بطل الاتحاد السوڤيتي
بطل الاتحاد السوڤيتي | |
![]() Gold Star Medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union | |
يمنحه ![]() | |
النوع | لقب فخري |
الاستحقاق | المواطنون السوڤيت والأجانب |
يُمنح من أجل | الأعمال البطولية في خدمة الدولة السوڤيتية والمجتمع |
الوضع | No longer awarded |
إحصائيات | |
تأسس | 16 أبريل 1934 |
First awarded | 20 أبريل 1934 |
آخر منح | 24 ديسمبر 1991 |
Total awarded | 12,775 |
Precedence | |
التالي (الأعلى) | none |
التالي (أسفل) | رتبة لنين |
متعلق | بطل الاتحاد الروسي بطل اوكرانيا بطل بلاروس |
بطل الاتحاد السوفيتي (بالروسية:Герой Советского Союза؛ گروي سوڤيتسكوگو سيوزا) كان أعلى وسام في الاتحاد السوفيتي، منح لمجموعات وأشخاصا منفردين قدموا خدمات جليلة للمجتمع والدولة السوفيتية.
ففي 16 أبريل 1934، استحدث لقب بطل الاتحاد السوڤيتي، وهو أول مكافأة من نوعها في العالم. فعلى الرغم من وجود مفهوم "البطل القومي" في بعض الأقطار، إلا أنه لم يكن بشكل مكافأة تكريمية رسمية. مكافأة بطل الاتحاد السوڤيتي عبارة عن نجمة خماسية من الذهب. وكان أول من منح هذا اللقب هو الطيار أناتولي ليابيديڤسكي تقديرا لجهوده في انقاذ طاقم وركاب السفينة السوفيتية العلمية "تشيلوسكين" التي غرقت في المحيط المتجمد الشمالي في نفس ذلك العام. وآخر من استلم "النجمة الذهبية" رقم 11,664 هو بطل الإتحاد السوفيتي الرائد البحري ليونيد سولودكوڤ، أحد أعضاء البعثة التي درست قاع البحر على عمق خمسمائة متر. واللافت للنظر أن تقليده النجمة الذهبية حصل في 16 يناير عام 1992، حين لم تعد هناك دولة باسم الإتحاد السوفيتي الذي سقط قبل إثنين وعشرين يوما من ذلك التاريخ. وفيما بعد أقرت مكافأة لا تزال تمنح حتى اليوم باسم "بطل روسيا الاتحادية"، وهي أيضا بشكل نجمة ذهبية.[1]
أشهر الحاصلين على اللقب
لمرة واحدة
- نيقولاي ملنيك - Soviet pilot known for placing radiation sensors at the Chernobyl's Nuclear Power Plant, Reactor 4, during the انفجار 1986.
- Ivan Isakov - Navy Admiral.
- حمزاسپ باباجانيان – قاد لواء لاستعادة نهر دنيستر أثناء ح.ع.2.
- لاڤرنتي بريا – former NKVD and MVD chief.
- ميخائيل دڤياتايڤ – escaped from a forced-labor camp at پينهمونده with crucial intelligence on German rocket programs.
- Pavel Grachev - Military Leader, division commander in Afghanistan, Minster of Defense of the Russian Federation.
- يوري گاگارين – رائد فضاء and the first human to fly in space.
- Ivan Golubets – saved lives aboard the Soviet ship SK-0121 in 1942.
- Vladimir Konovalov – submarine commander; sank the German ship Goya.
- Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya – the first wartime female recipient (posthumously); demonstrated bravery during her capture and execution by the Nazis.
- Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov – A Soviet naval officer and People's Commissar of the Navy during World War II. Also Commander of the Soviet Navy and Naval Affairs Secretary until 1946 and 1951–57, made Fleet Admiral of the Soviet Union in July 1945, and again (posthumously) in 1988 due to his wartime and postwar roles in the Navy.
- Nikolai Kuznetsov – intelligence officer responsible for the kidnappings and assassinations of several high-ranking Nazis.
- Lydia Litvyak – WWII fighter pilot and the world's top female ace, posthumously awarded.
- Alexander Matrosov posthumously awarded for blocking an enemy machine-gun with his own body.
- Ivan Panfilov - Soviet general. Died during the Battle of Moscow in a fierce infantry combat against German Tanks. The 8th Guards Division of the Red Army is named in his honor.
- Yakov Pavlov – led Soviet resistance during the Battle of Stalingrad.
- Suren Petrosyan (1916 - ) - the commander of the 3rd battalion of the 5th guards landing brigade, participated in the forced crossing of the River Dnepr.
- Otto Schmidt – scientist and explorer of the Arctic.
- Andrey Shestopalyko - In 1941 assisted his unit in breaking out of the Kiev pocket.
- Lyubov Shevtsova - resisted Nazi occupation in WWII.
- Ivan Sidorenko - One of the top snipers of WWII, with over 500 kills. Was also a highly regarded sniper trainer.
- Lyudmila Pavlichenko - Prolific female sniper in the Red Army's 25th Rifle Division, credited with 309 kills before retirement. She also became the first Soviet citizen to be received by a U.S. President when Franklin Roosevelt welcomed her at the White House.
- Natalya Meklin Female Bomber pilot in Great Patriotic war . She completed 980 missions during the war.
- Pyotr Shirshov, Evgeny Fedorov, Ernst Krenkel and Ivan Papanin - Scientists who worked on the first drifting ice station.
- Richard Sorge – Soviet spy, reported from Japanese information the exact date that العملية برباروسا would begin, and the fact that the Japanese would not attack Russia in 1941. This led Georgy Zhukov to move several Siberian divisions from the Far East to Moscow, contributing to the Soviet victory at the Moscow counteroffensive. Awarded posthumously.
- ڤالنتينا ترشكوڤا – رائدة فضاء and the first woman to fly in space.
- Arnold Meri – decorated WWII (1941).
- Leen Kullman – Soviet spy (1965).
- Anna Yegorova – WWII ground-attack Il-2 pilot.
- Michael Tsiselsky - Soviet naval pilot during World War II (1945).
- Vasily Zaytsev – sniper who killed 225 at the Battle of Stalingrad; his achievements are dramatized in the film Enemy at the Gates.
- Owen Brazil - Notable World War II pilot.
- Boris Yegorov - first physician in space.
- Endel Puusepp - Soviet WWII bomber pilot.
- ألكسي إناوري - chief of Georgian KGB.
- Fyodor Okhlopkov - Yakut sniper during the Great Patriotic War. 2nd best sniper in the Soviet union.
الحاصلون عليه مرتان
- Alexander Ivanchenko- Russian Cosmonaut
- سميون تيموشنكو – military commander and senior professional officer of the Red Army, Marshal of the Soviet Union and People's Commissar of State for National Defense.
- Ivan Konev – Marshal of the Soviet Union, commander of the First Ukrainian Front.
- Azi Aslanov – Major-General of armoured troops during WWII; participated in the 1944 Soviet offensives in Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic countries.
- هوڤهانس (إيڤان) بغراميان – military commander; took part in the great 1944 Soviet offensive in Belarus and Lithuania (Operation Bagration).
- Konstantin Rokossovsky – Marshal of the Soviet Union, Commander of the First Belorussian Front, Marshal of Poland and Polish Minister of Defense,[2] Deputy Minister of Defense and Commander of the Transcaucasian Military District, Chief Inspector of the Soviet Ministry of Defense.
- يوسف ستالين - General Secretary of the Communist Party (1922–1953) and Head of Government as Prime Minister of the USSR (1941–1953).
- Nelson Stepanyan – WWII dive bomber pilot.
- Vladimir Kokkinaki - Famous test pilot and record breaker.
- Sydir Kovpak – partisan leader in Ukraine.
- أحمد-خان سلطان – WWII-era fighter and test pilot.
- ألكسي فيودوروڤ – organized underground resistance in Nazi-occupied Ukraine.
- Issa Pliyev – military commander.
- Vasily Chuikov – A General responsible for the victory at Stalingrad and attacking Berlin. Made Marshal of the Soviet Union in 1955.
- Sergey Gritsevets – fighter pilot with 40 credited kills.
- ميخائيل كاتوكوڤ – Marshal of the Soviet Union, 1st Guards Tank Army Commander.
- Vasily Petrov Guards Major of Artillery during the second World War, for Dnepr crossing 1943 (No. 3504) where he lost both hands, and defense of an Oder bridgehead 1945 (No. 6091).
- Viktor Leonov – Soviet Naval Scout (Commando), fought in both European and Pacific Theatres in World War II.
- Aleksandr Vasilevsky - Marshal of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Chief of the General Staff and Deputy Minister of Defense during World War II.
- Aleksei Leonov - cosmonaut who made the world's first spacewalk in 1965.
- پاڤل پوپوڤيتش - cosmonaut (Vostok 4 and Soyuz 14)[3]
- Ivan Yakubovsky - tank commander during World War II. Made Marshal of the Soviet Union, First Deputy Minister of Defense, and Supreme Commander of the Warsaw Pact in 1967.
- Vladimir Komarov - Pilot cosmonaut (Voskhod 1 and Soyuz 1)
- أرتم ميكويان - famed aircraft designer of the MiG-series of fighter planes.
الحاصلون عليها ثلاث مرات
- Ivan Kozhedub – highly decorated WWII fighter pilot; is considered the Allied "Ace of Aces" with 62 victories, more than any other Allied pilot.[4]
- Aleksandr Pokryshkin – WWII fighter pilot.
- سميون بوديوني – Military Commander, 1st Cavalry Army in the Civil War and later of the Army Cavalry Commands, also Marshal of the Soviet Union and from 1937 to 1940, Commanding Officer, Moscow Military District.
الحاصلون عليها أربع مرات
- گيورگي ژوكوڤ — Military commander and politician credited with many of the most significant Soviet victories of WWII, Commander of the First Belorussian Front and Marshal of the Soviet Union.
- ليونيد برژنڤ — الأمين الأول (لاحقاً الأمين العام) of the CPSU (1964–1982), and Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1964–1982); this last feat was the subject of numerous Russian jokes. Also Marshal of the Soviet Union.
الحاصلون عليها من الأجانب (كل منهم مرة واحدة)
عبد الحكيم عامر - Egyptian military officer and political leader
جمال عبد الناصر – رئيس مصر (1954–1970)
عبد الأحد مهمند – أول رائد فضاء أفغاني
أحمد بن بلة – the first president of Algeria
زهاري زهارييڤ - طيار بالألوية الأممية تحت الاسم الحركي "ترك خليل أكرم"، مُنح #22 في 30 ديسمبر 1936[5]
Georgi Ivanov – أول رائد فضاء بلغاري
تودور ژيڤكوڤ – رئيس شيوعي لبلغاريا
Aleksandar Panayotov Aleksandrov - The second Bulgarian Cosmonaut
ڤلاديمير زعيموڤ - بمناسبة الذكرى الثلاثين لوفاته في 1972
فيدل كاسترو – leader of the Cuban communist government
Arnaldo Tamayo – the first Hispanic and Cuban cosmonaut
يوسف بورشيك – for heroism during the liberation of كييڤ, awarded on December 21, 1943, after the occupation of Czechoslovakia he gave the award back
Otakar Jaroš – for heroism in the Third Battle of Kharkov, awarded in memoriam on April 17, 1943 as the first foreign soldier
Ján Nálepka (Slovak) – awarded in memoriam on May 2, 1945
Vladimír Remek – the first Czech in space and the first cosmonaut who wasn't a citizen of USSR or USA
Antonín Sochor – for heroism during the liberation of Kyev, awarded on December 21, 1943
لودڤيك سڤوبودا – communist president of Czechoslovakia and army general, commander of the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps
گوستاڤ هوساك – رئيس شيوعي لتشيكوسلوڤاكيا
Stěpan Vajda (Rusyn) – for heroism during the liberation of Poland, awarded in memoriam on August 10, 1945
Richard Tesařík – for heroism during the liberation of Kyev, awarded on December 21, 1943
Jean-Loup Chrétien the first French astronaut
Marcel Albert – طيار مقاتل بطل في ح.ع.2 (نورماندي-نيمن)
جاك أندريه – طيار مقاتل بطل في ح.ع.2 (نورماندي-نيمن)
Roland de La Poype – طيار مقاتل بطل في ح.ع.2 (نورماندي-نيمن)
Marcel Lefèvre – طيار مقاتل بطل في ح.ع.2 (نورماندي-نيمن)
سيگموند ين – أول رائد فضاء ألماني شرقي
ڤالتر اولبرخت – East German leader
إريك هونكر – East German leader
Erich Mielke – East German head of the Stasi
Bertalan Farkas – the first Hungarian cosmonaut
يانوش كادار – سياسي مجري
Rakesh Sharma – أول رائد فضاء هندي
Jügderdemidiin Gürragchaa – the first Mongolian cosmonaut
Władysław Wysocki - Polish officer from the battle of Lenino
Juliusz Hibner - Polish communist and officer from the battle of Lenino
Aniela Krzywoń - Polish soldier
Mirosław Hermaszewski – the first citizen of Poland to travel into space
رامون مركادر – قاتل ليون تروتسكي في 1940
روبين رويز إيباروري – ابن الزعيم الشيوعي الاسباني دولورس إيباروري گومث، قـُتِل في معركة ستالينگراد أثناء قتاله ضمن الجيش الأحمر
محمد فارس – أول رائد فضاء سوري
فام توان – أول رائد فضاء ڤيتنامي
انظر أيضاً
- ^ "يوم 16 ابريل/نيسان". روسيا اليوم.
- ^ Rokossovsky held Polish citizenship while serving as Polish Defense Minister. This would technically make him the only "foreign citizen" to hold multiple titles of Hero of the Soviet Union, but it should be noted that he was awarded the titles while a Soviet citizen.
- ^ "Pavel Romanovich Popovich" (in Russian). Space Encyclopedia ASTROnote. 11 June 2009. Retrieved 2009-09-30.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link) - ^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_World_War_II_air_aces
- ^ http://www.warheroes.ru/hero/hero.asp?Hero_id=1055
وصلات خارجية
- (بالروسية) Website dedicated to Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia
- (بالروسية) Hero of the Soviet Union - an article on the title
- (بالروسية) Alley of Heroes of the Soviet Union in Volgograd - history and photos
- Portal-inline template with redlinked portals
- Pages with empty portal template
- أبطال الاتحاد السوڤيتي
- ألقاب
- أبطال الاتحاد السوڤيتي مرتين
- Triple Heroes of the Soviet Union
- Quadruple Heroes of the Soviet Union
- Awards established in 1934
- Awards disestablished in 1991
- Civil awards and decorations of the Soviet Union
- Military awards and decorations of the Soviet Union