جامعة بافيا

Coordinates: 45°11′12″N 9°9′23″E / 45.18667°N 9.15639°E / 45.18667; 9.15639
(تم التحويل من جامعة پاڤيا)
University of Pavia
Università di Pavia
Logo UNIPV.svg
Seal of the University of Pavia
لاتينية: Alma Ticinensis Universitas
تأسست13 أبريل 1361; منذ 663 سنة (1361-04-13
القيّمFrancesco Svelto
الطاقم الأكاديمي981
طلبة قبل البكالوريوس11,983
طلاب الدراسات العليا9,366
45°11′12″N 9°9′23″E / 45.18667°N 9.15639°E / 45.18667; 9.15639
الحرمUrban/University town
ألوان المدرسة     Pavia Yellow
الانتسابCoimbra Group, EUA, Netval
الموقع الإلكترونيunipv.eu

جامعة پاڤيا (إيطالية: Università degli Studi di Pavia، وتختصر إلى UNIPV ؛ لاتينية: Alma Ticinensis Universitas)، هي جامعة إيطالية مقرها مدينة بافيا بمقاطعة لومبارديا. تأسست سنة 1361، وتضم 9 كليات جامعية. There was evidence of teaching as early as 1361, making it one of the oldest universities in the world. It was the sole university in Milan and the greater Lombardy region until the end of the 19th century.[1] In 2022 the university was recognized by the Times Higher Education among the top 10 in Italy and among the 300 best in the world.[2] Currently, it has 18 departments and 9 faculties. It does not have a main campus; its buildings and facilities are scattered around the city, which is in turn called "a city campus." The university caters to more than 20,000 students who come from Italy and all over the world.

The university offers more than 80 undergraduate programs; over 40 master programs, and roughly 20 doctoral programs (including 8 in English).[1][3] About 1,500 students who enter the university every year are international students.[4]

The university operates multiple cultural and scientific museums, including the University History Museum, a botanical garden, research centers, university libraries and a university press. The university is also affiliated with Policlinico San Matteo, at which hundreds of medical students from the university perform clinical rotations during their clinical years.

The University of Pavia is a member of the COIMBRA Group and European University Association. It also participates in the Erasmus Programme, which allows student exchanges between the University of Pavia and various universities in Europe.[5]

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تعد جامعة بافيا واحدة من أقدم جامعات أوروبا؛ إذ يدل مرسوم ملكي أصدره ملك إيطاليا الفرنجي لوثر الأول (الذي حكم بين عامي 818 و855 ميلادية) على أن مؤسسة للتعليم العالي وجدت في بافيا منذ سنة 825 م. وقد كانت هذه المؤسسة مكرسة في الأساس لدراسة القانون الكنسي والمدني إلى جانب الإلهيات، وتربعت على رأس المراكز التعليمية المرموقة في شمال إيطاليا آنذاك. وقد نالت الجامعة الاعتراف بموجب مرسوم من الإمبراطور الروماني المقدس كارل الرابع (الذي حكم بين عامي 1355 و1378)، وعقب ذلك نمت الجامعة وقام بتجديدها دوق ميلانو جان غالياتسو فيسكونتي (الذي حكم بين عامي 1385 و1402)، لتكون الجامعة الوحيدة في دوقيته.

وفي سنة 1858 شهدت الجامعة احتجاجات طلابية عنيفة ضد الحكم النمساوي لشمال إيطاليا (الذي كان يتخذ من مملكة لومبارديا فينيشيا غطاء لذلك الحكم) إبان صعود موجة القومية الإيطالية التي عمت مظاهراتها أرجاء إيطاليا في الفترة التي سبقت توحيد إيطاليا (1859 ـ 1866)، وكان رد السلطات على هذه الاحتجاجات الطلابية هو غلق الجامعة مؤقتاً.

استفادت الجامعة على مدى تاريخها من وجود العديد من المثقفين والعلماء البارزين الذين وضعوا العديد من المؤلفات الهامة وحققوا العديد من الاكتشافات البارزة، ومن هؤلاء عالم الرياضيات غيرولامو كاردانو (ولد في بافيا، وعاش بين عامي 1501 و1576)، وعالم الفيزياء أليساندرو فولتا (أستاذ كرسي الفيزياء الطبيعية في جامعة بافيا بين عامي 1769 و1804)، والشاعر أوغو فوسكولو (أستاذ كرسي البلاغة الإيطالية عامي 1809 و1810) والطبيب كاميلو غولجي (الذي عمل في جامعة بافيا منذ عام 1861).

كليات الجامعة

  • كلية الاقتصاد
  • كلية الهندسة
  • كلية العلوم الإنسانية
  • كلية القانون
  • كلية العلوم الفيزيائية والطبيعية والرياضياتية
  • كلية الطب
  • كلية العلوم الموسيقية
  • كلية الصيدلة
  • كلية السياسة


The university also manages multiple points of interest:[6][7]

Voltaic pile, University History Museum of the University of Pavia.

متحف تاريخ الجامعة

The University History Museum (إيطالية: Museo per la Storia dell'Università) hosts a large number of scientific instruments, anatomical and pathological preparations and samples, historical documents and volumes which are part of the university's history. The museum collection includes Antonio Scarpa's preserved dismembered head.[8][9]

متحف التكنولوجيا الكهربائية

The Museum of Electrical Technology (إيطالية: Museo della Tecnica Elettrica) is intended as a permanent tribute to Alessandro Volta. It has an area of 5,000 sqm, with 3,200 sqm reserved for visitors.[بحاجة لمصدر] It is divided into 5 sections, each section represents a different era of advancements in field of electricity and electronics.[10][11]

متحف التاريخ الطبيعي

The Museum of Natural History (إيطالية: Museo di Storia Naturale) dates back to 1769 when Lazzaro Spallanzani became professor on Natural History at the University of Pavia. The museum is divided into three sections — Comparative Anatomy, Zoology and Geopaleontology. The museum is currently located in Palazzo Botta Adorno.

The museum hosts multiple collections including:

  • the Spallanzani collection[12] which contains preserved specimens of the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus), hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), short-finned mako shark (Isurus oxyrhynchus), bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), and small orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus).
  • the Zoology collection[13] which contains over 5,000 specimens of vertebrates and invertebrates.
  • the Geopaleontology collection[14] which contains over 30,000 fossil specimens, which date back the Piocene and Miocene era. The collections also includes 5,000 rocks and minerals and 65 slabs of fish from Bolca deposit.
  • the Comparative Anatomy collection[15] which contains more than 5,000 artifacts including skeletons, specimens and anatomical preparations of mainly vertebrates including an elephant,[16] which underwent restoration in 2014.[17]
Museum of Archeology, University of Pavia

متحف الآثار

The Museum of Archeology (إيطالية: Museo di Archeologia) had its first collection funded by Pietro Vittorio Aldini in 1819 for education purposes. Now, it houses different collections such as engraved coins and gems from the late Roman empire, Celtic and Byzantine eras, potteries, figurines dating back to 2000 BC and a pair of mummies.[18][19][20][21]

متحف كاميلو گولجي

The Museum Camillo Golgi (إيطالية: Museo Camillo Golgi) was built in honor of Camillo Golgi and his most important discoveries, the black reaction to visualize neurons[22] as well as his studies on malaria. The museum hosts a collection of his scientific publications and instruments used such as syringes, microtomes, microscopes, original photographic plates of histological preparations, all dating back to the 1900s.[23][24] The museum was set in the same building where he conducted most of his experiments via the Institute of General Pathology.[25]

Museum Camillo Golgi, the laboratory, with the original tools, used by Camillo Golgi and his students

حديقة نباتات پاڤيا

The Pavia Botanical Garden (إيطالية: Orto Botanico), which was established at the end of the 18th century, covers an area of 2 hectares.[26] The botanical gardens host a seed and herbarium bank at its educational center, Bosco Siro Negri Park Reserve.[27] The garden hosts a variety of plant collections including roses, orchids as well as other plant species native to Lombardy.[28]

متحف علم المعادن

The Museum of Mineralogy (إيطالية: Museo di Mineralogia) originated from a section dedicated to minerals in the Museum of Natural History. The museum hosts a large collection of rocks and minerals, categorized systematically.[29] The collection also includes minerals from different Italian regions. In 1923. Professor Angelo Bianchi donated rock samples which he had collected earlier in his career. Each sample was meticulously described in details in his various scientific publications.

The museum also displays a collection of meteorites which fell around Siena at the end of the 18th century[30] and were collected by Lazzaro Spallanzani.

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مركز المخطوطات

The Center of Manuscripts[31] (إيطالية: Centro di ricerca sulla tradizione manoscritta di autori moderni e contemporane or إيطالية: Centro Manuscritto) was formally established on 24 January 1980; however, in 1969, Maria Corti,[32] a professor at the University of Pavia, had an idea to set up a Manuscript Fund (إيطالية: Fondo Manoscritti), dedicated to preserving writings and manuscripts from twentieth-century authors. The center hosts a collection of writings and manuscripts from writers of the last two centuries including manuscripts and papers handwritten by the poet Eugenio Montale,[33] as well as various autographed editions of the novel the Philosophy of Madonna (إيطالية: La Madonna dei filosofi) by Carlo Emilio Gadda, and an annotated edition of the manuscript for My Cousin Andrea (إيطالية: Mio cugino Andrea) by Romano Bilenchi. The collection preserved by the center covers more than 200 authors.

The center is located at the Palazzo Centrale of the University of Pavia, and a branch is recently added to one of the university's sites at Via Luino.

Center of Manuscripts

مجموعات أخرى

The university also hosts special collections which are accessible only by appointments. These collections are not accessible by the public:[34]

  • Physiology collections covers 300 various instruments used in physiological research, such as galvanometers, scales, devices for measuring tactile sensation and pain sensitivity and so on. The collection is hosted by the Department of Molecular Medicine.
  • Histology and embryology collections covers over 10,000 histological slides of different tissues and organs, embryological models in wax as well as microscopes and other instruments. The collection is hosted by the Department of Experimental Medicine.
  • Musicology collections[35] covers about 1,100 works including 80 musical instruments such as aerophones, chordophones and idiophones, as well as thousands of perforated rolls for antique pianos. The collection is hosted by the Department of Music.
  • Cattaneo collection covers preserved anatomical and histological preparations in the fields of osteology, angiology, splanchnology, esthesiology, neurology and topographic anatomy. The collection is hosted by the Public Health, Neurosciences, Experimental and Forensic Medicine.

Notable alumni and academics

Honorary degrees

Medaglia teresiana

Samantha Cristoforetti was presented with honorary doctorate

The Medaglia teresiana is an academic recognition that establishes the entry of a full professor in the University of Pavia. This award can also be conferred by the Rector of the University of Pavia to people who are particularly distinguished, traditionally hosted at the inauguration of the academic year or the day of the graduates:

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See also


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