اللغة الپارثية

(تم التحويل من Parthian language)
الپارثية Parthian
الپهلوية الأشكانية
موطنهاالامبراطورية الپارثية (بما في ذلك الأسرة الأشكانية في أرمينيا، الأسرة الأشكانية في أيبيريا و الأسرة الأشكانية في ألبانيا القوقازية)
المنطقةپارثيا، إيران القديمة
الحقبةلغة الدولة 248 ق.م. – 224 م. همـَّشتها الفارسية الوسيطة من القرن الثالث، إلا أنها بقيت متواجدة في القوقاز بسبب عدد من الفروع تحمل اسمها
الپارثية النقشية، الأبجدية المانوية
أكواد اللغات
ISO 639-3xpr

اللغة الپارثية Parthian language، وتُعرف أيضاً بإسم الپهلوية الأشكانية و Pahlawānīg، هي الآن لغة إيرانية شمالية غربية قديمة منقرضة كانت تُستخدم في پارثيا، التي كانت منطقة تقع في ما هو اليوم شمال شرق إيران وتركمنستان. وكانت الپارثية لغة الدولة في الامبراطورية الپارثية الأشكانية (248 ق.م. – 224 م)، وكذلك في فروعها التي حملت اسمها في الأسرة الأشكانية في أرمينيا والأسرة الأشكانية في أيبيريا والأسرة الأشكانية في ألبانيا القوقازية.

كان لهذه اللغة أثر بارز على الأرمنية، التي تـَشكـَّل جزء كبير من مفرداتها أساساً من استعارات من الپارثية. فالعديد من الكلمات الپارثية القديمة مازالت باقية فقط في الأرمنية.


كانت الپارثية لغة إيرانية وسيطة غربية. Language contact made it share some features of the Eastern Iranian language group, the influence of which is attested primarily in loanwords. Some traces of Eastern influence survive in Parthian loanwords in Armenian.[1] Parthian loanwords appear in everyday Armenian vocabulary; nouns, adjectives, adverbs, denominative verbs, and administrative and religious lexicons.[2]

Taxonomically, Parthian, an Indo-European language, belongs to the Northwestern Iranian language group while Middle Persian belongs to the Southwestern Iranian language group.[3][4]

الپارثية المكتوبة

The Parthian language was rendered using the Pahlavi writing system, which had two essential characteristics: First, its script derived from Aramaic,[5] the script (and language) of the Achaemenid chancellery (i.e. Imperial Aramaic). Second, it had a high incidence of Aramaic words, rendered as ideograms or logograms, that is, they were written Aramaic words but understood as Parthian ones (See Arsacid Pahlavi for details).

The Parthian language was the language of the old Satrapy of Parthia and was used in the Arsacids courts. The main sources for Parthian are the few remaining inscriptions from Nisa and Hecatompylos, Manichaean texts, Sasanian multi-lingual inscriptions, and remains of Parthian literature in the succeeding Middle Persian.[6] Among these, the Manichaean texts, composed shortly after the demise of the Parthian power, play an important role for reconstructing the Parthian language.[7] These Manichaean manuscripts contain no ideograms.


Attestations of the Parthian language include:[8]


This sample of Parthian literature is taken from a Manichaean text fragment[12]:

A fragment from Mani’s own account of his life
Parthian English
Āγad hēm Parwān-Šāh, u-m wāxt ku: Drōd abar tō až yazdān.

Šāh wāxt ku: Až ku ay? – Man wāxt ku: Bizišk hēm až Bābel

zamīg. [...] ud pad hamāg tanbār hō kanīžag društ būd. Pad

wuzurg šādīft ō man wāxt ku: Až ku ay tū, man baγ ud anǰīwag?

I came to the Parwan-Shah and said: "Benidictions ⟨be⟩ upon you from the gods (in honorific

Plural)!" The Shah said: "From where are you?" I said: "I am a physician from the land

of Babylon." [Fragment missing in which Mani seems to describe his miraculous

healing of the Shah's handmaiden] and in ⟨her⟩ whole body the handmaiden

became healthy ⟨again⟩. ⟨The Shah⟩ in great joy said to me: "From where are you,

my lord and saviour?"

الفرق عن الفارسية الوسيطة

Although Parthian was quite similar to Middle Persian in many aspects, we can still observe clear differences in lexical, morphological and phonological forms. In the text above, the following forms can be noticed:

  • ⟨āγad⟩, came, instead of Middle Persian ⟨āyad⟩.
  • ⟨wāxt⟩, said, instead of ⟨gōft⟩. This form for the verb to say can still be found in many contemporary Northwestern Iranian languages, e.g. Mazandarani ⟨vātεn⟩ or Zazaki ⟨vatış; vaten⟩. It is also common in Tati and Talysh, though not in Gilaki, Kurmanji or Sorani.
  • ⟨až⟩, from, instead of ⟨az⟩. Observe also in ⟨kanīžag⟩, handmaiden, instead of ⟨kanīzag⟩ and even in ⟨društ⟩, healthy, instead of ⟨drust⟩. The rendering of the Persian sound /z/ as /ʒ/, /tʃ / or /dʒ/ is also very common in Northwestern Iranian languages of today.
  • ⟨ay⟩, you are (Singular), instead of ⟨hē⟩.
  • ⟨zamīg⟩, land, instead of ⟨zamīn⟩. The form ⟨zamīg⟩ can be found in Balochi. The form ⟨zamin⟩ can be found in Persian.
  • ⟨hō⟩, that or the, instead of ⟨(h)ān⟩.
  • The abstractive nominal suffix ⟨-īft⟩ instead of ⟨-īh⟩, as in ⟨šādīft⟩, joy, Middle Persian ⟨šādīh⟩.

Other prominent differences, not found in the text above, include the personal pronoun ⟨az⟩, I, instead of ⟨an⟩ and the present tense root of the verb ⟨kardan⟩, to do, ⟨kar-⟩ instead of Middle Persian ⟨kun-⟩. Also, the Middle Persian linking particle and relative pronoun ⟨ī(g)⟩ was not present in Parthian, but the relative pronoun ⟨čē⟩, what, was used in a similar manner.[13]


In 224 AD, Ardashir I, the local ruler of Pars, deposed and replaced Artabanus IV, the last Parthian Emperor, and founded the fourth Iranian dynasty, and the second Persian dynasty, the Sassanian Empire. Parthian was then succeeded by Middle Persian,[بحاجة لمصدر] which when written is known as Sasanian Pahlavi.[بحاجة لمصدر] Parthian did not die out immediately, but remains attested in a few bi-lingual inscriptions from the Sasanian era.[بحاجة لمصدر]

انظر أيضاً



  1. ^ Lecoq, Pierre (1983). "Aparna". Encyclopedia Iranica. Vol. 1. Costa Mesa: Mazda Pub.
  2. ^ Livshits 2006, p. 79.
  3. ^ "Iranian languages". Encyclopedia Britannica (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2017-09-20.
  4. ^ "Iran Chamber Society: History of Iran: Parthian History and Language". www.iranchamber.com. Retrieved 2017-09-20.
  5. ^ "Iran Chamber Society: Iranian Scripts: Parthian Script". www.iranchamber.com. Retrieved 21 March 2018.
  6. ^ "Parthian language". Encyclopedia Britannica (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2017-09-20.
  7. ^ Wiesehöfer, Josef (2001). Ancient Persia : from 550 BC to 650 AD. Translated by Azado, Azizeh. I.B. Tauris. p. 118. ISBN 1-86064-675-1.
  8. ^ Tafazzoli, A.; Khromov, A. L. (1996). "Sasanian Iran: Intellectual Life". History of Civilizations of Central Asia. Vol. Volume 3. UNESCO. ISBN 92-3-103211-9. {{cite book}}: |volume= has extra text (help)
  9. ^ A. D. H. Bivar (1981). "The Second Parthian Ostracon from Qubmis (Qubmis Commentaries No. 3)". Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies. 19 (1): 81–84. doi:10.2307/4299707.
  10. ^ . "The Bilingual Inscription of Vologeses son of Mithridates".
  11. ^ Potter, D. S. (1991). "The Inscriptions on the Bronze Herakles from Mesene: Vologeses IV's War with Rome and the Date of Tacitus' Annales" (PDF). Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 88: 277–290. JSTOR 20187558.
  12. ^ "Manichaean Reader, Part No. 4: A fragment from Maniʼs own account of his life".
  13. ^ Sims-Williams, Nicholas (2004). Corpus Fontium Manichaerum: Dictionary of Manichaean Texts, Vol. III, Part 1: Dictionary of Manichaen Middle Persian and Parthian. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. p. 129. ISBN 2-503-51776-5.


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