رسالة العمارنة EA 5

(تم التحويل من رسالة العمارنة EA5)
رسالة العمارنة EA 5
TablillaAmenhotepIIIABabilonia (46200275501).jpg
الحجمالارتفاع: 14.0 سم
العرض: 7.0 سم
السمك 2.00 سم
(اللغة الأكادية)
أنشئت~1375-1335 ق.م. (حقبة العمارنة)
الفترة/الثقافةالبابلية الوسطى
الموقع الحاليالمتحف البريطاني، لندن
BM 29787

رسالة العمارنة EA5 (Amarna Letter EA5)، هي إحدى رسائل تل العمارنة (EA اختصار للعمارنة)، هي مراسلة بين كادشمان إنليل الأول ملك بابل وأمنحوتپ الثالث ملك مصر.

تتواجد الرسالة كقطعتين أثريتين، واحدة في المتحف البريطاني (BM29787) والأخرى في متحف القاهرة (C12195).[1][2]

الرسالة هي جزء من سلسلة مراسلات من بابل إلى مصر، والتي تمتد من EA2 إلى EA4 ومن EA6 إلى EA14. EA1 وEA5 من مصر إلى بابل.[1][3]


EA 5: هدايا الأثاث المصري للقصر البابلي

EA 5, letter five of five, Pharaoh to Kadashman-Enlil. (Not a linear, line-by-line translation.)[4]

Obverse: (see British Museum[5])

الفقرة 1

(Lines 1-12)--[Thus Nibmuar]ey[a1 Great King, the king of Egypt. Say to] Kadašman-Enlil, the king of Karadunniyaš,2 my brother: For m]e all goes (well). For you may all go well. For you]r [household, your] wives, [your sons, yo]ur [magnates], yo[ur] troops, [yo]ur [horses], your [chariots], and i[n your countries, may all go] well. [For me al]l goes well. For my household, [my] wives, [my sons], my magnates, my ma[ny] troops, my [horses], my chariots, and in [m]y [countries] all goes very, very well.

الفقرة 2

(Lines 13-33)--I have [just]3 heard that you have built some n[ew] quarters.4 I am sending herewith some furnishings for your house. Indeed I shall be preparing everything possible5 before the arrival of your messenger who is bringing your daughter. When6 your messenger returns, I will send (them) to [yo]u. I herewith send you, in the charge of Šutti, a greeting-gift of things for the new house: 1 bed7 of ebony, overlaid with ivory and gold; 3 beds of ebony, overlaid with gold; 1 uruššu of ebony, overlaid with gold; 1 lar[ge] chair [o]f ebo[ny], overlaid with gold.8 These things, the weight of all the gold: 7 minas, 9 shekels, of silver9 (In addition), 10 footrests of ebony; [ . . . ] of ebony, overlaid with gold; [ . . . ] footrests of ivory, overlaid with gold; [ . . . ] . . . of gold. [Total10 x] minas, 10 and 7 shekels, of gold.--(complete, lacunas throughout, lines 1-33)

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ أ ب W.L. Moran. The Amarna Letters (PDF). published by the Johns Hopkins University Press - Baltimore, London. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-07-14. Retrieved 2015-07-04.
  2. ^ P. Sundberg - El-Amarna Tablets Archived 2015-07-04 at the Wayback Machine West Semitic Research Project (University of Southern California) [Retrieved 2015-07-05]
  3. ^ W.L. Moran - The Amarna Letters (p.xvi)[dead link] published by the Johns Hopkins University Press - Baltimore, London (Brown University) [Retrieved 2015-07-09]
  4. ^ Moran, William L. 1987, 1992. The Amarna Letters. EA 5, "Gifts of Egyptian Furniture for the Babylonian Palace", pp. 10-11.
  5. ^ https://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details/collection_image_gallery.aspx?partid=1&assetid=312255001&objectid=274201

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