رسالة العمارنة EA 10

رسالة العمارنة EA 10
TablillaBurnaburiashAAjenatón (31261052197).jpg
وجه الرسالة EA 10
أنشئتح. 1350 ق.م.

رسالة العمارنة EA 10 (Amarna letter EA 10)، انظر هنا: [1])، هي إحدى رسائل تل العمارنة الدبلوماسية التي تحمل الرقم EA 10، منقوشة بالكتابة المسمارية، مرسلة من بورنا-بورياش الثاني ملك بابل (كانت تُستمى كاردونياش في حقبة العمارنة 1350 ق.م.)، وأخناتون (كان يُعرف أيضاً باسم أمنوفيس الرابع أو أمنحوتپ الرابع)، فرعون مصر.[1]

يشير جزء من محتويات الرسالة (بالإضافة إلى الرسالة EA11) إلى أن الفرعون المصري تزوج ابنتيه (المدعوتين مريت‌آتن وعنخ‌إسن‌آتن) في وقت كانتا تبلغان فيه من العمر حوالي 11 أو 12 عاماً.[1]

في الرسالة يشيد بورنا-بورياش الثاني بالحرفيين في أرض أخناتون، ويطلب نموذجاً لحيوان، إما برياً أو مائياً، ويبدو أنه غير مبالي بأن يختار الفرعون أي من الاثنين ليأمر الحرفيين بصنعه.[2]

الرسالة جزء من سلسلة مراسلات من بابل إلى مصر، والتي تمتد من EA2 إلى EA4 ومن EA6 إلى EA14. EA1 وEA5 من مصر إلى بابل.[3]


EA 10: "الذهب والنجارون المصريون"

EA 10, letter number five of six, from Karduniash (Babylon), by King Burna-Buriash II. (Not a linear, line-by-line translation.)[4]

Obverse (see here: [2])

(Lines 1-7)–[Say t]o Naphu]rar[ey]a,1 the king of [Egypt: T]hus Burra-Buriyas, the king of Karad[uniyaš] . For me all goes wel[l]. For you, for your household, for your wives, fo[r your sons ], for your magnates, for your troops, for your chariots, for your horses, and for your country, may all go very well.
(8-24)–From the time of Karaindaš, since the messengers2 of your ancestors came regularly to my ancestors, up to the present, they (the ancestors) have been friends. Now, though you and I are friends, 3 times have your messengers come to me and you have not sent me a single beautiful greeting-gift, nor have I for my part sent you a beautiful greeting-gift. (I am one for whom nothing is scarce, and you are one for whom nothing is scarce.)3 As for your messenger whom you sent to me, the 20 minas of gold that were brought here were not all there. When they put it into the kiln, not 5 minas of gold appeared.4 [The ... th]at did appear, on cooling off looked like ashes. Was [ the gold ev]er identifi[ed] (as gold)?5 [ ... ] friends with e[ach other] [ ... ] ...


(25-28)–[ ... ]


(29-42)–[ ... ] of a wild ox for ... [ ... ]6 when your messenger ... [ ... ]7 let him bring to to me. There are skilled carpenters8 where you are. Let them represent a wild animal, land or aquatic, lifelike,9 so that the hide is exactly like that of a live animal. Let your messenger bring it to me. But if there are some old ones already on hand, then as soon as Šindišugab, my messenger, reaches you, let him immediately, posthaste, borrow chariot[s]10 and get here. Let them make some n[e]w ones for future delivery, and then when my messenger comes here with your messenger, let them bring (them) here together.
(43-49)–I send as your greeting-gift 2 minas of lapis lazuli, and concerning your daughter Mayati,11 having heard (about her), I send to her as her greeting-gift a necklace of cricket-(shaped) gems, of lapis-lazuli, 1048 their number. And when your messenger [ comes ] along with Šindišugab, I will make [ ... ] and have {it} brough[t to h]er.12 -- (complete EA 10, with many lacunae and bottom 3 lines missing on obverse, total lines 1-49)

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ أ ب S. Najovits (2003). Egypt, the Trunk of the Tree, Vol.II: A Modern Survey of and Ancient Land. Algora Publishing, 1 Oct 2003, 268 pages. ISBN 0875862578. Retrieved 2015-07-07.
  2. ^ S. St C. Bostock - Zoos and Animal Rights (p.9) Routledge, 2 Sep 2003, 240 pages, ISBN 1134942451 [Retrieved 2015-07-07]
  3. ^ W.L.Moran. The Amarna Letters (PDF). published by the Johns Hopkins University Press - Baltimore, London (University of Cincinnati’s Faculty Portfolio Initiative). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-07-14. Retrieved 2015-07-04.
  4. ^ Moran, William L. 1987, 1992. The Amarna Letters. EA 10, "A Brotherly Quarrel", pp. 19-20.

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