جيش الهند

(تم التحويل من الجيش الهندي)
الجيش الهندي
علم الجيش الهندي
تاريخ وتقاليد
تاريخ الهند العسكري
جيش الهند البريطانية
الجيش الهندي القومي
عيد الجيش (15 يناير)
معدات الجيش الهندي
Chief of Army Staff
Ranks and insignia

الجيش الهندي (Bharatiya Thalsena, भारतीय थलसेना) ، هو أحد فروع القوات المسلحة الهندية وهو المسئول عن العمليات العسكرية الأرضية. وتتضمن مهامه الأساسية الحفاظ على الأمن والسلام داخل البلاد, وحماية الحدود البرية ومقاومة العمليات الإرهابية. ويقوم الجيش أيضا بعمليات الانقاذ والمساعدة الإنسانية أثناء الكوارث والاضطرابات. ويشترك أيضا في الحفاظ على الأمن الداخلي للبلاد.



قوات مسلحة هندية
Triservices Crest
Triservices Crest.
Military Man Power
اجمالي القوات المسلحة 2,414,700 (Ranked 3rd)
القوات النشطة 1,414,000 (Ranked 3rd)
اجمالي القوات 3,773,300 (Ranked 6th)
قوات شبه عسكرية 1,089,700
جيش الهند Flag of the Indian Army.svg
قوات جوية هندية Ensign of the Indian Air Force.svg
بحرية هندية Naval Ensign of India.svg
حرس السواحل الهندي In~cg.gif
Paramilitary forces of India
Strategic Nuclear Command
Military history of India
Air Force ranks and insignia of India
Army ranks and insignia of India
Naval ranks and insignia of India

حرب كشمير الأولى

مشاركة الجيش الهندي في عمليات قوات الأمم المتحدة لحفظ السلام

شارك الجيش الهندي في عمليات حفظ السلام التابعة للأمم المتحدة في: أنگولا, كمبوديا, قبرص, الكونغو, إلسلڤادور, ناميبيا, لبنان, ليبريا, موزمبيق, رواندا, الصومال, سريلانكا & ڤيتنام.

Indian Army soldiers arrive in Korea in September 1953 for peacekeeping along the neutral buffer zone

Inclusion of Hyderabad, 1948

Goa, Daman and Diu Operation (1961)

النزاع الهندي الصيني- 1962

الحرب الهندية الپاكستانية 1965

حرب تحرير بنگلادش -1971

T-72 in an exercise


HAL Dhruv of the Indian Army. India deploys Dhruvs in large numbers to patrol Siachen.

أنشطة مكافحة التمرد

عملية الكارجل 1999

أهم التدريبات

T-72 Ajeya during an exercise. The ERA bricks are visible


Command Command HQ GOC-in-C
Southern Command Pune Lt Gen Noble Thamburaj, SM
Eastern Command Kolkata Lt. Gen. V K Singh
Central Command Lucknow Lt Gen. H.S. Panag,PVSM,AVSM*,ADC
Western Command Chandimandir (Chandigarh) Lt. Gen. TK Sapru
Northern Command Udhampur Lt. Gen. P C Bhardwaj
South Western Command Jaipur Lt. Gen. C.K.S. Sabu


Corps Head Quarter Command General Officer Commanding (GOC) Divisions[1]
1 Corps Mathura, Uttar Pradesh Central Command Lt. Gen. P.C. Katoch 4 Inf Div (Allahabad), 6 Mtn Div (Bareilly), 33 Armd Div (Hisar)
2 Corps Ambala, Haryana Western Command Lt. Gen. JP Singh, AVSM 1 Armd Div (Ambala), 14 RAPID (Dehradun), 22 Inf Div (Meerut)
3 Corps Rangapahar (Dimapur), Nagaland Eastern Command Lt. Gen. Rakesh Kumar Loomba 23 Inf Div (Ranchi), 57 Mtn Div (Silchar)
4 Corps Tezpur, Assam Eastern Command Lt. Gen. R K Chhabra 2 Mtn Div (Dibrugarh), 5 Mtn Div (Bomdila), 21 Mtn Div (Rangia)
9 Corps Yol, Himachal Pradesh Western Command Lt. Gen. P K Rampal 26 Inf Div (Jammu), 29 Inf Div (Pathankot), 2,3,16 Ind Armd Bdes
10 Corps Bhatinda, Punjab Western Command Lt. Gen. Narinder Singh Brar, AVSM, VSM 16 Inf Div (Sri Ganganagar), 18 RAPID (Kota), 24 RAPID (Bikaner), 6 Ind Armd Bde
11 Corps Jalandhar, Punjab Western Command Lt. Gen. Shreedharan Shyam Kumar, SM, VSM 7 Inf Div (Firozpur), 9 Inf Div (Meerut), 15 Inf Div (Amritsar), 23 Armd Bde, 55 Mech Bde
12 Corps Jodhpur, Rajasthan South Western Command 4 Armd Bde, 340 Mech Bde, 11 Inf Div (Ahmedabad), 12 Inf Division (Jodhpur)
14 Corps Leh, Ladakh Northern Command Lt. Gen. Jayanta Kumar Mohanty UYSM, SM, VSM 3 Inf Div (Leh), 8 Mtn Div (Dras),[2] artillery brigade
15 Corps] Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir Northern Command Lt. Gen. Mukesh Sabharwal 19 Inf Div (Baramulla), 28 Inf Div (Gurez, Bandipora District), artillery brigade
16 Corps Nagrota, Jammu & Kashmir Northern Command Lt Gen RK Karwal 10 Inf Div (Akhnoor),[3] 25 Inf Div (Rajauri), 39 Inf Div (Yol), artillery brigade, armoured brigade?
21 Corps(ex IPKF) Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Southern Command Lt. Gen. Pradeep Khanna 31 Armd Div (Jhansi), 36 RAPID (Sagar), 54 Inf Div (Sikandrabad), arty, AD, eng bdes
33 Corps Siliguri, West Bengal Eastern Command 17 Mtn Div (Gangtok), 20 Mtn Div (Binnaguri, Jalpaiguri district), 27 Mtn Div (Kalimpong), arty bde

القوات النظامية

  1. Indian Infantry Regiments
  2. Armoured Corps Regiments - The Armoured Corps School and Centre is at Ahmednagar.
  3. Regiment of Artillery - The School of Artillery is at Devlali near Nasik.
  4. Corps of Engineers - The College of Military Engineering is at Dapodi, Pune. The Centers are located as follows- Madras Engineer Group at Bangalore, Bengal Engineer Group at Roorkee and Bombay Engineer Group at Khadki, Pune.
  5. Regiment of Air Defence Artillery - Center at Gopalpur in Orissa State.
  6. Mechanised Infantry - Regimental Center at Ahmednagar.
  7. Corps of Signals
  8. Army Aviation Corps


  1. Army Dental Corps
  2. Army Education Corps - Center at Pachmarhi.
  3. Army Medical Corps - Center at Lucknow.
  4. Army Ordnance Corps - Centers at Jabalpur andSecunderabad.
  5. Army Postal Service Corps
  6. Army Service Corps - Center at Bangalore
  7. Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers- Centers at Bhopal and Secunderabad .
  8. Corps of Military Police [1] - Center at Bangalore
  9. Intelligence Corps - Center at Pune.
  10. Judge Advocate General's Deptt. - Institute of Military Law kamptee,Nagpur.
  11. Military Farms Service
  12. Military Nursing Service
  13. Remount and Veterinary Corps
  14. Pioneer Corps
Vehicle of the Indian Military Police at Wagah Border
Soldiers of the Sikh Light Infantry.
Artillery Insignia
The mounted President's Bodyguard during a state visit by a foreign dignitary.

احصائيات الجيش الهندي

احصائيات الجيش الهندي
قوات عاملة 1,300,000
قوات الاحتياط 1,200,000
Territorial Army 200,000**
Main Battle Tanks 4500
Artillery 12,800
Ballistic missiles 100 (Agni-1,Agni-2)
Cruise missiles BrahMos
Aircraft 10 squadrons of helicopters
Surface-to-air missiles 90000

* includes 300,000 1st line troops and 500,000 2nd line troops

** includes 40,000 1st line troops and 160,000 2nd line troops

معرض الصور

انظر أيضا


  1. ^ Division and brigade source information from Jane's World Armies, Issue 19, 2006, p.319
  2. ^ Globalsecurity.org, http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/india/northcom.htm, accessed December 2007
  3. ^ See also http://orbat.com/site/cimh/divisions/10th%20Division%20orbat%20Chaamb%201971.html

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