قائمة المدن في هولندا حسب المقاطعة
فيما يلي اثناعشر قائمة أبجدية للمدن في هولندا مرتبة حسب المقاطعة.
There are no formal rules in the Netherlands to distinguish cities from other settlements. Smaller settlements are usually called dorp, comparable with villages in English speaking countries. The Dutch word for city is stad (plural: steden). The intermediate category of town does not exist in the Netherlands.
Historically, there existed systems of city rights, granted by the territorial lords, which defined the status of a place: a stad or dorp. Cities were self-governing and had several privileges. In 1851 the granting of city rights and all privileges and special status of cities were abolished. Since then, the only local administrative unit is the municipality. Regardless of this legal change, many people still use the old city rights as a criterion: certain small settlements proudly call themselves a stad because they historically had city rights, while other, newer towns may not get this recognition.
Geographers and policy makers can distinguish between places with respect to the number of inhabitants or the economic and planological functions within a larger area. Hence, settlements can be considered a city if they function as an urban centre in a rural area; while larger population centres in densely populated areas are often neither considered a village nor a city and are usually referred to with the generic word plaats (place). Inhabitants may also base their choice of words just on the subjective way they experience life at a certain place.
When discussing cities, the distinction is sometimes made between the cities in two urban network. The largest urban network is known as راندستاد, including the largest four cities in the Netherlands (أمستردام، روتردام، لاهاي و أوترخت). The second urban network in the Netherlands is known as Brabantstad, a partnership of the Brabant "Big 5": آيندهوڤن، تيلبورگ، بريدا، 's-Hertogenbosch وهلموند. In addition, there are several medium-sized cities in the Netherlands without an urban network. خروننگن، notably، هي مدينة متوسطة الحجم (سادس أكبر مدينة في هولندا)، بدون شبكة حضرية.
انظر أيضاً
- City rights in the Low Countries
- قائمة المدن والبلدات والقرى في هولندا حسب المقاطعة
- قائمة الأماكن المأهولة في هولندا
- بلديات هولندا
- مقاطعات هولندا
مدن portal
أوروبا portal
وصلات خارجية
- Maps of the Netherlands on World-Gazetteer.com at archive.today (archived 10 ديسمبر 2012)
- List of cities in the Netherlands at Holland.com (archived 16 March 2018)
- List of cities and towns in the Netherlands at Britannica.com (archived 16 March 2018)