
Coordinates: 8°20′S 37°48′W / 8.333°S 37.800°W / -8.333; -37.800
State of Pernambuco
علم State of Pernambuco
درع State of Pernambuco
النشيد: Hino de Pernambuco
Location of State of Pernambuco in Brazil
Location of State of Pernambuco in Brazil
الإحداثيات: 8°20′S 37°48′W / 8.333°S 37.800°W / -8.333; -37.800
Country البرازيل
العاصمة وأكبر مدينةرصيفي
 • حاكمPaulo Câmara (PSB)
 • نائب الحاكمLuciana Santos (PCdoB)
 • SenatorsFernando Bezerra Coelho (MDB)
Humberto Costa (PT)
Jarbas Vasconcelos (MDB)
 • الإجمالي98٬311٫616 كم² (37٬958٫327 ميل²)
ترتيب المساحة19th
 • الإجمالي8٬931٬028
 • الترتيب7th
 • الكثافة91/km2 (240/sq mi)
 • ترتيب الكثافة6th
صفة المواطنPernambucano/Pernambucana
 • Year2007 estimate
 • TotalR$ 32,255,687,000 (10th)
 • Per capitaR$ 4,337 (21st)
 • Year2017
 • Category0.727[2]high (18th)
منطقة التوقيتUTC−03:00 (BRT)
Postal Code
50000-000 to 56990-000
ISO 3166 codeBR-PE
الموقع الإلكترونيpe.gov.br

پرنامبوكو Pernambuco واحدة من الولايات السبع والعشرين البرازيلية تقع في النصف الشرقي من الاقليم الشمالي الشرقي. With an estimated population of 9.6 million people as of 2020, it is the seventh-most populous state of Brazil, the sixth-most densely populated and the 19th-largest in area among federative units of the country. ويحدها بارايبا وسيارا من الشمال الغربي والمحيط الأطلسي من الشرق الاگواس وباهيا من الجنوب و بياوي من الغرب. وتضم جزيرة فرناندو دي نورونيا، وعاصمتها مدينة رصيفي، التي هي أحد أهم المراكز التجارية في البلد. Based on 2019 estimates, the Recife Metropolitan Region is seventh-most populous in the country, and the second-largest in northeastern Brazil.[3] In 2015, the state had 4.6% of the national population and produced 2.8% of the national gross domestic product (GDP).[4]

The contemporary state inherits its name from the Captaincy of Pernambuco, established in 1534. The region was originally inhabited by Tupi-Guarani-speaking peoples. European colonization began in the 16th century, under mostly Portuguese rule interrupted by a brief period of Dutch rule, followed by Brazilian independence in 1822. Large numbers of slaves were brought from Africa during the colonial era to cultivate sugarcane, and a significant portion of the state's population has some amount of African ancestry.

The state has rich cultural traditions thanks to its varied history and peoples. Brazilian Carnivals in Recife and the historic colonial capital of Olinda are renowned: the Galo da Madrugada parade in Recife has held world records for its size.

Historically a center of sugarcane cultivation due to the favorable climate, the state has a modern economy dominated by the services sector today, though large amounts of sugarcane are still grown. The coming of democracy in 1985 has brought the state progress and challenges in turn: while economic and health indicators have improved, inequality remains high.


Catimbau Valley 2nd largest Brazilian Archeological site
رصيفي هي عاصمة وأكبر مدن الولاية.

ملف:Pernambuco Köppen.svg
Köppen climate types of Pernambuco


The coastal area is fertile, and was formerly covered by the humid Pernambuco coastal forests, the northern extension of the Atlantic Forests (Mata Atlântica) of eastern Brazil. It is now occupied by extensive sugar cane plantations. It has a hot, humid climate, relieved to some extent by the south-east trade winds.[5]

The middle zone, called the agreste region, has a drier climate and lighter vegetation,[5] including the semi-deciduous Pernambuco interior forests, where many trees lose their leaves in the dry season.


The rivers of the state include a number of small plateau streams flowing southward to the São Francisco River, and several large streams in the eastern part flowing eastward to the Atlantic. The former are the Moxotó, Ema, Pajeú, Terra Nova, Brigida, Boa Vista and Pontai, and are dry channels the greater part of the year.[5]

The largest of the coastal rivers are the Goiana River, which is formed by the confluence of the Tracunhaem and Capibaribe-mirim, and drains a rich agricultural region in the north-east part of the state; the Capibaribe, which has its source in the Serra de Jacarara and flows eastward to the Atlantic at Recife with a course of nearly 300 miles (480 km); the Ipojuca, which rises in the Serra de Aldeia Velha and reaches the coast south of Recife; the Serinhaen; and the Uná. A large tributary of the Uná, the Rio Jacuhipe, forms part of the boundary line with Alagoas.[5]


قبل التاريخ

Prior to discovery and colonization by Portugal, Pernambuco was inhabited by numerous tribes of Tupi-Guarani speaking indigenous peoples. The Tupi peoples were a largely hunter-gatherer culture living in long houses who cultivated some indigenous crops, most notably manioc (Manihot esculenta), but lacked any metallic tools. Many elements of the Tupi culture were a shock to Europeans: among these, they bathed frequently, they eschewed wealth accumulation, practiced nudity, and warred frequently, primarily to capture enemies for communal, ritual cannibalism.[6]

الفتح الهولندي

Dutch invasions in Brazil

In 1630, Pernambuco, as well as many Portuguese possessions in Brazil, was occupied by the Dutch until 1654.[5] The occupation was strongly resisted and the Dutch conquest was only partially successful, it was finally repelled by the Spaniards. In the interim, thousands of the enslaved Africans had fled to Palmares, and soon the mocambos there had grown into two significant states. The Dutch Republic, which allowed sugar production to remain in Portuguese hands, regarded suppression of Palmares as important, but was unsuccessful in this. Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen, count of Nassau, was appointed as ruler of the Nieuw Holland (Dutch colonization enterprise in Brazil).

In the 17th century, the Netherlands was experiencing a surge of freedom and progress, and wanted to expand their colonies in the American continent. An expression of this new economy was the Dutch West India Company, (modeled after the Dutch East India company which had influence throughout the world and controlled much of the trade between East and West). A Board of nineteen members appointed Prince Johan Maurits, Count of Nassau, Governor of Pernambuco. It was an auspicious choice for Northeast, because he was a lover of the arts with a deep interest in the New World. In 1637 he opened his government guidelines quite different from those of the Portuguese colonists, declaring "Freedom of Religion and Trade". His entourage contained traders, artists, planners, German and Dutch citizens. He was accompanied by six painters, including Frans Post and Albert Eckhout. Nassau also created an environment of Dutch religious tolerance, new to Portuguese America and irritating to his Calvinist associates. Nassau made efforts to reduce the sugar production monoculture by encouraging the cultivation of other crops, particularly foodstuffs.[7]

الهجرة اليهودية

كنيس كهال زور إسرائيل في موريتس‌ستاد (رصيفي)، أول كنيس في الأمريكتين
الغزوات الهولندية للبرازيل.
ألبرت إكوت: إمرأة مملوكة في البرازيل (حوالي 1641-1644).



ملف:Pernambuco DensidadeDemografica.svg
Population density by municipality (2010).
  0-23 inhabitants per km²
  23-50 per km²
  50-100 per km²
  100-150 per km²
  150-200 per km²
  200-300 per km²
  300-400 per km²
  400-500 per km²
  > 500 per km²

According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), at the last census in 2010 there were 8,745,000 people residing in the state. In 2020, an estimated 9,616,621 people lived in the state.[8] The population is concentrated along the coast in the Recife Metropolitan Region.

Urbanization: 77% (2006); Population growth: 1.2% (1991–2000); Houses: 2,348,000 (2006).[9]


Religion in Pernambuco (2010)[10][11]

  Catholicism (65.9%)
  Protestantism (20.34%)
  Other Christian (0.88%)
  Spiritism (1.41%)
  Other/No reply (1.02%)
  Unaffiliated (10.40%)

The majority of the state's inhabitants are Catholic; while more than 86% of the state is Christian.

In 2010, 5,834,601 inhabitants identified as Roman Catholic (65.95%), 1,788,973 as Evangelical (20.34%): of these, 1,102,485 were Pentecostal (12.53%), and 376,880 were Evangelical Protestant (4.28%) and 309,608 other Evangelical (3.52%). 123,798 inhabitants identified as spiritists (1.41%), 43,726 as Jehovah's Witnesses (0.50%), 26,526 as Brazilian Apostolic Catholics (0.30%) and 6,678 as Eastern Orthodox(0.08%).

914,954 had no religion (10.40%): of these, 10,284 identified as atheists (0.12%) and 5,638 as agnostics (0.06%). 80,591 followed all other religions not listed above (0.90%), and 9,805 did not know or did not declare (0.12%).[10][11]

The former Latin Catholic Territorial Prelature of Pernambuco became the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Olinda & Recife, with these suffragan dioceses in its ecclesiastical province (all in Pernambuco) : Diocese of Afogados da Ingazeira, Diocese of Caruaru, Diocese of Floresta, Diocese of Garanhuns, Diocese of Nazaré, Diocese of Palmares, Diocese of Pesqueira, Diocese of Petrolina and Diocese of Salgueiro.

Racial/Ethnic composition

The results of the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) conducted in 2008 led to the following estimates of race or skin color: 4,799,000 Brown (Multiracial) people (54.87%), 3,307,000 White people (37.81%), 561,000 Black people (6.42%), 41,000 Indigenous people (0.47%) and 31,000 Asian people (0.36%).[12]

Due to the legacy of slavery and the sugarcane plantations, it has been observed that those of mixed African and Portuguese ancestry are more common on the coast, while Mamelucos (those of mixed Amerindian and Portuguese ancestry) are more common in the interior Sertão region.[13]

According to a genetic study from 2013, Pernambucans have 56.8% European, 27.9% African and 15.3% Amerindian ancestries.[14]

Largest cities

أكبر المدن أو البلدات في Pernambuco
الترتيب Municipality التعداد الترتيب Municipality التعداد
Jaboatão dos Guararapes
Jaboatão dos Guararapes
1 Recife Metropolitana do Recife 1,965,441 11 São Lourenço da Mata Metropolitana do Recife 110,784 Olinda
2 Jaboatão dos Guararapes Metropolitana do Recife 654,727 12 Igarassu Metropolitana do Recife 108,536
3 Olinda Metropolitana do Recife 401,537 13 Abreu e Lima Metropolitana do Recife 94,965
4 Caruaru Agreste Pernambucano 336,519 14 Santa Cruz do Capibaribe Agreste Pernambucano 90,772
5 Paulista Metropolitana do Recife 303,400 15 Ipojuca Metropolitana do Recife 84,276
6 Petrolina São Francisco Pernambucano 302,757 16 Serra Talhada Sertão Pernambucano 81,871
7 Cabo de Santo Agostinho Metropolitana do Recife 187,158 17 Araripina Sertão Pernambucano 81,794
8 Camaragibe Metropolitana do Recife 151,676 18 Gravatá Agreste Pernambucano 77,300
9 Vitória de Santo Antão Mata Pernambucana 131,923 19 Goiana Mata Pernambucana 76,565
10 Garanhuns Agreste Pernambucano 130,303 20 Carpina Mata Pernambucana 75,989
مواطن محلي بملابس الكرنفال.


Gypsum exploration in Trindade, Araripina Microregion


Petrolina. The largest Brazilian producer of grapes, mangoes, guavas and one of the biggest creators of goats and sheep.
Cowboys Pernambucanos in Cumaru

According with IBGE 2007, Pernambuco has the 2nd largest livestock portfolio in the Northeast region and the 8th of البرازيل.

جدول المواشي 2007 [16]
الحيوان أو المنتج عدد الرؤوس الترتيب على
الشمال الشرقي & %
الترتيب على
البرازيل & %
الماعز 1595069 2nd - 18.48% 2nd - 16.88%
الخراف 1256270 4th - 13.53% 5th - 7.74%
الماشية 2219892 4th - 7.74% 16th - 1.11%
ألبان البقر 662078000 liters 2nd - 19.86% 9th - 2.54%
الخنازير 495957 5th - 7.35% 14th - 1.38%
الدواجن 31916818 1st - 24.24% 7th - 2.83%
بيض الدجاج 142518000 dozens 1st - 30.56% 6th - 4.81%
سمان 605371 1st - 43.24% 4th - 7.98%
بيض السمان 9390000 dozens 1st - 51.43% 4th - 7.17%
الخيول 125976 5th - 8.81% 15th -2.25%
حمير 100944 5th - 9.50% 5th - 8.68%
بغال 54812 4th - 7.97% 7th - 4.08%
جاموس 19239 2nd - 16.04% 11th - 1.70%
أرانب 2383 2nd - 6.45% 9th - 0.82%
العسل 1177000 kg 4th - 10.15% 9th - 3.39%


Agriculture Table of Pernambuco in 2002[17]
المحصول S الكمية طن NE Ranking & % الترتيب في البرازيل و %
الطماطم 207736 2nd - 35.7% 5th - 5.69%
Manioc 483634 4th - 5.91% 13th - 2.1%
Water melons 62820 2nd - 15.61% 7th - 4.22%
Melons 16686 4th - 5.00% 4th - 4.74%
Sugarcane 17626183 2nd - 29.51% 5th - 4.84%
Onions 89082 2nd - 39.78% 5th - 7.29%
فول 82245 3rd - 9.50% 9th - 2.69%
أرز 17865 7th - 1.93% 21st - 0.17%
بطاطا 25727 3rd - 16.23% 7th - 5.17%
أناناس 24028 5th - 10.2% 12th - 1.11%
Fava 569 3[مطلوب توضيح]th - 6.0% 4th - 5.63%
أذرة 86675 5th - 3.93% 18th - 0.24%
Castor beans 319 3rd - 0.20% 8th - 0.19%
Cotton 1877 8th - 0.32% 15th - 0.13
Product P Quantity T NE Ranking & % BR Ranking & %
Grapes 99978 1st - 53.6% 3th - 8.70%
Guavas 104771 1st - 74.41% 2nd - 32.63%
مانجو 136488 2nd - 24.74% 3rd - 16.20%
جوز هند 152266+ 3rd - 10.89% 5th - 7.90%
ليمون 2965 4th - 4.20% 12th - 0.30%
Passion fruits 5611 6th - 2.71% 14th - 1.17%
تانجرين 5264 4th - 14.34% 11th - 0.42%
Papayas 5358 6th - 0.57% 12th - 0.34%
Cashew nuts 3554 4th - 2.20% 4th - 2.10%
موز 367481 2nd - 16.69% 6th - 5.72%
برتقال 5638 8th - 0.34% 22nd - 0.03%
Avocados 1685 2nd - 15.49% 11th - 1.0%
مطاط 706 3rd - 3.59% 12th - 0.48%
Cotton tree 222 4th - 5.41% 4th - 5.41%

S - موسمي; P - زراعة دائمة; + - آلاف الوحدات


البنية التحتية


Praia Sancho, beyond this beach a reserve for some 600 spinner dolphins is established in Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco.
São Pedro dos Clérigos Cathedral, in Recife.
Recife, the biggest city of the state.
Boa Viagem beach, in Recife.
City of Triunfo , mountainous (serrano) tourism .
Pesqueira, a city in the Agreste region.
Serra Talhada, a city in the Sertão region.
Arcoverde, a city in the Sertão region.
Typical flower in Gravata.

المدن الرئيسية

List of the 25 largest cities in Pernambuco [18]
الترتيب المدينة التعداد (2009) GDP (R$x1000)(2007)[19]. GDP PC (R$)
1 رصيفي 1,561,659 20,718,107 13,510
2 Jaboatão dos Guararapes 687,688 5,578,363 8,384
3 Olinda 397,268 2,179,183 5,567
4 Paulista 319,373 1,367,111 4,449
5 Caruaru 298,501 1,993,295 6,895
6 Petrolina 281,851 1,932,517 7,202
7 Cabo de Santo Agostinho 171,583 2,813,188 17,244
8 Camaragibe 143,210 492,113 3,608
9 Garanhuns 131,313 742,593 5,941
10 Vitória de Santo Antão 126,399 745,504 6,149
11 Igarassu 100,191 734,430 7,834
12 São Lourenço da Mata 99,945 310,748 3,261
13 Abreu e Lima 96,266 567,474 6,154
14 Santa Cruz do capibaribe 80,330 332,112 4,507
15 Serra Talhada 80,294 434,704 5,705
16 Araripina 79,877 255,578 3,368
17 Ipojuca 75,512 5,354,635 76,418
18 Gravatá 75,229 306,637 4,284
19 Goiana 74,424 457,986 6,379
20 Belo Jardim 74,028 504,735 7,113
21 Carpina 68,070 351,448 5,375
22 Arcoverde 68,000 290,529 4,479
23 Ouricuri 66,978 200,880 3,186
24 Pesqueira 64,454 236,259 3,852
25 Escada 62,604 233,562 3,902
RMR Recife metropolitan area 3,768,902 40,872,963 10,845
State PERNAMBUCO 8,810,256 62,255,687 7,337


  1. ^ "IBGE".
  2. ^ "Radar IDHM: evolução do IDHM e de seus índices componentes no período de 2012 a 2017" (PDF) (in Portuguese). PNUD Brasil. Retrieved 18 April 2019.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  3. ^ "Estimativas 2019 população Regiões Metropolitanas". agenciadenoticias.ibge.gov.br (in البرتغالية البرازيلية). Retrieved 2021-04-10.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  4. ^ Spilimbergo, Antonio; Srinivasan, Krishna (2019-03-14). Chapter 12 The Subnational Fiscal Crisis (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). International Monetary Fund. ISBN 978-1-4843-3974-9.
  5. ^ أ ب ت ث ج خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة EB1911
  6. ^ Hemming, John, Red Gold: The Conquest of the Brazilian Indians. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978, p. 9
  7. ^ C. R. Boxer, The Dutch in Brazil 1624-1654, Archon Books, 1973
  8. ^ "Population Estimates | IBGE". www.ibge.gov.br. Retrieved 2021-04-11.
  9. ^ Source: PNAD.
  10. ^ أ ب «Censo 2010». IBGE
  11. ^ أ ب «Análise dos Resultados/IBGE Censo Demográfico 2010: Características gerais da população, religião e pessoas com deficiência» (PDF)
  12. ^ Tabela 262: População residente, por cor ou raça, situação e sexo (PDF) (in البرتغالية). IBGE, Pernambuco, Brazil. 2008. ISBN 978-85-240-3919-5. Retrieved 18 January 2010.
  13. ^ "Notas nordestinas – Terra – Antonio Riserio". Terramagazine.terra.com.br. Archived from the original on 2011-07-06. Retrieved 6 April 2012.
  14. ^ Saloum De Neves Manta, Fernanda; Pereira, Rui; Vianna, Romulo; Rodolfo Beuttenmüller De Araújo, Alfredo; Leite Góes Gitaí, Daniel; Aparecida Da Silva, Dayse; De Vargas Wolfgramm, Eldamária; Da Mota Pontes, Isabel; Ivan Aguiar, José; Ozório Moraes, Milton; Fagundes De Carvalho, Elizeu; Gusmão, Leonor (2013). "Revisiting the Genetic Ancestry of Brazilians Using Autosomal AIM-Indels". PLOS ONE. 8 (9): e75145. Bibcode:2013PLoSO...875145S. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0075145. PMC 3779230. PMID 24073242.
  15. ^ "Estimativas da população residente nos municípios brasileiros com data de referência em 1º de julho de 2011" [Estimates of the Resident Population of Brazilian Municipalities as of July 1, 2011] (in البرتغالية). Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. 30 August 2011. Archived from the original (PDF) on 31 August 2011. Retrieved 31 August 2011.
  16. ^ http://www.ibge.gov.br/home/estatistica/economia/ppm/2007/ppm2007.pdf Brazil livestock statistics 2007
  17. ^ http://www.ibge.gov.br/home/estatistica/economia/pam/2002/pam2002.pdf Brazil Agriculture statistics 2002
  18. ^ IBGE, [http://www.ibge.gov.br/
  19. ^ GDP City by City 2007 IBGE

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