رسالة العمارنة EA 8
رسالة العمارنة EA 8 (Amarna letter EA 8)، هي مراسلة بين أمنحوتپ الثالث (نب-ماعت-رع) ملك مصر وبورنا-بورياش ملك بابل (كاردونياش). [1]
الرسالة مكتوبة باللغة الأكادية، ويعود تاريخها إلى الفترة من حوالي عام 1349 ق.م. إلى 1334 ق.م. وهي جزء من سلسلة مراسلات من بابل إلى مصر، والتي تمتد من EA2 إلى EA4 ومن EA6 إلى EA14. EA1 وEA5 من مصر إلى بابل. وهي ضمن سلسلة مراسلات أكبر تُعرف برسائل تل العمارنة. [2][3][1]
الرسالة بحسب نسخة موران، وترجمة إبلنگ.[1] وكان نص الرسالة كالتالي:[1]
Say to Napḫurureya, king of Egypt, my brother Thus Burra-Buriyaš Great king the king of Karaduniyaš your brother For me all goes well For you your country your household your wives your sons your magnates your horses your chariots may all go very well.
My brother and I made a mutual declaration of friendship and this is what we said 'Just as our fathers were friends with one another so will we be friends with one another Now my merchants who were on their way with Aḫu-ṭabu were detained in Canaan for business matters After Aḫu-ṭabu went on to my brother in Ḫinnatuna of Canaan Šum-Adda the son of Balumme and Šutatna the son of Šaratum of Akka having sent there men killed my merchants and took away their money I send ... post haste Inquire of him so that he may inform you Canaan is your country and its kings are your servants In your country I have been despoiled Bring them to account and make compensation for the money they took away Put to death the men who put my servants to death and so avenge my blood And if you don not put these men to death they are going to kill again be it a caravan of mine or your own messengers and so messengers between us will there-by be cut-off And if they try and deny this to you Šum-Adda having blocked the passage of one man of mine retained him in his company and another man having been forced into service by Šutatna of Akka is still serving him These men should be brought to you so you can investigate inquire whether they are dead and thus become informed As a greeting gift I send to you one mina of lapis-lazuli Send off my messenger immediately so I may know my brother's decision Do not detain my messenger Let him be off to me immediately
انظر أيضاً
- ^ أ ب ت ث Moran, W.L. The Amarna Letters (PDF). published by the Johns Hopkins University Press - Baltimore, London (University of Cincinnati’s Faculty Portfolio Initiative). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-07-14. Retrieved 2015-07-04.
- ^ Pamela Barmash - Homicide in the Biblical World (p.179) Cambridge University Press 2005, 253 pages, ISBN 0521547733 Retrieved 2015-07-06
- ^ W.L.Moran (edited and translated) - The Amarna Letters (p.xvi)[dead link] published by the Johns Hopkins University Press - Baltimore, London (Brown University) Retrieved 2015-07-09