رسالة العمارنة EA 2
رسالة العمارنة EA2 (Amarna Letter EA2)، هي إحدى رسائل تل العمارنة تحمل الرقم EA2، المنقوشة بالكتابة المسمارية، وتُظهر استمراراً لمراسلات بين كادشمان إنليل وأمنحوتپ الثالث. من المعروف أن هذه الرسالة تتعلق بعرض زواج. الرسالة جزء من سلسلة مراسلات من بابل إلى مصر، تمتد من الرسالة EA2 إلى EA4 ومن EA6 إلى EA14. EA1 وEA5 من مصر إلى بابل. [1][2]
اللوح المنقوش عليه الرسالة مصنوع من طين مأخوذ من نهر الفرات. [3]
الترجمات الموجودة قام بها موران (1992) وليڤراني (1999). [3]
اعتقد جان نوگايرول أن هذه الرسالة هي رسالة تقديم. [4][5]
The letter reads (as translated by William L. Moran):
Say to Mimmuwareya, the king of Egypt, my brother: Thus Kadašman-Enlil, the king of Karaduniyaš. For me and my country all goes well. For you, for your wives, for your sons, for your magnates, your horses, your chariots, and your entire country, may all go very well.
With regards to my brother's writing me about marriage, saying, I desire your daughter, why should you not marry her? ... My daughters are available, but their husbands must be a king or of royal blood. These are the only ones I accept for my daughters. No king has ever given his daughters to anyone not of royal blood.
Your daughters are available, why have you not given me one?
...fine horses...20 wooden...of gold...120 shekels...I send to you as your greeting gift.60 shekels of lapis-lazuli I send as the greeting gift of your sister,...my wife
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- تأريخ الشرق الأدنى القديم
- رسائل تل العمارنة: EA 1، EA 3، EA 4، EA 5، EA 6، EA 7، EA 8، EA 9، EA 10، EA 11
- ^ W.L.Moran (edited and translated) - The Amarna Letters (p.xvi)[dead link] published by the Johns Hopkins University Press - Baltimore, London (Brown University) [Retrieved 2015-07-09]
- ^ W.L.Moran. The Amarna Letters (PDF). published by the Johns Hopkins University Press - Baltimore, London (University of Cincinnati’s Faculty Portfolio Initiative). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-07-14. Retrieved 2015-07-04.
- ^ أ ب Anson F. Rainey (14 Nov 2014). The El-Amarna Correspondence (2 vol. set): A New Edition of the Cuneiform Letters from the Site of El-Amarna based on Collations of all Extant Tablets (p.1326). Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East. BRILL. ISBN 978-9004281547. Retrieved 2015-07-09.
- ^ W.L.Moran (edited and translated) - The Amarna Letters (p.xxiii)[dead link] published by the Johns Hopkins University Press - Baltimore, London (Brown University) [Retrieved 2015-07-09]
- ^ Dictionnaire français-anglais linguee