حركات فلسفية
الحركات الفلسفية هي إما ظهور شعبية متزايدة لمدرسة فلسفية معينة أو انها تغير ثوري شامل واسع النطاق في الفكر الفلسفي حول قضايا معينة في عصر من العصور . معظم الحركات الفلسفية تتميز بمرجعيتها القومية او اللغوية أو منطقتها التاريخية التي تنشأ فيها .
العالم القديم
- Platonic realism
- Pythagoreanism
- Pyrrhonian skepticism
- Epicureanism
- Stoicism
- Cynicism
- Neoplatonism
- Mu'tazilite
العالم الحديث
- The Renaissance itself, which aimed to revive Classical Greek and Roman ideas
- Rationalism, dominant on continental Europe following Descartes
- Empiricism, dominant in Britain following Hobbes
- The Enlightenment which drew attention to the importance of science and reason to human life
- French materialism
- German idealism, fifty years from Kant's major work through the death of Hegel
- Continental Philosophy
- Romanticism
- Utilitarianism -- Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill
- Marxism
- Existentialism -- Søren Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Sartre
- Phenomenology Sartre, Heidegger
- Logicism -- Gottlob Frege
- Logical Positivism (with the Vienna Circle, Logical Atomism (Russell), and Ideal Language Philosophy (Wittgenstein))
- Analytic Philosophy -- Gottlob Frege, W. V. O. Quine
- Structuralism
- Objectivist philosophy -- Ayn Rand, see also Objectivist movement
- Modernism (more a movement in the arts, but worth noting for its connection with below)
- Postmodern philosophy -- see also Postmodernism
- Critical theory (Frankfurt School) -- see also Critical theory
- Poststructuralism
- Deconstructivism -- Jacques Derrida
- Afrisecaism
- Pan-Africanism
- Negritude
The Renaissance, Enlightenment, and Romanticism are broader cultural "movements" that happened to characterised by fairly distinctive philosophical concerns.
الحركات الفلسفية المشرقية و الإفريقية
- انظر فلسفة شرقية
- انظر فلسفة افريقية .