القرن 12 ق.م.
(تم التحويل من القرن الثاني عشر قبل الميلاد)
الألفية: | الألفية 2 ق.م. |
القرون: | |
خطوط زمنية: | |
زعماء الدول: |
العقود: | |
التصنيفات: | المواليد – الوفيات التأسيسات – الانحلالات |
القرن 12 ق.م. هو الفترة من 1200 إلى 1101 ق.م.
- 1200 ق.م.: The Phoenicians found the port of Lisbon, Portugal
- 1197 ق.م.: The beginning of first period (1197 ق.م. – 982 ق.م.) by Sau Yung's concept of the I Ching and history.
- 1197 ق.م.: Ramses III of Egypt repels attacks by northern invaders (the "Sea-Peoples").
- 1194 ق.م.: The beginning of the legendary Trojan War.
- 1192 ق.م.: Wu Ding, king of Shang Dynasty, died.
- 1191 ق.م.: Menestheus, legendary King of Athens, dies during the Trojan War after a reign of 23 years and is succeeded by his nephew Demophon, a son of Theseus. Other accounts place his death a decade later and shortly after the Trojan War (see 1180s ق.م.).
- 1186 ق.م.: End of the Nineteenth dynasty of Egypt, start of the Twentieth Dynasty.
- April 24, 1184 BC: Traditional date for the fall of Troy, Asia Minor to the Mycenaeans and their allies. This marks the end of the Trojan War of Greek mythology.
- 1181 ق.م.: Menestheus, legendary King of Athens and veteran of the Trojan War, dies after a reign of 23 years and is succeeded by his nephew Demophon, a son of Theseus. Other accounts place his death a decade earlier and during the Trojan War (see 1190s ق.م.).
- 1180 ق.م.: The last Kassite king, Anllil-nadin-akhe, is defeated by the Elamites
- 1180 ق.م.: Collapse of Hittite power in Anatolia with the destruction of their capital Hattusa.
- April 16, 1178 BC: A solar eclipse may mark the return of Odysseus, legendary King of Ithaca, to his kingdom after the Trojan War. He discovers a number of suitors competing to marry his wife Penelope, whom they believe to be a widow, in order to succeed him on the throne. He organizes their slaying and re-establishes himself on the throne.
- 1160 ق.م.: Death of Pharaoh Ramesses V, from smallpox.
- 1159 ق.م.: The Hekla 3 eruption triggers an 18-year period of climatic worsening.
- 1154 ق.م.: Death of King Menelaus of Sparta (estimated date).
- 1154 ق.م.: Death of exiled Queen Helen of Sparta at Rhodes. (estimated date).
- ح. 1150 ق.م.: End of Egyptian rule in Palestine. Rameses VI last Pharaoh acknowledged.
- 1147 ق.م.: Demophon, legendary King of Athens and veteran of the Trojan War, dies after a reign of 33 years and is succeeded by his son Oxyntes.
- 1137 ق.م.: Ramses VII begins his reign as the sixth ruler of the Twentieth dynasty of Egypt.
- 1135 ق.م.: Oxyntes, legendary King of Athens, dies after a reign of 12 years and is succeeded by his elder son Apheidas.
- 1134 ق.م.: Apheidas, legendary King of Athens, is assassinated and succeeded by his younger brother Thymoetes after a reign of 1 year.
- 1126 ق.م.: Thymoetes, legendary King of Athens, dies childless after a reign of 8 years. He is succeeded by his designated heir Melanthus of Pylos, a fifth-generation descendant of Neleus who had reportedly assisted him in battle against the Boeotians.
- 1122 ق.م.: Legendary founding date of the city of Pyongyang.
- ح. 1120 ق.م.: destruction of Troy VIIb1
- 1115 ق.م.: Tiglath-Pileser I becomes king of Assyria.
- 1110 BC: Cadiz (Gadir) founded by Phoenicians in southwestern Spain.
- 1100 ق.م.: Tiglath-Pileser I of Assyria conquers the Hittites.
- ح. 1100 ق.م.: The Dorians supposedly invade Greece.
- ح. 1100 ق.م.: Beginning of the proto-Villanovan culture in northern Italy.
- ح. 1100 ق.م.: Mycenaean civilization ends. Start of Greek Archaic Period.
- ح. 1100 ق.م.: The New Kingdom in Egypt comes to an end.
- Elamite invaders loot art treasures from Mesopotamia and carry them in Susa.
- Fang ding, from Tomb 1004, Houjiazhuang, Anyang, Henan, is made. Shang dynasty, Anyang period. It is now kept at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (تاريخ تقريبي).
شخصيات هامة
- Achilles,Greek hero of the Trojan War
- Amenemses, Pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt (1202 ق.م.–1199 ق.م.)
- 1153 ق.م.— وفاة الفرعون رمسيس الثالث من مصر
- 1126 ق.م.—Nebuchadnezzar I becomes king of Babylon
الاختراعات، الاكتشافات والتقديمات
- ع1100 ق.م.—أبجدية اخترعها الفينيقيون.