ولایة فاریاب

Coordinates: 36°15′N 64°50′E / 36.250°N 64.833°E / 36.250; 64.833
(تم التحويل من ولاية فارياب)
أعضاء فريق إعادة إعمار الولايات من الجيش النرويجي في دورية بولاية فارياب (ديسمبر 2009).
أعضاء فريق إعادة إعمار الولايات من الجيش النرويجي في دورية بولاية فارياب (ديسمبر 2009).
خريطة أفغانستان موضح عليها موقع ولاية فارياب.
خريطة أفغانستان موضح عليها موقع ولاية فارياب.
الإحداثيات: 36°15′N 64°50′E / 36.250°N 64.833°E / 36.250; 64.833
البلد أفغانستان
 • GovernorQari Sahib Hafizullah Pahlawan[1]
 • Deputy GovernorMaulvi Sahib Abdul Wali Atqani[2]
 • Police ChiefHuzaifa Sahib[1]
 • الإجمالي20٬797٫6 كم² (8٬030�0 ميل²)
 • الإجمالي948٬000
منطقة التوقيتUTC+4:30
ISO 3166 codeAF-FYB
اللغات الرئيسيةالداري

فارياب Faryab Province (فارسية: فاریاب)، هي إحدى ولايات أفغانستان، وتقع شمال البلد على الحدود مع تركمنستان. عدد سكانها حوالي 948.000 نسمة،[4] من جماعات عرقية مختلفة معظمها قبلية.[5] تضم الولاية 15 مقاطعة وأكثر من 1.000 قرية. عاصمتها ميمنة.


Faryab is a Persian toponym meaning "lands irrigated by diversion of river water".[6][7] The name Faryab takes its name from a town founded in the area by the Sassanids. It is the home town of the famed Islamic philosopher, al-Farabi (per the biographer Ibn al-Nadim). The area is part of the trans-border region of Greater Khorasan; during the colonial era, British geographers referred to the area as Afghan Turkestan.

The history of settlement in Faryab is ancient and comprises layer upon layer of occupation. At times, it was a melting pot within which a host of cultures have merged into a non-conflictual whole or at least peaceable coexistence.

Maymana and Andkhoy (Andkhui) entered written history 2,500 years ago when Jews arrived and settled in 586 BC,[بحاجة لمصدر] fleeing the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar. The territory was under Persian control at the time, which later gave way to Greek rule following the conquest by Alexander the Great in 326 BC.

Persian dominance was restored from the 3rd to the 7th century AD.[8]

The pre-Islamic period ended with the conquest of northern Afghanistan by Arab Muslims (651-661 AD). The area "turned into a vast battlefield as the two great Arab and Persian cultures battled for not only political and geographical supremacy but ideological supremacy."[9] As a result, centuries of Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Nestorian Christianity and indigenous pagan cults were swept away. Various Islamic dynasties rose to power and influenced the locals. They included the Saffarids, Samanids, Ghaznavids, Seljuks, and Ghurids.

The history of Faryab was greatly altered yet again in the 11th century, this time with the invasion of the Mongols, under Genghis Khan and his descendants. As they moved into the area from the north, cities and towns including Maymana were razed, populations massacred, grain, fields and livestock stolen or burnt and ancient irrigation systems obliterated. Faryab was itself destroyed by the Mongols in 1220.[6] Control by the Mongols stemmed from the alternating capitals of Bukhara or Samarkand north of the Amu Darya River. They ruled in a decentralized manner, however, allowing local tribal chiefs in Maymana and elsewhere considerable autonomy (a legacy which was to last until the end of the 19th century).

In 1500, Uzbek princes, in the form of the Khanate of Bukhara (a Turco-Mongol state), swept across the Amu Darya, reaching Faryab and related areas around 1505. They joined a substantial and largely pastoral Arab population and ruled the area until the mid-18th century.

It was conquered by Ahmad Shah Durrani in 1748 and became part of the Durrani Empire. The area was untouched by the British during the three Anglo-Afghan wars that were fought in the 19th and 20th centuries. Faryab become a province in 1964. From the administrative reforms of the 1930s until then it was known as Maymana and was a sub-province of Balkh Province, which had its headquarters in Mazar-i-Sharif.[10]

View near the Zarmast Pass (Sauzak Pass) in 1939, which connects Faryab's Maymana to the city of Herat

During the 1990s Afghan Civil War (early 90s and late 90s), the front line between Taliban and opposition forces often fell between Badghis and Faryab provinces in the mid-1990s. Ismail Khan also fled to Faryab to reconstitute his forces following the Taliban takeover of Herat Province, but was betrayed by Abdul Malik Pahlawan.[11]

A village in Faryab province

In May 1997, Abdul Malik Pahlawan raised the Taliban flag over the capital of Maymana, switching sides and initiating a renewed Taliban offensive from the west.[12] Following a series of changing allegiances and falling out with Malik, the Taliban withdrew from the area, but in 1998 a contingent of 8,000 Taliban fighters pressed through Faryab, seizing Abdul Rashid Dostum's headquarters in Sheberghan, in neighboring Jowzjan province.[13]

Faryab province has been one of the more peaceful areas in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban government in late 2001. Recent development projects in the province have focused on expanding the agricultural potential of the province, in particular the re-forestation of areas of the province that were denuded in the recent past.

It was reported in 2006 that Abdul Malik Pahlawan's Freedom Party of Afghanistan still maintained an armed militant wing, which was contributing to instability in province.[14] The Afghan National Security Forces (ANFS) began expanding and slowly took over control. The Afghanistan-Turkmenistan border is maintained by the Afghan Border Police (ABP) while law and order for the rest of the province is provided by the NATO-trained Afghan National Police (ANP).

Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) members of the Norwegian Army on a patrol in Faryab Province (December 2009)

Between 2006 and late 2014, the province had a Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT), which was led by Norway. The Norwegian PRT had its base at Maymana and had also been given the responsibility for the Ghormach District.

Afghanistan signed a deal with China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) for the development of oil blocks in the Amu Darya basin, a project expected to earn billions of dollars over two decades; the deal covers drilling and a refinery in the northern provinces of Sar-e Pol and Faryab, and is the first international oil production agreement entered into by the Afghan government for several decades.[15] CNPC began Afghan oil production in October 2012,[16] and in the same month a huge gas reserves were discovered in the Andkhoy District of Faryab province.[17]

In July 2016, Human Rights Watch accused Abdul Rashid Dostum's National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan of killing, abusing and looting civilians in Faryab.[18]

As of January 2022, clashes have been reported in the province between the Taliban and resistance fighters, including in the provincial capital Maimana.[19]

السياسة والحكومة

في 14 أغسطس 2018، أعلن مسؤولون أفغان أن مقاتلين من حركة طالبان اجتاحوا أجزاء كبيرة من قاعدة للجيش شمال في مقاطعة غورماچ بولاية فارياب وقتلوا 10 جنود وأصابوا 15 وأسروا عشرات آخرين خلال اليومين السابقين.[20] وقال رئيس مجلس ولاية فارياب، محمد طاهر رحماني، إن المسلحين استولوا على دبابات وذخيرة في قاعدة تشيناييها العسكرية بمنطقة غورماش بالولاية في هجوم بدأ الأحد 12 أغسطس. لكن مسؤولا إقليميا آخر ذكر أن حركة طالبان أسرت 40 جنديا، وأن 30 من مسلحيها قتلوا أيضا في المعارك. وتزامن هجوم طالبان شمال البلاد مع اشتباكات في مدينة غزنة بجنوب شرق البلاد، التي تقع على الطريق السريع الرئيسي الرابط بين العاصمة كابل وجنوب البلاد. وأفاد السكان المحليون الذين فروا من مدينة غزنة بأن طالبان قطعت الاتصالات والكهرباء وإمدادات المياه، وأن المستشفيات تفتقر إلى الإمدادات الطبية، كما دمرت متاجر ومنازل وبعض المباني الحكومية.



مقاطعات ولاية فارياب
الخريطة المقاطعة العاصمة السكان[21] المساحة[22] عدد القرى والجماعات العرقية
مقاطعات ولاية فارياب ألمار ألمار 120,000 1,525 كم² 86 قرية. 65% أوزبك و 35% تركمان.[23]
آندخوي آندخوي 41,656 381 كم² 81 قرية. پشتون وطاجك وأوزبك.[24]
بلچراغ بلچراغ 41,706 1,189 كم² 44 قرية. پشتون وطاجك وأوزبك.[25]
دولت آباد دولت آباد 57,876 2,598 كم² 56 قرية. پشتون، طاجك وهزارة وأوزبك.[26]
غورماچ غورماچ 52,566 2,083 كم² پشتون.
گرزيوان گرزيوان 72,497 1,875 كم² 54 قرية. پشتون وطاجك وأوزبك.[27]
خان چارباغ چهر باغ 70,000 1,056 كم² 16 قرية. 65% أوزبك، 35% تركمان.[28]
خواجة صاحب پوش خواجة صاحب پوش 55,000 800 كم² 85 قرية. 80% أوزبك، 10% پشتون، و 10% طاجك.[29]
كوهستان قلعة 53,616 2,254 كم² 133 قرية.[30]
ميمنة 75,900 أوزبك وطاجك وپشتون.
پشتون كوت پشتون كوت 300,000 4,000 كم² 331 قرية. 60% أوزبك، 20% پشتون، 10% تركمان، و 10% طاجك


قـَرَم‌قـُل قرم‌قل 98,229 2,192 كم² 19 قرية / 73 عزبة. 70% تركمان و 30% أوزبك.[32]
قيصار قيصار 237000 2,502 كم² 190 قرية.[33]
قـُرغان قرغان 27,116 797 كم² 13 قرية.[34]
شيرين تگاب شيرين تگاب 141,642 3,500 كم² 116 قرية. أوزبك وطاجك وعرب.[35]

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ أ ب "د نږدې شلو ولایاتو لپاره نوي والیان او امنیې قوماندانان وټاکل شول". 7 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Al Emarah". Archived from the original on 29 October 2022. Retrieved 5 January 2022.
  3. ^ "Area and Administrative and Population". Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. 2013. Retrieved 2014-02-03.
  4. ^ أ ب خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة cso
  5. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة iwpr
  6. ^ أ ب Balland, Daniel (December 15, 1999). "FĀRYĀB". Encyclopædia Iranica (Online ed.). United States: Columbia University. Retrieved October 25, 2016.
  7. ^ Everett-Heath, John (2019-10-24). The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Place Names (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acref/9780191882913.001.0001. ISBN 978-0-19-188291-3.
  8. ^ Dr. Liz Alden Wily, LAND RELATIONS IN FARYAB PROVINCE: Findings from a field study in 11 villages, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, June 2004
  9. ^ Lee 1996, op cit., 10
  10. ^ "Pain, A. Livelihoods under stress in Faryab Province, Northern Afghanistan. Opportunities for Support. A Report to Save the Children (USA), Pakistan/Afghanistan Field Office. October 2001
  11. ^ Kamal Matinuddin (30 April 1999). The Taliban phenomenon: Afghanistan 1994-1997. Oxford University Press US. pp. 98–. ISBN 978-0-19-579274-4. Retrieved 30 March 2011.
  12. ^ Roy Gutman (2008). How we missed the story: Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, and the hijacking of Afghanistan. US Institute of Peace Press. pp. 104–. ISBN 978-1-60127-024-5. Retrieved 30 March 2011.
  13. ^ Larry P. Goodson (2001). Afghanistan's endless war: state failure, regional politics, and the rise of the Taliban. University of Washington Press. pp. 79–. ISBN 978-0-295-98050-8. Retrieved 30 March 2011.
  14. ^ Amin Tarzi. Afghanistan: Government Turns Its Sights On Northern Warlords. Radio Free Europe - Radio Liberty. August 21, 2006.
  15. ^ Harooni, Mirwais (2011-12-28). "REFILE-Afghanistan signs major oil deal with China's CNPC". Reuters. Retrieved 2012-01-01.
  16. ^ China's CNPC begins oil production in Afghanistan, by Hamid Shalizi. October 21, 2012.
  17. ^ "Major gas reserves found in Faryab". Pajhwok Afghan News. October 21, 2012. Archived from the original on 2014-02-01. Retrieved 2014-01-18.
  18. ^ "Afghanistan: Forces Linked to Vice President Terrorize Villagers | Human Rights Watch" (in الإنجليزية). 2016-07-31. Retrieved 2024-01-10.
  19. ^ Pannier, Bruce (January 29, 2022). "Taliban's Arrest Of Ethnic Uzbek Commander Sparks Clashes In Northern Afghanistan". Radio Free Europe. Retrieved January 30, 2022.
  20. ^ "مسلحو طالبان يقتحمون قاعدة عسكرية أفغانية ويأسرون عشرات الجنود". روسيا اليوم. 2018-08-14. Retrieved 2018-08-14.
  21. ^ "Faryab Province". Government of Afghanistan and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development. Retrieved 2012-10-22.
  22. ^ Afghanistan Geographic & Thematic Layers
  23. ^ Almar District (Re-elected)
  24. ^ Ankhoy District
  25. ^ Balcheragh District
  26. ^ Dawlat Abad District (Re-elected)
  27. ^ Gorzaiwan District
  28. ^ Khan Charbagh District (Re-elected)
  29. ^ Khaja Sahib Posh District (Re-elected)
  30. ^ Kohistan District
  31. ^ Pashton Kot Sahib Posh District (Re-elected)
  32. ^ Quramqul District (Re-elected)
  33. ^ Qaisar District (Re-elected)
  34. ^ Qurghan District(Re-elected)
  35. ^ Dawlat Abad District (Re-elected)

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