شرق الولايات المتحدة

شرق الولايات المتحدة Eastern United States أو الشرق الأمريكي American East، يُعرِّفه البعض اليوم بأنه الولايات شرق نهر المسيسپي[بحاجة لمصدر]، and is traditionally divided by the نهر اوهايو وجبال الأپلاشيان into الجنوب, the Old Northwest and الشمال الشرقي. The first two tiers of states west of the Mississippi have traditionally been considered part of the West, but can be amalgamated with states of the Old Northwest into what the Census Bureau defines as the وسط غرب الولايات المتحدة. It has been considered part of the Eastern United States in regional models التي تستبعد المنطقة الوسطى. [مطلوب توضيح]
As of 2011, the estimated population of the 26 states east of the Mississippi (not including the small portions of Minnesota and Louisiana that are east of the river) plus the District of Columbia totals 179,948,346 out of 308,745,358 in the whole nation (excluding the territory of Puerto Rico), or 58.28% of the تعداد الولايات المتحدة.
المراكز السكانية الكبرى
The following is a list of the 24 largest cities in the East by population:
New York
population: 8,175,133Chicago
population: 2,695,598Philadelphia
population: 1,526,006Jacksonville
population: 821,784Indianapolis
population: 820,445Columbus
population: 787,033Charlotte
population: 731,424Detroit
population: 713,777Memphis
population: 646,889Baltimore
population: 620,961Boston
population: 617,594Washington DC
population: 601,723Nashville
population: 601,222Louisville, Kentucky
population: 597,337Milwaukee
population: 594,833Virginia Beach, Virginia
population: 437,994Atlanta
population: 420,003Raleigh, North Carolina
population: 403,892Miami
population: 399,457Cleveland
population: 396,815Tampa, Florida
population: 335,709Pittsburgh
population: 305,704Lexington, Kentucky
population: 301,569Cincinnati, Ohio
population: 296,943
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