سرجيو ماسا

سرجيو ماسا
Sergio Massa (49619868597) (cropped).jpg
ماسا في2020
وزير الاقتصاد
تولى المنصب
3 أغسطس 2022
الرئيسألبرتو فرنانديز
سبقهسيلفينا باتاكيس (وزارة الاقتصاد)
دانيال شيولي (وزارة التنمية الإنتاجية)
جوليان دومينجيز (وزارة الزراعة)
رئيس مجلس النواب
في المنصب
10 ديسمبر 2019 – 2 أغسطس 2022
سبقهإميليو مونزو
خلـَفهسيسيليا مورو
رئيس مجلس النواب
في المنصب
10 ديسمبر 2019 – 3 أغسطس 2022
الدائرة الانتخابيةبوينس آيرس
في المنصب
10 ديسمبر 2013 – 10 ديسمبر 2017
الدائرة الانتخابيةبوينس آيرس
عمدة تگري
في المنصب
24 يوليو 2009 – 25 نوفمبر 2013
سبقهخوليو زامورا
خلـَفهخوليو زامورا
في المنصب
10 ديسمبر 2007 – 23 يوليو 2008
سبقهحيرام جوالدوني
خلـَفهخوليو زامورا
رئيس مجلس الوزراء
في المنصب
23 يوليو 2008 – 7 يوليو 2009
الرئيسكرستينا فرنانديز دى كيرشنر
سبقهألبرتو فرنانديز
خلـَفهآنبل فرنانديز
المدير التنفيذي للإدارة الوطنية للضمان الاجتماعي
في المنصب
23 يناير 2002 – 10 ديسمبر 2007
الرئيسإدواردو دوالده
نيستور كيرشنير
سبقهجوستافو ماتشي
خلـَفهكلاوديو موروني
النائب الإقليمي لبوينس آيرس
في المنصب
10 ديسمبر 1999 – 22 يناير 2002
الدائرة الانتخابيةالقسم الانتخابي الاول
تفاصيل شخصية
وُلِد28 أبريل 1972 (العمر 52 سنة)
بوينس آيرس، الأرجنتين
الحزب"جبهة التجديد" (منذ 2013)
"حزب العدالة" (1995–2013)
"المركز الديمقراطي" (1989-1995)
سياسية أخرى
"جبهة النصر" (2007-2013)
"متحدون من أجل بديل جديد" (2015-2017)
"البلد 1" (2017-2019)
جبهة تودوس(2019-2023)، الاتحاد من أجل الوطن
المدرسة الأمجامعة بلگرانو

سرجيو توماس ماسا (و. 28 أبريل 1972- ) سياسي أرجنتيني يشغل منصب وزير الاقتصاد منذ 3 أغسطس 2022. بالفترة بين 2019 إلى عام 2022، كان ماسا رئيساً لمجلس النواب الأرجنتيني، وحصل على عضوية المجلس بعد ترشحه ضمن تحالف يسار الوسط المسمى "أمام الجميع" في مقاطعة بوينس آيرس. سابقاً عُين ماسا بمنصب رئيس مجلس الوزراء في عامي 2008 و2009 في عهد الرئيسة كرستينا فرنانديز دى كيرشنر. كما عمل كعمدة لتگري (جزء من مقاطعة بوينس آيرس)، وأيضاً كمدير تنفيذي لـوكالة التأمين الاجتماعي الحكومية اللامركزية في الأرجنتين. في 28 يوليو 2022، عين الرئيس ألبرتو فرنانديز، سرجيو ماسا وزيراً الاقتصاد، وتولى منصبه رسميا في 3 أغسطس 2022.[1] كان سابقا عضواً في "حزب العدالة"، وفي عام 2013 أسس حزبه السياسي "جبهة التجديد".

وترشح ماسا يزعيم لتحالف "متحدون من أجل بديل جديد"، للرئاسة في الانتخابات العامة 2015،، واحتل المركز الثالث في الجولة الأولى من التصويت بنسبة 21٪. في 2023 وبعد ثماني سنوات، أعلن خوضه الانتخابات الرئاسية للمرة الثانية في ظل تحالف "الاتحاد من أجل الوطن".

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الحياة المبكرة

Massa was born in western Buenos Aires suburb of San Martín[2] in 1972, to Italian parents. His father was born in Niscemi, Sicily, and his mother in Trieste. He was raised in neighboring San Andrés.[3] Attending the School of St. Augustine through grade and secondary school, he enrolled at the University of Belgrano, a private university in the upscale Buenos Aires borough of the same name. Leaving school before completing his law degree studies, he married Malena Galmarini, whose father, Fernando Galmarini, was at the time Secretary of Sports for President Carlos Menem. He did not finish his law degree studies until 2013, during the campaign of 2013 legislative election.[3]

العمل السياسي

Early career

He became affiliated to the conservative UCeDé in 1989 as an aide to Alejandro Keck, councilman for the San Martín partido (which includes San Andrés). Massa joined the ruling Justicialist Party in 1995, when the UCeDé endorsed the re-election of President Menem after the latter had sidestepped much of his populist Justicialist Party's platform in favor of a more conservative one. In 1999, he was elected to the Buenos Aires Province Chamber of Deputies as part of the Justicialist Party list.[4] Shortly after a crisis led to President Fernando de la Rúa's December 2001 resignation, the Congress appointed Senator Eduardo Duhalde, a more traditional Peronist than Menem had been. Acquainted with Massa through Restaurant Workers' Union leader Luis Barrionuevo. Duhalde appointed Massa as Director of the ANSeS (Argentina's Social Security administration).[3]

The pragmatic Massa ran on President Néstor Kirchner's center-left Front for Victory ticket during the 2005 legislative elections. Securing a seat in the Chamber of Deputies (lower house of Congress), he forfeited it at the behest of the President, who requested that he stay on as Director of ANSeS. Remaining at the post two more years, he oversaw the voluntary conversion of several million private pension accounts to the ANSeS' aegis when this choice was made available in December 2006.[3]

عمدة تيجري ورئيس مجلس الوزراء

Massa being sworn in as Cabinet Chief by President Cristina Fernández in 2008.

Massa was elected Mayor of the Paraná Delta partido of Tigre in October 2007. That year's elections also brought President Néstor Kirchner's wife, Senator Cristina Kirchner, to the Presidency. Enjoying large majorities in Congress, her administration suffered its first major setback when her proposals for higher agricultural export taxes were defeated on July 16, 2008, with Vice President Julio Cobos's surprise, tie-breaking vote against them. The controversy helped lead to the July 23 resignation of Alberto Fernández, the president's Cabinet Chief, and to his replacement with Sergio Massa who, at 36, became the youngest person to hold the influential post since its creation in 1994.[5]

He was persuaded to run as a stand-in candidate (who, after the election, would cede his new seat to a down-ticket name on the party list) for the ruling Front for Victory (FpV) ahead of the June 2009 mid-term elections. Massa, however, enlisted his own candidates (including his wife) for the Tigre City Council under his own ticket, and its success in these city council races distanced him from others in the FpV. Massa had, moreover, harbored differences with the president over a number of policies, including the nationalization of loss-producing private pension funds, the use of the INDEC bureau to understate inflation data, and the vast regulatory powers granted to Commerce Secretary Guillermo Moreno.[6] Following the FpV's narrow defeat in the Chamber of Deputies mid-term races, Massa tendered his resignation to the President, effective July 7. Massa, who appointed the city council president as provisional mayor while he served as the president's cabinet chief, returned to his office of Mayor of Tigre on July 24.[6] He was investigated along with other officials for the illegal retention of "repayments" of nonexistent loans from the pensions of about 17 thousand retired while he was director of the ANSES[7]

Break with the Kirchners

In 2010, Massa joined a group of eight Buenos Aires Province mayors in calling for the establishment of local police departments independent of the Provincial Police;[8] this 'Group of 8' had become disaffected to varying degrees with the Kirchner government, and came to view Massa as presidential timber for a future date.[9] He stumbled into controversy, however, when the WikiLeaks disclosures of 2010 mentioned a number of indiscretions on Massa's part during a dinner hosted the previous year at the U.S. Ambassador's Residence. He was said by one of Ambassador Vilma Socorro Martínez's cables to have revealed details about working with former President Néstor Kirchner, stating that he was "a psychopath; a monster whose bully approach to politics shows his sense of inferiority." He reportedly added that the former president "runs the Argentine government" while his wife (the President) "followed orders," and that she "would be better off without him."[10] He nevertheless remained allied as a member of the FpV faction and the Cristina Kirchner administration, and was re-elected mayor on the FpV slate with 73% of the vote in 2011.[2]

Polling ahead of the October 2013 mid-term elections gave Massa better prospects running for Congress under the FpV party list than on a separate slate.[11] Upon the filing deadline on June 22, however, Massa ultimately opted to form his own Frente Renovador ('Renewal Front') faction with the support of the 'Group of 8' Buenos Aires Province Mayors and others, notably former Argentine Industrial Union president José Ignacio de Mendiguren (recently an ally of Kirchner).[12][13] This split with Kirchner proved successful for Massa as the Renewal Front slate beat the FpV slate in the Buenos Aires province in both the primary and general elections.[14][15]

In October 2013, Javier Corradino, president of the Commercial Chamber of Tigre, Adrian Zolezzi, secretary of the same entity, and Santiago Maneiro, secretary of the Commercial Chamber of Pacheco, reported that four of their shops had been closed by Sergio Massa in retaliation for having made a trade agreement with the National Social Security Administration to operate the Argenta card, administered by ANSeS. They denounced the closures as anti-democratic and an act of political persecution towards traders in the municipality. Javier Corradino was expelled from a campaign of Renewal Front's Malena Galmarini, Tigre City Council secretary for health policy and human development, and wife of Sergio Massa.[16]

حملات 2015 و 2017

1País lists in the 2017 legislative election, with Massa and Stolbizer as first and second candidates to the Senate for Buenos Aires.

Ahead of the 2015 general election, Massa announced his intention to run for President of Argentina.[17] He joined forces with Córdoba governor José Manuel de la Sota to form the United for a New Alternative alliance.[18] Massa sought to appeal to centrist voters in an election disputed by the Peronist Daniel Scioli and the centre-right conservative Mauricio Macri, and focused his campaign on the fight against corruption, climate change, and development through renewable energy sources.[19][20] In the first round of voting, on 25 October 2015, Massa was the third-most voted candidate with 21% of the vote, trailing behind Scioli and Macri, who went on to dispute the presidency in the second round.[21]

In the 2017 legislative election, Massa's Renewal Front joined forces with progressives Margarita Stolbizer and Victoria Donda to form the 1País ("1Country") electoral coalition. Facing the end of his term as national deputy, Massa and Stolbizer ran for Buenos Aires Province's seats in the National Senate. The senatorial bid was, however, unsuccessful, as the 1País list landed third in the election behind Cambiemos and Unidad Ciudadana.[22]

جبهة تودوس ورئاسة الغرفة

Massa (far right) at the inauguration of Alberto Fernández.

Ahead of the 2019 general election, Massa made public his intention to once again run for President and launched "Alternativa Federal", a coalition with other non-Kirchnerist members of the Justicialist Party such as Miguel Ángel Pichetto and Juan Manuel Urtubey.[23] However, following the announcement of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner that she would not run for President, but would instead back Alberto Fernández, Massa stood down from the race and pledged his support for the newly formed Frente de Todos, a coalition of Peronist parties and alliances, both Kirchnerist and non-Kirchnerist. He was then nominated to run for a seat in the National Chamber of Deputies as the first candidate in the Frente de Todos list in Buenos Aires Province.[24]

The Frente de Todos list won in a landslide in Buenos Aires Province, easily securing Massa's seat in the Chamber. Upon taking office on 4 December 2019, he was elected as president of the Chamber, succeeding Emilio Monzó. As president of the Chamber of Deputies, Massa introduced modifications to the chamber statute to guarantee gender parity in parliamentary commissions, and splitting the commission on Family, Women, Children and Adolescence into two separate commissions for Family and Childhood and Women and Diversity.[25] During the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown in Argentina, Massa's administration sought to lower the costs of parliamentary proceedings by suspending legislative aides and restricting mobility benefits for deputies.[26]

In December 2021, Massa was ratified as president of the Chamber for another two years by all parliamentary blocs in the Chamber.[27]

One of Massa's flagship issues during his tenure as president of the Chamber was the reduction of tax pressures on the middle class. In 2022, Renewal Front deputies introduced legislation to raise the minimum quota for income tax.[28]

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وزير الاقتصاد

On 29 July 2022, Massa was designated as the country's new Minister of Economy, taking over three previously stand-alone ministries of Economy, Productive Development and Agriculture in the cabinet of President Alberto Fernández.[29] Massa's designation came less than a month after Silvina Batakis' appointment, following the resignation of Martín Guzmán. The fusion of the three ministries led the media to dub Massa superministro ("super-minister"), a term that had previously been used to describe economy ministers in other governments such as Nicolás Dujovne and Domingo Cavallo.[30]

Initial market speculations regarding Massa's first measures as minister led to the Argentine peso recovering against the US dollar, with the unofficial exchange rate ("dólar blue") descending to $280 ARS per dollar on 1 August 2022, down from the peak of $338 ARS per dollar on 21 July.[31]

الترشح الرئاسي 2023

في 23 يونيو 2023، تم الإعلان عن ماسا كمرشح رئاسي للتحالف الجديد Unión por la Patria (إنگليزية: "Union for the Homeland")، مع رئيس مجلس الوزراء Agustín Rossi نائبًا له في الانتخابات. صدق عليه الرئيس فرنانديز، ونائبة الرئيس كريستينا كيرشنر، وقطاعات الأغلبية الأخرى في الائتلاف البيروني.[32][33] وسيتنافس على ترشيح الائتلاف ضد الزعيم الاجتماعي Juan Grabois من جبهة باتريا الكبرى في الانتخابات التمهيدية التي ستعقد في 13 أغسطس 2023.[34]

أنشطة أخرى

الحياة الشخصية

ماسا متزوج من مالينا جالماريني، وهي زميلة سياسية وعضو في عائلة سياسية بيرونية. التقى جالماريني وماسا عام 1996، وتزوجا عام 2001.[36] الزوجان لديهما طفلان، ميلاغروس وتوماس.[37] من خلال والد جالماريني ، فرناندو جالماريني ، كان ماسا هو صهر مقدم البرامج التليفزيونية و vedette Moria Casán.[38][39]

من الناحية الرياضية، ماسا هو أحد مشجعي نادي أتلتيكو تيجري.[40][41]

التاريخ الانتخابي


Electoral history of Sergio Massa
Election Office List Votes Result Ref.
Total % P.
2007 Mayor of Tigre Front for Victory 125,472 77.17% 1st Elected [42]
2011 Front for Victory 130,810 73.14% 1st Elected [43]
2015 President of Argentina United for a New Alternative 5,386,977 21.39% 3rd [44]


Electoral history of Sergio Massa
Election Office List
District Votes Result Ref.
Total % P.
1999 Provincial Deputy Justicialist Concertation 7 First Electoral Section 854,583 40.80% 1st[أ] Elected [45]
2013 National Deputy Renewal Front 1 Buenos Aires Province 3,943,056 43.95% 1st[أ] Elected [46]
2017 National Senator es (1País) 1 Buenos Aires Province 1,069,747 11.31% 3rd[أ] [47]
2019 National Deputy Frente de Todos 1 Buenos Aires Province 5,113,359 52.64% 1st[أ] Elected [48]
  1. ^ أ ب ت ث Presented on an electoral list. The data shown represents the share of the vote the entire party/alliance received in that constituency.


صفقة إنتينا الأرجنتينية مع الصين تدمج اليوان الصيني في اقتصادها وتتخلي عن الدولار.

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  1. ^ "Cuándo asume Sergio Massa al frente del Ministerio de Economía". Página 12 (in الإسبانية). 29 July 2022. Retrieved 29 July 2022.
  2. ^ أ ب "Massa: el sub 40 que sobrevivió a WikiLeaks y expande su poder". La Nación.
  3. ^ أ ب ت ث "Massa, el ex liberal que reestatizó las jubilaciones". Perfil. Archived from the original on 2015-09-29. Retrieved 2009-02-11.
  4. ^ "A los 27 años fue diputado provincial y a los 36 intendente". La Gaceta (in الإسبانية). 24 July 2008. Retrieved 31 July 2022.
  5. ^ "La crónica de un sí anunciado". Conurbano Online.
  6. ^ أ ب "Massa vuelve a Tigre, su "patria chica"". Conurbano Online.
  7. ^ "Indagan a un director de la ANSeS por fraude a jubilados". www.clarin.com.
  8. ^ "Massa se rodea de más intendentes". Clarín.
  9. ^ "Grupo de los Ocho? Massa agazapado y solidaridad con Scioli". Informe Reservado.
  10. ^ "Argentina "surprised" US intelligence gathering was done by diplomatic channels". MercoPress.
  11. ^ "Massa, hiperactivo y equilibrista, no define aún su futuro". La Nación.
  12. ^ "Sergio Massa y su Frente Renovador, un barco al que todos quieren subirse". Política del Sur.
  13. ^ "Massa juega y suma a De Mendiguren y Tundis en su lista". Clarín.
  14. ^ Eliana Raszewski (August 12, 2013). "Ex-Fernandez Ally Massa Wins Argentina Primary Election". Bloomberg.
  15. ^ "Poll setback for Argentine President Cristina Fernandez". BBC. October 28, 2013.
  16. ^ "Massa clausuró comercios por firmar acuerdos con la tarjeta Argenta - Infonews | Un mundo, muchas voces". www.infonews.com. Archived from the original on 2013-10-14.
  17. ^ "Sergio Massa confirmó su precandidatura presidencial por el Frente Renovador". La Nueva (in الإسبانية). 10 June 2015. Retrieved 29 July 2022.
  18. ^ "El Frente Renovador anuncia este miércoles su acuerdo con De la Sota". Análisis Digital (in الإسبانية). 29 April 2015. Archived from the original on 5 October 2016.
  19. ^ Jones, Mark P. (20 August 2015). "Here's what you need to know about Argentina's 2015 federal elections". The Washington Post. Retrieved 29 July 2022.
  20. ^ "Sergio Massa anticipó la política sobre energías renovables que implementaría si llega a ser presidente de Argentina". Energía Estratégica (in الإسبانية). 3 April 2019. Retrieved 29 July 2022.
  21. ^ "Massa no consiguió torcer la polarización y quedó tercero". Télam (in الإسبانية). 26 October 2015. Retrieved 29 July 2022.
  22. ^ Moscoso, Matías; Cottet, Facundo (24 October 2017). "Todo lo que Massa perdió en la provincia". Letra P (in الإسبانية). Retrieved 25 November 2020.
  23. ^ "Pichetto, Urtubey y Massa, fundadores de Alternativa Federal, ahora se cruzan como adversarios". Télam (in الإسبانية). 18 June 2019. Retrieved 31 July 2022.
  24. ^ "Sergio Massa se bajó de la carrera presidencial: confirmó que encabezará la lista K de diputados en Provincia". Clarín (in الإسبانية). 18 June 2019. Retrieved 31 July 2022.
  25. ^ "Las claves del armado de poder del Frente de Todos en el Parlamento". Tiempo Argentino. 8 August 2019. Retrieved 30 July 2022.
  26. ^ Argento, Analía (31 March 2020). "Sergio Massa analiza un recorte de 40% en las dietas de los diputados". Infobae. Retrieved 1 August 2022.
  27. ^ Bullorini, Jazmín (7 December 2021). "Cámara de Diputados: ratifican a Sergio Massa como presidente y sólo cambió un vice". Clarín (in الإسبانية). Retrieved 1 August 2022.
  28. ^ "Massa, luego de las mejoras en Ganancias: "Ahora vamos por el alivio a autónomos y monotributistas"". Perfil (in الإسبانية). 28 May 2022. Retrieved 1 August 2022.
  29. ^ "Massa se reunió con Scioli para comenzar la transición en el gabinete económico". Infobae (in الإسبانية). 9 July 2022. Retrieved 1 August 2022.
  30. ^ Zaiat, Alfredo (29 July 2022). "Massa no será superministro". Página 12 (in الإسبانية).
  31. ^ Pollio, Juan Marcos (1 August 2022). "El dólar blue hoy se vuelve a hundir y se prolonga el "efecto Massa"". BAE Negocios (in الإسبانية). Retrieved 1 August 2022.
  32. ^ Gillespie, Patrick; Doll, Ignacio Olivera (2023-06-23). "Argentina Economy Minister Sergio Massa to Run for President". Bloomberg News. Retrieved 2023-06-24.
  33. ^ Mayol, Federico (27 June 2023). "Cristina Kirchner marcó el tono de la campaña: dejó a Alberto Fernández fuera de la unidad y delineó los desafíos de Massa". Infobae (in الإسبانية). Retrieved 29 June 2023.
  34. ^ "Juan Grabois firmó su precandidatura a presidente para competir contra Sergio Massa". Página 12 (in الإسبانية). 24 June 2023. Retrieved 26 June 2023.
  35. ^ Board of Governors World Bank.
  36. ^ "Quién es Malena Galmarini, la mujer de Sergio Massa" (in الإسبانية). 8 August 2013. Retrieved 21 February 2022.
  37. ^ "Sergio Massa y Malena Galmarini reviven su historia de amor en Pinamar". La Nación (in الإسبانية). 13 January 2014. Retrieved 21 February 2022.
  38. ^ "Qué dijo Moria Casán sobre la designación de Sergio Massa como superministro". Ámbito Financiero (in الإسبانية). 29 July 2022. Retrieved 30 July 2022.
  39. ^ "Moria Casán definió a Sergio Massa como "un hombre brillante", le dedicó una canción y analizó su futuro". Clarín (in الإسبانية). 29 July 2022. Retrieved 30 July 2022.
  40. ^ "Tigre, el gran trampolín de Sergio Massa". Goal.com (in الإسبانية). 26 October 2015. Retrieved 30 July 2022.
  41. ^ "Los memes con Tigre tras la designación de Massa". Olé (in الإسبانية). 28 July 2022. Retrieved 30 July 2022.
  42. ^ "Escrutinio Definitivo" (PDF). juntaelectoral.gba.gov.ar (in الإسبانية). Junta Electoral de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Retrieved 4 February 2023.
  43. ^ "Escrutinio Definitivo" (PDF). juntaelectoral.gba.gov.ar (in الإسبانية). Junta Electoral de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Retrieved 4 February 2023.
  44. ^ "Elecciones 2015". argentina.gob.ar (in الإسبانية). Dirección Nacional Electoral. Retrieved 4 February 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  45. ^ "Escrutinio Definitivo" (PDF). juntaelectoral.gba.gov.ar (in الإسبانية). Junta Electoral de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Retrieved 4 February 2023.
  46. ^ "Elecciones 2013". argentina.gob.ar (in الإسبانية). Dirección Nacional Electoral. Retrieved 4 February 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  47. ^ "Elecciones 2017". argentina.gob.ar (in الإسبانية). Dirección Nacional Electoral. Retrieved 4 February 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  48. ^ "Elecciones 2019". argentina.gob.ar (in الإسبانية). Dirección Nacional Electoral. Retrieved 4 February 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)

وصلات خارجية

مناصب سياسية
Gustavo Macchi
Executive Director of ANSES
Claudio Moroni
Alberto Fernández
Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers
Aníbal Fernández
Emilio Monzó
President of the Chamber of Deputies
Cecilia Moreau
Silvina Batakis
Minister of Economy