on 4 February 2009. Retrieved 26 June 2010.
  19. ^ "SALAM". SALAM Islamic Center (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 2022-04-20.
  20. ^ "About | MMA - SACRAMENTO". www.mmasacramento.com. Retrieved 2022-04-20.
  21. ^ "Masjid Ribat". masjidribat.com (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 2022-04-20.
  22. ^ "First all-female mosque opens in Los Angeles". america.aljazeera.com. Retrieved 2022-04-22.
  23. ^ Brahmi, Amel (2021-11-23). "A quiet revolution: the female imams taking over an LA mosque". the Guardian (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2022-04-22.
  24. ^ this recent Fairfield Daily Voice article re speaker event
  25. ^ Fairfield Citizen article
  26. ^ Search hits in Fairfield Citizen
  27. ^ Hartford Courant article on panel event including Mansoor
  28. ^ WTNH article quoting Mansoor in July 2015.
  29. ^ February 2015 Hartford Courant article citing Mansoor
  30. ^ Salatomatic.com listing
  31. ^ dnainfo Archived 2017-09-06 at the Wayback Machine
  32. ^ "Beast turned his American dream into a nightmare". New York Post. 2010-05-05. Archived from the original on 2022-08-17.
  33. ^ this Fairfield Citizen article
  34. ^ CT Post article
  35. ^ Aug 12 CT Post
  36. ^ "Texas Demonstrators Plan to Gather at Mosques Through Ramadan" NBC CT article
  37. ^ New Haven Register Aug 9
  38. ^ "Bridgeport Islamic Community Center Opens In Former Church". WSHU (in الإنجليزية). 2017-11-22. Retrieved 2022-04-24.
  39. ^ "Atlanta Masjid of Al-Islam". Elevated Muslims (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 2022-04-20.
  40. ^ "Muslim Association of Guam". Guampedia. October 2009. Retrieved 2 June 2021.
  41. ^ "EXCLUSIVE: Arabs in Guam in the face of North Korea's threat". Alarabiya News. 16 August 2017. Retrieved 2 June 2021.
  42. ^ www.mosquefoundation.org https://www.mosquefoundation.org/. Retrieved 2022-04-20. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  43. ^ "Home". Islamic Foundation (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2022-04-20.
  44. ^ "Islamic Foundation North - Home". ifnonline.com. Retrieved 2022-04-20.
  45. ^ "Masjid DarusSalam – Contemporary Scholarship through Authentic Tradition" (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 2022-04-20.
  46. ^ "Muslim Community Center – Your Organization Since 1969 With Two Beautiful Masjids and MCC Academy Full Time School" (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 2022-04-20.
  47. ^ "Muslim Association of Greater Rockford (MAGR) | Immerse. Inspire. Islam" (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 2022-04-20.
  48. ^ "Masjid Al Huda – Come together. Be together. Grow together. Immerse. Inspire. Islam" (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 2022-04-28.
  49. ^ Wagner, Sara (May 24, 2015). "Fort Wayne mosque makes history around the world".
  50. ^ "Islam in Baltimore" (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 2022-04-20.
  51. ^ Swanson, Abbie Fentress (September 21, 2011). "Park 51 Opens Renovated Space with Photo Exhibit of NYC Immigrant Children". WNYC Culture. Archived from the original on September 24, 2011. Retrieved October 3, 2011.
  52. ^ Imam al-Khoei Center in New York Retrieved 11 March 2023
  53. ^ History of Masjid King Khalid Retrieved 5 March 2023
  54. ^ "North Dakota Mosque a symbol of Muslims' deep ties in America". New York Times. 2016. Retrieved July 26, 2018.
  55. ^ Polansky, Chris (September 29, 2021). "Oklahoma Welcomes Hundreds Of Afghan Refugees — Despite The State GOP's Objections". National Public Radio.
  56. ^ Haught, Nancy (July 19, 2010). "Ahmadi Sect Struggles For Recognition, Respect From Other Muslims". Religion News Service / Huffington Post.
  57. ^ Iati, Marisa (September 25, 2014). "Muslims in Islamic Center of Pittsburgh demonstrate little-known facets of their faith". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Retrieved November 3, 2018.
  58. ^ أ ب ت "Salaams From Puerto Rico: A Preview of Islam in the Caribbean". MVSLIM (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). 2017-07-02. Retrieved 2022-04-20.
  59. ^ Deam, Jenny (2018-10-21). "Muslims gather in Houston for historic arrival of spiritual leader". Houston Chronicle.
  60. ^ "Irving Masjid Website".
  61. ^ "Places of Worship in St. Thomas, USVI". St. Thomas Water Sports. Retrieved 17 September 2021.
  62. ^ Muhammad, Tahira (13 June 2007). "Islam on US Virgin Islands". Harvard University. Retrieved 17 September 2021.

وصلات خارجية