عصبون حسي

بنية الجهاز الحسي في الإنسان

في جهاز الحس، المستقبل الحسي sensory receptor، هو نهاية العصب الحسي[1] الذي يستجيب المنبهات الموجودة في البيئة الداخلية أو الخارجية للكائن الحي.



حسب المنبه التحفيزي

حسب الموقع

حسب الشكل الخارجي

Somatic sensory receptors near the surface of the skin can usually be divided into two groups based on morphology:

حسب سرعة الاستجابة

  • A tonic receptor is a sensory receptor that adapts slowly to a stimulus[3] and continues to produce action potentials over the duration of the stimulus.[4] In this way it conveys information about the duration of the stimulus.

Some tonic receptors are permanently active and indicate a background level. Examples of such tonic receptors are pain receptors, joint capsule, and muscle spindle.[5]

  • A phasic receptor is a sensory receptor that adapts rapidly to a stimulus. The response of the cell diminishes very quickly and then stops.[3] It does not provide information on the duration of the stimulus[4]; instead some of them convey information on rapid changes in stimulus intensity and rate.[5] An example of a phasic receptor is the Pacinian corpuscle.


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