قائمة مواضيع اللسانيات

Linguistics is the scientific study of human language. Someone who engages in this study is called a linguist. See also the List of basic linguistics topics, the List of linguists, and the List of cognitive science topics. Topics on linguistics include:

فهرست: أعلى - 0-9 | ا | ب | ت | ث | ج | ح | خ | د | ذ | ر | ز | س | ش | ص | ض | ط | ظ | ع | غ | ف | ق | ك | ل | م | ن | ه | و | ي

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Abbreviation - Abessive case - Ablaut - Absolutive case - Abugida - Accusative case - Acute accent - Accent - Acronym - Adessive case - Adjective - Adjunct - Adposition - Adpositional phrase - Adverb - Adverbial - Adverbial phrase - Affix - Affricate consonant - Agglutination - Agglutinative language - Allative case - Allomorph - Allophone - Alphabet - Analytic language - Anaphora - Anthropological linguistics - Alveolar consonant - Antonym - Approximant - Article - Articulatory phonetics - Aspect - Areal feature - Asterisk - Attrition - Augment - Auxiliary verb


Back-formation - Backronym - Bilabial consonant - Breathy voice - Breve


Calque - Capitalization - Capitonym - Cardinal vowel - Case - Case in tiers - Cedilla - Circumfix - Circumflex - Clefting - Click consonant - Closed-class word - Cognate - Cognitive science - Coherence - Colloquialism - Comitative case - Common phrases in different languages - Communication skill Comparative - Comparative linguistics - Comparative method - Compound noun and adjective - Compound verb - Computer-assisted language learning - Computational linguistics - Conjugation - Conjunct - Conjunction - Consonant - Constructed language - Context - Copula - Corpus - Corpus linguistics - Cranberry morpheme - Creaky voice - Creole language - Cryptanalysis - Cuneiform


Dangling modifier - Dative case - Decipherment - Declension - Defective verb - Descriptive linguistics - Dental consonant - Derivation - Determiner - Diacritic - Diaeresis - Dialect - Dictionary - Diphthong - Discourse - Disjunct - Dislocation - Double acute accent - Dual grammatical number


Ecolect - Eggcorn - Ecolinguistics - Elative case - Endangered language - English pronunciation - Entailment - Ergative case - Error - Essive case - Ethnologue - Etymology - Etymologist - Eurolinguistics - Evolutionary linguistics - Example-based machine translation - Expletive


False cognate - False friend - Formal language - Fricative consonant - Function word - Fusional language - Future tense


Gender - General semantics - Genitive case - Gerund - Glottal consonant - Glottal stop - Glottochronology - Government - Grammar - Grammatical mood - Grammatical number - Grammatical voice - Grave accent - Great Vowel Shift - Grimm's law - Guttural consonant


Hacek - Heaps' law - High rising terminal - Historical-comparative linguistics - Historical linguistics - History of linguistics - Homonym - Hypernym - Hyponym


Ideogram - Idiolect - Idiom - Illative case - Impersonal pronoun - Impersonal verb - Implication (pragmatics) - Indo-European languages - Inessive case - Infinitive - Infix - Inflected language - Inflection - Initialism - Initial-stress-derived noun - Instructive case - Interjection - International Phonetic Alphabet - IPA chart for English Irregular verb



Kyle Weishar; Sexiest boy alive. [as well as the stupidest] AKA; BIG PAPA. Mmmmm. -Unknown.


Labiodental consonant - Language - Language acquisition - Language attrition - Language ecology - Language education - Language families and languages - Language game - The Language Instinct - Language isolate - Laryngeal theory - Lateral consonant - Lemma - Lexeme - Lexical semantics - Lexicography - Lexicology - Lexicon - Linguist - Linguistic layers - Linguistic anthropology - Linguistics - Linguistics basic topics - Liquid consonant - List of linguists - Loanword - Locative case


Machine translation - Macron - Manner of articulation - Meaning - Meronymy - Metathesis - Minimal pair - Mispronunciation - Mora - Morpheme - Morphology


Naming - Nasal consonant - Natural language - Natural language processing - Natural language understanding - Neologism - Neurolinguistics - Nominative case - Noun - Noun phrase - Null morpheme


Onomasiology - Onomatopoeia - Open class word - Optimality theory - Origin of language - Orthography - Object subject verb - Object verb subject - Oxytone

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Palatal consonant - Paradigm - Paroxytone - Part of speech - Participle - Particle - Partitive case - Persuasion - Pharyngeal consonant - Philology - Philosophy of language - Phonation - Phone - Phonetics - Phonetic complement - Phonetic transcription - Phonology - Phoneme - Phonemics - Phrase - Phrase structure rules - Pidgin - Place Manner Time - Place of articulation - Pleonasm - Pluperfect - Polysemy - Polysynthetic language - Portmanteau - Possessive case - Postalveolar consonant - Postposition - Pragmatics - Prefix - Preposition - Prepositional phrase - Prescription and description - Presupposition - Preterite - Profanity - Prolative case - Pronoun - Pronunciation - Prosody (linguistics) - Proparoxytone - Pseudo-acronym - Pseudo-Anglicism - Psycholinguistics - Punctuation




Radical - Regimen - Retroflex consonant - Retronym - Rhotics - Romanization - Rounded vowel


SAMPA - Sapir-Whorf hypothesis - Schwa - Second language - Semantics - Semantic class - Semantic feature - Semantic property - Semiotics - Semivowel - Sentence - Shall - Sign - Sign language - Sociolinguistics - Slack voice - Slang - Sociolect - Sound change - The sound pattern of English - SOV - Speaker recognition - Specialized lexicography - Speech - Speech act - Speech disorder - Speech processing - Speech recognition - Speech synthesis - Speech therapy - Spiritus asper - Split infinitive - Standard language - Stop consonant - Stratificational linguistics - Structuralism - Stylistics - Superlative - Suppletion - Subject - SVO - Supine - Syllabary - Syllable - Synonym - Syntactic ambiguity - Syntactic categories - Syntax - Synthetic language


Tagmemics - Tense - Text types - Thematic role - Theoretical linguistics - Thesaurus - Thou - Time Manner Place - Tonal language - Tongue-twister - Transcription - Transformational-generative grammar - Translation - Translative case - Truth condition - T-V distinction - Typology


Umlaut - Uninflected word - Universal grammar - Unsolved problems in linguistics - Uvular consonant


V2 word order - Variety - Velar consonant - Verb - Verb object subject - Verb phrase - Verb subject object - Verbal noun - Verner's law - Vocative case - Vowel - Vowel harmony - Vowel stems -


Will (verb) - Word - Word sense disambiguation - Writing - Writing systems - Wug test


X-bar theory



Zipf's law