Hiragana 平仮名 ひらがな | |
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النوع | |
اللغات | Japanese and the Ryukyuan languages |
الفترة الزمنية | ~800 CE to the present |
النظم الوالدة | |
النظم الشقيقة | Katakana, Hentaigana |
الاتجاه | Left-to-right |
ISO 15924 | Hira, 410 |
مرادف اليونيكود | Hiragana |
| |
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الكتابة اليابانية |
المكونات |
الاستخدامات |
الترجمة اللفظية |
هيراگانا (平仮名・ひらがな) هي طريقة أبجدية لكتابة اللغة اليابانية، أي حسب المقاطع الصوتية. وقد طورت في الأصل ليستعملها الأطفال والنساء لضعف عقولهم عن استيعاب حروف الكانجي الصينية المعقدة.
إقرأ أيضا كاتاكانا.
Writing system
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Only used in some proper names |
مقاطع عادية
ـَ ـِ ـُ ـً (e) ـٌ (o)
ا أَ あ إِ い أُ う أً え أٌ お ك كَ か كِ き كُ く كً け كٌ こ س سَ さ شِ し سُ す سً せ سٌ そ ت تَ た چِ ち تْسُ つ تً て تٌ と ن نَ な نِ に نُ ぬ نً ね نٌ の ه هَ は هِ ひ فُ ふ هً へ هٌ ほ م مَ ま مِ み مُ む مً め مٌ も ي يَ や يُ ゆ يٌ よ ر رَ ら رِ り رُ る رً れ رٌ ろ و وَ わ إِ ゐ - أً ゑ أٌ を نْ (نون غنة) نْ ん مقاطع مجهورة:
ـَ ـِ ـُ ـً (e) ـٌ (o)
گ گَ が گِ ぎ گُ ぐ گً げ گٌ ご ز زَ ざ جِ じ دْزُ ず زً ぜ زٌ ぞ د دَ だ جِ じ دْزُ ず دً で دٌ ど ب بَ ば بِ び بُ ぶ بً べ بٌ ぼ پ پَ ぱ پِ ぴ پُ ぷ پً ぺ پٌ ぽ مقاطع مغوّرة:
يَ يُ يٌ (yo)
ك كْيَ きゃ كْيُ きゅ كْيٌ きょ گ گْيَ ぎゃ گْيُ ぎゅ گْيٌ ぎょ س شَ しゃ شُ しゅ شٌ しょ ز جَ じゃ جُ じゅ جٌ じょ ت چَ ちゃ چُ ちゅ چٌ ちょ ن نْيَ にゃ نْيُ にゅ نْيٌ にょ ه هْيَ ひゃ هْيُ ひゅ هْيٌ ひょ ب بْيَ びゃ بْيُ びゅ بْيٌ びょ پ پْيَ ぴゃ پْيُ ぴゅ پْيٌ ぴょ م مْيَ みゃ مْيُ みゅ مْيٌ みょ ر رْيَ りゃ رْيُ りゅ رْيٌ りょ
وبالإضافة إلى هذه الحروف، تستعمل ー لتطويل حركة.
Table of hiragana
The following table shows the complete hiragana together with the modified Hepburn romanization and IPA transcription in the gojūon order.[2][3][4][5] Hiragana with dakuten or handakuten follow the gojūon kana without them, with the yōon kana following. Those in bold do not use the initial sound for that row. For all syllables besides ん, the pronunciation indicated is for word-initial syllables, for mid-word pronunciations see below.
Monographs (gojūon) | Digraphs (yōon) | |||||||
a | i | u | e | o | ya | yu | yo | |
∅ | あ a [a] |
い i [i] |
う u [ɯ] |
え e [e] |
お o [o] |
K | か ka [ka] |
き ki [ki] |
く ku [kɯ] |
け ke [ke] |
こ ko [ko] |
きゃ kya [kʲa] |
きゅ kyu [kʲɯ] |
きょ kyo [kʲo] |
S | さ sa [sa] |
し shi [ɕi] |
す su [sɯ] |
せ se [se] |
そ so [so] |
しゃ sha [ɕa] |
しゅ shu [ɕɯ] |
しょ sho [ɕo] |
T | た ta [ta] |
ち chi [tɕi] |
つ tsu [tsɯ] |
て te [te] |
と to [to] |
ちゃ cha [tɕa] |
ちゅ chu [tɕɯ] |
ちょ cho [tɕo] |
N | な na [na] |
に ni [ɲi] |
ぬ nu [nɯ] |
ね ne [ne] |
の no [no] |
にゃ nya [ɲa] |
にゅ nyu [ɲɯ] |
にょ nyo [ɲo] |
H | は ha [ha] ([wa] as particle) |
ひ hi [çi] |
ふ fu [ɸɯ] |
へ he [he] ([e] as particle) |
ほ ho [ho] |
ひゃ hya [ça] |
ひゅ hyu [çɯ] |
ひょ hyo [ço] |
M | ま ma [ma] |
み mi [mi] |
む mu [mɯ] |
め me [me] |
も mo [mo] |
みゃ mya [mʲa] |
みゅ myu [mʲɯ] |
みょ myo [mʲo] |
Y | や ya [ja] |
[1] | ゆ yu [jɯ] |
[1] | よ yo [jo] |
R | ら ra [ɾa] |
り ri [ɾi] |
る ru [ɾɯ] |
れ re [ɾe] |
ろ ro [ɾo] |
りゃ rya [ɾʲa] |
りゅ ryu [ɾʲɯ] |
りょ ryo [ɾʲo] |
W | わ wa [wa] |
ゐ[1] wi [wi] |
[1] | ゑ[1] we [we] |
を o [o] |
Diacritics (gojūon with (han)dakuten) | Digraphs with diacritics (yōon with (han)dakuten) | |||||||
a | i | u | e | o | ya | yu | yo | |
G | が ga [ɡa] |
ぎ gi [ɡi] |
ぐ gu [ɡɯ] |
げ ge [ɡe] |
ご go [ɡo] |
ぎゃ gya [ɡʲa] |
ぎゅ gyu [ɡʲɯ] |
ぎょ gyo [ɡʲo] |
Z | ざ za [(d)za] |
じ ji [(d)ʑi] |
ず zu [(d)zɯ] |
ぜ ze [(d)ze] |
ぞ zo [(d)zo] |
じゃ ja [(d)ʑa] |
じゅ ju [(d)ʑɯ] |
じょ jo [(d)ʑo] |
D | だ da [da] |
ぢ ji [(d)ʑi] |
づ zu [(d)zɯ] |
で de [de] |
ど do [do] |
ぢゃ ja [(d)ʑa] |
ぢゅ ju [(d)ʑɯ] |
ぢょ jo [(d)ʑo] |
B | ば ba [ba] |
び bi [bi] |
ぶ bu [bɯ] |
べ be [be] |
ぼ bo [bo] |
びゃ bya [bʲa] |
びゅ byu [bʲɯ] |
びょ byo [bʲo] |
P | ぱ pa [pa] |
ぴ pi [pi] |
ぷ pu [pɯ] |
ぺ pe [pe] |
ぽ po [po] |
ぴゃ pya [pʲa] |
ぴゅ pyu [pʲɯ] |
ぴょ pyo [pʲo] |
Final nasal monograph | Polysyllabic monographs | |||||
n | kashiko | koto | sama | nari | mairasesoro | yori |
ん n [ɴ m n ɲ ŋ ɰ̃] |
![]() kashiko [kaɕiko] |
![]() koto [koto] |
![]() sama [sama] |
![]() nari [naɾi] |
![]() ![]() mairasesoro [maiɾasesoːɾoː] |
ゟ yori [joɾi] |
![]() goto [goto] |
Functional graphemes | |||
sokuonfu | chōonpu | odoriji (monosyllable) | odoriji (polysyllable) |
っ (indicates a geminate consonant) |
ー (after long vowel) |
ゝ (reduplicates and unvoices syllable) |
〱 (reduplicates and unvoices syllable) |
ゞ (reduplicates and voices syllable) |
〱゙ (reduplicates and voices syllable) | ||
ゝ゚ (reduplicates and changes syllable) [مطلوب توضيح] |
〱゚ (reduplicates and changes syllable) [مطلوب توضيح] |
Hiragana was added to the Unicode Standard in October, 1991 with the release of version 1.0.
The Unicode block for Hiragana is U+3040–U+309F:
The Unicode hiragana block contains precomposed characters for all hiragana in the modern set, including small vowels and yōon kana for compound syllables as well as the rare ゐ wi and ゑ we; the archaic 𛀁 ye is included in plane 1 at U+1B001 (see below). All combinations of hiragana with dakuten and handakuten used in modern Japanese are available as precomposed characters (including the rare ゔ vu), and can also be produced by using a base hiragana followed by the combining dakuten and handakuten characters (U+3099 and U+309A, respectively). This method is used to add the diacritics to kana that are not normally used with them, for example applying the dakuten to a pure vowel or the handakuten to a kana not in the h-group.
Characters U+3095 and U+3096 are small か (ka) and small け (ke), respectively. U+309F is a ligature of より (yori) occasionally used in vertical text. U+309B and U+309C are spacing (non-combining) equivalents to the combining dakuten and handakuten characters, respectively.
Historic and variant forms of Japanese kana characters were first added to the Unicode Standard in October, 2010 with the release of version 6.0, with significantly more added in 2017 as part of Unicode 10.
The Unicode block for Kana Supplement is U+1B000–U+1B0FF, and is immediately followed by the Kana Extended-A block (U+1B100–U+1B12F). These blocks include mainly hentaigana (historic or variant hiragana):
قالب:Unicode chart Kana Supplement قالب:Unicode chart Kana Extended-A
The Unicode block for Kana Extended-B is U+1AFF0–U+1AFFF: قالب:Unicode chart Kana Extended-B
The Unicode block for Small Kana Extension is U+1B130–U+1B16F:
قالب:Unicode chart Small Kana Extension
In the following character sequences a kana from the /k/ row is modified by a handakuten combining mark to indicate that a syllable starts with an initial nasal, known as bidakuon. As of Unicode 14.0, these character combinations are explicitly called out as Named Sequences:
Hiragana named sequences Unicode Named Character Sequences Database | ||||||||||||||||
Sequence name | Codepoints | Glyph | ||||||||||||||
HIRAGANA LETTER BIDAKUON NGA | U+304B | U+309A | か゚ | |||||||||||||
HIRAGANA LETTER BIDAKUON NGI | U+304D | U+309A | き゚ | |||||||||||||
HIRAGANA LETTER BIDAKUON NGU | U+304F | U+309A | く゚ | |||||||||||||
HIRAGANA LETTER BIDAKUON NGE | U+3051 | U+309A | け゚ | |||||||||||||
See also
- Japanese writing system
- Bopomofo (Zhùyīn fúhào, "phonetic symbols"), a phonetic system of 37 characters for writing Chinese developed in the 1900s and is more common in Taiwan.
- Iteration mark explains the iteration marks used with hiragana.
- Japanese phonology explains Japanese pronunciation in detail.
- Japanese typographic symbols gives other non-kana, non-kanji symbols.
- Katakana
- Nüshu, a syllabary writing system used by women in China's Hunan province
- Shodō, Japanese calligraphy.
- ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د See obsolete kana.
- ^ NHK, WORLD. "The Japanese Syllabaries (Hiragana)" (PDF). www.nhk.or.jp.
- ^ ■米国規格(ANSI Z39.11-1972)―要約. halcat.com. Archived from the original on 24 September 2015.
- ^ "ALA-LC Japanese romanization table" (PDF). Library of Congress. Retrieved 2022-08-12.
- ^ Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary (Fourth ed.). Kenkyūsha. 1974.
خطأ استشهاد: الوسم <ref>
ذو الاسم "auto" المُعرّف في <references>
غير مستخدم في النص السابق.
ذو الاسم "auto2" المُعرّف في <references>
غير مستخدم في النص السابق.Sources
- "The Art of Japanese Calligraphy", Yujiro Nakata, ISBN 0-8348-1013-1, gives details of the development of onode and onnade.
External links

- CS1 uses اليابانية-language script (ja)
- Short description is different from Wikidata
- Scripts with ISO 15924 four-letter codes
- جميع الصفحات التي تحتاج تنظيف
- مقالات بالمعرفة تحتاج توضيح from July 2022
- Articles with hatnote templates targeting a nonexistent page
- Japanese writing system terms
- كانا
- Japanese writing system
- Syllabary writing systems
- لغة يابانية