زيت بذر الكتان

زيت بذر الكتان : linSeed Oil, وقريبه الأشهر في مصر ما يطلق عليه زيت حار (FlaxSeed Oil) وهو الذي يوضع علي غالبية أطباق الفول في مصر,



إستخدامات زيت بذور الكتان متعددة كطعام , وفي الصناعات المتعددة,

كطعام فإن زيت بذور الكتان الذهبية والبيضاء غير طعم الزيت الحار المستخلص من بذور داكنة, ولا اللون, وإن كان كثيرا ما يتم خلطهم ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

زيت حار

الزيت الحار (FlaxSeed Oil) هو زيت يستخرج من الحشيشة الحاره تشبه بذور الكتان, وكثيرا ما يعصر مع بذور الكتان او يخلط معه الزيت لاحقا ليباع (زيت حار) ومنتشر في مصر في محلات الفول والطعمية والكشري

Dark flax seed.jpg

... بذور الكتان الداكنة هي التي يكون طعم زيتها قوي ومميز , (brown flax seed),

Chemical aspects

Linseed oil is a triglyceride, like other fats. Linseed oil is distinctive for its unusually large amount of α-linolenic acid, which has a distinctive reaction with oxygen in air. Specifically, the fatty acids in a typical linseed oil are of the following types:[1]

Having a high content of di- and tri-unsaturated esters, linseed oil is particularly susceptible to polymerization reactions upon exposure to oxygen in air. This polymerization, which is called "drying", results in the rigidification of the material. The drying process can be so exothermic as to pose a fire hazard under certain circumstances. To prevent premature drying, linseed oil-based products (oil paints, putty) should be stored in airtight containers.

Like some other drying oils, linseed oil exhibits fluorescence under UV light after degradation.[2]

Representative triglyceride found in a linseed oil, a triester (triglyceride) derived of linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, and oleic acid.


Most applications of linseed oil exploit its drying properties, i.e., the initial material is liquid or at least pliable and the aged material is rigid but not brittle. The water-repelling (hydrophobic) nature of the resulting hydrocarbon-based material is advantageous.

Paint binder

"Your country needs flax .." U.S. WWII poster soliciting linseed oil for use in paint

Linseed oil is a common carrier used in oil paint. It can also be used as a painting medium, making oil paints more fluid, transparent and glossy. It is available in varieties such as cold-pressed, alkali-refined, sun-bleached, sun-thickened, and polymerised (stand oil). The introduction of linseed oil was a significant advance in the technology of oil painting.


Traditional glazing putty, consisting of a paste of chalk powder and linseed oil, is a sealant for glass windows that hardens within a few weeks of application and can then be painted over. The durability of putty is owed to the drying properties of linseed oil.

Nutrient content

Typical fatty acid content % [3] % European[4]
Palmitic acid 6.0 4.0–6.0
Stearic acid 2.5 2.0–3.0
Arachidic acid 0.5 0–0.5
Palmitoleic acid - 0–0.5
Oleic acid 19.0 10.0–22.0
Eicosenoic acid - 0–0.6
Linoleic acid 24.1 12.0–18.0
Alpha-linolenic acid 47.4 56.0–71.0
Other 0.5 -

Nutrition information from the Flax Council of Canada.[5]

Per 1 tbsp (14 g)

Flax seed oil contains no significant amounts of protein, carbohydrates or fibre.

مقارنة بالزيوت النباتية الأخرى

زيت نباتي[6][7]
النوع عملية التصنيع الأحماض



الأحماض الدهنية الأحادية غير المشبعة الأحماض الدهنية المتعددة غير المشبعة درجة التبخر

الأحماض الأحادية[6]

حمض الزيت(ω-9) مجموع

الأحماض المتعددة[6]

حمض ألفا-اللينولينيك (ω-3) حمض اللينولييك(ω-6)
الأفوكادو[8] 11.6 70.6 13.5 1 12.5 249 °C (480 °F)[9]
كانولا[10] 7.4 63.3 61.8 28.1 9.1 18.6 238 °C (460 °F)[11]
زيت جوز الهند[12] 82.5 6.3 6 1.7 175 °C (347 °F)[11]
زيت الذرة[13] 12.9 27.6 27.3 54.7 1 58 232 °C (450 °F)[14]
زيت بذرة القطن[15] 25.9 17.8 19 51.9 1 54 216 °C (420 °F)[14]
زيت بذر الكتان[16] 9.0 18.4 18 67.8 53 13 107 °C (225 °F)
زيت الأفيون[17] 7.0 9.0 9.0 82.0 22.0 54.0 166 °C (330 °F)[18]
زيت زيتون[19] 13.8 73.0 71.3 10.5 0.7 9.8 193 °C (380 °F)[11]
زيت النخيل[20] 49.3 37.0 40 9.3 0.2 9.1 235 °C (455 °F)
زيت فول سوداني[21] 20.3 48.1 46.5 31.5 31.4 232 °C (450 °F)[14]
عصفر[22] 7.5 75.2 75.2 12.8 0 12.8 212 °C (414 °F)[11]
زيت فول الصويا[23] 15.6 22.8 22.6 57.7 7 51 238 °C (460 °F)[14]
زيت زهرة الشمس[24] 10.1 45.4 45.3 40.1 0.2 39.8 227 °C (440 °F)[14]
زيت زهرة الشمس[25] 9.9 83.7 82.6 3.8 0.2 3.6 227 °C (440 °F)[14]
زيت بذرة القطن[26] هدرجة 93.6 1.5 0.6 0.3
زيت النخيل[27] هدرجة 88.2 5.7 0
زيت فول الصويا[28] هدرجة 14.9 43.0 42.5 37.6 2.6 34.9
القيم كنسبة (٪) بالوزن من الدهون الكلية.


  1. ^ Vereshchagin, A. G.; Novitskaya, Galina V. (1965). "The triglyceride composition of linseed oil". Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 42 (11): 970–974. doi:10.1007/BF02632457. PMID 5898097.
  2. ^ E. René de la Rie, Fluorescence of Paint and Varnish Layers (Part II), Studies in Conservation Vol. 27, No. 2 (1982), pp65-69
  3. ^ "Linseed" (PDF). Interactive European Network for Industrial Crops and their Applications. October 14, 2002. Archived from the original (PDF) on September 27, 2007. Retrieved 2008-01-24.
  4. ^ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettwissenschaft (see 'Leinöl Europa': Fettsäurezusammensetzung wichtiger pflanzlicher und tierischer Speisefette und -öle Archived 2008-12-22 at the Wayback Machine (PDF)
  5. ^ "Flax - A Healthy Food". Flax Council of Canada. Archived from the original on 2011-07-06. Retrieved 2008-01-24.
  6. ^ أ ب ت "US National Nutrient Database, Release 28". United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. All values in this column are from the USDA Nutrient database unless otherwise cited.
  7. ^ "Fats and fatty acids contents per 100 g (click for "more details") example: avocado oil; user can search for other oils". Nutritiondata.com, Conde Nast for the USDA National Nutrient Database, Standard Release 21. 2014. Retrieved 7 September 2017. Values from Nutritiondata.com (SR 21) may need to be reconciled with most recent release from the USDA SR 28 as of Sept 2017.
  8. ^ "Avocado oil, fat composition, 100 g". US National Nutrient Database, Release 28, United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. Retrieved 6 September 2017.
  9. ^ What is unrefined, extra virgin cold-pressed avocado oil?, The American Oil Chemists’ Society Archived 2016-08-01 at the Wayback Machine
  10. ^ "Canola oil, fat composition, 100 g". US National Nutrient Database, Release 28, United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. Retrieved 6 September 2017.
  11. ^ أ ب ت ث Katragadda, H. R.; Fullana, A. S.; Sidhu, S.; Carbonell-Barrachina, Á. A. (2010). "Emissions of volatile aldehydes from heated cooking oils". Food Chemistry. 120: 59. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.09.070.
  12. ^ "Coconut oil, fat composition, 100 g". US National Nutrient Database, Release 28, United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. Retrieved 6 September 2017.
  13. ^ "Corn oil, industrial and retail, all purpose salad or cooking, fat composition, 100 g". US National Nutrient Database, Release 28, United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. Retrieved 6 September 2017.
  14. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح Wolke, Robert L. (May 16, 2007). "Where There's Smoke, There's a Fryer". The Washington Post. Retrieved March 5, 2011.
  15. ^ "Cottonseed oil, salad or cooking, fat composition, 100 g". US National Nutrient Database, Release 28, United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. Retrieved 6 September 2017.
  16. ^ "Linseed/Flaxseed oil, cold pressed, fat composition, 100 g". US National Nutrient Database, Release 28, United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. Retrieved 6 September 2017.
  17. ^ "Efficacy of dietary hempseed oil in patients with atopic dermatitis". Journal of Dermatological Treatment. 2005. Retrieved 25 October 2017.
  18. ^ https://www.veghealth.com/nutrition-tables/Smoke-Points-of-Oils-table.pdf
  19. ^ "Olive oil, salad or cooking, fat composition, 100 g". US National Nutrient Database, Release 28, United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. Retrieved 6 September 2017.
  20. ^ "Palm oil, fat composition, 100 g". US National Nutrient Database, Release 28, United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. Retrieved 6 September 2017.
  21. ^ Vegetable Oils in Food Technology (2011), p. 61.
  22. ^ "Safflower oil, salad or cooking, high oleic, primary commerce, fat composition, 100 g". US National Nutrient Database, Release 28, United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. Retrieved 6 September 2017.
  23. ^ "Soybean oil, salad or cooking, fat composition, 100 g". US National Nutrient Database, Release 28, United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. Retrieved 6 September 2017.
  24. ^ "Sunflower oil, less than 60% of total fats as linoleic acid, fat composition, 100 g". US National Nutrient Database, Release 28, United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. Retrieved 6 September 2017.
  25. ^ "Sunflower oil, high oleic - 70% or more as oleic acid, fat composition, 100 g". US National Nutrient Database, Release 28, United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. Retrieved 6 September 2017.
  26. ^ "Cottonseed oil, industrial, fully hydrogenated, fat composition, 100 g". US National Nutrient Database, Release 28, United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. Retrieved 6 September 2017.
  27. ^ "Palm oil, industrial, fully hydrogenated, filling fat, fat composition, 100 g". US National Nutrient Database, Release 28, United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. Retrieved 6 September 2017.
  28. ^ "Soybean oil, salad or cooking, (partially hydrogenated), fat composition, 100 g". US National Nutrient Database, Release 28, United States Department of Agriculture. May 2016. Retrieved 6 September 2017.

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