قائمة صخور المريخ

هذه قائمة مرتبة أبجدياً للصخور (والنيازك) المسماة الموجودة على المريخ، حسب المهمة. هذه القائمة لا تشمل نيازك المريخ الموجودة على الأرض.

أسماء صخور المريك هي تعيينات غير رسمية بشكل كبير استخدمت لتسهيل أغراض النقاش، حيث أعلن الاتحاد الفلكي الدولي نظام التسمية المريخي الرسمي الذي يطلق على الأجرام التي يقل قطرها عن 100 متر أسماء غير رسمية.

Notable rocks on Mars
Block Island.jpg
58606main image feature 167 jwfull.jpg
El Capitan sol27 pancam.jpg
Barnacle Bill
Bathurst Inlet
Big Joe*
Block Island
(Opportunity) M
El Capitan
PIA07269-Mars Rover Opportunity-Iron Meteorite.jpg
PIA09089-RA3-hirise-closeup annotated.png
PIA17062-MarsCuriosityRover-HottahRockOutcrop-20120915.jpg PIA16192-MarsCuriosityRover-Target-JakeRock-20120927.jpg
PIA05482 modest.jpg
NASA Curiosity rover - Link to a Watery Past (692149main Williams-2pia16188-43).jpg
Heat Shield
(Opportunity) M
Home Plate
Jake Matijevic
Last Chance
Mackinac Island.jpg
Mars rock Mimi by Spirit rover.jpg
PIA13418 - Oileán Ruaidh meteorite on Mars (false colour).jpg
Pot of gold upclose.jpg
Mackinac Island
(Opportunity) M
Oileán Ruaidh
(Opportunity) M
Pot of Gold
Rocknest 3
Shelter Island
(Opportunity) M
|(Notes: * = linked article is about the mission that encountered this rock; M = Meteorite)

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1976 – برنامج ڤايكنگ: ڤايكنگ 1 وڤايكنگ 2

Panorama of rocks near the Viking 1 Lander (July 20, 1976) - First "clear" image ever transmitted from the surface of Mars.
Panorama of rocks near the Viking 1 Lander (July 23, 1976).
Panorama of rocks near the Viking 2 Lander (1976).

1997 – الجوال سوجورنر

Panorama of rocks near the Sojourner Rover (July 10, 1997).
Panorama of rocks near the Sojourner Rover (December 5, 1997).

2004 – الجوال سپيريت

Panorama of rocks near the Spirit RoverGusev Crater "Winter Haven" ("McMurdo") (August 17, 2006) (high-resolution description).
Panorama of rocks near the Spirit Rover – Gusev Crater (August 5, 2004).

2004 – الجوال اوپورتيونيتي

Panorama of rocks near the Opportunity Rover – Eagle crater (March 5, 2004).
Panorama of rocks near the Opportunity Rover – Payson outcropErebus crater (February 26, 2006).

2008 – المركبة فيونكس

Panorama of rocks near the Phoenix Lander (May 25, 2008).
Panorama of rocks near the Phoenix Lander (August 19, 2008).

2012 – الجوال كريوزيتي

Panorama of rocks near the Curiosity Rover – near "Bradbury Landing" (August 9, 2012).
Panorama of rocks near "Mount Sharp" as viewed from the Curiosity Rover (September 20, 2012; white balanced; raw color).
Panorama of rocks near the Curiosity Rover at "Rocknest" (November 16, 2012; white balanced; raw color; interactives).
Panorama of rocks and "Drilling Sites" near the Curiosity Rover at Yellowknife Bay (December 24, 2012).
Panorama of rocks near the "Pahrump Hills" on the slopes of "Mount Sharp" as viewed from the Curiosity Rover (September 11, 2014; white balanced).
Panorama of rocks near "Dingo Gap" on the way to "Mount Sharp" viewed by the Curiosity rover (January 30, 2014; white balanced; raw color).
Panorama of rocks at the "Mojave" site on "Mount Sharp" (January 31, 2015).
Panorama of rocks near the Curiosity Rover – at Yellowknife Bay around sunset (February 2013; sun simulated by artist).

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تكوينات صخرية أخرى

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ أ ب ت O'Neill, Ian (January 17, 2014). "Mystery Rock 'Appears' in Front of Mars Rover". Space.com. Retrieved January 18, 2014.
  2. ^ أ ب ت Chang, Kenneth (January 24, 2014). "Mars Rover Marks an Unexpected Anniversary With a Mysterious Discovery". New York Times. Retrieved January 24, 2014.
  3. ^ Anderson, Paul Scott (February 3, 2013). "Curiosity 'hammers' a rock and completes first drilling tests". The Meridiani Journal. Retrieved February 3, 2013. {{cite web}}: External link in |publisher= (help)
  4. ^ أ ب ت ث ج خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة NASA-20130318
  5. ^ Brown, Dwayne (October 30, 2012). "NASA Rover's First Soil Studies Help Fingerprint Martian Minerals". NASA. Retrieved October 31, 2012.
  6. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة NASA-20121220
  7. ^ أ ب خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة BBC-20130319

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