قالب:Infobox helium isotopes

نظائر helium (2He)
النظائر الرئيسية[1] اضمحلال
توا­فر عمر النصف (t1/2) النمط نا­تج
3He 0.0002% stable
4He 99.9998% stable
He • Helium
iso2 He  [+/−]

ibox H

indexes by PT (page)
child table, as reused in {IB-He}  v • [{{fullurl:Template:{{{template}}}|action=edit}} e] • [{{fullurl:Template:{{{template}}}|action=history}} h] 
Main isotopes of helium
النظائر الرئيسية[1] اضمحلال
توا­فر عمر النصف (t1/2) النمط نا­تج
3He 0.0002% stable
4He 99.9998% stable
أطقم بيانات قرأها {{Infobox element}}
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* غير مستخدمة في {{Infobox element}} (2023-01-01)
انظر أيضاً {{Index of data sets}} • Category:Infobox element data sets (9) • (هذا الجدول:  v )


  1. ^ أ ب Kondev, F. G.; Wang, M.; Huang, W. J.; Naimi, S.; Audi, G. (2021). "The NUBASE2020 evaluation of nuclear properties" (PDF). Chinese Physics C. 45 (3): 030001. doi:10.1088/1674-1137/abddae.
Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

This page uses the meta infobox {{Infobox isotopes (meta)}} for the element isotopes infobox.

This infobox contains the table of § Main isotopes, and the § Standard atomic weight. For example, {{Infobox uranium isotopes}}, as used on page Isotopes of uranium.

The main isotopes table is reused in the regular Infobox: {{Infobox uranium}}.

Basic example

{{Infobox isotopes (meta)
|symbol    =Ni
|ref-table =
|ref-nubase2020 =yes
|isotopes  =
|footnote  =
نظائر nickel (28Ni)
النظائر الرئيسية[1][2] اضمحلال
توا­فر عمر النصف (t1/2) النمط نا­تج
58Ni 68٫1% stable
59Ni trace 7.6×104 y ε 59Co
Footnote here
{{Infobox isotopes (meta)
|symbol    =Ni
|ref-table =<ref><nowiki>{{cite book|...}}</nowiki></ref>
|ref-nubase2020 =yes
|isotopes  =
{{Isotopes/main/isotope |mn=58 |sym=Ni
 |na=68.077% |hl=stable _link
{{Isotopes/main/isotope |mn=59 |sym=Ni
 |na=trace_link |hl={{val|7.6|e=4|u=y}}
 |dm1=e _link |link1=cobalt-59 |pn1=59 |ps1=Co
|footnote  =Footnote here
|child     ={{{child|no}}}


{{Infobox isotopes (meta)
|symbol    =
|ref-table =
|ref-nubase2020 =yes
|isotopes  =
|footnote  =Footnote here
|child     ={{{child|no}}}
  • |symbol= The chemical element; required
  • |ref-table= Will add a reference to column header, like "Main isotopes[1]"
  • |ref-nubase2020=yes/no yes will add reference {{NUBASE2020}}[2] to column header "Isotope"
  • |isotopes= List of main isotopes, see below
  • |footnote= Footnote, will appear below the main isotopes table
  • |child={{{child|no}}} Needed for interaction with {{Infobox element}}; leave as is

Main isotopes table


The Main isotopes table is build by entering one template for each isotope-row.

{{Infobox isotopes (meta)
|isotopes =
{{Isotopes/main/isotope |link= |mn= |sym=
 |na= |hl=
 |dm1= |perc1= |ref1= |link1= |pn1= |ps1= 
 |dm2= |perc2= |ref2= |link2= |pn2= |ps2=
 The single-row parameters, commented
 "!"=could be required;
  ..1&ndash;4 refer to the decay mode dm#=
 |mn    =! massnumber
 |sym   =! symbol
 |link  =  isotope page: uranium-232
 |ref   =  reference for the isotope-row
 |na    =! natural abundancy (can be: synth, trace)
 |hl    =! half-life (can be: stable)

 |dm1   =! decay mode #1
 |perc1 =  % decay
 |ref1  =  reference for decay mode #1
 |link1 =  product isotope page
 |pn1   =! product mass number
 |ps1   =! product symbol 

 |dm2   =  decay mode #2 etc.
 |dm3   =  decay mode #3 etc.
 |dm4   =  decay mode #4 etc.
  • For all code and formatted input: when not recognised, the input is shows as-is (unedited).

abundance, half-life trace, synthetic, stable by keyboard code

  • Parameters |na=, |hl= can handle simple keyboard code input. This simplifies typing:
|na=trace, synth, |hl=stable, obs stable.
|na=synth_link will link → synth
See also: percentage abundance, below.
When not recognised, the input is shows as-is (unedited).

decay mode (ββ) by keyboard code

  • Decay modes |dm1–4= can be entered as keyboard code:
|dm1=b+b+ (instead of |dm1=&beta;<sup>+</sup>&beta;<sup>+</sup>), will show β+β+.
Also, to wikilink:
When not recognised, the input is shows as-is (unedited).
basic dm1–4 code rules
  • αa, βb, γg, εe
Note: plain Latin letter e used in "e+" only. (No confusion with "ee" for εε/ee).
  • x+, x+ &minus; (superscript = inline)
  • - − – - (keyboard hyphen = minus)
  • A≠a: keep uppercase: SF ← SF (sf)

percentage abundance, decay mode formatting

  • Half-life time: usually {{val}} to format|hl={{val|12.3|e=4|u=Ey}}}12.3×104 Ey. Do not link the unit.
  • Percentage input |na=, |perc1, perc2, perc3, perc4=
No need for {{val}}, plain "12.34%" will do.
The number willbe rounded to 3 sigfig.
When dm-% |perc1=0.003%, then formatted as "<0.01%".
When dm-% |perc1=2.7e-12, then formatted as "≪0.01%".
  • To evade this rule, use {{val}}: |na={{val|0.9995|u=%}} (e.g., hydrogen)
Do not add uncertainties "(5)" or "±0.3"

add reference

  • USe dedicated reference parameters:
  • |ref-table=<ref>... in column header
  • |ref-nubase2020=yes/no adds {{NUBASE2020}} in column header
  • |ref= per isotope
  • |ref= per decay mode

Do not add reference with input value: dm1=α<ref>..</ref>

Decay modes

/isotope Full parameter list

{{Isotopes/main/isotope |link= |mn= |sym=
 |na= |hl=
 |dm1= |perc1= |link1= |ref1= |pn1= |ps1=
 |dm2= |perc2= |link2= |ref2= |pn2= |ps2=
 |dm3= |perc3= |link3= |ref3= |pn3= |ps3=
 |dm4= |perc4= |link4= |ref4= |pn4= |ps4=

Standard atomic weight

The Infobox contains the table of Main Isotopes (more below), and the standard atomic weight (as published by CIAAW, see {{Infobox element/symbol-to-saw/CIAAW-saw-element-page}}.

ما الجديد

Mar 2023
Main usually refers to Main isotopes (not mainspace, not main-article about ..)
|isobox ref= depr, repl |ref-table=, position=top table TODO check when child
|ref-nubase2020=yes/no (aka |ref-NUBASE2020=) {{NUBASE2020}} named! ref tag! dflt


This is the Infobox for an elements main isotopes. The meta-templatee is {{Infobox isotopes (meta)}} (META)

It contains a table of main isotopes and eventually the standard atomic weight.

This template is reused in {{Infobox <element>}} as a child Infobox (|child=yes).

اعتبارا من Jan 2023, a 'Main isotope' is conforming MOS:MAINISOTOPE (under construction, see WP:ELEMENTS What is a "Main_isotope"?)

Each isotope has its own row, with decay modes:

{{Infobox isotopes (meta)
|symbol    =
|ref-table =
|ref-nubase2020=<!-- yes/no -->
|ref-NUBASE2020=<!-- aka -->
|isotopes  =
 |link= |mn= |sym=
 |na= |hl=
 |dm1= |perc1= |link1= |ref1= |pn1= |ps1=
 |dm2= |perc2= |link2= |ref2= |pn2= |ps2=
 |dm3= |perc3= |link3= |ref3= |pn3= |ps3=
 |dm4= |perc4= |link4= |ref4= |pn4= |ps4= }}
|footnote  =
|child     ={{{child|no}}}<!-- [IB element] -->
Table used in {{Infobox element}}

مثال اضمحلال النظير

نظائر  ()
النظائر الرئيسية اضمحلال
توا­فر عمر النصف (t1/2) النمط نا­تج
234U 95% 2 y[3] α 247Cn
β 242Pu
{{Infobox isotopes (meta)
{{Isotopes/main/isotope |sym=U |mn=234
 |na=95% |hl=2 y
 |ref=<ref>Reference A</ref>
 |dm1=&alpha; |ps1=Cn |pn1=247
 |dm2=&beta;  |perc2=0.001% |ref2=<ref>Reference decay-2 </ref>|ps2=Pu |pn2=242 }}
{{Isotopes/main/isotope |sym=U |mn=234
 |na=95% |hl=2 y
 |ref=<ref>Reference A</ref>
 |dm1=&alpha; |ps1=Cn |pn1=247
 |dm2=&beta;  |perc2=0.001% |ref2=<ref>Reference decay-2 </ref>|ps2=Pu |pn2=242 }}
more parameters used
نظائر  ()
النظائر الرئيسية[4] اضمحلال
توا­فر عمر النصف (t1/2) النمط نا­تج
234U trace 2 y[5] α95% 247Cn
β<0.01% 242Pu
Some Footnote
{{Isotopes/main/isotope |sym=U |mn=234
 |na=trace_link |hl=2 y
 |ref=<ref>Reference A</ref>
 |dm1=&alpha;  |perc1=95%    |link1=Cn-247        |ps1=Cn |pn1=247
 |dm2=&beta;  |perc2=0.005% |link2=plutonium-242 |ps2=Pu |pn2=242 }}
{{Infobox isotopes (meta)
 |link= |sym= |mn=
 |na= |hl=
 |dm1= |perc1= |link1= |ps1= |pn1=
 |dm2= |perc2= |link2= |ps2= |pn2= 
 |dm3= |perc3= |link3= |ps3= |pn3= }}

الوزن الذري العياري

For stable elements, the formal standard atomic weight (s.a.w.) is added, as published by CIAAW. When the s.a.w. is in interval-notation, its conventional value is added too. Data is retrieved from central s.a.w. values lists, formatting is by {{Infobox element/standard atomic weight format}} (same as {{infobox element}}). Example:

نظائر lithium (3Li)
النظائر الرئيسية اضمحلال
توا­فر عمر النصف (t1/2) النمط نا­تج
{{Infobox isotopes (meta)


Category:Category:Isotope template issues (0)
Category:Category:Isotope template trackings (0)


  1. ^ {{cite book|...}}
  2. ^ أ ب ت Kondev, F. G.; Wang, M.; Huang, W. J.; Naimi, S.; Audi, G. (2021). "The NUBASE2020 evaluation of nuclear properties" (PDF). Chinese Physics C. 45 (3): 030001. doi:10.1088/1674-1137/abddae.
  3. ^ Reference A
  4. ^ cite book: Hello World
  5. ^ Reference A

انظر أيضاً

{{Index to chemical element pages}}