قائمة الأعضاء الحاليين في مجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي

(تم التحويل من سناتور أمريكي)
Map of the Senate composition by state and party
Senate composition by state and party
  1 Democrat and 1 Independent caucusing with ديمقراط
  1 جمهوري and 1 Independent caucusing with ديمقراط

The United States Senate consists of 100 members, two from each of the 50 states. This list includes all current senators serving in the 117th United States Congress.

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الانتماء الحزبي

Senate composition by party
  Independents caucusing with ديمقراط
الانتماء الأعضاء
Republican Party 50
Democratic Party 48
Independent 2[أ]
Total 100


الضباط المترأسون

هذه المقالة جزء من سلسلة عن:
مجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي
الختم الأعظم لمجلس شيوخ الولايات المتحدة
الأعضاء الحاليون
(حسب الأقدمية • حسب العمر • حسب الطبقة)

السناتورات السابقون
لجان الكاپيتول (DSCC, NRSC)
نائب الرئيس الأمريكي
الرئيس المؤقت (قائمة)
العميد • الضابط المترئس
زعماء الأحزاب ومساعدوهم

التجمع الديموقراطي
المؤتمر الجمهوري

السياسات والإجراءات
النصح والتصديق
الجلسة المغلقة (قائمة)
Cloture • اللجان (قائمة)
جلسة تنفيذية • Filibuster
التاريخ • النِصاب  • Quorum call
Recess appointment • الرواتب
الختم  • Standing Rules • التقاليد
تصديق بالإجماع
تصويت نائب الرئيس لكسر التعادل
كاپيتول الولايات المتحدة
مباني مكتب مجلس الشيوخ
(ديركسن • هارت • رسل)
المنصب الحزب الضابط الولاية منذ
رئيس مجلس الشيوخ[ب] ديمقراطي Kamala Harris Vice Presidential Portrait (cropped).jpg هاريس, كمالاكمالا هاريس CA[ت] January 20, 2021
الرئيس المؤقت ديمقراطي Patrick Leahy official photo (cropped).jpg ليهي, پاتريكپاتريك ليهي VT 20 يناير 2021
عميد الحزب منذ 17 ديسمبر 2012

قيادة الأغلبية

Office Officer State Since
Senate Majority Leader
Chair, Senate Democratic Caucus
Schumer, ChuckChuck Schumer NY January 20, 2021
Party leader since January 3, 2017
Senate Majority Whip Durbin, DickDick Durbin IL January 20, 2021
Party whip since January 3, 2005
Senate Assistant Democratic Leader Murray, PattyPatty Murray WA January 3, 2017
Chair, Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Committee Stabenow, DebbieDebbie Stabenow MI January 3, 2017
Vice Chairs, Senate Democratic Caucus Warner, MarkMark Warner VA January 3, 2017
Warren, ElizabethElizabeth Warren MA January 3, 2017
Chair, Senate Democratic Steering Committee Klobuchar, AmyAmy Klobuchar MN January 3, 2017
Chair, Senate Democratic Outreach Sanders, BernieBernie Sanders VT January 3, 2017
Vice Chairs, Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Committee Manchin, JoeJoe Manchin WV January 3, 2017
Booker, CoryCory Booker NJ January 3, 2021
Secretary, Democratic Caucus Baldwin, TammyTammy Baldwin WI January 3, 2017
Chair, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Peters, GaryGary Peters MI January 28, 2021
Vice Chair, Senate Democratic Outreach Cortez Masto, CatherineCatherine Cortez Masto NV January 3, 2021
Senate Democratic Chief Deputy Whips Merkley, JeffJeff Merkley OR January 3, 2017
Schatz, BrianBrian Schatz HI January 3, 2017

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قيادة الأقلية

المنصب الضابط الولاية منذ
زعيم الأقلية بمجلس الشيوخ مكونل, متشمتش مكونل KY January 20, 2021
Party leader since January 3, 2007
ضابط نظام الأقلية ثون, جونجون ثون SD January 20, 2021
Party whip since January 3, 2019
Chair, Senate Republican Conference باراسو, جونجون باراسو WY January 3, 2019
Chair, Senate Republican Policy Committee بلنت, رويروي بلنت MO January 3, 2019
Vice Chair, Senate Republican Conference إرنست, جونيجوني إرنست IA January 3, 2019
Chair, National Republican Senatorial Committee سكوت, ريكريك سكوت FL January 3, 2021
Chair, Senate Republican Steering Committee لي, مايكمايك لي UT January 3, 2015
Senate Republican Chief Deputy Whip كراپو, مايكمايك كراپو ID January 3, 2013
الرئيس المؤقت الفخري گراسلي, تشكتشك گراسلي IA January 20, 2021
Party dean since January 3, 2019

قائمة السناتورات

الولاية پورتريه السناتور الحزب وُلِد المهنة المناصب المنتخبة
التعليم تولي المنصب نهاية الفترة السكن[2]
ألباما Richard Shelby, official portrait, 112th Congress (cropped).jpg شلبي, رتشاردرتشارد شلبي جمهوري[ث] 6 مايو 1934 (العمر 90 سنة) محامي U.S. House
Alabama Senate
جامعة ألباما (BA, LLB)

Birmingham School of Law (JD)

January 3, 1987 2022 Tuscaloosa
Tommy Tuberville 117th Congress Portrait.jpg Tuberville, TommyTommy Tuberville جمهوري 18 سبتمبر 1954 (العمر 70 سنة) College football coach
Partner, investment management firm
None Southern Arkansas University (BS) January 3, 2021 2026 Auburn[3]
ألاسكا Lisa Murkowski official photo (cropped).jpg Murkowski, LisaLisa Murkowski جمهوري 22 مايو 1957 (العمر 67 سنة) Lawyer Alaska House of Representatives جامعة جورجتاون (AB)

Willamette University (JD)

December 20, 2002[ج] 2022 Girdwood
Senator Dan Sullivan official (cropped).jpg Sullivan, DanDan Sullivan جمهوري 13 نوفمبر 1964 (العمر 59 سنة) U.S. Marine Corps officer
Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs
Alaska Attorney General جامعة هارڤرد (AB)

جامعة جورجتاون (MS, JD)

January 3, 2015 2026 أنكوردج
أريزونا Kyrsten Sinema (cropped).jpg سينما, كيرستنكيرستن سينما ديمقراطي 12 يوليو 1976 (العمر 48 سنة) إخصائية اجتماعية
ناشطة سياسية
محاضرة جامعية
U.S. House
Arizona Senate
Arizona House of Representatives

جامعة برگم ينگ (BA) Arizona State University, Tempe (MSW, JD, PhD)

January 3, 2019 2024 Phoenix
SenatorKellyOfficialPhoto (cropped2).jpg كلي, ماركمارك كلي ديمقراطي 21 فبراير 1964 (العمر 60 سنة) U.S. Navy officer
NASA Astronaut
Founder, Americans for Responsible Solutions non-profit organization
None United States Merchant Marine Academy (BS)

Naval Postgraduate School (MS)

December 2, 2020[ح] 2022 توسن
آركنسو Senator John Boozman Official Portrait (115th Congress) (cropped).jpg بوزمان, جونجون بوزمان جمهوري 10 ديسمبر 1950 (العمر 73 سنة) اخصائي بصريات U.S. House
Rogers Public Schools Board
University of Arkansas

Southern College of Optometry (OD)

January 3, 2011 2022 Rogers
Tom Cotton official Senate photo (cropped).jpg كوتون, تومتوم كوتون جمهوري 13 مايو 1977 (العمر 47 سنة) Lawyer
ضابط بالجيش الأمريكي
U.S. House جامعة هارڤرد (AB, JD) January 3, 2015 2026 دردنل
كاليفورنيا Dianne Feinstein, official Senate photo 2 (cropped).jpg فاينستاين, ديانديان فاينستاين ديمقراطي 22 يونيو 1933 (العمر 91 سنة) Non-profit organization fellow
Member, California Women's Parole Board
عمدة سان فرانسسكو
San Francisco Board of Supervisors
Stanford University (BA) November 10, 1992[خ] 2024 سان فرانسسكو
Alex Padilla 117th Congress portrait (cropped).jpg پاديا, ألكسألكس پاديا ديمقراطي 22 مارس 1973 (العمر 51 سنة) Engineer Secretary of State of California
California Senate
Los Angeles City Council President
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (BS) January 20, 2021[د] 2022 Los Angeles
كولورادو Michael Bennet Official Photo (cropped).jpg Bennet, MichaelMichael Bennet ديمقراطي 28 نوفمبر 1964 (العمر 59 سنة) Lawyer
Investment company executive
Denver Public Schools Superintendent
Chief of staff to the Mayor of Denver
None جامعة وسليان (BA)

جامعة يل (JD)

January 21, 2009[ذ] 2022 دنڤر
John Hickenlooper, official portrait, 117th Congress (cropped).jpeg Hickenlooper, JohnJohn Hickenlooper ديمقراطي 7 فبراير 1952 (العمر 72 سنة) Geologist
Governor of Colorado
Mayor of Denver
جامعة وسليان (BA, MS) January 3, 2021 2026 Denver
كنتيكت Richard Blumenthal Official Portrait (cropped).jpg Blumenthal, RichardRichard Blumenthal ديمقراطي 13 فبراير 1946 (العمر 78 سنة) Marine Corps Reserve Sergeant
Senate staffer
U.S. Attorney
Connecticut Attorney General
Connecticut Senate
Connecticut House of Representatives
جامعة هارڤرد (AB)

كلية ترنيتي، كمبردج جامعة يل (JD)

January 3, 2011 2022 Greenwich
Chris Murphy, official portrait, 113th Congress (cropped).jpg Murphy, ChrisChris Murphy ديمقراطي 3 أغسطس 1973 (العمر 51 سنة) Lawyer
Political campaign manager
U.S. House
Connecticut Senate
Connecticut House of Representatives
Williams College (BA)

Exeter College, Oxford University of Connecticut (JD)

January 3, 2013 2024 Hartford[6]
دلاوير Tom Carper, official portrait, 112th Congress (cropped).jpg Carper, TomTom Carper ديمقراطي 23 يناير 1947 (العمر 77 سنة) U.S. Navy officer
Staff, Delaware Office of Economic Development
Governor of Delaware
U.S. House
Delaware Treasurer
Ohio State University (BA)

University of Delaware (MBA)

January 3, 2001 2024 Wilmington
Chris Coons, official portrait, 112th Congress (cropped).jpg Coons, ChrisChris Coons ديمقراطي 9 سبتمبر 1963 (العمر 61 سنة) Nonprofit organization executive
New Castle County, Delaware County Executive
Member, New Castle County Council
Amherst College (BA)

جامعة يل (MAR, JD)

November 15, 2010[ر] 2026 Wilmington
فلوريدا Senator Rubio official portrait (cropped).jpg Rubio, MarcoMarco Rubio جمهوري 28 مايو 1971 (العمر 53 سنة) Lawyer Florida House Speaker
West Miami City Commission
University of Florida (BA)

University of Miami (JD)

January 3, 2011 2022 West Miami[7]
Official Portrait of Senator Rick Scott (cropped).jpg Scott, RickRick Scott جمهوري 1 ديسمبر 1952 (العمر 71 سنة) Petty officer third class, U.S. Navy
Columbia/HCA CEO
Venture capitalist
Governor of Florida University of Missouri-Kansas City (BS)

Southern Methodist University (JD)

January 8, 2019[ز] 2024 Naples
جورجيا Jon Ossoff Senate Portrait 2021 (cropped).jpg Ossoff, JonJon Ossoff ديمقراطي 16 فبراير 1987 (العمر 0 سنة) Investigative journalist
Documentary film producer
U.S. House staffer
None جامعة جورجتاون (BS)

London School of Economics (MSc)

January 20, 2021 2026 Atlanta
Raphael Warnock official photo (cropped).jpg Warnock, RaphaelRaphael Warnock ديمقراطي 23 يوليو 1969 (العمر 0 سنة) Pastor None Morehouse College (BA)

Union Theological Seminary (MDiv, MPhil, PhD)

January 20, 2021[س] 2022 أطلنطا
هاوائي Brian Schatz, official portrait, 113th Congress 2 (cropped).jpg Schatz, BrianBrian Schatz ديمقراطي 20 أكتوبر 1972 (العمر 51 سنة) Teacher
Nonprofit organization executive
Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii
Hawaii House of Representatives
Pomona College (BA) December 26, 2012[ش] 2022 Honolulu
Mazie Hirono, official portrait, 113th Congress (cropped).jpg Hirono, MazieMazie Hirono ديمقراطي 3 نوفمبر 1947 (العمر 76 سنة) محامي U.S. House
Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii
Hawaii House of Representatives
University of Hawaii at Manoa (BA)

جامعة جورجتاون (JD)

January 3, 2013 2024 Honolulu
آيداهو Mike Crapo 2019 (cropped).jpg كراپو, مايكمايك كراپو جمهوري 20 مايو 1951 (العمر 73 سنة) محامي U.S. House
Idaho Senate

جامعة برگم ينگ (BA) جامعة هارڤرد (JD)

January 3, 1999 2022 Idaho Falls
Jim Risch official portrait (cropped).jpg Risch, JimJim Risch جمهوري 3 مايو 1943 (العمر 81 سنة) Professor
Nonprofit organization executive
Governor of Idaho
Lieutenant Governor of Idaho
Idaho Senate President pro tempore
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

University of Idaho (BS, JD)

January 3, 2009 2026 Boise
إلينوي Dick Durbin October 2017 (cropped) 1.jpg Durbin, DickDick Durbin ديمقراطي 21 نوفمبر 1944 (العمر 79 سنة) Lawyer
U.S. House جامعة جورجتاون (BS, JD) January 3, 1997 2026 Springfield
Tammy Duckworth 115th official portrait (cropped).jpg Duckworth, TammyTammy Duckworth ديمقراطي 12 مارس 1968 (العمر 56 سنة) Army National Guard Officer
Coordinator, Center for Nursing Research, Northern Illinois University.[8]
U.S. Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Illinois Director of Veterans Affairs
U.S. House University of Hawaii at Manoa (BA)

George Washington University (MA) Northern Illinois University Capella University (PhD)

January 3, 2017 2022 Hoffman Estates
إنديانا Sen. Todd Young official photo (cropped).jpg Young, ToddTodd Young جمهوري 24 أغسطس 1972 (العمر 52 سنة) Marine Corps Officer
U.S. House United States Naval Academy (BS)

University of Chicago (MBA) University of London (MA) Indiana University, Indianapolis (JD)

January 3, 2017 2022 Bloomington
Mike Braun, Official Portrait, 116th Congress (cropped).jpg Braun, MikeMike Braun جمهوري 24 مارس 1954 (العمر 70 سنة) Businessman Indiana House of Representatives
Member, Jasper, Indiana School Board
Wabash College (BA)

جامعة هارڤرد (MBA)

January 3, 2019 2024 Jasper
آيوا Chuck Grassley official photo 2017 (cropped).jpg Grassley, ChuckChuck Grassley جمهوري 17 سبتمبر 1933 (العمر 91 سنة) Farmer
College professor
U.S. House
Iowa House of Representatives
University of Northern Iowa (BA, MA)

University of Iowa

January 3, 1981 2022 New Hartford
Joni Ernst, official portrait, 116th Congress 3.jpg Ernst, JoniJoni Ernst جمهوري 1 يوليو 1970 (العمر 54 سنة) Farmer
Army National Guard officer
Iowa Senate Iowa State University (BA)

Columbus State University (MPA)

January 3, 2015 2026 Red Oak
كانزس Jerry Moran, official portrait, 112th Congress (cropped).jpg Moran, JerryJerry Moran جمهوري 29 مايو 1954 (العمر 70 سنة) Banker
U.S. House
Kansas Senate
Fort Hays State University

University of Kansas (BA, JD)

January 3, 2011 2022 Manhattan
Roger Marshall 117th Congress portrait (cropped).jpg Marshall, RogerRoger Marshall جمهوري 9 أغسطس 1960 (العمر 64 سنة) Doctor
Captain, U.S. Army Reserve
U.S. House Kansas State University (BS)

University of Kansas (MD)

January 3, 2021 2026 Great Bend
كنتكي Mitch McConnell portrait 2016.jpg مكونل, متشمتش مكونل جمهوري 20 فبراير 1942 (العمر 82 سنة) Lawyer
U.S. Senate staff member
Deputy Assistant United States Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice Office of Legislative Affairs
Judge/Executive of Jefferson County, Kentucky University of Louisville (BA)

University of Kentucky (JD)

January 3, 1985 2026 لوي‌ڤل
Rand Paul, official portrait, 112th Congress alternate (cropped).jpg پول, راندراند پول جمهوري 7 يناير 1963 (العمر 61 سنة) طبيب متخصص في طب العيون None Baylor University

جامعة دوك (MD)

January 3, 2011 2022 Bowling Green
لويزيانا Bill Cassidy official Senate photo (cropped).jpg Cassidy, BillBill Cassidy جمهوري 28 سبتمبر 1957 (العمر 67 سنة) طبيب U.S. House
Louisiana Senate
Louisiana State University (BS, MD) January 3, 2015 2026 باتون روج
John Neely Kennedy, official portrait, 115th Congress 2 Kennedy, JohnJohn Kennedy جمهوري 21 نوفمبر 1951 (العمر 72 سنة) Magazine editor
Staff of Louisiana Governor Buddy Roemer
Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Revenue
Louisiana Treasurer Vanderbilt University (BA)

University of Virginia (JD) Magdalen College, Oxford (BCL)

January 3, 2017 2022 Madisonville
مين Susan Collins official Senate photo (cropped).jpg Collins, SusanSusan Collins جمهوري 7 ديسمبر 1952 (العمر 71 سنة) House staffer
Senate staffer
Regional director, Small Business Administration
Deputy Treasurer of Massachusetts
None St. Lawrence University (BA) January 3, 1997 2026 Bangor
Angus King, official portrait, 113th Congress (cropped).jpg King, AngusAngus King Independent[أ] 31 مارس 1944 (العمر 80 سنة) Lawyer
Senate staffer
Business founder
Corporate executive
Public television news program host
Governor of Maine كلية دارتموث (BA)

University of Virginia (JD)

January 3, 2013 2024 Brunswick
مريلاند Ben Cardin official Senate portrait (cropped).jpg Cardin, BenBen Cardin ديمقراطي 5 أكتوبر 1943 (العمر 81 سنة) Lawyer U.S. House
Speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates
University of Pittsburgh (BA)

University of Maryland, Baltimore (JD)

January 3, 2007 2024 Baltimore
Chris Van Hollen official portrait 115th Congress (cropped).jpg Van Hollen, ChrisChris Van Hollen ديمقراطي 10 يناير 1959 (العمر 65 سنة) U.S. Senate staff member
Maryland Governor's legislative advisor
U.S. House
Maryland Senate
Maryland House of Delegates
Swarthmore College (BA)

جامعة هارڤرد (MPP) جامعة جورجتاون (JD)

January 3, 2017 2022 Kensington
مساتشوستس Elizabeth Warren--2016 Official Portrait--(cropped).jpg Warren, ElizabethElizabeth Warren ديمقراطي 22 يونيو 1949 (العمر 75 سنة) Lawyer
Research associate
Nonprofit organization executive
COP Chair
CFPB Special Advisor
None George Washington University

University of Houston (BS) Rutgers University (JD)

January 3, 2013 2024 Cambridge
Edward Markey, official portrait, 114th Congress (cropped).jpg Markey, EdEd Markey ديمقراطي 11 يوليو 1946 (العمر 78 سنة) Member, United States Army Reserve
U.S. House
Massachusetts House of Representatives
Boston College (BA, JD) July 16, 2013[ص] 2026 Malden
مشيگن Debbie Stabenow, official photo, 116th Congress (cropped).jpg Stabenow, DebbieDebbie Stabenow ديمقراطي 29 أبريل 1950 (العمر 74 سنة) Social worker
Leadership training consultant
U.S. House
Michigan House of Representatives
Michigan Senate
Michigan State University (BA, MSW) January 3, 2001 2024 لانسنگ
Gary Peters official photo 115th congress (cropped).jpg پيترز, گاريگاري پيترز ديمقراطي 1 ديسمبر 1958 (العمر 65 سنة) United States Navy Reserve officer
Financial advisor
College professor and lecturer
U.S. House
Michigan Senate
كلية آلما (BA)

University of Detroit (MBA) Wayne State University (JD, MA) Michigan State University (MA)

January 3, 2015 2026 Bloomfield Hills
مينسوتا Amy Klobuchar, official portrait, 113th Congress (cropped).jpg Klobuchar, AmyAmy Klobuchar ديمقراطي 25 مايو 1960 (العمر 64 سنة) Lawyer Hennepin County, Minnesota County Attorney جامعة يل (BA)

University of Chicago (JD)

January 3, 2007 2024 Minneapolis
Tina Smith, official portrait, 116th congress (cropped).jpg Smith, TinaTina Smith ديمقراطي 4 مارس 1958 (العمر 66 سنة) Public relations consultant
Political campaign manager
Chief of staff to the Mayor of Minneapolis
Chief of staff to the Governor of Minnesota
Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota Stanford University (BA)

كلية دارتموث (MBA)

January 3, 2018[ض] 2026 Minneapolis
مسيسپي Roger F. Wicker crop.jpg Wicker, RogerRoger Wicker جمهوري 5 يوليو 1951 (العمر 73 سنة) U.S. Air Force officer/Judge Advocate
U.S. House staffer
U.S. House
Mississippi Senate
University of Mississippi (BA, JD) December 31, 2007[ط] 2024 Tupelo
Official headshot of US Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith.jpg Hyde-Smith, CindyCindy Hyde-Smith جمهوري 10 مايو 1959 (العمر 65 سنة) مزارع Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce
Mississippi Senate
Copiah-Lincoln Community College (AA)

University of Southern Mississippi (BA)

April 9, 2018[ظ] 2026 Brookhaven
مزورى Roy Blunt, Official Portrait, 112th Congress (cropped).jpg بلنت, رويروي بلنت جمهوري 10 يناير 1950 (العمر 74 سنة) رئيس جامعة U.S. House
Missouri Secretary of State
Greene County, Missouri Clerk
Southwest Baptist University (BA)

Southern Missouri State University (MA)

January 3, 2011 2022 Springfield
Josh Hawley, official portrait, 116th congress (cropped) هولي, جوشجوش هولي جمهوري 31 ديسمبر 1979 (العمر 44 سنة) محامي
أستاذ جامعي
Attorney General of Missouri Stanford University (BA)

جامعة يل (JD)

January 3, 2019 2024 Ozark[11]
مونتانا JonTester (cropped).jpg Tester, JonJon Tester ديمقراطي 21 أغسطس 1956 (العمر 68 سنة) Music teacher
Montana Senate President
Big Sandy, Montana School Board
University of Providence (BA) January 3, 2007 2024 Big Sandy
Steve Daines, Official Portrait, 116th Congress (cropped).jpg Daines, SteveSteve Daines جمهوري 20 أغسطس 1962 (العمر 62 سنة) Businessman U.S. House Montana State University (BS) January 3, 2015 2026 Bozeman
نبراسكا Deb Fischer, official portrait, 115th Congress (cropped).jpg Fischer, DebDeb Fischer جمهوري 1 مارس 1951 (العمر 73 سنة) Rancher Nebraska Legislature University of Nebraska-Lincoln (BS) January 3, 2013 2024 Valentine
Ben Sasse Official photo (cropped).jpg Sasse, BenBen Sasse جمهوري 22 فبراير 1972 (العمر 52 سنة) Management consultant
House staffer
University president
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, HHS
None جامعة هارڤرد (AB)

St. John's College, Maryland (MA) جامعة يل (MA, MPhil, PhD)

January 3, 2015 2026 Fremont
نـِڤادا Catherine Cortez Masto official portrait (cropped).jpg Cortez Masto, CatherineCatherine Cortez Masto ديمقراطي 29 مارس 1964 (العمر 60 سنة) Lawyer Nevada Attorney General University of Nevada, Reno (BS)

Gonzaga University (JD)

January 3, 2017 2022 Las Vegas
Jacky Rosen, official portrait, 116th congress (cropped-1).jpg Rosen, JackyJacky Rosen ديمقراطي 2 أغسطس 1957 (العمر 67 سنة) Computer programmer
Software developer, designer, consultant[12][13]
U.S. House University of Minnesota (BA)

Clark County Community College (AAS)

January 3, 2019 2024 Henderson
نيو هامپشر Jeanne Shaheen, official Senate photo portrait, 2009 (cropped).jpg Shaheen, JeanneJeanne Shaheen ديمقراطي 28 يناير 1947 (العمر 77 سنة) Teacher
Governor of New Hampshire
New Hampshire Senate
Shippensburg University (BA)

University of Mississippi (MSS)

January 3, 2009 2026 Madbury
Maggie Hassan, official portrait, 115th Congress (cropped).jpg حسن, ماگيماگي حسن ديمقراطي 27 فبراير 1958 (العمر 66 سنة) Lawyer Governor of New Hampshire
New Hampshire Senate
Brown University (BA)

Northeastern University (JD)

January 3, 2017 2022 Newfields
نيوجرزي Robert Menendez official Senate portrait (cropped).jpg Menendez, BobBob Menendez ديمقراطي 1 يناير 1954 (العمر 70 سنة) Lawyer U.S. House
New Jersey Senate
New Jersey General Assembly
Mayor of Union City
Union City Board of Education
Saint Peter's University (BA)

Rutgers University (JD)

January 17, 2006[ع] 2024 North Bergen
Cory Booker, official portrait, 114th Congress.jpg Booker, CoryCory Booker ديمقراطي 27 أبريل 1969 (العمر 55 سنة) Lawyer Mayor of Newark, New Jersey
Newark Municipal Council
Stanford University (BA, MA)

Queen's College, Oxford (MA) جامعة يل (JD)

October 31, 2013[غ] 2026 Newark
نيو مكسيكو Heinrich Official Headshot 2019 (cropped).jpg هاينرش, مارتنمارتن هاينرش ديمقراطي 17 أكتوبر 1971 (العمر 53 سنة) Nonprofit organization executive
Public relations consultant
U.S. House
Albuquerque City Council
University of Missouri (BS) January 3, 2013 2024 ألبوكركي
Ben Ray Lujan, 117th Congress portrait 2 (cropped).jpg لوجان, بن رايبن راي لوجان ديمقراطي 7 يونيو 1972 (العمر 52 سنة) Director of Administrative Services and
Chief Financial Officer, New Mexico Cultural Affairs Department
New Mexico Deputy State Treasurer
U.S. House
New Mexico Public Regulation Commission
New Mexico Highlands University (BBA) January 3, 2021 2026 نامبى
نيويورك Chuck Schumer official photo (cropped).jpg شومر, تشكتشك شومر ديمقراطي 23 نوفمبر 1950 (العمر 73 سنة) محامي U.S. House
New York State Assembly
جامعة هارڤرد (AB, JD) January 3, 1999 2022 بروكلن
Kirsten Gillibrand, official photo, 116th Congress (cropped).jpg Gillibrand, KirstenKirsten Gillibrand ديمقراطي 9 ديسمبر 1966 (العمر 57 سنة) Lawyer
U.S. HUD special counsel
U.S. House كلية دارتموث (BA)

University of California, Los Angeles (JD)

January 26, 2009[ف] 2024 Albany[15]
كارولينا الشمالية Richard Burr official portrait (cropped).jpg بر, رتشاردرتشارد بر جمهوري 30 نوفمبر 1955 (العمر 68 سنة) Sales manager
Nonprofit organization executive
U.S. House Wake Forest University (BA) January 3, 2005 2022 Winston-Salem
Thom Tillis Official Photo (cropped).jpg تليس, تومتوم تليس جمهوري 30 أغسطس 1960 (العمر 64 سنة) Business consultant Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives University College (BS) January 3, 2015 2026 هنترزڤل
داكوتا الشمالية Hoeven Official Portrait 2014 (cropped).JPG هوڤن, جونجون هوڤن جمهوري 13 مارس 1957 (العمر 67 سنة) مصرفي حاكم داكوتا الشمالية كلية دارتموث (BA)

Northwestern University (MBA)

January 3, 2011 2022 بسمارك
Kevin Cramer, official portrait, 116th congress (cropped).jpg Cramer, KevinKevin Cramer جمهوري 21 يناير 1961 (العمر 63 سنة) State Tourism Director
State Economic Development and Finance Director
North Dakota Republican Party Chairman
U.S. House
North Dakota Public Service Commissioner
Concordia College (BA)

University of Mary (MA)

January 3, 2019 2024 بسمارك
أوهايو Sherrod Brown official photo 2009 2 (cropped).jpg براون, شرودشرود براون ديمقراطي 9 نوفمبر 1952 (العمر 71 سنة) مدرس U.S. House
Ohio Secretary of State
Ohio House of Representatives
جامعة يل (BA)

Ohio State University (BA, MPA)

January 3, 2007 2024 Cleveland
Rob Portman official portrait (cropped).jpg پورتمان, روبروب پورتمان جمهوري 19 ديسمبر 1955 (العمر 68 سنة) Lawyer
U.S. Trade Representative
Director of the Office of Management and Budget
U.S. House كلية دارتموث (BA)

جامعة مشيگن (JD)

January 3, 2011 2022 Terrace Park
أوكلاهوما Jim Inhofe official portrait (cropped).jpg Inhofe, JimJim Inhofe جمهوري 17 نوفمبر 1934 (العمر 89 سنة) Specialist Fourth Class, U.S. Army
Real estate developer
Corporate executive
U.S. House
Mayor of Tulsa, Oklahoma
Oklahoma Senate
Oklahoma House of Representatives
University of Tulsa (BA) November 16, 1994[ق] 2026 Tulsa
James Lankford official Senate photo (cropped).jpg Lankford, JamesJames Lankford جمهوري 4 مارس 1968 (العمر 56 سنة) Teacher
Nonprofit program director
U.S. House University of Texas, Austin (BS)

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv)

January 3, 2015[ك] 2022 Edmond
أوريگون Ron Wyden 117th Congress (cropped).jpeg Wyden, RonRon Wyden ديمقراطي 3 مايو 1949 (العمر 75 سنة) Teacher
Nonprofit organization executive
U.S. House Stanford University (BA)

University of Oregon (JD)

February 5, 1996[ل] 2022 پورتلاند
Jeff Merkley, 115th official photo (cropped).jpg مركلي, جفجف مركلي ديمقراطي 24 أكتوبر 1956 (العمر 67 سنة) Nonprofit organization executive
CBO analyst, Defense Department
Oregon House Speaker Stanford University (BA)

Princeton University (MPA)

January 3, 2009 2026 پورتلاند
پنسلڤانيا Bob Casey Jr. official photo (cropped).jpg Casey Jr., BobBob Casey Jr. ديمقراطي 13 أبريل 1960 (العمر 64 سنة) Teacher
Pennsylvania Treasurer
Pennsylvania Auditor
College of the Holy Cross (BA)

Catholic University of America (JD)

January 3, 2007 2024 Scranton
Pat Toomey official photo (cropped).jpg Toomey, PatPat Toomey جمهوري 17 نوفمبر 1961 (العمر 62 سنة) Currency trader
Restaurant owner
U.S. House جامعة هارڤرد (AB) January 3, 2011 2022 Zionsville
رود آيلاند Senator Jack Reed official photo (cropped).jpg Reed, JackJack Reed ديمقراطي 12 نوفمبر 1949 (العمر 74 سنة) Lawyer
Army Reserve officer
Army officer
U.S. House
Rhode Island Senate
United States Military Academy (BS)

جامعة هارڤرد (MPP, JD)

January 3, 1997 2026 Jamestown
Sheldon Whitehouse, official portrait, 116th congress (cropped).jpg Whitehouse, SheldonSheldon Whitehouse ديمقراطي 20 أكتوبر 1955 (العمر 68 سنة) Lawyer
United States Attorney
Attorney General of Rhode Island جامعة يل (BA)

University of Virginia (JD)

January 3, 2007 2024 Newport
كارولينا الجنوبية U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, Official Photo, 113th Congress (cropped).jpg Graham, LindseyLindsey Graham جمهوري 9 يوليو 1955 (العمر 69 سنة) Lawyer
Air Force Reserve officer
U.S. House
South Carolina House of Representatives
University of South Carolina (BA, JD) January 3, 2003 2026 Seneca
Tim Scott, official portrait, 113th Congress (cropped 2).jpg Scott, TimTim Scott جمهوري 19 سبتمبر 1965 (العمر 59 سنة) Insurance agent
Financial adviser
U.S. House
South Carolina House of Representatives
Charleston County Council
Presbyterian College

Charleston Southern University (BS)

January 3, 2013[م] 2022 Hanahan[16]
داكوتا الجنوبية John Thune 117th Congress portrait (cropped).jpg ثون, جونجون ثون جمهوري 7 يناير 1961 (العمر 63 سنة) Nonprofit organization executive
State Railroad Director
South Dakota Republican Party Executive Director
U.S. House Biola University (BA)

University of South Dakota (MBA)

January 3, 2005 2022 Sioux Falls[17]
Mike Rounds official Senate portrait (cropped).jpg راوندز, مايكمايك راوندز جمهوري 24 أكتوبر 1954 (العمر 69 سنة) Businessman Governor of South Dakota
South Dakota Senate
South Dakota State University (BS) January 3, 2015 2026 Fort Pierre[18]
تنسي Marsha Blackburn, official photo, 116th Congress (cropped).jpg Blackburn, MarshaMarsha Blackburn جمهوري 6 يونيو 1952 (العمر 72 سنة) Marketing consultant
Executive Director of the Tennessee Film, Entertainment, and Music Commission
U.S. House
Tennessee Senate
Mississippi State University (BS) January 3, 2019 2024 Brentwood
Sen. Bill Hagerty official Senate portrait, 117th Congress (cropped).jpg هاگرتي, بيلبيل هاگرتي جمهوري 14 أغسطس 1959 (العمر 65 سنة) Management consultant
Partner, private equity investment firm
United States Ambassador to Japan
Tennessee Commissioner of Economic and Community Development
None Vanderbilt University (BA, JD) January 3, 2021 2026 Nashville[19]
تكساس John Cornyn (cropped).jpg كورنن, جونجون كورنن جمهوري 2 فبراير 1952 (العمر 72 سنة) Lawyer San Antonio District Judge
Texas Attorney General
Texas Supreme Court
(Associate Justice)
Trinity University (BA)

St. Mary's University, Texas (JD)

University of Virginia (LLM)

December 2, 2002[ن] 2026 Austin
Ted Cruz official 116th portrait (cropped).jpg كروز, تدتد كروز جمهوري 22 ديسمبر 1970 (العمر 53 سنة) Lawyer
U.S. Assoc. Deputy AG
Texas Solicitor General
None Princeton University (AB)

جامعة هارڤرد (JD)

January 3, 2013 2024 Houston
يوتا Mike Lee, official portrait (cropped).jpg Lee, MikeMike Lee جمهوري 4 يونيو 1971 (العمر 53 سنة) Lawyer
Governor's general counsel
Assistant United States Attorney
None جامعة برگم ينگ (BA, JD) January 3, 2011 2022 Alpine
Mitt Romney official US Senate portrait (cropped).jpg رومني, ميتميت رومني جمهوري 12 مارس 1947 (العمر 77 سنة) Businessman
2012 Republican presidential nominee
حاكم مساتشوستس جامعة برگم ينگ (BA)

جامعة هارڤرد (JD/MBA)

January 3, 2019 2024 هولاداي
ڤرمونت Patrick Leahy official photo (cropped).jpg ليهي, پاتريكپاتريك ليهي ديمقراطي 31 مارس 1940 (العمر 84 سنة) محامي State's Attorney, Chittenden County, Vermont Saint Michael's College (BA)

جامعة جورجتاون (JD)

January 3, 1975 2022 Middlesex
Bernie Sanders (cropped).jpg ساندرز, برنيبرني ساندرز Independent[أ] 8 سبتمبر 1941 (العمر 83 سنة) صانع أفلام
ناشط سياسي
U.S. House
Mayor of Burlington, Vermont
University of Chicago (BA) January 3, 2007 2024 برلنگتن
ڤرجينيا Mark Warner 113th Congress photo (cropped).jpg وارنر, ماركمارك وارنر ديمقراطي 15 ديسمبر 1954 (العمر 69 سنة) Businessman
Venture capitalist
Virginia Democratic Party Chair
حاكم ڤرجينيا George Washington University (BA)

جامعة هارڤرد (JD)

January 3, 2009 2026 Alexandria
Tim Kaine 116th official portrait (cropped).jpg كين, تيمتيم كين ديمقراطي 26 فبراير 1958 (العمر 66 سنة) Missionary
Chair of the Democratic National Committee
2016 Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee
Governor of Virginia
Lt. Governor of Virginia
Mayor of Richmond, Virginia
جامعة مزورى (BA)

جامعة هارڤرد (JD)

January 3, 2013 2024 Richmond
واشنطن Patty Murray, official portrait, 113th Congress (cropped).jpg Murray, PattyPatty Murray ديمقراطي 11 أكتوبر 1950 (العمر 74 سنة) Teacher
Washington Senate
Shoreline School Board
Washington State University (BA) January 3, 1993 2022 Seattle
Maria Cantwell (cropped).jpg كانتوِل, مارياماريا كانتوِل ديمقراطي 13 أكتوبر 1958 (العمر 66 سنة) Marketing vice president, RealNetworks U.S. House
Washington House of Representatives
جامعة ميامي (BA) January 3, 2001 2024 Edmonds
ڤرجينيا الغربية Senator Manchin (cropped).jpg Manchin, JoeJoe Manchin ديمقراطي 24 أغسطس 1947 (العمر 77 سنة) Corporate executive Governor of West Virginia
Secretary of State of West Virginia
West Virginia Senate
West Virginia House of Delegates
West Virginia University (BBA) November 15, 2010[هـ] 2024 Fairmont
Shelley Moore Capito official Senate photo (cropped 2).jpg Capito, Shelley MooreShelley Moore Capito جمهوري 26 نوفمبر 1953 (العمر 70 سنة) College career counselor
Director, state Board of Regents educational information center
U.S. House
West Virginia House of Delegates
Duke University (BA)

University of Virginia (MEd)

January 3, 2015 2026 Charleston
وسكنسن Ron Johnson portrait 117th Congress (cropped).jpg Johnson, RonRon Johnson جمهوري 8 أبريل 1955 (العمر 69 سنة) Accountant
Corporate executive
None University of Minnesota (BS) January 3, 2011 2022 Oshkosh
Tammy Baldwin, official portrait, 113th Congress (cropped).jpg Baldwin, TammyTammy Baldwin ديمقراطي 11 فبراير 1962 (العمر 62 سنة) Lawyer U.S. House
Wisconsin Assembly
Dane County, Wisconsin Board of Supervisors
Smith College (BA)

University of Wisconsin-Madison (JD)

January 3, 2013 2024 Madison
وايومنگ John Barrasso official portrait 112th Congress (cropped).jpg Barrasso, JohnJohn Barrasso جمهوري 21 يوليو 1952 (العمر 72 سنة) Orthopedic surgeon
Medical chief of staff
Nonprofit organization executive
Wyoming Senate Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

جامعة جورجتاون (BS, MD)

June 25, 2007[و] 2024 كاسپر
Cynthia Lummis U.S. Senator (cropped).jpg لميز, سنثياسنثيا لميز جمهوري 10 سبتمبر 1954 (العمر 70 سنة) محامية U.S. House
Wyoming Treasurer
Wyoming Senate
Wyoming House of Representatives
University of Wyoming (BS, JD) January 3, 2021 2026 شيان

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ أ ب ت The independent senators, Angus King of Maine and Bernie Sanders of Vermont, caucus with the Democrats.[1]
  2. ^ نائب رئيس الولايات المتحدة هو رئيس مجلس الشيوخ، إلا أنه ليس عضواً بمجلس الشيوخ نفسه.
  3. ^ كنائب رئيس، لا تمثل هاريس أي ولاية، ولكن ولايتها الأم هي كاليفورنيا.
  4. ^ Until 1994, Richard Shelby won election to the Senate as a member of the Democratic Party.
  5. ^ Appointed to the seat following the resignation of her father Frank Murkowski, who was elected Governor of Alaska.
  6. ^ Elected to the seat to succeed Martha McSally, who had been appointed to the seat following the death of John McCain and the resignation of Jon Kyl.[4][5]
  7. ^ Elected to the seat to succeed John Seymour, who had been appointed to the seat after Pete Wilson was elected Governor of California.
  8. ^ Appointed to the seat following the resignation of Kamala Harris, who had become Vice President of the United States.
  9. ^ Appointed to the seat following the resignation of كن سالازار, who had become Secretary of the Interior.
  10. ^ Elected to the seat to succeed Ted Kaufman, who had been appointed to the seat following the resignation of Joe Biden, who had become Vice President of the United States.
  11. ^ Inauguration delayed in order to finish his term as Governor of Florida.
  12. ^ Elected to the seat to succeed Kelly Loeffler, who had been appointed to the seat following the resignation of Johnny Isakson.
  13. ^ Appointed to the seat following the death of Daniel Inouye.
  14. ^ Elected to the seat to succeed Mo Cowan, who had been appointed to the seat following the resignation of John Kerry, who had become Secretary of State.[9]
  15. ^ Appointed to the seat following the resignation of Al Franken.[10]
  16. ^ Appointed to the seat following the resignation of Trent Lott.
  17. ^ Appointed to the seat following the resignation of Thad Cochran.
  18. ^ Appointed to the seat following the resignation of Jon Corzine, who was elected Governor of New Jersey.
  19. ^ Elected to the seat to succeed Jeffrey Chiesa, who had been appointed to the seat following the death of Frank Lautenberg.[14]
  20. ^ Appointed to the seat following the resignation of Hillary Clinton, who had become Secretary of State.
  21. ^ Elected to the seat following the resignation of David Boren.
  22. ^ Elected to the seat following the resignation of Tom Coburn.
  23. ^ Elected to the seat following the resignation of Bob Packwood.
  24. ^ Appointed to the seat following the resignation of Jim DeMint.
  25. ^ Phil Gramm resigned (effective November 30, 2002) a few weeks before the expiration of his term in hopes that his successor, fellow Republican John Cornyn, could gain seniority over other newly elected senators. However, Cornyn did not gain additional seniority due to a 1980 Rules Committee policy.
  26. ^ Elected to the seat to succeed Carte Goodwin, who had been appointed to the seat following the death of Robert Byrd.
  27. ^ Appointed to the seat following the death of Craig L. Thomas.


  1. ^ "Maine Independent Angus King To Caucus With Senate Democrats". Politico. November 14, 2012. Retrieved November 30, 2020. Angus King of Maine, who cruised to victory last week running as an independent, said Wednesday that he will caucus with Senate Democrats ... The Senate's other independent, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, also caucuses with the Democrats.
  2. ^ Joint Committee on Printing, United States Congress (2021-12-07). Congressional Pictorial Directory, One Hundred Seventeenth Congress (PDF). United States Government Publishing Office. Retrieved 2022-01-20.
  3. ^ "About Coach". Office of United States Senator Tommy Tuberville. Retrieved 2022-01-20.
  4. ^ Edmondson, Catie (4 November 2020). "Mark Kelly Defeats Martha McSally in Crucial Arizona Senate Race". The New York Times. Retrieved 2 December 2020.
  5. ^ Pathé, Simone (18 December 2018). "Arizona Governor to Appoint Martha McSally to McCain's Senate Seat". Roll Call (in الإنجليزية). FiscalNote. Retrieved 2 December 2020.
  6. ^ "About Chris". Office of United States Senator Chris Murphy. Retrieved 2022-01-20.
  7. ^ "Biography: U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)". Office of United States Senator Marco Rubio. Retrieved 2022-01-20.
  8. ^ Davey, Monica (November 28, 2008). "The New Team: Tammy Duckworth". The New York Times. New York, NY.
  9. ^ "Democrat Wins Special Election for Kerry's Senate Seat". The New York Times. Retrieved May 21, 2020.
  10. ^ "Franken to make announcement Thursday as chorus grows for his resignation". ABC7 Chicago. December 6, 2017. Retrieved December 9, 2017.
  11. ^ "Josh Hawley, who owns a house in Virginia, uses sister's home as Missouri address". Kansas City Star. 2020-11-18. Archived from the original on 23 January 2021. Retrieved 2022-01-20.
  12. ^ "Congressional candidate Jacky Rosen a newcomer, unknown to most Southern Nevadans". Reviewjournal.com. July 5, 2016. Retrieved February 5, 2019.
  13. ^ "About Congresswoman Jacky Rosen". Archived from the original on ديسمبر 21, 2018. Retrieved يناير 3, 2019.
  14. ^ "Booker Wins New Jersey Senate Seat". Politico. Retrieved May 21, 2020.
  15. ^ "About Kirsten". Office of United States Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. Retrieved 2022-01-20.
  16. ^ "Tim Scott's frustrating and fated fight for police reform: 'This is my issue'". Palmetto Politics. 2020-06-27. Retrieved 2022-01-20.
  17. ^ "Biography". Office of United States Senator John Thune. Retrieved 2022-01-20.
  18. ^ "About Mike". Office of United States Senator Mike Rounds. Retrieved 2022-01-20.
  19. ^ "Hagerty passes first bill in U.S. Senate". 2022-01-14. Retrieved 2022-01-20.

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