مقاطعات إندونيسيا

(تم التحويل من Provinces of Indonesia)
مقاطعات إندونيسيا
Provinces of Indonesia
Provinsi di Indonesia
Indonesia, administrative divisions - en - monochrome.svg
التصنيفFirst-level administrative division of a decentralized unitary state
الموقعRepublic of Indonesia
الإنشاء18 August 1945
عدد السكانSouth Papua (522,215) – West Java (49,405,800)
المساحةJakarta 661 km2 (255 sq mi) – Central Kalimantan 153,444 km2 (59,245 sq mi)
التقسيماتRegencies and cities

المقاطعات هي التقسيم الإداري من الدرجة الأولى في إندونيسيا. It is formerly called the first-level provincial region (provinsi daerah tingkat I) before the Reform era. Provinces have a local government, consisting of a governor (Gubernur) and a regional legislative body (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Provinsi). The governor and members of local representative bodies are elected by popular vote for five-year terms, but governors can only serve for two terms. Provincial governments have the authority to regulate and manage their own government affairs, subject to the limits of the central government.

Currently, Indonesia is divided into 38 provinces, nine of which have special autonomous status. The terminology for special status are "Istimewa" and "Khusus", which translates to 'special' or 'designated' in English. Provinces are further divided into regencies and cities (formerly called second-level region regencies and cities or kabupaten/kotamadya daerah tingkat II), which are in turn subdivided into districts (kecamatan).


Article 18 paragraph 1 of The 1945 Constitution states that "The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is divided into provincial regions and those provincial regions are divided into regencies and city, whereby every one of those provinces, regencies, and municipalities has its regional government, which shall be regulated by laws."

According to the Law on Regional Government (UU 23/2014) the authority of the Provincial Government includes:

  1. Development planning and control;
  2. Planning, utilization, and community peace;
  3. Implementation of public order and public peace;
  4. Provision of public facilities and infrastructure;
  5. Handling the health sector;
  6. Education and allocation of potential human resources;
  7. Handling social problems across regencies/cities;
  8. Services in the field of manpower across regencies/cities;
  9. Facilitating the development of cooperatives, small and medium enterprises, including across districts/cities;
  10. Environmental control;
  11. Defense services, including across regencies/cities;
  12. Population and civil registration services;
  13. Government general administration services;
  14. Investment administration services, including across regencies/cities;
  15. The implementation of other basic services that cannot be carried out by regencies/cities; and
  16. Other mandatory affairs mandated by laws and regulations.

The authority of the provincial government are government affairs which are located across regencies/municipalities, government affairs whose users are across regencies/municipalities, government affairs whose benefits or negative impacts lie across regencies/municipalities, government affairs which use more resources. efficient if carried out by the province.

Each province has a local government, headed by a governor and a legislative body (DPRD). The governor and members of local representative bodies are elected by popular vote for five-year terms, but governors can only serve for two terms. The general election to elect members of the DPRDs is conducted simultaneously with the national general election. Previously, the general elections for Governor and Vice Governor were not held simultaneously. However, since 2015 regional head elections have been held simultaneously. Under the plan, simultaneous partial local elections will be held in February 2017, June 2018, December 2020, culminating in simultaneous elections for all local executive posts on November 2024 and then every five years.


تتكون إندونسيا من 37 مقاطعة (2 منها دوائر خاصة وواحدة لمنطقة العاصمة). المقاطعات تتألف من مراكز الذين يتألفون من نقاط وبلديات. المقاطعات هي:

وتنقسم المقاطعة إلى مراكز (kabupaten) و عموديات مدن (kotamadya).

الدوائر الخاصة هي: آتشيه (أو نانجرو آتشيه دار السلام) و يوجياكرتا. الدوائر الخاصة تتمتع بمزيد من الإستقلال الذاتي مقارنة بالمقاطعات. وبالتالي فلهم مزايا تشريعية: فالحكومة الآتشية لها حق تشكيل نظام قضائي مستقل، كما شرّعت تلك الحكومة الآتشية عام 2003 الشريعة الإسلامية كالمصدر الأول للتشريع لديها. يوجياكارتا مازالت سلطنة و سلطانها (حاليا سري سلطان هامنكوبوونو العاشر ذو الشعبية الجارفة) هو حاكم الدائرة الفعلي مدى الحياة.

منطقة العاصمة هي جاكرتا، والتي بالرغم من كونها مدينة إلا أنها تدار على أنها مقاطعة فيحكمها حاكم وليس عمدة و تنقسم إلى مراكز (كالقاهرة).

تيمور الشرقية كانت مقاطعة إندونيسية منذ جلاء البرتغاليين عنها عام 1976 وحتى تخلت إندونسيا عن السيادة عليها عام 1999. وبعد مرحلة من الإدارة الإنتقالية من قبل الأمم المتحدة، أصبحت دولة مستقلة عام 2002.

المقاطعات الحالية

سبع مقاطعات في إندونيسيا هم "مناطق ذاتية خاصة" ذات سمات خاصة، وهم:

One province that is a "special region" which has "privileged" characteristics:

One province that is another "special region" that has both characteristics:

  • آتشيه آتشيه، which has the special and privileged status of implementation of Islamic sharia law in religious life, customary life, and education.

الوحدات الجغرافية

The provinces are officially grouped into seven geographical units for statistical and national planning purposes, but without administrative function.[1]

الوحدة الجغرافية المقاطعات التعداد
أكبر مدينة أعلى نقطة
سومطرة آتشيه، Bangka Belitung Islands, Bengkulu, جامبي، Lampung, سومطرة الشمالية، رياو، جزر رياو، سومطرة الجنوبية، و سومطرة الغربية 59,977,300 Medan Mount Kerinci
3,805 م
جاوة بانتن، جاوة الوسطى، East Java, the المنطقة الخاصة للعاصمة جاكرتا، Special Region of Yogyakarta, and West Java 154,282,100 جاكرتا جبل سمرو
3,678 م
Kalimantan Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, and West Kalimantan 17,052,200 Samarinda Mount Bukit Raya
2,278 م
Nusa Tenggara (جزر سوندا الصغرى) Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara 15,355,100 Denpasar Mount Rinjani
3,726 م
سولاوسي سولاوسي الوسطى، Gorontalo, North Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and West Sulawesi 20,304,400 Makassar Latimojong
3,478 م
جزر الملوك Maluku and North Maluku 3,201,000 أمبون Mount Binaiya
3,027 م
Papua (Western New Guinea) پاپوا الوسطى، Highland Papua, Papua, South Papua, Southwest Papua, and West Papua 5,601,900 Jayapura Puncak Jaya
4,884 م

جدول المقاطعات

Provinces of Indonesia[3][4]
Arms المقاطعة Indonesian
ISO[5] Capital Population
Area (km2) Density
Geographical unit No. of cities &
No. of
No. of
Coat of arms of Aceh.svg Aceh Aceh Aceh ID-AC 5,333,700 57,956 77 Sumatra 23 5 18
Coat of arms of Bali.svg Bali Bali Bali ID-BA 4,362,700 5,780 621 Lesser Sunda Islands 9 1 8
Coat of arms of Bangka Belitung Islands.svg Bangka Belitung Islands Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Babel ID-BB 1,473,200 16,424 64 Sumatra 7 1 6
Coat of arms of Banten.svg Banten Banten Banten ID-BT 12,061,500 9,662 909 Java 8 4 4
Coat of arms of Bengkulu.svg Bengkulu Bengkulu Bengkulu ID-BE 2,032,900 19,919 84 Sumatra 10 1 9
Coat of arms of Central Java.svg Central Java Jawa Tengah Jateng ID-JT 36,742,500 40,800 894 Java 35 6 29
Coat of arms of Central Kalimantan.svg Central Kalimantan Kalimantan Tengah Kalteng ID-KT 2,702,200 153,564 14 Kalimantan 14 1 13
Central Papua Papua Tengah Pateng 1,409,000 66,129 27 Western New Guinea 8 0 8
Coat of arms of Central Sulawesi.svg Central Sulawesi Sulawesi Tengah Sulteng ID-ST 3,021,900 61,841 41 Sulawesi 13 1 12
Coat of arms of East Java.svg East Java Jawa Timur Jatim ID-JI 40,878,800 47,799 828 Java 38 9 29
Coat of arms of East Kalimantan.svg East Kalimantan[7] Kalimantan Timur Kaltim ID-KI 3,808,200 127,267 22 Kalimantan 10 3 7
Coat of Arms of East Nusa Tenggara NEW.png East Nusa Tenggara Nusa Tenggara Timur NTT ID-NT 5,387,700 48,718 92 Lesser Sunda Islands 22 1 21
Coat of arms of Gorontalo.svg Gorontalo Gorontalo Gorontalo ID-GO 1,181,000 11,257 94 Sulawesi 6 1 5
Coat of arms of Highland Papua Province.png Highland Papua Papua Pegunungan 1,408,600 108,476 20 Western New Guinea 8 0 8
Coat of arms of Jakarta.svg Capital Special Region of Jakarta Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta DKI Jakarta ID-JK 10,609,700 664 12,786 Java 6 5 1
Coat of arms of Jambi.svg Jambi Jambi Jambi ID-JA 3,585,100 50,058 57 Sumatra 11 2 9
Coat of arms of Lampung.svg Lampung Lampung Lampung ID-LA 9,081,800 34,623 226 Sumatra 15 2 13
Coat of arms of Maluku.svg Maluku Maluku Maluku ID-MA 1,862,600 46,914 32 Maluku Islands 11 2 9
Coat of arms of North Kalimantan (2021 version).svg North Kalimantan Kalimantan Utara Kaltara ID-KU 713,600 72,275 10 Kalimantan 5 1 4
Coat of arms of North Maluku.svg North Maluku Maluku Utara Malut ID-MU 1,299,200 31,982 31 Maluku Islands 10 2 8
Coat of arms of North Sulawesi.svg North Sulawesi Sulawesi Utara Sulut ID-SA 2,638,600 13,851 162 Sulawesi 15 4 11
Coat of arms of North Sumatra.svg North Sumatra Sumatra Utara Sumut ID-SU 14,936,200 72,981 188 Sumatra 33 8 25
Coat of arms of Papua 2.svg Papua Papua [ب] Papua ID-PA 1,020,200 81,049 14 Western New Guinea 9 1 8
Coat of arms of Riau.svg Riau Riau Riau ID-RI 6,493,600 87,023 52 Sumatra 12 2 10
Coat of arms of Riau Islands.svg Riau Islands Kepulauan Riau Kepri ID-KR 2,118,200 8,201 208 Sumatra 7 2 5
Coat of arms of Southeast Sulawesi.svg Southeast Sulawesi Sulawesi Tenggara Sultra ID-SG 2,659,200 38,067 51 Sulawesi 17 2 15
Coat of arms of South Kalimantan.svg South Kalimantan Kalimantan Selatan Kalsel ID-KS 4,122,600 38,744 96 Kalimantan 13 2 11
South Papua Papua Selatan Pasel 517,600 131,493 4.1 Western New Guinea 4 0 4
Coat of arms of South Sulawesi.svg South Sulawesi Sulawesi Selatan Sulsel ID-SN 9,139,500 46,717 151 Sulawesi 24 3 21
Coat of arms of South Sumatra.svg South Sumatra Sumatra Selatan Sumsel ID-SS 8,550,900 91,592 86 Sumatra 17 4 13
Coat of arms of West Java.svg West Java Jawa Barat Jabar ID-JB 48,782,400 35,377 1,176 Java 27 9 18
Coat of arms of West Kalimantan.svg West Kalimantan Kalimantan Barat Kalbar ID-KB 5,470,800 147,307 30 Kalimantan 14 2 12
Coat of arms of West Nusa Tenggara.svg West Nusa Tenggara Nusa Tenggara Barat NTB ID-NB 5,390,000 18,572 234 Lesser Sunda Islands 10 2 8
Coat of arms of West Papua.svg West Papua Papua Barat Pabar ID-PB[8] 1,156,800 97,024 8 Western New Guinea 13 1 12
Coat of arms of West Sulawesi.svg West Sulawesi Sulawesi Barat Sulbar ID-SR 1,436,800 16,787 73 Sulawesi 6 0 6
Coat of arms of West Sumatra.svg West Sumatra Sumatra Barat Sumbar ID-SB 5,580,200 42,012 110 Sumatra 19 7 12
Coat of arms of Yogyakarta.svg Special Region of Yogyakarta Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta DIY ID-YO 3,712,900 3,133 1,138 Java 5 1 4

مقاطعات سابقة

تطور مقاطعات إندونيسيا من 1945 حتى تأسيس شمال كالمنتن في 2012
Three-province سومطرة (1948–56) (L) and two-province Sulawesi (1960–64) with present-day regency borders

Upon the independence of Indonesia, eight provinces were established. جاوة الغربية وجاوة الوسطى وجاوة الشرقية و مالوكو still exist as of today despite later divisions, while Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Nusa Tenggara, formerly Lesser Sunda (Sunda Kecil) were fully liquidated by dividing them into new provinces. The province of Central Sumatra existed from 1948 to 1957, while East Timor was annexed as a province from 1976 until its power transfer to UNTAET in 1999 prior to its independence as a country in 2002.

المقاطعة العاصمة الفترة الخلف
سومطرة[9] Bukittinggi / Medan 1945–1948 سومطرة الوسطى
سومطرة الشمالية
سومطرة الجنوبية
Kalimantan[10] Banjarmasin 1945–1956 East Kalimantan
South Kalimantan
West Kalimantan
مالوكو[Note 1] Ambon 1945–1949[11]/1956[12] Maluku[Note 2]

West Irian

Nusa Tenggara[13] Singaraja 1945–1958 Bali
East Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara
Sulawesi[14] Makassar / مانادو 1945–1960 North-Central Sulawesi
South-Southeast Sulawesi
Central Sumatra
(Sumatra Tengah)[9][15]
Bukittinggi 1948–1957 جامبي
سومطرة الغربية
West Irian (Irian Barat)[Note 3] Soasio 1956[16]–1962 West Irian[Note 4]

Maluku[Note 5]

North-Central Sulawesi
(Sulawesi Utara-Tengah)[17]
مانادو 1960–1964 سولاوسي الشمالية
سولاوسي الوسطى
South-Southeast Sulawesi
(Sulawesi Selatan-Tenggara)[17]
Makassar 1960–1964 سولاوسي الجنوبية
جنوب شرق سولاوسي
West Irian (Irian Barat) (1962–1973), إيريان جايا (1973–2000) Kotabaru (1962–1963)
Sukarnopura (1963–1968)
Jayapura (1968–الحاضر)
1963–1999 Irian Jaya (1999–2000)
Papua (2000–present)
West Irian Jaya (1999–2007)
West Papua (2007–الحاضر)
East Timor
(Timor Timur)[18]
ديلي 1976–1999 جمهورية تيمور-لستى الديمقراطية
پاپوا جاياپورا 1999/2000–2022 پاپوا الوسطى (1999,[19] 2003[Note 6])
Highland Papua
North Papua[20][Note 7]
South Papua

مقاطعات تغير اسمها

Year Old name
Old name
New name
New name
Current name
1954 Sunda Kecil Lesser Sunda Nusa Tenggara Nusa Tenggara non-existent
1959 Aceh Aceh Daerah Istimewa Aceh Aceh Special Region Aceh
1961 Jakarta Raya Greater Jakarta Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Raya Greater Jakarta Special Capital Region Jakarta Special Capital Region
1973 Irian Barat West Irian Irian Jaya Irian Jaya Papua
1990 Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Raya Greater Jakarta Special Capital Region Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Jakarta Special Capital Region Jakarta Special Capital Region
2001 Daerah Istimewa Aceh Aceh Special Region Nanggroë Aceh Darussalam State of Aceh, the Abode of Peace Aceh
2002 Irian Jaya Irian Jaya Papua Papua Papua
2007 Irian Jaya Barat West Irian Jaya Papua Barat West Papua West Papua
2009 Nanggroë Aceh Darussalam State of Aceh, the Abode of Peace Aceh Aceh Aceh

عواصم سابقة لمقاطعات

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ Jakarta is a province-level Capital Special Region comprising five Kota Administrasis (administrative cities/municipalities) and one Kabupaten Administrasi (administrative regency).
  2. ^ Since 25 July 2022 Papua Province has been reduced to just the northern part of Western New Guinea, plus three regencies in Cenderawasih Bay, with most of the previous parts of the province split off to form three new provinces. Figures have been adjusted to take account of this separation.
  1. ^ وتضم غرب غينيا الجديدة
  2. ^ Including Northern Maluku
  3. ^ Including Central Halmahera و تيدورى
  4. ^ Minus Central Halmahera and تيدورى
  5. ^ Central Halmahera and Tidore was re-integrated with مالوكو
  6. ^ Unilateral decralation
  7. ^ On proposed


  1. ^ ISO 3166-2:ID
  2. ^ Badan Pusat Statistik، جاكرتا، 2023.
  3. ^ "Data Wilayah – Kementerian Dalam Negeri – Republik Indonesia". Archived from the original on 2012-02-22. Retrieved 2011-02-16.
  4. ^ (in Indonesian)Buku Induk—Kode dan Data Wilayah Administrasi Pemerintahan per Provinsi, Kabupaten/Kota dan Kecamatan Seluruh Indonesia, Kementerian Dalam Negeri [Ministry of Home Affairs], http://www.kemendagri.go.id/media/documents/2015/02/25/l/a/lampiran_i.pdf 
  5. ^ ISO 3166-2:ID (ISO 3166-2 codes for the provinces of Indonesia)
  6. ^ Badan Pusat Statistik/Statistics Indonesia, Jakarta, 2022.
  7. ^ Figures adjusted to take account of the separation of Tarakan city and four regencies, as confirmed by Badan Pusat Statistik, to form the new province of North Kalimantan, listed separately in this table.
  8. ^ West Papua was created from the western portion of Papua province in February 2003, initially under the name of Irian Jaya Barat, and was renamed Papua Barat (West Papua) on 7 February 2007. The split remains controversial. In November 2004, the Constitutional Court of Indonesia ruled that the split violated Papua's autonomy laws. However, since the western province had already been created, it should remain separate from Papua. The ruling also aborted the creation of another proposed province, Central Irian Jaya, because the split was not yet completed. As of June 2008, an ISO 3166-2 code has not yet been published for West Papua. If one were to follow precedent, it would be ID-PB. Note: ISO 3166-2 Newsletter II-1 (corrected 2010-02-19) page 18-19 confirms this as ID-PB. See http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_3166-2_newsletter_ii-1_corrected_2010-02-19.pdf . The code ID-IJ now refers to the larger geographical region including Papua and West Papua.
  9. ^ أ ب "Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 21 Tahun 1950" [Government Regulation Number 21 of 1950] (PDF). hukum.unsrat.ac.id (in الإندونيسية). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-12-11. Retrieved 1 May 2020.
  10. ^ "Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1956" [Act Number 25 of 1956]. hukumonline.com (in الإندونيسية). Retrieved 14 November 2018.
  11. ^ "PERDA Prov. Papua No. 6 Tahun 2016 tentang Hari Jadi Provinsi Papua [JDIH BPK RI]". peraturan.bpk.go.id. Retrieved 2022-10-16.
  12. ^ "UU No. 15 Tahun 1956 tentang Pembentukan Daerah Otonom Propinsi Irian Barat [JDIH BPK RI]". peraturan.bpk.go.id. Retrieved 2022-10-16.
  13. ^ "Undang-Undang Nomor 64 Tahun 1958" [Act Number 64 of 1958]. hukumonline.com (in الإندونيسية). Republic of Indonesia. Retrieved 14 November 2018.
  14. ^ "Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Nomor 47 Tahun 1960" [Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 47 of 1960]. hukumonline.com (in الإندونيسية). Retrieved 14 November 2018.
  15. ^ "Undang-Undang Darurat Nomor 19 Tahun 1957" [Emergency Act Number 19 Year 1957]. hukumonline.com (in الإندونيسية). Retrieved 14 November 2018.
  16. ^ "UU No. 15 Tahun 1956 tentang Pembentukan Daerah Otonom Propinsi Irian Barat [JDIH BPK RI]". peraturan.bpk.go.id. Retrieved 2022-10-15.
  17. ^ أ ب "Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 1964" [Act Number 13 of 1964]. hukumonline.com (in Indonesian). Retrieved 29 January 2020.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  18. ^ "Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 7 Tahun 1976" [Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 1976] (PDF) (in Indonesian). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2018-11-14. Retrieved 2018-11-14.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  19. ^ "UU No. 45 Tahun 1999 tentang Pembentukan Propinsi Irian Jaya Tengah, Propinsi Irian Jaya Barat, Kabupaten Paniai, Kabupaten Mimika, Kabupaten Puncak Jaya, Dan Kota Sorong [JDIH BPK RI]". peraturan.bpk.go.id. Retrieved 2022-10-16.
  20. ^ RI, Setjen DPR. "Baleg DPR Gelar Harmonisasi RUU Papua Utara". www.dpr.go.id (in الإندونيسية). Retrieved 2022-10-16.

قالب:Districts of Indonesia