الخطوط الجوية اليمنية

(تم التحويل من Yemenia)
الخطوط الجوية اليمنية
Yemenia Logo.svg
IATA ICAO Callsign
Founded4 أغسطس 1962; منذ 62 سنة (1962-08-04
Hubsمطار عدن الدولي
Focus citiesمطار سيئون الدولي
Frequent-flyer programنادي سما اليمنية[1]
Fleet size7
Destinations11[بحاجة لمصدر]
Parent companyحكومة اليمن
Headquartersصنعاء، اليمن
Key people
  • الكابتن ناصر محمد (رئيس)[2]

الخطوط الجوية اليمنية Yemenia هي شركة النقل الجوي الوطنية اليمنية[3] يقع مقرها في صنعاء. وتقوم بتشغيل رحلات الركاب المحلية والدولية المجدولة إلى وجهات في أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط من مركزها في مطار عدن الدولي، وأحياناً من مطار سيئون.


السنوات المبكرة

تأسست الخطوط الجوية اليمنية في النصف الثاني من الأربعينيات [4][5] وكان يملكها أحمد بن يحيى، إمام اليمن.[6] وحين قامت الجمهورية العربية اليمنية في 1962، أصدرت الخطوط الجوية اليمنية رخصة طيران جديدة في 4 أغسطس 1962 (والتي لا تزال سارية حتى اليوم)، وبذلك أصبحت الناقل الوطني للبلاد، ويقع مقرها الرئيسي في مبنى وزارة الاتصالات بصنعاء.[6] وفي 1967، دخلت الشركة في تعاون مع الخطوط الجوية العربية المتحدة، واستمر حتى 1972. وخلال تلك الفترة، كانت تعرف باسم "الخطوط الجوية العربية-اليمنية".[4]

A former Yemenia Boeing 727-200.

وبعد التأميم في سبتمبر 1972، أُعيد تنظيم الخطوط الجوية اليمنية وأعيد تسميتها لـ "شركة الخطوط الجوية اليمنية" (YAC)".[7] في مارس 1975، كان لدى الخطوط الجوية اليمنية 60 موظفا.ً وتكون أسطول الشركة من أربع طائرات دوگلاس دي‌سي-6 وأربع طائرات دوگلاس دي‌سي-3، تُخدّم الحلات المحلية وشبكة دولية ضمت كل من أسمرة، والقاهرة وجيبوتي والظهران وجدة والكويت.[8] وقامت الخطوط الجوية اليمنية بإستئجار طائرتين من نوع بوينگ 737-200 من الخطوط الجوية العالمية، لمدة عامين ونصف حتى اشترت طائرة من ذات النوع في منتصف 1976.[9] في مطلع 1977، اُنشئت شركة طيران جديدة بشكل بالشراكة بين حكومتي اليمن والسعودية، حيث يمتلك اليمن 51% و السعودية 49% من الأسهم، واعتمد لها اسم "الخطوط الجوية اليمنية" في 1 يوليو 1978.[7]وفي أبريل 1978، وقعت عقد لمدة عامين لتوفير طائرتين بوينگ 707-320C يتضمن توريد أطقم الطائرات والدعم الهندسي مع خطوط ميدلاند البريطانية الدولية (BMA).[10] وفي يوليو 1979، وقعت الشركة اتفاقية مدتها ثلاث سنوات مع بان آم لتوفير الصيانة الفنية والتدريب.[7][11]وجرى طلب طائرتين دي هافيلاند كندا داش 7.[12] كما أدى إلغاء العقد الذي وقعته الخطوط الجوية اليمنية مع خطوط ميدلاند البريطانية الدولية من جانب واحد إلى قيام شركة الطيران البريطانية برفع دعوى ضد شركة الطيران اليمنية، مما أدى إلى مصادرة إحدى طائراتها من طراز بوينگ 737-200.[10]

وفي يوليو 1980، كان عدد القوى العاملة بالشركة 750 شخصاً وتولى رئاسة الشركة شايف سعيد. وكان حينها أسطول الشركة مكونًا من خمس طائرات بوينگ 727-200، وطائرتين من طراز بوينگ 737-200، وواحدة دوگلاس دي‌سي-6 وثلاث طائرات من طراز دوگلاس دي‌سي-3. وربطت خدمات نقل الركاب بين صنعاء والبيضاء، والحديدة، ومأرب وتعز؛ وأبو ظبي، وأثينا، والقاهرة، ودمشق، والظهران، ودبي، وجدة، وكراتشي، والكويت، ومسقط، وروما والشارقة بحيث كانت جزءاً من الشبكة الدولية للنقل، وكذلك خدمات الشحن.[7] وضم اسطول الشركة طائرتان من طراز دي هافيلاند كندا داش 7 بحلول مارس 1985، إلى جانب خمس طائرات بوينگ 727-200 وطائرة بوينگ 737-200، وقامت الشركة بتوسيع شبكة مساراتها لتشمل أمستردام، وبومباي، وفرانكفورت، ولارنكا ولندن. كما ارتفع عدد الموظفين إلى 1100 موظف.[13]

وحين اتحد جنوب اليمن مع الجمهورية العربية اليمنية لتشكيل اليمن اليمن المعاصر في 1990،[14]وضعت خطط لتشكيل شركة طيران وطنية واحدة من خلال دمج شركة الخطوط الجوية لجنوب اليمن في الخطوط الجوية اليمنية.[بحاجة لمصدر]ولذا، قامت الحكومة اليمنية بإعادة شراء الأسهم التي كانت تمتلكها المملكة العربية السعودية في 1992.[4]وجرى دمج الشركتين في 1996.[15] وأصبحت الخطوط الجوية اليمنية مشغلة لطائرة إيرباص إيه 310 في 1995 بعد استئجارها طائرتين من طراز إيرباص إيه 310-200؛[16]وبدأت باستخدام طائرة إيرباص إيه 310-300 في مارس 1997.[17]

التطوير بين 2000 و 2010

A Yemenia Boeing 737-800. The type was phased in in 2002.[18]

At March 2000 the chairmanship was held by Hassan Sohbi and the number of employees was 4,017. The aircraft operated at this time consisted of three Airbus A310-300s, two Antonov An-26s, five Boeing 727-200 Advanced, one Boeing 737-200 Advanced, one Boeing 737-200C, four Dash 7s, two DHC-6 300s and two Lockheed C130H Hercules. The list of domestic destinations served at this time were Aden, Al Ghaydah, Ataq, Hodeidah, Riyan Mukalla, Sanaa, Seiyun, Socotra and Taiz, while Abu Dhabi, Addis Ababa, Amman, Asmara, Bahrain, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, Dar es Salaam, Djibouti, Doha, Dubai, Frankfurt, Jeddah, Johannesburg, Karachi, Khartoum, London, Moroni, Mumbai, Nairobi, Paris, Riyadh, Rome and Sharjah comprised the international network.[19] On lease from International Lease Finance Corporation (ILFC), the first Boeing 737-800 joined the fleet in May 2002.[18] The first Airbus A330-200 entered the fleet in 2004 on lease from ILFC.[20]

Since 2008, a number of safety actions by the European Union have been taken against Yemenia because of alleged poor maintenance standards in Yemen. In July 2009, France suspended the airworthiness certificates of two Yemenia Airbus A310 aircraft that were registered in the country.[21] European services to Frankfurt were relaunched in December 2009.[22] Since then, systematic inspections of Yemenia aircraft parked at EU airports are carried out, in order to assess and verify the safety standards.[21] On 20 January 2010, then British Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced that, owing to concerns of terrorist activity in Yemen, flights between the UK and the country would be suspended, as long as the security situation would not improve.[23]

منذ 2015 حتى اليوم

In March 2015, Yemenia was forced to suspend all flight operations until further notice due both to a military conflict that had Sanaʽa International Airport as a target of air raids and to restrictions over the Yemeni airspace.[24][25][26] In August 2015, Yemenia reinstated flights to Aden International Airport, with the first flight originating from Saudi Arabia.[27] The blockade was reinstated on 21 February 2016,[28] and lifted on 14 November 2017, when the first commercial flight touched down at Aden International Airport.[3][29] Flights were cancelled once again, this time for less than a week, resuming on 1 February 2018.[30][31] According to The National newspaper, in November 2018 Yemenia announced that they would be seeking to resume flights from Aden International Airport to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Muscat and Salalah in the Persian Gulf and Asmara, Moroni, and Djibouti in Africa, as well as leasing more aircraft.[32] However, there has not been any addition to the destinations of Yemenia airlines (Cairo, Amman, Jeddah, Khartum and Mumbai).[33]

In May 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic in Yemen, Yemenia operated repatriation flights to Egypt, Jordan, and India.[34][35] The airline received $1.15 million in compensation.[36] In June 2020, Chairman Ahmed Masood Alwani announced that the airline's two Airbus A310s would be phased out.[37]

On 16 May 2022, Yemenia resumed limited commercial operations out of Sanaa International Airport, its former main hub. The first Yemenia flight carried 151 passengers to the Jordanian capital Amman.[38]

On 17 June 2023, the first direct flight between Yemen and Saudi Arabia in nearly seven years has taken more than 270 Yemenis from rebel-held Sanaa to Jeddah, signaling easing tensions between the two countries. The flight by Yemenia carried Yemeni Muslims embarking on the annual Islamic pilgrimage of Hajj in the Saudi city of Mecca.[39]

إدارة الشركة


The head office is located in the Hassaba District, in Downtown Sanaʽa, however the building was destroyed by fire during fighting in May 2011.[40][41][42] On 3 June the same year, during the 2011 Yemeni revolution, the building was again set on fire.[بحاجة لمصدر]

جهات النقل

قالب:Morerefs As of July 2024, Yemenia operates scheduled flights to five domestic and six international destinations with most originating at Sanaa International Airport, Aden International Airport and Seiyun Airport.[39]

Country City Airport Note Refs
Bahrain Manama Bahrain International Airport Suspended
Bangladesh Dhaka Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport Suspended
China Guangzhou Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Suspended
Comoros Moroni Prince Said Ibrahim International Airport Suspended
Djibouti Ambouli Djibouti–Ambouli International Airport
Egypt Cairo Cairo International Airport
Ethiopia Addis Ababa Addis Ababa Bole International Airport
Eritrea Asmara Asmara International Airport Suspended
France Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Suspended
Germany Frankfurt Frankfurt Airport Suspended
India Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport منتهي
Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport
Indonesia Jakarta Soekarno–Hatta International Airport Suspended
Iraq Baghdad Baghdad International Airport Suspended
Italy Rome Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport منتهي
Jordan Amman Queen Alia International Airport
Kenya Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta International Airport منتهي
Kuwait Kuwait City Kuwait International Airport [43]
Lebanon Beirut Beirut–Rafic Hariri International Airport Suspended
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur International Airport Suspended
Netherlands Amsterdam Amsterdam Airport Schiphol منتهي
Oman Muscat Muscat International Airport Suspended
Pakistan Karachi Jinnah International Airport Suspended
Qatar Doha Hamad International Airport Suspended
Russia Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport Suspended
Saudi Arabia Jeddah King Abdulaziz International Airport
Riyadh King Khalid International Airport
Serbia Belgrade Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport منتهي
Spain Madrid Madrid–Barajas Airport Suspended
South Africa Johannesburg O. R. Tambo International Airport منتهي
Sudan Khartoum Khartoum International Airport منتهي
Turkey Istanbul Atatürk Airport منتهي
United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi International Airport Suspended
Dubai Al Maktoum International Airport [44]
Dubai International Airport Suspended
Sharjah Sharjah International Airport منتهي
United Kingdom London Heathrow Airport Suspended
Yemen Aden Aden International Airport قالب:Airline hub
Al Ghaydah Al Ghaydah Airport
Hodeida Hodeida International Airport Suspended
Mukalla Riyan International Airport
Sanaa Sanaa International Airport
Seiyun Seiyun Airport قالب:Airline focus
Socotra Socotra Airport
Taiz Taiz International Airport Suspended


الأسطول الحالي

A Yemenia Airbus A330-200 at Frankfurt Airport in 2014. The first aircraft of the type entered the fleet in 2004.[20]

اعتبارا من سبتمبر 2022, Yemenia has an all-Airbus fleet that consists of the following aircraft:[45][مطلوب مصدر أفضل]

Yemenia Fleet
Aircraft In Service Orders Passengers Notes
J Y Total
Airbus A320-200 6 12 138 150
Airbus A330-200 1[46] 18 259 277
Airbus A350-900 10[47] TBA
Total 7 10

تطوير الأسطول

A former Yemenia Airbus A310-300. The first aircraft of the type joined the fleet in March 1997.[17]

In 2008, during the Dubai Air Show, the carrier signed a contract for the purchase of ten Airbus A350-800s.[48][49] The order was subsequently altered to include the larger -900 version.[50] In نوفمبر 2009 (2009-11), Yemenia signed a memorandum of understanding with Airbus for USD 700 million that covered ten Airbus A320s;[51] the order was firmed up in يناير 2010 (2010-01).[52][53] The first Airbus A320 joined the fleet in أبريل 2011 (2011-04).[54] The A320 order was later restructured and four of them were converted to the A320neo.[55]

تاريخ الأسطول

Over the years, the airline has operated the following aircraft types:[4][56]

Aircraft Introduced Retired
Airbus A310-200 1995[16] غير معروف
Airbus A310-300 1997[17] 2020[57][المصدر لا يؤكد ذلك]
Airbus A320 2011[54]
Boeing 727 1979 2006
Boeing 737-200 1982 2005
Boeing 737-800 2002[18] 2011
Boeing 747SP غير معروف 2010
de Havilland Canada DHC-6 غير معروف 1995[بحاجة لمصدر]
de Havilland Canada Dash 7 1981 1990
Douglas DC-3 غير معروف غير معروف
Ilyushin Il-76 1998 غير معروف


Yemenia has experienced the following incidents and accidents including three hijackings:

  • On 3 November 1958, a Yemen Airlines (as the company was named at that time) Douglas C-47 Skytrain (registered YE-AAB) crashed near Poggiodomo in Italy, killing the eight people on board. The aircraft had been on a flight from Rome Ciampino Airport to Yemen with a planned stopover at Belgrade, carrying the Yemenite Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs.[58]
  • On 19 March 1969, a Yemen Airlines C-47 (registered 4W-AAS) crashed near Ta'izz during a post-maintenance test flight, killing the four occupants. It turned out that the elevator of the aircraft did not work properly. Repair work had been done on that part, because it had been damaged some days earlier in a ground collision.[59]
  • On 16 September 1971, another Yemen Airlines C-47 (registered 4W-ABI) crashed near Rajince, Serbia when it encountered severe icing conditions, killing the five people on board. The aircraft had been on a multi-stopover flight from Yemen to Europe and had just departed Belgrade Airport.[60]
  • On 1 November 1972, a Yemen Airlines Douglas DC-3 (registered 4W-ABJ) was destroyed in a crash-landing at an airfield near Beihan.[61]
  • On 25 August 1973, a Yemen Airlines Douglas DC-6 was hijacked during a passenger flight from Ta'izz to Asmara. The perpetrator forced the pilots to divert the aircraft with fifteen other passengers and six crew members on board to Kuwait Airport, for which a refueling stop at Djibouti Airport turned out to be necessary. In Kuwait, the hijacker surrendered to local police forces.[62]
  • On 13 December 1973, a Yemen Airlines DC-3 (registered 4W-ABR) crashed near Ta'izz.[63]
  • On 23 February 1975, a Yemen Airlines DC-3 was hijacked during a flight from Al Hudaydah to Sana'a and forced to land at an airport in Saudi Arabia. There, the aircraft was stormed and the perpetrator overpowered.[64]
  • On 14 November 1978, a Yemen Airlines C-47 (registered 4W-ABY) was damaged beyond repair in a heavy landing at an airfield near Ma'rib.[65]
  • On 26 June 2000, a Yemenia Boeing 737-200C, registered 7O-ACQ, was damaged beyond repair when it veered off the runway upon landing at Khartoum International Airport following a cargo flight from Yemen.[66][67]
  • On 21 January 2001, Yemenia Flight 448, a Boeing 727-200 with 91 passengers and 10 crew on board, was hijacked 15 minutes into a flight from Sana'a to Ta'izz by an Iraqi man. The plane was forced to land at Djibouti–Ambouli International Airport, where the perpetrator was overpowered by the crew.[66][68]
  • On 1 August 2001, a Boeing 727-200 (registered 7O-ACW) was damaged beyond economic repair when it overran the runway upon landing at Asmara International Airport following a flight from Sana'a with 107 passengers and four crew on board, none of whom were significantly injured.[66][69]
  • On 23 June 2007, a DHC-6 Twin Otter was damaged by gunfire at An Naeem Airstrip, killing one passenger.[70]
  • The company's worst accident occurred on 30 June 2009, when Yemenia Flight 626 from Sana'a to Moroni, Comoros crashed into the sea shortly before landing. Of the 142 passengers and eleven crew that had been on the Airbus A310-300 with the registration 7O-ADJ, only a young girl survived the accident.[71]
  • In March 2015, a Boeing 747SP (registered 7O-YMN) which was operated in Yemenia branding for the government of Yemen was damaged by gunfire during a militia attack at Aden airport. A subsequent blaze destroyed the aircraft completely.[72]
  • In December 2020, there was an attack at Aden Airport when a number of Yemeni cabinet ministers arrived in a Yemenia plane. At least 20 people were killed and several injured.[73]

انظر أيضاً


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وصلات خارجية

قالب:Airlines of Yemen خطأ لوا في وحدة:Authority_control على السطر 278: attempt to call field '_showMessage' (a nil value).