ريو غراندي دو نورتي

Coordinates: 5°44′S 36°33′W / 5.74°S 36.55°W / -5.74; -36.55
(تم التحويل من Rio Grande do Norte)
Rio Grande do Norte
Estado do Rio Grande do Norte
State of Rio Grande do Norte
كثبان Genipabu
كثبان Genipabu
علم Rio Grande do Norte
درع Rio Grande do Norte
Location of State of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil
Location of State of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil
الإحداثيات: 5°44′S 36°33′W / 5.74°S 36.55°W / -5.74; -36.55
البلد البرازيل
تأسستMarch 7, 1948
Capital and largest cityناتال
 • GovernorFátima Bezerra (PT)
 • Vice GovernorWalter Alves (MDB)
 • SenatorsRogério Marinho (PL)
Styvenson Valentim (PODE)
Zenaide Maia (PSD)
 • الإجمالي52٬796٫791 كم² (20٬384٫955 ميل²)
ترتيب المساحة22nd
 • الإجمالي3٬168٬027
 • Estimate 
 • الترتيب16th
 • الكثافة60/km2 (160/sq mi)
 • ترتيب الكثافة10th
صفة المواطنPotiguar or Norte-rio-grandense
 • TotalR$ 80.181 billion
(US$ 14.874 billion)
 • Year2021
 • Category0.728[3]high (14th)
منطقة التوقيتUTC-3 (BRT)
Postal Code
59000-000 to 59990-000
ISO 3166 codeBR-RN
License Plate Letter SequenceMXH to MZM, NNJ to NOH, OJR to OKC, OVZ to OWG, QGA to QGZ, RGE to RGM, RGN
الموقع الإلكترونيrn.gov.br

ريو گراندي دو نورتي ( Rio Grande do Norte ؛ UK /ˌr ˌɡrændi d ˈnɔːrti/,[4] الأمريكي /ʔ ˌɡrɑːnʔ/,[5] البرتغالية: [ˈʁi.u ˈɡɾɐ̃dʒ(i) du ˈnɔʁtʃi] ( استمع)) هي ولايـة برازيلية تقع في الشمال الشرقي البرازيل. و يحد الولاية المحيط الاطلنطي شمالاً وپارايبا جنــوبــاً وسيارا من غربــاً عاصمتها مدينة ناتال، وريو گراندي دو نورتي تعني بالعربية "النهر الشمالي الكبير"، ويشير إلى مصب نهر پوتنجي.

أهم المدن في الولايــة : ناتال ، موسورو ، باراناميريم ، سيارا ميريم. The state has 410 km (254 mi) of sandy beaches and contains Rocas Atoll, the only atoll in the Atlantic Ocean. The main economic activity is tourism, followed by the extraction of petroleum (the second largest producer in the country), agriculture, fruit growing and extraction of minerals, including considerable production of seasalt, among other economic activities.[6] The state is home to 1.7% of the Brazilian population and produces 1% of the country's GDP. In 2000-17 the murder rate rose by 655%, making Rio Grande do Norte the state with the highest murder rate in Brazil: 63.9 per 100,000.[7]

Tourist attractions in the state include the Cashew of Pirangi (the world's largest cashew tree),[8] the dunes and the dromedaries of Genipabu,[9] the beaches of Ponta Negra, Maracajaú and Pipa,[10] the Carnatal, Natal's carnival,[11] the sixteenth-century Forte dos Reis Magos fortification,[12] the hills and mountains of Martins,[13] the Natal Dunes State Park,[14] and others. The folklorist Luís da Câmara Cascudo was born and worked in the state. The state is the closest part of mainland Brazil to the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha.[15]

تعتبر الولاية الأكثر منفتحة على المحيط و تلقب ( بزاويـة البرازيــل).


Rio Grande do Norte is dominated by its coastline. The state is famed for its beaches and sand dunes, and the air is, according to NASA, the second-cleanest in the world after Antarctica.[بحاجة لمصدر]

Two climates predominate: humid tropical, in the oriental littoral, and semi-arid, in the remaining (most part) of the State (including the North coast). The rainforest which once covered most of Brazil's coast had its northern end in the south of Rio Grande do Norte; the area north of Natal, the capital, is under dunes, a kind of formation associated with semi-arid climate. The semi-arid climate is characterized not only by the low level but also the irregularity of rainfall; some years can go by with no or very little rain; most of the interior of the State is part of the Polygon of Droughts (an area which receives special attention from the federal government). There are also many mangroves in the state, and the interior is dominated by rainforest. Rocas Atoll in the Atlantic Ocean, 260 km Northeast of Natal, also belongs to the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It is contained in the fully protected Atol das Rocas Biological Reserve.

الأنظمة البيئية والتنوع الحيوي

Most of the original vegetation cover of Rio Grande do Norte has been devastated since the beginning of the colonization of Brazil, leaving today only a species of secondary and smaller vegetation linked to the climate, relief and soil. They are the caatinga (which occupies most of the state) and the Atlantic Forest , as well as small stretches of cerrado , riparian carnauba forest, mountain forest, mangroves and the vegetation of beaches and dunes. [ 58 ] Due to human action, this plant formation has been increasingly destroyed, causing desertification and the weakening of biodiversity . [ 76 ]

The fauna of Rio Grande do Norte includes species such as the aracuá , the hummingbird , the barred chook , the concriz , the prairie cock , the small-spotted margay cat , the red-footed hawk and serra , the juritis , the howler monkey , the mocó , the peba , the cavy , the northeast marmoset and the armadillo , as well as several other species, such as crabs , molluscs , oysters and fish . The flora includes the amescla , the aroeiras , the gameleira , the Jatobá , the maçaranduba , the quince , the mulungu , the orchids , the brazilwood , the ironwood , the pereiro , the peroba , the sapucaia , the sucupira , as well as of several species of climbing and rare plants. [ 58 ]

Rio Grande do Norte has some conservation units , including environmental protection areas (APA), state and national parks, sustainable development reserves , private natural heritage reserves (RPPN), among others, which together have an area of ​​238 thousand square meters, approximately 4.5% of the state territory. There are also projects to create new conservation units.

الخضرة في سلسلة جبال مارتنز، في منطقة الشرق الأعلى، في الموسم المطير


قبل التاريخ وقبل الاستعمار

Lajedo de Soledade Archaeological Site , in Apodi , which contains cave paintings , fossils from the Ice Age and the first inhabitants of the state

Initially, the territory of Rio Grande do Norte was inhabited by megafauna animals and, some time later, it began to be populated by primitive hunters and gatherers . Some of these primitive peoples left traces that are currently found in the archaeological sites of Angicos and Mutamba II , where rocks and traces of rock art were left on the walls of the caves , from inscriptions to paintings, the meaning of which is still debated, but, among several theories, the most accepted states that such traces served as an instrument of communication , intended to transmit a message through writing (which, at the time, was very different from today) and not as an artistic manifestation.

During the Age of Navigation, the coast of Rio Grande do Norte was inhabited by people from the current state of Paraná and Paraguay , who spoke Abanheenga , an agglutinated language with verbal reflections. Further inland, in the regions of Seridó , Chapada do Apodi and Alto Oeste , lived the Tapuias , indigenous people who walked around completely naked, without any covering, without beards and who shaved all the hair on their bodies. The women of this tribe were shorter than the men and submissive to their husbands.

It is believed that, even before the arrival of the Portuguese, some Spanish navigators, such as Alonso de Ojeda and Diego de Lepe, would have arrived first in the northern lands of Rio Grande do Norte. There is also the theory that, shortly before the arrival of the Portuguese, Pedro Álvares Cabral reached Rio Grande do Norte via Touros beach.

الفترة الاستعمارية

The first European to reach the region may have been the Spaniard Alonso de Ojeda in 1499. The northeastern tip of South America, Cape São Roque, 20 miles (32 km) to the north of Natal, was first officially visited by European navigators in 1501, in the 1501–1502 Portuguese expedition led by Amerigo Vespucci, who named the spot after the saint of the day. The Vespucci expedition also named the Potengi (Tupi for "River of Shrimps") river, whose considerably large mouth contrasted with the nearby bodies of water, "Rio Grande" (Portuguese for "Great River"), after which the Captaincy, Province, and State were named. For decades thereafter, no permanent European settlement was established in the area, inhabited by the Potiguar tribe.

Column Capitolina was donated to the state by Mussolini.

In the 16th century (between 1535 and 1598), it was explored by French pirates in search for brazilwood. In 1598, the Portuguese built the Forte dos Reis Magos and, in the following year, founded the city of Natal. Rasing cattle and sugarcane plantation lifted the local development and economy.[16]

In 1633, the area became a battleground between the expansionist Portuguese, seeking to take more land for their Brazilian territories, and the Dutch, who gained a foothold in South America.

After a short period of peace and prosperity in Olinda and Recife, the sugar prices went down in the market of Amsterdam and the region entered into a serious economic crisis. The economic problems led the Portuguese settlers and native Brazilians to revolt against the Dutch in what is known today as the massacres of Cunhaú and Uruaçu.

Rampa, one of the American air bases used during World War II.

The religious confrontations (the Portuguese-Brazilian Catholicism and the Dutch Calvinism), Portugal's restoration of the throne in 1640 and the reconquest of Maranhão in 1643, lead the Portuguese-Brazilians to undertake the 1645 uprising, led by André Vidal de Negreiros and João Fernandes Vieira. The governor of Bahia promised new Portuguese troops, but most of the rebels were Africans and Amerindians. In 1654, the Dutch were finally cast out.

ثورة 1930 حتى الحاضر

Former Salgadeira Barracks, of the Military Police of the State of Rio Grande do Norte (PMRN), in 1935, after the Communist Intentona , current headquarters of the Casa do Estudante[17]

In the year 1930, when the outbreak of a revolutionary movement that put an end to the Old Republic , Rio Grande do Norte was administered by Juvenal Lamartine , whose government was characterized by dependence on the federal government and intolerance in fighting opponents, including Café Filho , the main character of the 1930 Revolution in the state, [ 40 ] who was persecuted and fled to Paraíba . [ 29 ] On October 5 of that year, a few days before the movement, Juvenal Lamartine abandoned the state government and, in his place, took over a governing board made up of three people, who remained in power for a week. [ 40 ]

On January 1, 1931, the Italian ship "Lazeroto Malocello", commanded by frigate captain Carlo Alberto Coraggio, arrived in the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, bringing the Capitoline Column , donated by the head of the Italian government, the fascist Benito Mussolini . Five days later, the capital of Rio Grande do Norte was visited by the Italian Air Force squadron. [ 29 ] In 1935, the Communist Intentona occurred , caused mainly by sectors of the population dissatisfied with governor Mário Câmara . The rebellion was victorious and left the city of Natal quite agitated. On November 25 of the same year, the "Comité Popular Revolucionário" was installed and, after the defeat of the movement in the city of Rio de Janeiro , Natal was abandoned by the rebels, who moved to the Seridó region , where the repression was violently carried out. until the end of the Communist Intentona .

O presidente dos Estados Unidos Franklin Delano Roosevelt (frente), acompanhado do presidente brasileiro Getúlio Vargas (atrás), em visita a uma base de hidroaviões americanos na Segunda Guerra Mundial, atual Museu da Rampa. Natal, 28 de janeiro de 1943
Barragem Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves, maior reservatório do Rio Grande do Norte, em abril de 2017, com menos de 20% de sua capacidade. O Rio Grande do Norte enfrentou a seca mais grave de sua história recente desde 2012 até 2017

The capital of Rio Grande do Norte was not just a place where violence occurred. Its geographical location, close to the "Atlantic bottleneck", [ 9 ] also meant that the city occupied a very prominent place in the history of aviation, in the era of seaplanes , when great aeronauts passed through the city. During the Second World War (1939-1945), the city became even more famous and internationally known. The Americans built a megabase (today located in Parnamirim ), which played a very significant role during the conflict and became known as "The Trampoline of Victory". [ 29 ] The capital of Rio Grande do Norte also hosted a conference and received visits from the Brazilian ( Getúlio Vargas ) and American ( Franklin Delano Roosevelt ) presidents. [ 41 ] From then on, North Americans began to occupy the territory, culminating in a change in the habits of that municipality, [ 42 ] also causing the population of Natal to grow and multiply and the city to lose all its habits of "provincial city".

During World War II, Rio Grande do Norte was used as an Allied airbase from which to launch air raids on German-occupied North Africa.

In August 1954, with Vargas' suicide, his vice-president Café Filho assumed the presidency of the republic , being, to this day, the only person from Rio Grande do Norte to hold the position, remaining until November 1955. [ 43 ] In the 1960s, populism is imposed on Rio Grande do Norte soil, through Aluízio Alves (considered responsible for the beginning of the modernization of Rio Grande do Norte) and Djalma Maranhão (radical and left-wing politician).

In 1964, Latin America's first space launch site was constructed in Rio Grande do Norte; Barreira do Inferno (Hell's Barrier), which was often referred to as the "Brazilian NASA".

From 1964 onwards, with the coup d'état that culminated in the establishment of a military dictatorship in Brazil until 1985, persecutions began against young people and local intellectuals who opposed the regime. Politicians such as Aluízio Alves, Garibaldi Alves and Agnelo Alves had their political rights suspended by Institutional Act No. 5 of 1968. From 1974 onwards, with the discovery of the first oil deposits in the state, its economy, until then damaged by periods of drought , sometimes very long, experienced a greater pace of economic growth. Under Garibaldi Alves ' administration , irrigation became one of the priority goals, with the aim of irrigating a dense area of ​​the North Rio Grande do Norte territory and also of interconnecting river basins, and bringing water to surviving families in regions hit by drought.

In the 2002 state elections , Rio Grande do Norte elected a woman to the state government for the first time, the former mayor of Natal Wilma de Maria , re-elected in 2006 and remaining until 2010. [ 44 ] This year, another woman was elected to command the state executive, Rosalba Ciarlini Rosado , then senator and former mayor of Mossoró, [ 45 ] inaugurated in 2011. The following year, the most prolonged and intense drought in the recent history of the Brazilian Northeast began , which affected the Rio Grande do Norte until 2017. [ 46 ] The prolonged lack of rain compromised the agricultural sector and water reserves and caused almost the entire state territory to enter a state of emergency, leading several municipalities to water collapse.

In 2014, Natal hosted four matches in the first phase of the World Cup , held at Arena das Dunas , [ 48 ] built on the same site as Estádio Machadão and Machadinho . In the 2018 elections , Rio Grande do Norte made history by becoming the first unit of the Federation to elect three women to the state government, with the election of senator Fátima Bezerra , [ 49 ] obtaining the highest vote in the state's history, with more than a million votes, record this surpassed with his re-election in 2022 .


ناتال، عاصمة الولاية.

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics estimates that the population of Rio Grande do Norte was 3,568,765 on 1 December 2021, a 14.76% increase since the 2000 census. As of the 2022 census, multiracial people make up 50.9% of the total population. The second largest group composed by white people was 39.5% of the total population, followed by black people (9.2%), indigenous people 0.3% and Asian people (0.2%).[18]

77,916 Migrants arrived in the state between 2000 and 2010, while 71,287 people left the state between 2000 and 2010.

أكبر المدن

أكبر المدن أو البلدات في ريو گراند دو نورتي
الترتيب Mesoregion التعداد الترتيب Mesoregion التعداد
1 ناتال Natal 897,780 11 Santa Cruz Borborema Potiguar 36,143 Parnamirim
São Gonçalo do Amarante
São Gonçalo do Amarante
2 Mossoró Mossoró 263,344 12 Nova Cruz Agreste Potiguar 35,617
3 Parnamirim Natal 208,425 13 Apodi, Rio Grande do Norte Chapada do Apodi 34,808
4 São Gonçalo do Amarante Macaíba 89,044 14 João Câmara Baixa Verde 32,456
5 Macaíba Macaíba 70,586 15 Touros Litoral Nordeste 31,335
6 Ceará-Mirim Macaíba 68,580 16 Canguaretama Litoral Sul 31,216
7 Caicó Seridó Ocidental 63,147 17 Macau Macau 29,204
8 Açu Vale do Açu 53,636 18 Pau dos Ferros Pau dos Ferros 27,974
9 Currais Novos Seridó Oriental 42,795 19 Areia Branca Mossoró 25,529
10 São José de Mipibu Macaíba 40,149 20 Extremoz Natal 24,953

التركيبة العرقية والأديان

The origin of the Potiguar people is linked to the union of three peoples: indigenous , Portuguese and black . In the interior of the state, the Portuguese and cabocla influence is more notable, with little African influence, while on the coast the black influence is more visible than in other regions of the state, due to the cultivation of sugar cane, which used the hands of slave labor. [ 91 ] According to the 2010 IBGE census, the state population was made up of mixed race (52.75%), white (40.84%), black (5.23%), yellow (1.07%) and indigenous people (0.09%), in addition to those without a declaration (0.01%). [ 92 ] [ note 3 ] Regarding the origin of the population, 91.3% were born in the state itself and 8.7% from other states. [ 94 ] Regarding nationality , 99.94% were Brazilian (99.91% born and 0.03% naturalized) and 0.06% foreigners.

Still according to the same census, 75.96% of Potiguares were Roman Catholics , 15.4% evangelicals , 6.41% had no religion and 2.23% followed other denominations. [ 96 ] The Catholic Church includes Rio Grande do Norte in the Northeast Region II of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), which also covers the states of Alagoas, Paraíba and Pernambuco. [ 97 ] The state territory coincides with the Ecclesiastical Province of Natal, formed by the Archdiocese of Natal and its two suffragan dioceses: Caicó and Mossoró . [ 98 ] Among the various Protestant or Reformed faiths, the largest denominations were, in this order, Assembly of God , Universal Church of the Kingdom of God , God is Love , Christian Congregation of Brazil and Foursquare Gospel .

Estátua de Santa Rita de Cássia, em Santa Cruz, a maior estátua católica da América، على ارتفاع 56 متر[20]


Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Natal, considered one of the best in the country.

Portuguese is the official national language, and thus the primary language taught in schools. But English and Spanish are part of the official high school curriculum.

الهيئات التعليمية

  • Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte);
  • Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN) (State University of Rio Grande do Norte);
  • Universidade Potiguar (UnP) (Potiguar University);
  • Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (Ufersa) (Rural Federal University of Semi-Arid);
  • Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) (Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte);
  • and many others.


تعتمد الولايـة على السياحـة ، الزراعـة واستخراج البترول وتربية الحيوانات. The service sector is the largest component of GDP at 65.2%, followed by the industrial sector at 30.2%. Agriculture represents 4.6% of GDP (2021). Rio Grande do Norte exports: fish and crustacean 30.5%, fruits 19.3%, woven of cotton 12.3%, petroleum 10.8%, cashew 8.5%, sugar 5.3%, chocolate 3.9%, sea salt 3.7% (2002).

Share of the Brazilian economy: 1.9% (2021).

Historically, Rio Grande do Norte has relied upon sugar and cattle for its livelihood. However, since the 1980s, the state government has realised that tourism is a lucrative industry, and more money is being poured into the construction of tourist resorts, and restoring colonial buildings in major cities.

Fruit is also grown in Rio Grande do Norte, with the state supplying 70% of Brazil's melons, and the state is famed for its mango and cashew fields. The world's largest cashew tree is located in the state; it has a circumference of 500 metres and occupies an area of 7,300 cm2, making it 70 times the size of average cashew trees. Rio Grande do Norte is also one of three Brazilian states that together produce the world's entire supply of carnauba wax.

البنية التحتية

According to research by Fundação Dom Cabral, Rio Grande do Norte is the state with the second-best infrastructure in the Northeast Region and ninth in the country.[21]

المطار الدولي

Augusto Severo Airport has ceased to be Greater Natal International Airport since summer 2014. The new airport, situated outside the city,[22][مرجع دائرة مفرغة] is in São Gonçalo do Amarante. Located virtually at sea level (169 ft), with favorable weather and geographic conditions, Augusto Severo International Airport in Parnamirim is 18 kilometers from Natal (RN). It takes its name from Augusto Severo de Albuquerque Maranhão, a native son of that state who died in an accident in France in 1902. The airport has a total area of 11.3 thousand square meters and capacity for 1.2 million passengers a year. The installations and passenger terminals are air conditioned with equipment that can put out 630 tons of cooled air. With an area of 5.5 million square meters, the airport complex operates with 16,482 square meters of passenger and cargo terminals and administrative and maintenance installations. There are 6,224 meters of runways and 61.5 square meters of apron space, providing connections from the greater Natal region to the main centers of the world. The airport is the only one in the Northeast Region to receive charter flights from Scandinavia.

الطرق السريعة

BR-304 highway.


Entrance of the Port of Natal

ميناء ناتال is specialized in cold storage cargo such as fruit, fish and shrimp, among others. It has its own customs facilities and is connected to Europe by direct navigation lines, mainly to the ports of Vigo, Rotterdam and Sheerness.


يوم القديس جواو

Festa Junina was introduced to Northeastern Brazil by the Portuguese for whom St John's day (also celebrated as Midsummer Day in several European countries), on 24 June, is one of the oldest and most popular celebrations of the year. Differently, of course, from what happens on the European Midsummer Day, the festivities in Brazil do not take place during the summer solstice but during the tropical winter solstice. The festivities traditionally begin after 12 June, on the eve of St Anthony's day, and last until the 29th, which is Saint Peter's day. During these fifteen days, there are bonfires, fireworks, and folk dancing in the streets. Once exclusively a rural festival, today in Brazil it is largely an urban festival during which people joyfully and theatrically mimic peasant stereotypes and clichés in a spirit of jokes and good times. Typical refreshments and dishes are served. Similar to during Carnival, these festivities involve costume-wearing (in this case, peasant costumes), dancing, heavy drinking, and visual spectacles (fireworks display and folk dancing). Like what happens on Midsummer and St John's Day in Europe, bonfires are a central part of these festivities in Brazil.


Natal, the capital of the state, was one of 12 cities to host games of the 2014 FIFA World Cup held in Brazil.

The three main football clubs in Natal are ABC, Alecrim and América Futebol Clube. ABC and America are the biggest rivals, and their match is often referred as Clássico Rei (King Classic).

The state is one of the member states of the World Sports Alliance.


The flag of Rio Grande do Norte was adopted on 3 December 1957. It is based on a design by Luís da Câmara Cascudo. In the middle of the flag is the coat of arms of the state, which was adopted on 1 July 1909. It shows a sailing boat at the coast in the middle, representing the fishing and salt industries. Above it is a bar which shows two flowers on the sides and two cotton bolls in the center. To the sides of the shield are a coconut palm to the right and a carnauba palm to the left, connected by two branches of sugar cane. The star above represents the state as part of Brazil.


Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte في ناتال، considered one of the best in the country.

المؤسسات التعليمية

  • Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte);
  • Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN) (State University of Rio Grande do Norte);
  • Universidade Potiguar (UnP) (Potiguar University);
  • Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (Ufersa) (Rural Federal University of Semi-Arid);
  • Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) (Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte);
  • and many others.

البنية التحتية

المطار الدولي


BR-304 highway.
  • BR-101;
  • BR-104;
  • BR-110;
  • BR-226;
  • BR-304;
  • BR-405;
  • BR-406;
  • BR-427;
  • RN-117;
  • RN-401.


  1. ^ "IBGE | Portal do IBGE | IBGE". Archived from the original on 30 December 2012.
  2. ^ "PIB por Unidade da Federação, 2021". ibge.gov.br.
  3. ^ "Atlas do Desenvolvimento Humano no Brasil. Pnud Brasil, Ipea e FJP, 2022". www.atlasbrasil.org.br. Retrieved 2023-06-11.
  4. ^ "Rio Grande do Norte". Lexico UK English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on 2022-08-28.
  5. ^ قالب:Cite Merriam-Webster
  6. ^ "Notícia inválida". Tribuna do Norte. Archived from the original on 6 October 2011. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  7. ^ Darlington, Shasta (10 August 2018). "A Year of Violence Sees Brazil's Murder Rate Hit Record High". The New York Times. Retrieved 22 January 2020.
  8. ^ "UOL – Página não encontrada". Viagem.uol.com.br. Archived from the original on 26 July 2011. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  9. ^ "Genipabu". Nataltrip.com. Archived from the original on 14 July 2011. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  10. ^ [1] Archived 4 مايو 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  11. ^ "GloboEsporte.com > Seleção Brasileira – NOTÍCIAS – Carnatal, arma potiguar para sediar a Copa". Globoesporte.globo.com. 24 August 2007. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  12. ^ "Fortaleza dos Reis Magos". Nataltrip.com. Archived from the original on 14 July 2011. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  13. ^ "Martins". Nataltrip.com. Archived from the original on 14 July 2011. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  14. ^ [2] Archived 15 يوليو 2009 at the Wayback Machine
  15. ^ "Fernando de Noronha". Turismodonordeste.com. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  16. ^ Grande Enciclopédia Universal, page 11442, "Rio Grande do Norte" paragraph 1
  17. ^ خطأ في استخدام قالب template:cite web: Parameters url and title must be specified
  18. ^ "Censo 2022 - Panorama".
  19. ^ "Estimativas da população residente nos municípios brasileiros com data de referência em 1º de julho de 2021" [Estimates of the Resident Population of Brazilian Municipalities as of July 1, 2022] (PDF) (in البرتغالية). Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. 30 August 2022. Archived (PDF) from the original on 7 October 2011. Retrieved 31 August 2022.
  20. ^ خطأ في استخدام قالب template:cite web: Parameters url and title must be specified
  21. ^ "Pesquisa aponta RN como o 2º estado do NE com melhor infraestrutura". Nominuto.com. 24 October 2011. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  22. ^ es:Aeropuerto Internacional de Grande Natal

وصلات خارجية

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