This article discusses utilitarian ethical theory. For a discussion of John Stuart Mill's essay Utilitarianism (1861), see Utilitarianism (book).
سلسلة النفعية، جزء من سلسلة السياسة |
بوابة:السياسة |
النفعية Utilitarianism مدرسة أخلاقية تقول أن القيمة الأخلاقية للفعل يتحدد بمقدار إسهامه في النفع utility العام. بسبب هذا فهي شكل من أشكال العواقبية consequentialism ، التي تعني ان الفعل يقيم بحسب ما ينتج عنه . النفع - محاولة زياة ما هو جيد - يعرف من قبل عدة مفكرين على انه السعادة أو البهجة pleasure مقابل المعاناة و الألم ، مع ان النفعيين التفضيليين مثل بيتر سيتغر يعرف النفع على انه إرضاء تفضيلات الإنسان. تميل النفعية لاعتبار اهتمامات أي كيان قادر على الشعور بالبهجة أو الألم .
انظر أيضاً
- Altruism (ethical doctrine)
- Eudaimonism
- Greedy reductionism - Daniel Dennett describes utilitarianism as a form of this
- Gross National Happiness
- قائمة النفعيون
- Social Choice and Individual Values for Arrow's theorem on the impossibility of a consistent ordinalist (behavior-based) utilitarianism satisfying certain apparently reasonable conditions
- Utilitarian bioethics
- Utility monster
المراجع وقراءات اضافية
- Cornman, James, et al. Philosophical Problems and Arguments - An Introduction, 4th edition Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Co., 1992.
- Harwood, Sterling, "Eleven Objections to Utilitarianism," in Louis P. Pojman, ed., Moral Philosophy: A Reader, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Co., 2003), and in Sterling Harwood, ed., Business as Ethical and Business as Usual, Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1996, Chapter 7.
- Lyons, David, "Forms and Limits of Utilitarianism". Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1965.
- Martin, Michael, "A Utilitarian Kantian Principle," Philosophical Studies, (with H. Ruf), 21, 1970, pp. 90–91.
- Rosen, Frederick (2003). Classical Utilitarianism from Hume to Mill. Routledge, p. 28. ISBN 0415220947
- Silverstein, Harry S. A Defence of Cornman’s Utilitarian Kantian Principle, Philosophical Studies (Dordrecht u.a.) 23, 212–215. 1972
- Singer, Peter. The Expanding Circle: Ethics and Sociobiology, New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1981. [ISBN 0-374-15112-1]
- Singer, Peter. Practical Ethics, 2nd edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. [ISBN 0-521-43971-X]
- Sumner, L. Wayne, Abortion: A Third Way, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
وصلات خارجية
- The English Utilitarians, Volume l by Sir Leslie Stephen
- The English Utilitarians, Volume ll by Sir Leslie Stephen
- Utilitarian Philosophers. Large compendium of writings by and about the major utilitarian philosophers, both classic and contemporary.
- Utilitarian Resources. Collection of definitions, articles and links.
- Felicifia. Currently the web's only Utilitarianism forum.
- Felicifia. Utilitarianism blogs.
- Charity International. The only utilitarian organization in the world.
- Primer on the Elements and Forms of Utilitarianism. A convenient summary of the major points of utilitarianism.
- Consequentialism From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- A Critique of Utilitarianism (PDF) Bernard Williams' criticism of utilitarianism.
- Utilitarianism as Secondary Ethic A concise review of Utilitarianism, its proponents and critics.