
النوعWheeled amphibious armored personnel carrier
مكان الأصلSoviet Union
تاريخ الخدمة
في الخدمة1959–present
يستخدمهSee Operators
الحروبSee List of conflicts
تاريخ الانتاج
المصممV. A. Dedkov
الصانعGorkovsky Avtomobilny Zavod (Soviet Union)
Ratmil Regie Autonoma (Romania, TAB-71)
أُنتِج1960–1976 (Soviet Union)[2]
1970-1990 (Romania)[3]
No. المُنتج~25,000 (Soviet Union)[4]
1,878 (Romania, TAB-71)[3]
التنويعاتSee Variants
المواصفات (BTR-60PB)
الوزن10.3 t (11.4 short tons)[2]
الطول7.56 m[5][6]
العرض2.83 m (9 ft 3+12 in)[6]
الارتفاع2.31 m (7 ft 7 in)[5][6]
الطاقم3 + 14 passengers (original roofless BTR-60P had 2+14 capacity, reduced to 2+12 in BTR-60PA and 2+8 in BTR-60PB)[7][8]

الدرعWelded steel[1]
7 mm at 86° hull upper front[1][6]
9 mm at 47° hull lower front[1][6]
7 mm hull sides[6]
5 mm hull upper rear[6]
7 mm hull lower rear[6]
5 mm hull floor[6]
7 mm hull roof[6]
10 mm turret front[9]
7 mm turret sides[6]
7 mm turret sear[6]
7 mm turret roof[6]
14.5 mm KPVT heavy machine gun (500 rounds)[6]
7.62 mm PKT tank coaxial machine gun (3,000 rounds)[6]
المحرك2×GAZ-40P 6-cylinder gasoline[2]
67 kW (90 hp) each[2][1][6][10][11][12]
134 kW (180 hp) (combined)
القدرة/الوزن13.7 kW/t (18.4 hp/t)
التعليقwheeled 8×8
الخلوص عن الأرض475 mm (18+1116 in)[6]
سعة الوقود290 L (77 US gal)[6]
500 km (300 mi)[6]
السرعة80 km/h (50 mph) on road
10 km/h (6 mph) in water[6]

بي تي أر-60 إنگليزية: BTR-60، (بالروسية: БТР-60) هي مدرعة مدولبة لنقل الجنود، سوفيتية الصنع، جرى تصميمها في عام 1955 ودخلت الخدمة في سنة 1959 في الجيش السوفيتي كما تم تصديرها إلى دول حلف وارسو إضافة إلى دول الشرق الأوسط من مصر وسورية والعراق وإيران وشمال أفريقيا من الجزائر وليبيا.

يبلغ وزن المدرعة 11.4 طن ويتكون طاقمها من 3 أفراد وسعة ركاب لـ 14 راكب إضافي يشمل تسليحها الأساسي على رشاش ثقيل عيار 14.5 ملم، السرعة القصوى للبي تي أر-60 تصل إلى 80 كم/س.



في أعقاب الحرب العالمية الثانية صمم الاتحاد السوفييتي عدة ناقلات جنود مدرعة وحظيت كل من البي تي أر-40 والبي تي أر-152 بالنصيب الأكبر من كميات الإنتاج وقد استفادت القوات السوفييتية من تجربة استخدام ناقلات الجنود المدولبة بالرغم من أنها لم تكن مناسبة للجيش حيث تفتقر إلى سقف والذي أضيف للنسخ اللاحقة من المدرعتين البي تي أر-40 و152، وكان الاتحاد السوفييتي قد اتخذ قرارا في عام 1956-1957 بتحويل جميع فرق المشاة إلى فرق آلية وتولدت الحاجة عند إذ لمركبات جديدة للفرق الآلية وعليه تم تصميم مركبة جديدة لتدخل مرحلة الإنتاج.

بي تي أر-60

طلب في تصميم المركبة الجديدة أن تكون رباعية الدفع وأن تكون برمائية وذات قدرات على اجتياز الخنادق والموانع المائية للسماح لها بالعمل جنبا إلى جنب مع الدبابات بدأ في تصميم المركبة الجديدة في شتاء 1956 وبالرغم من أن الجيش كان يريد مركبة مسقوفة بالكامل ونظام حماية من أسلحة الدمار الشامل (الكيميائية والبيولوجية والنووية) إلا أن هذا لم يكن متوفرا في المتطلبات التصميمة حيث تم النقاش حول صعوبة إطلاق النار من مكان داخلي ضيق ولم يكن مركزا في التصميم أن تقليل المركبة الخسائر البشرية أنتج النموذج الأولى ما بين 1957 و 1958 قدمت النماذج المصممة في 1959 للاختبار، اجتازت جميع النماذج الاختبارات واختيرت مركبة المصممة من قبل شركة كاز لتحمل اسم بي تي أر-60 كان الأختيار قد وقع عليها لكونها الأقل تكلفة من بين باقي النماذج كما كانت أكثر بساطة وبدون نظم معقدة الأمر الذي يسمح بإنتاج كميات كبيرة منها.


Map of BTR-60 operators in blue with former operators in red

المشغلون الحاليون

  •  أفغانستان:[4] 600 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1978 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1979 and 1986 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service).[13] A number of BTR-60s bought from Russia in 2002.[14] 300 BTR-60s are currently in service.
  •  الجزائر:[4] 400 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1977 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1978 and 1981 (the vehicles were possibly previously in Soviet service). 10 BTR-60PU-12s were ordered along with 10 9K31 SAM batteries in 1979 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1979 and 1980.[13] At peak there were 530 BTR-60s in service. Currently 400 BTR-60s and OT-64 SKOTs are in service.[15]
  •  أنگولا:[4][16] 74 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1975 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1975 and 1976. 175 BTR-60PBs and BTR-60PB-based command vehicles were ordered in 1980 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1981 and 1985 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service, some could be BTR-50P). 250 BTR-60PBs and BTR-60PB-based command vehicles were ordered in 1987 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1987 and 1988 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service).[13] 90 BTR-60s in service in 2000.[17] 100 BTR-60s are currently in service.
  •  أذربيجان: 15 in service with the armed forces in 1992, 11 in 1993, 8 in 1994, 25 in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 and 23 in 2006. 21 in service with the internal forces in 1992 and 1993, 2 in 1994, 3 in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2006. 12 in service with the boundary forces in 1992 and 1993, 13 in 1994, 19 in 1995 and 1996, 14 in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2006.[18]
  •  بلاروس: 221 in service in 1995 and 188 in 2000, 2003 and 2005.[19]
  •  بوتان[4] 27 donated by India. All currently active.
  •  بتسوانا:[4] 30 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1981 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1981 (the vehicles were previously in Soviet service).[13] 30 BTR-60s in service in 2001.[20] Currently 50 BTR-60s are in service.[21]
  •  بلغاريا: Currently 150 BTR-60PBs in service, modernized to the BTR-60PB-MD1 standard.[22] 900 BTR-60Ps and BTR-60PAUs were ordered in 1962 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1964 and 1972[13] (some of the delivered vehicles were most probably BTR-60PB). [4]
  •  كمبوديا:[4] 40 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1989 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1990 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service).[13] At peak there were 210 BTR-60s. Currently 160 BTR-60s are in service.[23]
  •  تشاد: Currently 20 are in service.[24]
  •  الصين: Captured 4 BTR-60PBs from the Soviet Union during the Sino-Soviet border conflict in March 1969. Produced and operated a small number of copies designed through reverse engineering.[4]
  •  جمهورية الكونغو:[4] 28 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1984 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1984 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service).[13] Currently 30 BTR-60s are in service.[25]
  • الكونغو الديمقراطية: 30 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 2000 from Ukraine and delivered in 2000 (the vehicles were previously in Soviet and later Ukrainian service).[13] 6 more BTR-60s were bought from Ukraine on the same year.[26] Currently 30-70 BTR-60PBs are in service.[27]
  •  كوبا:[4] 150 BTR-60Ps were ordered in 1961 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1962 and 1964.[13] Cuba also bought a number of BTR-60PBs. 10 BTR-60PU-12s were ordered along with 40 9K31 SAM systems in 1984 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1985 and 1986.[13] Currently 400 BTR-60s are in service.
  •  جيبوتي:[4] 12 BTR-60PBs ordered in 1979 from Iraq and received as aid in 1980 (the vehicles were previously in Iraqi service).[13] 1 was later fitted with a turret from the French AML-90 light armoured car. (See Djibouti section for details).[4][12]
  •  مصر: A few hundred BTR-60s and BTR-152s acquired before June 1967.[4] 650 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1969 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1970 and 1973.[13] Currently 200 BTR-60PBs are in service.[28]
  •  إرتريا: Currently 65 are in service.
  •  إثيوپيا:[4] 100 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1977 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1977 and 1978 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service). 200 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1980 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1980 and 1981 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service). 250 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1984 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1985 and 1986 (the vehicles were previously in Soviet service).[13] Currently 80 BTR-60PBs are in service.
  •  غانا: Currently 6 are in service.
  •  غينيا:[4] 8 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1983 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1983 (the vehicles were second hand).[13] Currently 8 are in service.[29]
  •  غينيا-بيساو:[4] 15 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1979 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1979 (the vehicles were probably second hand).[13] Currently 35 are in service.
  •  الهند:[4][12] 56 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1976 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1977. 50 BTR-60PU-12s were ordered along with 200 9K31 SAM systems in 1979 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1979 and 1984.[13] At peak there were 817 BTR-60s in service. 50 BTR-60PBs were in service in 1990, none in service in 1995.[30] BTR-60PU-12s are probably still in service.
  •  إيران:[4] 300 BTR-60Ps were ordered in 1966 from the Soviet Union along with 270 BTR-50s as a $110mln deal and delivered between 1967 and 1968. 200 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1986 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1986 and 1987 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service).[13] Currently 150 are in service.[31]
  • إسرائيل: Captured a number from Egypt or Syria.[4] Some of them have been converted into mortar carriers (See Israel section for details).[12]
  •  قزخستان: There were 300 BTR-60s and BTR-50s in service in 2000, 2002 and 2005.[32]
  •  كنيا: Currently 24 are in service.
  •  قيرغيزستان: There were 96 in service in 1995 and 53 in 2000 and 2005.[33]
  •  لاوس:[4] 35 BTR-60Ps were ordered in 1980 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1981 and 1982 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service).[13] Currently 70 are in service. BTR-60s have been seen in service as recently as January 2019.[34]
  •  ليبريا: 8 TAB-71s ordered in 1986 from Romania and delivered in 1987 (the vehicles were previously in Romanian service, part of a deal worth $4 million).[13]
  •  ليبيا:[4] 100 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1974 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1975. 60 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1976 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1976.[13] At peak there were 750 BTR-60s in service. 700 BTR-50s and BTR-60s were in service in 1986.[35] Currently 540 BTR-50s and BTR-60s are in service.[36]
BTR-60PB in Lithuanian army service.
  •  مالي:[4] 10 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1982 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1982 (the vehicles were probably second hand).[13] Up to 44 in service in 2013.[37]
  •  المكسيك:[4] Bought 30 BTR-60-based firefighting variants from Irtish company and converted them into APC-70s. All in service with the marine units.[12]
  •  مولدوڤا: 27 BTR-60PBs inherited from the Soviet Union in 1991.[38] 161 TAB-71Ms ordered in 1992 from Romania and delivered between 1992 and 1995 (the vehicles were previously in Romanian service).[13] Currently 12 BTR-60PBs and 121 TAB-71Ms are in service.
  •  منغوليا:[4] 50 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1975 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1975 and 1976.[13] Currently 300 BTR-60s are in service.[39]
  •  المغرب:[4] Currently more than 45 are in service.
  •  موزمبيق:[4] 30 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1977 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1977 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service). 60 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1979 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1981 and 1986 (the vehicles were previously in Soviet service).[13] More than 150 BTR-60s in service in 2001.[40] Currently 150 BTR-60s are in service.
  •  ناميبيا: 10 BTR-60s in service in 2001.[41]
  •  نيكاراگوا:[4] 84 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1981 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1981 and 1988 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service).[13] Currently 64 BTR-60PBs are in service.
  •  نيجريا: Currently 6 are in service.
  •  كوريا الشمالية:[4] 100 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1973 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1974 and 1975.[13] There were 1,010 Korshuns, VTT-323s, Type 63s (YW-531), BTR-40s, BTR-50s, BTR-60s and BTR-152s in service in 1985, 2,200 VTT-323s, Type 63s (YW-531), BTR-40s, BTR-50s, BTR-60s and BTR-152s in service in 1990 and 1995 and 2,500 VTT-323s, Type 63s (YW-531), BTR-40s, BTR-50s, BTR-60s and BTR-152s in service in 2000, 2002 and 2005.[42] Currently 1,000 BTR-60s are in service.
  • YPG insignia.jpg People's Defense Units (YPG)[43]
  •  پيرو: Currently 12 are in service.[بحاجة لمصدر]
  •  روسيا: There were 4,900 BTR-60s, BTR-70s and BTR-80s in service in 2002 and 2003 including 750 in service with the Naval infantry and 280 in service the coastal defense forces.[44] 6,000 BTR-50s, BTR-60s, BTR-70s, BTR-80s and BTR-152s in service in 2000, 2005 and 2008.[45] Currently 17 are in active service and some are kept in storage.[46]
  •  رواندا[47]
  •  الجمهورية العربية الصحراوية الديمقراطية‎[48]
A Somali National Army BTR-60 armoured personnel carrier.
  •  صربيا: 10
  •  الصومال:[12] 10 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1976 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1976.[13] 5 are currently in service.
  •  السودان[4]
  •  سوريا:[4][12] 150 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1970 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1970 and 1971. 500 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1973 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1973 and 1975.[13] Around 1,500 BTR-40s, BTR-50s, BTR-60PBs, BTR-152s and OT-64s in service in 1990, 1995 and 2000 and around 1,600 in 2001, 2003 and 2005.[49] 600 BTR-60PBs are currently in service.
  •  طاجيكستان: 7 were inherited from Soviet Union. 1 in service in 2000 and 2005.[50]
  •  ترانس‌نيستريا[51]
  •  تركمنستان: There were 543 BTR-60s, BTR-70s and BTR-80s in service in 1995 and 829 in 2000 and 2005.[52]
  •  أوغندا: 20 BTR-60s in service in 1999.[53]
  •  أوكرانيا: 500[54] were inherited from the Soviet Union. 220 in service in 1995, 202 in 2000 and 176 in 2005.[55]
  •  اوزبكستان: There were 24 in service in 2000 and 2005.[56] Currently 24 are in service.
  •  ڤيتنام:[4] 500 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1978 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1978 and 1980 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service).[13] Currently 400 BTR-60s are in service.
  •  اليمن:[4] Currently 500 are in service.
  •  زامبيا:[4] 13 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1979 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1980 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service, part of the deal worth between $72 million and $100 million).[13] Currently 13 are in service.

المشغلون السابقون

  •  أرمنيا: 25 in service with the armed forces in 1994, 19 in 1995, 1996, 14 in 1997 and 1998, 11 in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2006. 3 in service with the ministry of internal affairs in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2006. 5 in service with the ministry of national safety in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2006.[18] Some in service with the police.
  •  كرواتيا: 16 TAB-71s captured from JNA and later scrapped. In 1998 there were 17 MT-LBs, BOVs and LOV variants in service with the Croatian army and BTR-60s in service with the police.[57]
  •  تشيكوسلوڤاكيا:[1] 28 BTR-60PU-12s were ordered along with 28 9K31 SAM batteries in 1979 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1980 and 1989. 5 BTR-60PU-12s were ordered in 1982 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1982 and 1984 (used in 5 9K33M Osa-M SAM batteries). 25 BTR-60PU-12s were ordered in 1984 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1984 and 1990 (used in 25 9K35 Strela-10 SAM batteries).[13]
  •  ألمانيا الشرقية:[4] 1,500 SPW-60Ps, SPW-60PAs and SPW-60PBs were ordered in 1963 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1965 and 1970. 24 BTR-60PU-12s were ordered along with 24 9K31 SAM batteries in 1978 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1979 and 1984.[13] 260 SPW-60PAs and 2,000 SPW-60PBs (including variants) were passed on to the unified German state.
  •  إستونيا: 2[58] Withdrawn from service[4]
  •  فنلندا: 120 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1975 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1976.[13] Withdrawn from service in 2006.[12][4]
  •  ألمانيا: 260 SPW-60PA and 2,000 SPW-60PB (including variants), taken from GDR's army; all scrapped or sold to other countries.
  •  جورجيا: 3 BTR-60s and BTR-70s used in War in Abkhazia (1992–1993).[38] 1 BTR-60 in service in 2005 and 2008.[59]
  •  گرينادا: 6 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1981 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1982 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service).[13]
  •  المجر: 150 BTR-60Ps were ordered in 1961 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1963. 7 BTR-60PU-12s were ordered along with 7 9K35 SAM batteries in 1979 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1979 and 1983.[13]
  • Flag of العراق البعثي العراق البعثي: 250 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1970 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1971 and 1975.[13] At peak there were 500 BTR-60s in service. There were 3,500 BTR-50s, BTR-60s, BTR-152s, EE-11 Urutus, Panhard M3s, M113A1s, M113A2s, OT-62 TOPASess, OT-64 SKOTs and Walids in service in 1990, around 2,000 BTR-50s, BTR-60s, BTR-152s, EE-11 Urutus, Panhard M3s, MT-LBs, OT-62 TOPASes, OT-64 SKOTs, Walids and YW-701s in 1995, around 2,400 BTR-50s, BTR-60s, BTR-152s, EE-11 Urutus, Panhard M3s, MT-LBs, OT-62 TOPASes, OT-64 SKOTs, Walids and YW-701s in 2000 and around 2,400 BTR-50s, BTR-60s, BTR-152s, EE-11 Urutus, Panhard M3s, MT-LBs, M113A1s, M113A2s, OT-62 TOPASes, OT-64 SKOTs, Walids and YW-701s in 2002.[60]
  •  لبنان: 18 BTR-60PBs delivered by Iraq to the Lebanese Forces between 1986 and 1989. 10 BTR-60PBs delivered by Israel to the South Lebanon Army in 1982. Unknown number of vehicles delivered by Syria and Libya to the Druze People's Liberation Army militia between 1983 and 1987.[61]
  •  لتوانيا:[4][12] 15 BTR-60PBs (in some sources – BTR-60PA)[62] were ordered in 1992 from Russia and delivered in 1992 (the vehicles were previously in Soviet and later Russian service, some lacked their armament).[13] 14 BTR-60PBs were bought in 1995 from Russia. There were 27 BTR-60PBs in service in 2006 and 2007.[26] Currently 20 BTR-60s are in service.
  •  شمال مقدونيا: 31 BTR-60P retired
  •  پولندا:[12] Several BTRs were used by the People's Army of Poland, but were not accepted in armaments because of the competing Polish-Czech OT-64 SKOT, so they were sold to ZOMO. In 1981–1982, 40 transporters were delivered in the PB version for ZOMO and the Milicja Obywatelska. After 1989 they were sent to the Policja, where they are withdrawn for the moment, or are in stock. Some have been handed over to museums.[63]
  •  رومانيا: Produced 1,872 TAB-71s, TAB-71Ms, TERA-71s, TERA-71Ls, TAB-71A R-1450s, TAB-71A R-1451s, TAB-71A R-1452s and 491 TAB-71ARs between 1970 and 1990 for the Romanian army. More were produced for export.[13] The vehicle was the main APC of the Romanian Socialist Army, accounting for over 70% of its APCs.[64] In 2009, 965 TAB-71s, TERA-71s, TERA-71Ls, TAB-71A R-1450s, TAB-71A R-1451s, TAB-71A R-1452s and 491 TAB-71ARs were in service.[65]
  •  الاتحاد السوڤيتي: Produced around 25,000 BTR-60s.[4] 35,500 BTR-50s, BTR-60s, BTR-70s, BTR-80s and BTR-152s in service in 1985.[45] 4,191 BTR-60s in service with units station in the European part of Soviet Union in 1990.[66] Passed on to successor states.
  •  اليمن الشمالي: 150 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1979 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1980 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service).[13]
  •  اليمن الجنوبي: 100 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1981 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1981 and 1982 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service). 40 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1986 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1986 (the vehicles were probably previously in Soviet service).[13]
  •  تركيا:[4][12] 300 SPW-60PBs were ordered in 1990 from Germany with 195 being delivered between 1990 and 1991 and 105 being delivered in 1992 (the vehicles were previously in East German service, part of the CFE Cascade programme).[13][10][26] 23 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1993 from Russia and delivered in 1993 (the vehicles were previously in Soviet and later Russian service, part of a $75M deal, used by the police).[13] All now phased out of Turkish Armed Forces service, used only by Gendarmerie General Command.
  •  يوغوسلاڤيا: 80 BTR-60Ps were ordered in 1965 from the Soviet Union and delivered in 1966. 40 TAB-71s were ordered in 1978 from Romania and delivered between 1980 and 1981 (used by the police).[4][13]
  •  زائير: 10 BTR-60PBs were ordered in 1980 from an unknown supplier and delivered in 1980 (the vehicles were probably second-hand).[13] Passed on to the successor state.

مواضيع متعلقة


  1. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Pancerni 1
  2. ^ أ ب ت ث خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Czołgi Świata 1
  3. ^ أ ب "Soviet/Russian Armor and Artillery Design Practices: 1945-1995". Marine Corps Intelligence Activity. 11 May 1995 – via Google Books.
  4. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن هـ و ي أأ أب أت أث أج أح أخ أد أذ أر أز أس أش خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Czołgi Świata 4
  5. ^ أ ب "softland BTR-60". Archived from the original on 30 December 2007.
  6. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف Gary's Combat Vehicle Reference Guide Archived 4 يناير 2008 at the Wayback Machine. (1 November 2007). Retrieved on 21 September 2011.
  7. ^ IN0534 Edition D Lesson 2 Threat Light Armored Vehicles Identification and Capabilities Archived 7 مارس 2010 at the Wayback Machine. (27 April 2005). Retrieved on 21 September 2011.
  8. ^[dead link]
  9. ^ FAS BRDM-2 Archived 3 مارس 2016 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved on 21 September 2011.
  10. ^ أ ب خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Pancerni 2
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  • Hull, A.W., Markov, D.R., Zaloga, S.J. (1999) Soviet/Russian Armor and Artillery Design Practices 1945 to Present. Darlington Productions. ISBN 1-892848-01-5.
  • A.V. Karpenko (1996) Obozreniye Bronetankovoj Tekhniki (1905–1995 gg.) Nevskij Bastion
  • Samer Kassis, 30 Years of Military Vehicles in Lebanon, Beirut: Elite Group, 2003. ISBN 9953-0-0705-5
  • International Institute for Strategic Studies (February 2021). The Military Balance 2021. Vol. 121. Routledge. ISBN 9781032012278.

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