القرن السادس في لبنان

Simple Labarum.svg 6th century in Lebanon Simple Labarum.svg
Key event(s):
The Beirut earthquake occurred during the reign of Justinian I (pictured) as Eastern Roman emperor.
Phoenician ship.jpg

هذا المقال هو جزء من سلسلة عن:

تاريخ لبنان

التاريخ القديم
تاريخ لبنان
التاريخ القديم للبنان
الحكم الأجنبي
الحكم المصري
الحكم الآشوري
الحكم البابلي
الحكم الفارسي
الحكم اليوناني
الحكم الروماني
الحكم البيزنطي
الحكم العربي
الحكم العثماني
الحكم الفرنسي
لبنان المعاصر
أزمة لبنان 1958
الحرب الأهلية اللبنانية
حرب لبنان 1982
السيطرة السورية على لبنان
تفجيرات لبنان 2005
ثورة الأرز
حرب لبنان 2006
الاحتجاجات السياسية 2006-8
صراع شمال لبنان 2007
الصراع في لبنان 2008
حسب المواضيع
التاريخ العسكري
التاريخ الاقتصادي
خط زمني للتاريخ اللبناني
 ع  ن  ت

This article lists historical events that occurred between 501–600 in modern-day Lebanon or regarding its people.

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Empire-wide administration

The land of what is now Lebanon was ruled by the following Byzantine emperors during the 6th century:

  • 11 April 491 – 9 July 518
  • 9 July 518 – 1 August 527
  • 1 August 527 – 14 November 565
  • 14 November 565 – 5 October 578
  • 5 October 578 – 14 August 582
  • 14 August 582 – 27 November 602
    • Maurice (Μαυρίκιος Τιβέριος Fl. Mauricius Tiberius).

Provincial administration

Due to mass administrative reforms and edicts directed at Phoenice Libanensis (حرفياً 'Lebanese Phoenicia') with the goal of preventing further pro-Sassanid raids and invasions, the province was now ruled by two ducēs during the reign of Justinian I.[3][4]



  • In 502, Tyre suffers from an earthquake.[5]



  • In 527, Arab raids begin against the inhabitants of Phoenicia Libanensis.[3]
  • Justinian I starts a mass reorganization in 527 of the military of Phoenicia Libanensis by appointing an additional dux (Roman military leader). Subsequently, the province now has two ducēs. The dux of the province was expected to prevent further pro-Persian raids and to also protect the Holy City.[3]
  • Phoenician ducēs participate in punitive expedition alongside three Arab Phylarches (Pro-Roman Arab sheikhs) against the pro-Sassanid Arab Al-Mundhir, 528 AD.[3]
  • In the winter of 528 AD, Justinian I writes to the duces of Phoenice, Bouzes and his brother, Coutzes, and to the duces of Arabia and Mesopotamia and to the phylarchs of the provinces to go after Al-Mundhir and pursue him and his army.[3]
  • Justinian I closes down the law schools of Alexandria, Caesarea Maritima and Athens in 529[16] because their teachings contradict those of the Christian faith, subsequently, the law school of Berytus and Constantinople are now the only law schools maintained during the reign of Justinian I.[17]


  • In 533 AD, the law school of Berytus is bestowed with the title Berytus Nutrix Legum (Beirut, Mother of Laws) by the Emperor Justinian I in his Omnem constitution.[18]
  • in 535-536, the civil governors of Phoenice Libanensis receive salary increases and the title of moderator as part of a reorganization of the government, with the Phoenician moderator receiving 750 gold solidi.[19][20]
  • Representatives from Beth-Maron participate in the Constantinople synod of 536 during the reign of Justinian the Great.[15]
  • Christophorus is bishop of Porphyreon, (Jieh), 536 AD.
  • Justinian I announces the edict 4 in May 536 AD, directed towards administrative reforms towards Phoenicia Libanensis. In the edict, Tribonian, a jurist, specifies the phylarchs’ rank after mentioning that of the duces.[3]


  • In 541 AD, anxiety arises amongst the two duces of Lebanon out of fear that Al-Mundhir might ravages the frontier of their province while they are away during the cooperation between the military frontier of Arethas, a pro-Byzantine Ghassanid Arab, (who previously was the only one fighting Al Mundhir) with the Phoenician military.[3][4]


Main tectonic features of Lebanon
  • The 551 Beirut earthquake occurs on 9 July with an estimated magnitude of about 7.5 on the moment magnitude scale and a maximum felt intensity of X (Extreme) on the Mercalli intensity scale. It triggers a devastating tsunami which affects the coastal towns of Byzantine Phoenicia, causing great destruction and sinking many ships. Overall large numbers of people are reported killed, with one estimate of 30,000 (including the students of the law school of Berytus from abroad) by the Anonymous pilgrim of Piacenza for Beirut alone.[21] Justinian allocates funds to rebuild Beirut, and the law school is temporarily moved to the southern Phoenician city of Sidon, pending reconstruction; the best teachers, however, move to Constantinople.[22][23]
  • Representatives from Beth-Maron participate in the Constantinople synod of 553 during the reign of Justinian the Great,[15] during which Eusebius, bishop of Tyre, was mentioned[13] alongside Stephen, a bishop native to Batroun.[24]


  • Misfortune hits Beirut again in 560 AD as a massive fire ravages the recovering city. The law school is not reopened.[22][23]
  • Under Justinian's orders, eight Corinthian columns are disassembled from Baalbek and shipped to Constantinople for the restoration of Hagia Sophia around 560.[25]
  • Paul is bishop of Porphyreon under the reign of Justinian II, 565 AD.

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  • An earthquake hits Sidon, around 570 AD.[26]
  • Paul is no longer bishop of Porphyreon, 578 AD.


  • The Byzantine army of the East is weakened by a mutiny in April 588, caused by unpopular cost-cutting measures and directed against the new commander, Priscus. Priscus was attacked and fled the army camp, and the mutineers chose the dux of Phoenice Libanensis, Germanus, as their temporary leader.[27]


  • The monks of the St. Maron Monastery send a letter to their opponents, the monks of Beit Arbaaz, around the year 592.[28]


Procopius speaks in his Secret History of the economic situation in the major cities of Lebanon at the time: "Silken garments had for a long time been made in Berytus and Tyre, cities of Phoenicia [...] During the reign of Justinian, those who lived in Byzantium and other cities raised the price of their silks, on the plea that at the present time they were dearer in Persia, and that the import tithes were higher." According to Procopius, the Emperor "pretended to be exceedingly indignant at this, and subsequently published an edict forbidding a pound of silk to be sold for more than eight gold pieces; anyone who disobeyed the edict was to be punished by the confiscation of his property."[29]

For Procopius, this measure appeared altogether impracticable and absurd, as it was not possible for the merchants, who had bought their wares at a much higher price, to sell it to customers at a lower rate. They accordingly resolved to give up this business, and secretly and without delay disposed of their remaining wares to certain well-known persons, who "took delight in wasting their money upon such adornments". Procopius wrote that empress Theodora heard of this from certain persons who whispered it confidentially, and, without taking the trouble to verify the report, she immediately deprived these persons of their wares, and, in addition, inflicted upon them a fine of a centenar of gold.[30]

"At the present time, the imperial treasurer is charged with the superintendence of this trade. When Peter Barsyames held the office, they soon allowed him all manner of licence in carrying out his nefarious practices. He demanded that all the rest should carefully observe the law, and compelled those who were engaged in the silk factories to work for himself alone [...] Nearly the whole population of the cities which existed by such manufactories were reduced to begging. Artisans and mechanics were forced to struggle against hunger, and many of them, quitting their country, fled to Persia. None but the chief treasurer was allowed to have anything to do with that branch of industry, and, while he handed over part of his gains to the Emperor, he kept the greater part for himself, and thus grew wealthy at the expense of the unfortunate public."[31]



(uncertain dates in italic)
(uncertain names in italic)
End of the 5th century, early 6th century Sabinus
Anonymous, mentioned in the Scholia Sinaitica
21 November 533, 16 December 533 Dorotheus
16 December 533 Anatolius
6th century Thaleleus
? – 551 Julian


  • The Church of the Resurrection, Berytus.[33]
  • The Church of Porphyreon, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, built by Justinian I, Jieh.[34]
  • Al Qatteen convent, Sghar.[35]
  • St Fawka's monastery, Hardine.[36]
  • the Church of Saint Sergius and Bacchus (Mar Sarkis), Kaftoun.[37]
  • Saydet al-Maounah chapel, Smar Jbeil, Batroun.[38]

See also


  1. ^ Gregory, Timothy E. (1991). "Anastasios I". In Kazhdan, Alexander (ed.). The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-504652-8.
  2. ^ McKay/Hill, A History of World Societies. Bedford/St. Martin's, 9th edition. 2012
  3. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ Shahid, Irfan; Shahîd, Irfan (1995). Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century (in الإنجليزية). Dumbarton Oaks. ISBN 978-0-88402-214-5.
  4. ^ أ ب Trombley, Frank. "The Operational Methods of the Late Roman Army in the Persian War of 572-591". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  5. ^ Gatier, Pierre-Louis (2011). Gatier, Pierre-Louis; Aliquot, Julien; Nordiguian, Lévon (eds.). Sources de l'histoire de Tyr. Textes de l'Antiquité et du Moyen Âge (PDF). Tyr l'instable: pour un catalogue des séismes et tsunamis de l'Antiquité et du Moyen Âge (in French). Beirut: Co-édition Presses de l'Ifpo / Presses de l'Université Saint-Joseph. p. 263. ISBN 978-2-35159-184-0.
  6. ^ The Reign of Anastasius I, 491-518 - Oxford University Research Archive The Reign of Anastasius I, 491-518 - Oxford University Research Archive
  7. ^ Lequien, II, 827
  8. ^ The Reign of Anastasius I, 491-518 - Oxford University Research Archive
  9. ^ Lebon, "Le monophysisme sévérien", Louvain, 1909, 62-4
  10. ^ P. J. A. N. Rietbergen (2006). Power And Religion in Baroque Rome: Barberini Cultural Policies. BRILL. p. 299. ISBN 978-90-04-14893-2.
  11. ^ Dau, B. — History of the Maronites p.173
  12. ^ قالب:Oriens Christianus
  13. ^ أ ب Vitalien Laurent, Le corpus des sceaux de l'empire Byzantin, vol. V/2, Paris, 1965, nº 1531.
  14. ^ No'man, Paul (1996). The Yesterday of the Maronite Church and it's Tomorrow (in Arabic). Ghosta: Books.
  15. ^ أ ب ت Attwater, Donald; The Christian Churches of the East
  16. ^ Jolowicz 1972, p. 453
  17. ^ Riddle 2008, p. 107
  18. ^ Collinet 1925, p. 51
  19. ^ Jones, Later Roman Empire, p. 281.
  20. ^ Justinian Ed. IV.
  21. ^ Sbeinati, M.R.; Darawcheh R.; Mouty M (2005). "The historical earthquakes of Syria: an analysis of large and moderate earthquakes from 1365 B.C. to 1900 A.D." Annals of Geophysics. 48 (3): 347–435. doi:10.4401/ag-3206.
  22. ^ أ ب Collinet 1925, pp. 54–58
  23. ^ أ ب Sartre 2005, p. 291
  24. ^ Lequien, II, 827.
  25. ^ "Baalbek keeps its secrets | Stone World". www.stoneworld.com (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2022-07-10.
  26. ^ Jidejian, Nina (1971). Sidon, through the ages. Dar el Mashreq. p. 287. ISBN 978-0-7189-2187-3.
  27. ^ Martindale 1992, pp. 529–530, 532; Treadgold 1997, pp. 229–230, 238.
  28. ^ الجامع المفصل في تاريخ الموارنة المؤصل، المطران يوسف الدبس، بيروت 1905، ص.22: للإطلاع على نص الرسائل والموقعين عليهم ومراتبهم الكنسية.
  29. ^ The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Secret History of the Court of Justinian, by Procopius, p. 112–113.  هذا المقال يضم نصاً من هذا المصدر، الذي هو مشاع.
  30. ^ The Secret History of the Court of Justinian, p. 113
  31. ^ The Secret History of the Court of Justinian, p. 113–114
  32. ^ Collinet, Paul (1925). Histoire de L'ecole de droit de Beyrouth. Recueil Sirey. OCLC 849265421.
  33. ^ Krumbacher, Gesch. d. byz. Literatur, (Munich, 1897), pp. 312-18.
  34. ^ Vailhé (1911), cites: Procopius, "De Aedificiis", V, ix; "Historia arcana", xxx.
  35. ^ "Al Qatteen Convent, Sghar – LebanonUntravelled.com" (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 2022-07-10.
  36. ^ "Hardine, the Lourdes of Lebanon – LebanonUntravelled.com" (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 2022-07-10.
  37. ^ Photo Gallery Archived 2012-09-15 at the Wayback Machine. Kaftoun. Retrieved on October 12, 2011.
  38. ^ Moubarac, Y. (1984), Pentalogie Antiochienne / Domaine Maronite, Volume 2, Part 2, éditions Cénacle Libanais, Beirut. OCLC 58616233 – page 722
