مارك روته

مارك روته
Mark Rutte, Kyiv, 2022.jpg
مارك روته في 2022
رئيس وزراء هولندا
تولى المنصب
14 اكتوبر 2010
سبقهجان پيتر بالكننده
زعيم حزب الشعب من أجل الحرية والديمقراطية
تولى المنصب
31 مايو 2006
سبقهيوزياس فان آرتسن
وزير الدولة للتربية والثقافة والعلوم
في المنصب
17 يونيو 2004 – 27 يونيو 2006
رئيس الوزراءجان پيتر بالكننده
سبقهأنيت نايس
خلـَفهبرونو بروينس
وزير الدولة للشؤون الاجتماعية والتوظيف
في المنصب
22 يوليو 2002 – 17 يونيو 2004
رئيس الوزراءجان پيتر بالكننده
سبقههانس هوجرفورست
خلـَفههينك فان هوف
عضو في البرلمان الهولندي
في المنصب
31 مارس 2021 – 10 يناير 2022
في المنصب
23 مارس 2017 – 26 أكتوبر 2017
في المنصب
20 سبتمبر 2012 – 5 نوفمبر 2012
في المنصب
28 يونيو 2006 – 14 أكتوبر 2010
في المنصب
30 يناير 2003 – 27 ماية 2003
تفاصيل شخصية
وُلِد14 فبراير 1967 (العمر 58 سنة)
لاهاي، هولندا
الحزبحزب الشعب من أجل الحرية والديمقراطية
الإقامةCatshuis (official)
التعليمجامعة لايدن (بكالوريوس في الآداب، ماجستير في الآداب)
ReligionProtestantism (Dutch Protestant Church)
الموقع الإلكترونيOfficial website

مارك روته هولندية: [ˈmɑr(ə)k ˈrʏtə]  ( استمع) (و. 14 فبراير 1967 - ) هو سياسي هولندي يشغل منصب رئيس وزراء هولندا منذ عام 2010، وهو زعيم حزب الشعب من أجل الحرية والديمقراطية الهولدني (VVD) منذ عام 2006.

نشط في مجال الأعمال لدى شركة، ثم بدأ حياته السياسية في 2002 بعد تعيينه وزير الشؤون الاجتماعية والتوظيف، من قبل رئيس الوزراء جان پيتر بالكننده من حزب النداء الديمقراطيين المسيحي (CDA)، وذلك بعد اتفاق ائتلافي ضمن لحزب الشعب عدة مقاعد في مجلس الوزراء. انتخب روته لاحقاً لعضوية مجلس النواب انتخابات 2003. وفي عام 2004، أصبح وزير التعليم والثقافة والعلوم، في حكومة جان پيتر بالكننده الثانية. وبعد الانتخابات البلدية في 2006، والتي شهدت خسائر فادحة لحزب الشعب، أعلن زعيم الحزب جوزياس فان أرتسن استقالته. وترشح روته لانتخابات رئاسة الحزب؛ وانتخب في 31 مايو، كرئيساً للحزب.استقال بعدها من منصبه الوزاري. وقاد حملة حزبه بانتخابات 2006]]. ورغم أن حزب خسر ستة مقاعد، إلا أنه أصبح ثاني أكبر حزب معارض. في انتخابات 2010]]، قاد روته حزبه (VVD) للفوز بأكبر عدد من الأصوات، مما جعله أكبر حزب في مجلس النواب لأول مرة في تاريخ الحزب. وبعد مفاوضات ائتلافية طويلة، أدى روته اليمين الدستورية كرئيس لوزراء هولندا في 14 أكتوبر 2010. وكان أول ليبرالي يتم تعيينه رئيسًا للوزراء منذ 92 سنة، وكذلك ثاني أصغر رئيس وزراء في التاريخ الهولندي.[1]

وأدى الجمود في مفاوضات الميزانية إلى انهيار حكومته مبكراً في أبريل 2012، لكن الانتخابات اللاحقة شهدت فوز VVD بأكبر عدد من المقاعد على الإطلاق، وعودة روته كرئيس للوزراء ليؤدي إلى حكومة ائتلافية بين حزب الشعب وحزب العمل. أصبحت هذه الحكومة هي الأولى منذ عام 1998 التي تستمر فترة الولاية الكاملة والتي مدتها أربع سنوات.ورغم من أن حزب الشعب في انتخابات 2017 فقد عدداً من المقاعد، إلا أنه ظل يملك أكبر كتلة برلمانية، متقدماً على حزب الحرية. وبعد فترة قياسية،تشكلت الحكومة وعين روته لقيادة الحكومة الائتلافية الجديدة. وأدى اليمين الدستورية لولايته الثالثة كرئيس للوزراء في 26 أكتوبر 2017.

عرض روته ووزرائه استقالتهم إلى الملك في 15 يناير 2021 رداً على فضيحة تتعلق بادعاءات كاذبة حول عمليات احتيال في رعاية الأطفال، قدمتها سلطات الضرائب الهولندية.[2][3][4] وحافظظل روته على منصبه بعد انتخابات 2021، التي أدت لنيل حزبه المركز الأول في الانتخابات الرابعة على التوالي.[5][6]شكل الحكومة الجديدة بفترق قياسية، وبدأ ولايته الرابعة كرئيس للوزراء في 10 يناير 2022. ونظراً لقدرته على الخروج من الفضائح السياسية دون أن تتضرر سمعته، تمت الإشارة إليه باسم "Teflon Mark".[7] في 2 أغسطس 2022، أصبح رئيس الوزراء الأكثر بقاءاً في منصبه بتاريخ هولندا، متجاوزاً رود لوبرز (1982-1994).[8][9]

Early life

Rutte was born in The Hague, in the province of South Holland,[10] in a Dutch Reformed family. He is the youngest child of Izaäk Rutte (5 October 1909 – 22 April 1988), a merchant, and his second wife, Hermina Cornelia Dilling (13 November 1923 – 13 May 2020), a secretary. Izaäk Rutte worked for a trading company; first as an importer in the Dutch East Indies, later as a director in the Netherlands.[بحاجة لمصدر] His second wife was a sister of his first wife, Petronella Hermanna Dilling (17 March 1910 – 20 July 1945), who died while she and he were interned together in Tjideng, a prisoner of war camp in Batavia, now Jakarta, during World War II.[11][12] Rutte has seven siblings as a result of his father's two marriages. One of his elder brothers died from AIDS in the 1980s. Rutte later described the deaths of his brother and later his father as events that changed the course of his life.[13][14]

Rutte attended the Maerlant Lyceum from 1979 until 1985,[15] specialising in the arts. Although Rutte's original ambition was to attend a conservatory and become a concert pianist,[16] he went to study history at Leiden University instead, where he obtained an MA degree in 1992.[17] Rutte combined his studies with a position on the board of the Youth Organisation Freedom and Democracy, the youth organisation of the VVD, of which he was the chair from 1988 to 1991.[18]

After his studies, Rutte entered the business world, working as a manager for Unilever (and its food subsidiary Calvé). Until 1997, Rutte was part of the human resource department of Unilever, and played a leading role in several reorganisations. Between 1997 and 2000, Rutte was staff manager for Van den Bergh Nederland, a subsidiary of Unilever's. In 2000, Rutte became a member of the Corporate Human Resources Group, and in 2002, he became human resource manager for IgloMora Groep, another subsidiary of Unilever's.[19]

Between 1993 and 1997, Rutte was a member of the national board of the VVD. Rutte also served as a member of the VVD candidate committee for the general election of 2002. Rutte was elected as Member of Parliament in 2003.

Political career

Rutte served as State Secretary at the Social Affairs and Employment Ministry from 22 July 2002 to 17 June 2004 in the First and Second Balkenende cabinets. Rutte was responsible for fields including bijstand (municipal welfare) and arbeidsomstandigheden (Occupational safety and health). After the 2003 elections Rutte was briefly also a member of the House of Representatives, from 30 January to 27 May 2003.

In 2003, as State Secretary, Rutte advised municipalities to check, exceptionally, Somali residents for social assistance fraud, after some Somalis working in England were also found to receive social assistance benefits in the Netherlands. A Somali man entitled to benefits was stopped by social investigators and checked for fraud on the basis of his external characteristics, after which he refused the investigators access to his home. The Municipal Executive (College van burgemeester en wethouders) of Haarlem decided to withdraw the right of the man to social benefits. He disagreed with this and his appeal was upheld by the administrative judge. The court ruled that "an investigation aimed exclusively at persons of Somali descent is discriminatory" and contrary to the Constitution because this distinction is "discrimination based on race". Rutte rejected the criticism and stated that a change in the law would then be necessary to be able to combat targeted fraud.[20][21][22]

Rutte later served as State Secretary for Higher Education and Science, within the Education, Culture and Science Ministry, replacing Annette Nijs, from 17 June 2004 to 27 June 2006, in the Second Balkenende cabinet. In office, Rutte showed particular interest in making the Dutch higher education system more competitive internationally, by trying to make it more market oriented (improving the position of students as consumers in the market for education). Rutte would have been succeeded by former The Hague alderman Bruno Bruins. Before Bruins could be sworn into office, the second Balkenende cabinet fell. In the subsequently formed Third Balkenende cabinet Bruins succeeded Rutte as State secretary.

Rutte resigned from his position in government in June 2006 to return to the House of Representatives, and he soon became the parliamentary leader of the VVD. Rutte became an important figure within the VVD leadership. Rutte was campaign manager for the 2006 municipal elections.

Party leadership election

After the resignation of Jozias van Aartsen, the VVD having lost in the 2006 Dutch municipal election, the party held an internal election for lijsttrekker, in which Rutte competed against Rita Verdonk and Jelleke Veenendaal. On 31 May 2006, it was announced that Mark Rutte would be the next lijsttrekker of the VVD. He was elected by 51.5% of party members. Rutte's candidacy was backed by the VVD leadership, including the party board, and many prominent politicians such as Frank de Grave, former minister of Defence, Ivo Opstelten, the mayor of Rotterdam and Ed Nijpels, the Queen's Commissioner of Friesland. The Youth Organisation Freedom and Democracy, the VVD's youth wing, of which he had been chair, also backed him. During the elections he promised "to make the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy a party for everyone and not just of the elite". His youthful appearance has been likened to the successful former leader of the Labour Party, Wouter Bos.

Rutte said that the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) party was a group that "the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy could do business with".[23] He had also stated that with the social security ideas of the Labour Party, which he called too socialist, it was unlikely that the VVD would cooperate or form a coalition after the elections.[بحاجة لمصدر]

2006 general election

For the 2006 general election, the VVD campaign with Rutte as leader did not get off to a good start; he received criticism from within his own party.[24] Rutte was said to be overshadowed by his own party members Rita Verdonk and Gerrit Zalm, as well as being unable to penetrate between Wouter Bos and Jan Peter Balkenende, who were generally seen as the prime candidates to become the next Prime Minister. On 27 November, it became known that Rita Verdonk managed to obtain more votes than Mark Rutte; he obtained 553,200 votes against Verdonk's 620,555.[24][25] After repeated criticisms by Verdonk on VVD policy, Rutte expelled her from the party's parliamentary faction on 13 September 2007.[26]

2010 general election

In the 2010 general election, Rutte was once again the lijsttrekker for the VVD. It won 31 seats to become the largest party in the House of Representatives for the first time ever.[27] A long period of negotiations followed, with several personalities succeeding each other, being appointed by Queen Beatrix in order to find out what coalition could be formed. Efforts to form a coalition between the VVD, CDA and PvdA failed. Instead, the only possibility appeared to be a centre-right coalition of liberals and Christian Democrats (CDA), with the outside support of the Party for Freedom (PVV), led by Geert Wilders.

Prime Minister of The Netherlands

Premiership of Mark Rutte
14 October 2010 – present
رئيس الوزراءMark Rutte
مجلس الوزراءFirst Rutte cabinet
Second Rutte cabinet
Third Rutte cabinet
Fourth Rutte cabinet
الحزبPeople's Party for Freedom and Democracy
الانتخابات2010, 2012, 2017, 2021
المُعينWillem-Alexander of the Netherlands
Official website

First term

Rutte presenting his first cabinet together with Deputy Prime Minister Maxime Verhagen (CDA) and coalition partner Geert Wilders (PVV)

After securing support for a coalition between the VVD and CDA, Rutte was appointed as formateur on 8 October 2010; Rutte announced his prospective cabinet, including Maxime Verhagen from the CDA as Deputy Prime Minister. On 14 October, Queen Beatrix formally invited Rutte to form a government, and later that day, Rutte presented his first cabinet to Parliament. The government was confirmed in office by a majority of one, and Rutte was sworn in as Prime Minister of the Netherlands, becoming the first Liberal to serve in the role since Pieter Cort van der Linden in 1918.[27] He also became the second-youngest Prime Minister in Dutch history, after Ruud Lubbers.

After the victory at the 2011 provincial elections, the VVD secured its status as the lead party within the government. In March 2012, seeking to comply with European Union requirements to reduce the nation's deficit, Rutte began talks with his coalition partners on a budget which would cut 16 billion euros of spending. However, PVV leader Geert Wilders withdrew his party's informal support from the government on 21 April, stating that the proposed budget would hurt economic growth.[28] This led to the early collapse of the government, and Rutte submitted his resignation to Queen Beatrix on the afternoon of 23 April.[29] His government had lasted for 558 days, making it one of the shortest Dutch cabinets since World War II.[28]

Second term

Ahead of the 2012 general election, Rutte was named the VVD's lijsttrekker for the third time. At the election in September, the VVD won an additional 10 seats, remaining the largest party in the House of Representatives; the CDA and PVV saw their number of seats fall significantly.[30] The VVD quickly negotiated a coalition agreement with the Labour Party, and on 5 November 2012, the Second Rutte cabinet was confirmed by a vote in Parliament, seeing Rutte returned as Prime Minister of a VVD-PvdA coalition government.

In 2014, The Hague held a Group of Seven special meeting after the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down in Ukraine with 193 Dutch nationals aboard. During the municipal elections of 2014, the VVD finished third behind local parties and the CDA; at the European Parliament election the same year, it finished fourth. At the 2015 Dutch provincial elections, however, the VVD remained the largest party in the province's legislatures with about 15% of the vote, but lost 23 seats in the States-Provincial.

In April 2016, Rutte was appointed by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and President of the World Bank Group Jim Yong Kim to the High-Level Panel on Water. Co-chaired by Mauritius President Ameenah Gurib and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, the joint United Nations-World Bank Group panel was set up to accelerate the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6).[31] That month also saw the 2016 Dutch Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement referendum, which resulted in a rejection. In November 2016 the House of Representatives approved by 132 votes against 18 a ban on the Islamic burqa in some public spaces including schools and hospitals, a bill supported by the VVD.[32]

Rutte's second cabinet completed its full four-year term without collapsing or losing a vote of no confidence, becoming the first cabinet to do so since the First Kok cabinet from 1994 to 1998.[33]

Third term

Rutte with U.S. President Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House on 18 July 2019
Rutte with Indonesian Minister of Public Works Basuki Hadimuljono showing off their Nokia phones in 2019.

The VVD went into the 2017 general election with a small lead over the PVV in most opinion polls. Rutte was judged to have managed the 2017 Dutch–Turkish diplomatic incident well according to similar polling. While the VVD lost 8 seats in the general election, the PvdA lost 29, and these seats were split between a number of other parties, leaving the VVD the largest party in parliament for the third successive election. After holding coalition discussions, Rutte negotiated a grand coalition with the CDA, D66 and CU; he presented his third cabinet on 26 October 2017, and was sworn in as Prime Minister for a third term. The 225 days between the general election and the installation of the government was the longest such period in Dutch history.

The coalition agreement's plan to abolish the 15% dividend tax (providing the state €1.4 billion per year) proved highly unpopular, as it had not been mentioned in any party's program, and it later appeared that major Dutch companies like Shell and Unilever had secretly been lobbying for that measure.[34]

In July 2018, Rutte became a topic in international news because of what was considered "typical Dutch bluntness", by interrupting and explicitly contradicting the American president Donald Trump during a meeting with the press at the Oval Office in the White House.[35][36]

Rutte's third government provided materials to the Levant Front rebel group in Syria.[37] In September 2018, the Dutch public prosecution department declared the Levant Front to be a "criminal organisation of terrorist intent", describing it as a "salafist and jihadistic" group that "strives for the setting up of the caliphate".[38]

On 21 March 2018, the Dutch Intelligence and Security Services Act referendum was held. It resulted in a rejection. At the 2019 provincial elections, Rutte's VVD suffered a blow following the victory of right-wing populist newcomer Forum for Democracy (FvD).

During the negotiations for the COVID-19 recovery fund in the European Union, Rutte is considered the unofficial leader of the Frugal Four,[39] demanding loans instead of grants and more conditions on them.

During a parliamentary debate on 9 September 2020, Rutte suggested that the EU could be dissolved and re-formed without Poland and Hungary, as he perceives these countries' governments to be dismantling the rule of law.[40][41][42]

On 15 January 2021, the third Rutte cabinet collectively resigned after publications of research around the childcare subsidies scandal in the Netherlands.[43] Rutte offered his resignation to the King, accepting responsibility for the scandal.[44]

Fourth term

Following the 2021 Dutch general election, Rutte's VVD party held 34 of 150 seats and was expected to form a new coalition government.[45] After remaining caretaker Prime Minister for the duration of the longest formation process in Dutch history, on 15 December 2021 he presented a coalition agreement with D66, CDA and CU, the same combination as his previous government.[46]


Personal life

Rutte is single.[10][51] He is a member of the Dutch Protestant Church.[52] As of 2021, Rutte still taught social studies for two hours a week at the Johan de Witt College, a secondary school in The Hague.[17][53] Rutte is known to be a big fan of the writing of Robert Caro, especially his 1974 book about Robert Moses, The Power Broker.[54] He drives an old Saab.[55]

See also


  1. ^ "Mark Rutte: eerste liberale premier sinds 1918" (in الهولندية). eenvandaag.nl. 7 October 2010. Archived from the original on 26 May 2012. Retrieved 23 April 2012.
  2. ^ "Dutch PM Rutte and his government quit over child welfare scandal". Al Jazeera. 15 January 2021. Retrieved 16 January 2021.
  3. ^ "The buck stops here: Dutch govt quits over welfare scandal". Associated Press. 15 January 2021. Retrieved 16 January 2021.
  4. ^ "Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and his entire Cabinet resign over child welfare scandal". www.cbsnews.com (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 16 January 2021.
  5. ^ "Netherlands election: Mark Rutte claims fourth term with 'overwhelming' victory". TheGuardian.com. 18 March 2021.
  6. ^ "Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and his entire Cabinet resign over child welfare scandal". CBS News. 15 January 2021. Retrieved 16 January 2021.
  7. ^ "'Teflon' Mark Rutte set for fourth Dutch term after record-breaking talks". TheGuardian.com. 14 December 2021.
  8. ^ Sterling, Toby (2022-08-02). "Mark Rutte becomes Netherlands' longest-serving prime minister". Reuters (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2022-08-02.
  9. ^ "Mark Rutte becomes longest serving Dutch prime minister". DutchNews.nl (in الإنجليزية البريطانية). 2022-08-01. Retrieved 2022-08-02.
  10. ^ أ ب (in هولندية) Drs. M. (Mark) Rutte, Parlement & Politiek. Retrieved 2 August 2014.
  11. ^ Death of Mark Rutte's mother
  12. ^ Pedigree
  13. ^ "Rutte on Zomergasten: Wilders, multiculturalism and the 'last taboo'". 5 September 2016.
  14. ^ "Mark Rutte: North's quiet rebel". 8 June 2018.
  15. ^ "Rutte opent Maerlant-Lyceum Den Haag". Hart van Nederland (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). 16 February 2011. Retrieved 10 June 2020.
  16. ^ "Rutte had pianoleraar kunnen zijn". De Pers. Archived from the original on 11 March 2012. Retrieved 23 April 2012.
  17. ^ أ ب "CV | Mark Rutte". rijksoverheid.nl. Archived from the original on 20 March 2012. Retrieved 23 April 2012.
  18. ^ "Mark Rutte" (in الهولندية). VVD.
  19. ^ "Biografie – Mark Rutte". elsevier.nl. Archived from the original on 24 May 2012. Retrieved 23 April 2012.
  20. ^ "Rutte: Veroordeling discriminatie onterecht". Elsevier. 19 May 2007.
  21. ^ "Rutte zette aan tot discriminatie". NRC Handelsblad.
  22. ^ قالب:ECLI
  23. ^ "CDA calls for longer working week". dutchnews.nl. 18 August 2006.
  24. ^ أ ب (in هولندية) "Onvrede binnen VVD over Rutte," Algemeen Dagblad (31 October 2006). Retrieved 14 May 2014.
  25. ^ "Tension mounts as VVD waits for Verdonk's reaction to voters' support". dutchnews.nl. 28 November 2006.
  26. ^ (in هولندية) Oranje, Joost and Guus Valk, "Kamp: VVD moet Rutte nu steunen," Archived 15 مايو 2014 at the Wayback Machine NRC Handelsblad (15 September 2007). Retrieved 14 May 2014. Literal English translation: "Verdonk was yesterday by Mark Rutte formally expelled from the VVD's parliamentary party in the House of Representatives after she had again voiced criticism of the party in the press." Dutch original: "Verdonk werd gisteren formeel door Mark Rutte uit de Tweede Kamerfractie van de VVD gezet, nadat zij in de pers opnieuw kritiek had geuit op de fractie."
  27. ^ أ ب "Election 2010 – The Netherlands shifts to the right". NRC Handelsblad. 10 June 2010. Archived from the original on 13 June 2010. Retrieved 10 June 2010.
  28. ^ أ ب "Dutch government falls in budget crisis". BBC News. 23 April 2012. Retrieved 24 April 2012.
  29. ^ Gilbert Kreijger and Thomas Escritt (23 April 2012). "Dutch Prime Minister resigns in budget cuts row". Reuters. Retrieved 24 April 2012.
  30. ^ "Volg de verkiezingen 2014 live". De Volkskrant. Archived from the original on 15 September 2012.
  31. ^ United Nations Secretary-General, World Bank Group President Appoint High-Level Panel on Water United Nations, a press release of 21 April 2016.
  32. ^ The Netherlands votes for partial restrictions of the burqa in public space, independent.co.uk, 29 November 2016.
  33. ^ "Kabinet-Rutte II verslaat Lubbers III: langstzittende kabinet". NOS (in الهولندية). 20 August 2017. Retrieved 17 October 2017.
  34. ^ Rutte: effect afschaffen dividendbelasting op bedridden niet bekend Archived 1 ديسمبر 2017 at the Wayback Machine (in Dutch), rtlnieuws.nl.
  35. ^ "Trump got a dose of Dutch bluntness from visiting prime minister". The Washington Post. Retrieved 29 January 2021.
  36. ^ Rutte interrupts Trump! 4 Things that happened at the Rutte – Trump meeting
  37. ^ "Dutch govt under fire for Syria opposition support". MSN. 11 September 2018. Archived from the original on 1 February 2019. Retrieved 8 February 2019.
  38. ^ "Dutch funded 'jihadist' group in Syria, terror trial may now falter". Dutch News. 11 September 2018. Retrieved 16 September 2018.
  39. ^ Dodman, Benjamin (20 July 2020). "Dutch PM Mark Rutte, the thrifty europhile holding Europe hostage". France 24. Reuters, AFP. Retrieved 21 July 2020.
  40. ^ "[Opinion] Could we found a new EU without Hungary and Poland?". EUobserver (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 25 September 2020.
  41. ^ "The frugal blues: An underappreciated threat to the European project". ECFR (in الإنجليزية). 15 September 2020. Retrieved 25 September 2020.
  42. ^ "Plenaire verslagen". www.tweedekamer.nl (in الهولندية). 9 September 2020. Archived from the original on 21 January 2021. Retrieved 25 September 2020. Je moet gaan nadenken: kun je een begroting maken via een intergouvernementeel verdrag of kun je nu een Europese Unie oprichten zonder Hongarije en Polen?
  43. ^ Erdbrink, Thomas (15 January 2021). "Government in Netherlands Resigns After Benefit Scandal". The New York Times (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). ISSN 0362-4331. Archived from the original on 2021-12-28. Retrieved 16 January 2021.
  44. ^ van den Berg, Stephanie (15 January 2021). "Dutch government resigns over childcare subsidies scandal". Reuters. Retrieved 15 January 2021.
  45. ^ "Dutch election: PM Mark Rutte claims victory and fourth term". BBC News. 18 March 2021. Retrieved 17 April 2021.
  46. ^ "Coalition agreement presented today after record long formation process". NL Times (in الإنجليزية). ANP. 15 December 2021. Retrieved 15 December 2021.
  47. ^ 2019-S8 – Honorary Companion (AC) in General Division (9 October 2019)
  48. ^ The Royal Correspondent
  49. ^ PPE Agency
  50. ^ Quirinale website
  51. ^ "Ten things you didn't know about prime minister Mark Rutte". Dutch News. 3 November 2015. Retrieved 14 March 2017.
  52. ^ "Rutte: Het geloof blijft een worsteling voor mij". RD.nl (in الهولندية). Retrieved 30 October 2019.
  53. ^ "Mark Rutte als leraar: 'Hij is grappig, beetje streng en neemt nooit zijn telefoon op'". RTL Nieuws (in الهولندية). 8 October 2016. Retrieved 10 June 2020.
  54. ^ "The Dutch Prime Minister Is a Big Fan of Robert Caro". The New York Times. 13 May 2016. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  55. ^ "Mark Rutte ( the prime minister of the Netherlands) Continues to Drive Saab". Saab Planet. 1 June 2020. Retrieved 1 June 2020.

External links

Wikiquote-logo.svg اقرأ اقتباسات ذات علاقة بمارك روته، في معرفة الاقتباس.
مناصب سياسية
Hans Hoogervorst
State Secretary for Social Affairs and Employment
Henk van Hoof
Annette Nijs
State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science
Bruno Bruins
Jan Peter Balkenende
Prime Minister of the Netherlands
مناصب حزبية
Jozias van Aartsen
Leader of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy

قالب:Mark Rutte