الفيلق الدولي للدفاع الإقليمي عن أوكرانيا
الفيلق الدولي للدفاع الإقليمي عن أوكرانيا International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine | |
Інтернаціональний легіон територіальної оборони України | |
![]() شعار الفيلق الدولي للدفاع الإقليمي لأوكرانيا | |
تأسست | 27 فبراير 2022 |
الولاء | ![]() |
الفرع | ![]() |
النوع | فيلق أجنبي |
الدور | مشاة خفيفة ميليشيا |
الحجم | أكثر من 20.000[1][2] |
الاشتباكات | الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا 2022 |
الفيلق الدولي للدفاع الإقليمي عن أوكرانيا (أوكرانية: Інтернаціональний легіон територіальної оборони України, romanized: Internatsionalnyi lehion terytorialnoi oborony Ukrainy) هو وحدة عسكرية أجنبية متطوعة أنشأتها حكومة أوكرانيا بناءً على طلب الرئيس ڤولوديمير زلنسكي للقتال في الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا. وهي واحدة من عدة كتائب المتطوعين الأوكرانية التي تشكلت منذ عام 2014.[3] وفقًا لوزير الخارجية الأوكراني، دميترو كوليبا ، تطوع أكثر من 20 ألف متطوع من 52 دولة مختلفة للقتال من أجل أوكرانيا. إلا أنه لم يذكر اسم الدول التي ينتمي إليها المتطوعون، قائلاً إن بعض الدول تمنع مواطنيها من القتال لصالح بلدان أخرى. [1]
تحت قيادة الرئيس ڤولوديمير زلنسكي، تم إنشاء الوحدة للانضمام إلى الدفاع عن أوكرانيا ضد الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا، وتم الإعلان عن تشكيلها في بيان صادر عن وزير الخارجية الأوكراني دميترو كوليبا في 27 فبراير 2022، حوالي الساعة 11:00 بالتوقيت المحلي.[4] روج كوليبا أيضًا على تويتر، داعياً الأفراد للتقدم وقال "معاً هزمنا هتلر، وسنهزم بوتين أيضاً".[5]
التدريب والاختيار
أولئك الذين يرغبون في الانضمام إلى الوحدة يمكنهم القيام بذلك عن طريق الاتصال بملحق الدفاع في السفارة الأوكرانية في بلدهم.[6] تم إنشاء موقع على شبكة الإنترنت لتجنيد الأجانب أيضاً.[7] الجهود المبذولة لرفع الفيلق الدولي للدفاع الإقليمي لأوكرانيا يشبه جهود كييف أثناء وبعد الأعمال العدائية في دونباس والحرب الأوكرانية الروسية لتجنيد كتائب المتطوعين الأجانب.[8] وفقًا لزلنسكي، حاول 16000 متطوع أجنبي الانضمام إلى الفيلق اعتباراً من 3 مارس 2022.[9]
ردود الأفعال الدولية
قال رئيس وزراء أستراليا سكوت موريسون للصحفيين "نصيحتنا لجميع الأستراليين هي، عدم السفر إلى أوكرانيا ... أنصح بعدم وضع افتراضات حول شرعية مثل هذا النشاط في هذه المرحلة، بالنظر إلى أوجه عدم اليقين التي المرتبطة بالترتيبات والقوة التي وضعها رئيس أوكرانيا ڤولوديمير زلنسكي"."[10]
اعتباراً من 6 مارس، كان حوالي 500 برازيلي يحشدون على واتسآپ وتلگرام ومجموعات الشبكات الاجتماعية للتجنيد. وقالت سفارة أوكرانيا في البرازيل إنها "لا تنضم إلى الفيلق الأجنبي الأوكراني" أو "تقوم بحملة للانضمام إلى هذا التشكيل العسكري". تصل التكاليف إلى 1.5 ألف دولار أمريكي للفرد، بما في ذلك تذاكر الطيران والوثائق.[11] يعيش أكثر من 400000 شخص من أصل أوكراني في البرازيل.[12]
The 1937 Foreign Enlistment Act, enacted during the Spanish Civil War, prohibits Canadians from joining a foreign volunteer force against Canada's allies.[13] In March 2022, Minister of National Defence Anita Anand noted that "the legalities of the situation are indeterminate at this time."[14] The government had announced that it is up to individual Canadians to decide whether they want to join and that they "respect personal choices",[15][14] though the government "is not facilitating" Canadians who are looking to join the International Legion.[16] One of the volunteer groups, the Canadian-Ukrainian Brigade, claimed that it has recruited at least 600 people.[14] Canada is home to the second-largest population of the Ukrainian diaspora, after Russia.
في 27 فبراير، علق رئيس الوزراء الكرواتي أندري پلنكوڤيتش على أنباء المغادرة المحتملة لمتطوعين كرواتيين إلى أوكرانيا، قائلاً: "كل مغادرة إلى أوكرانيا هي عمل يقوم به أفراد ويتحملون المسؤولية الشخصية".[17] تم استدعاء المبعوث العسكري الكرواتي إلى موسكو زيليكو أكراب إلى وزارة الدفاع الروسية في 2 و 3 فبراير لمزاعم أن 200 متطوع كرواتي انضموا إلى الجيش الأوكراني. خلال المكالمة الثانية، حاول الجانب الروسي تسليم مذكرة احتجاج إلى أكراب لكنه رفض استلامها.[18]
يعاقب القانون الكرواتي تنظيم الرحيل أو الذهاب إلى الحرب في بلد آخر إذا كان ينتهك النظام الدستوري لذلك البلد، ويقوض السلامة الإقليمية للبلد، وإذا ذهبت كمرتزقة.[19]
في 28 فبراير، أفيد أن كلا من Dnevnik.Hr و Balkan Insight كلا المقاتلين الكرواتيين الموجودين بالفعل في أوكرانيا كانا يتجهان نحو الخطوط الأمامية "لسداد ديون" الدعم الأوكراني السابق لكرواتيا وبسبب الشعور بأن الحرب لن تنتهي في أوكرانيا، بينما وصلت دفعة جديدة من المجندين الكرواتيين إلى الحدود المجرية الأوكرانية، يعتزمون الانضمام إليهم.[20][21]
Citizens of the Czech Republic are allowed to join other countries' armed forces as foreign volunteers if they get an approval by the President of the Czech Republic. On the 28th of February, the president Miloš Zeman stated he would be in favor of allowing potential volunteers to join the newly formed Ukrainian legion.[22] The Ministry of Defence has already reported its first applicants.[23] On March 3, after a meeting, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala and President Milos Zeman announced immunity for all Czech volunteers, who will join Ukrainian defense forces without official approval.[24]
قالت رئيسة الوزراء مته فريدريكسن في 27 فبراير 2022، إنها للوهلة الأولى، لا تعتقد أنه سيكون من غير القانوني مشاركة الدنماركيين في الصراع.[25]
تم الإبلاغ عن استجابة كبيرة في فرنسا لدعوة زلنسكي للمقاتلين الأجانب، حيث يقدر الاهتمام عبر الإنترنت بالآلاف، وبعضهم ذهب بالفعل إلى أوكرانيا اعتباراً من 3 مارس.[26][27].
On March 2, Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser and Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann declared the Federal Government would not prevent its own citizens from going to Ukraine to fight in the war. These persons also would not face criminal prosecution. This applies to potential missions for both Ukrainians and Russians.[28] The German Federal Police specified they would not let right-wing extremists travel to Ukraine.[29]
On February 28, 50 Georgian volunteers arrived in Ukraine to help "A group of Georgian volunteers arrived in Ukraine to help the wounded in Ukraine and, if necessary, to take part in hostilities. About 50 people managed to enter Ukraine by crossing the Sarpi customs point. They left for Ukraine on February 28."- Georgian Radio Free reported.[30]
Due to Georgia already having had military conflicts with Russia in the 1992 Abkhazian War and 2008 War, many Georgians sympathized with Ukrainians and therefore went to help. Georgians and Ukrainians have a history of sending volunteers to each other’s countries during times of conflict or helping each other in political and humanitarian matters during the aforementioned wars. Georgians have supported Ukraine since the start of the Russo-Ukrainian conflicts. Ukraine has already established a battalion of Georgian fighters called the Georgian Legion since the War in Donbass, but new volunteers would be stationed in the newly formed International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine.
On March 1, a new batch of volunteers was to fly to Ukraine but the Georgian government canceled their flight. In response, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky denounced the Georgian government’s "immoral position" and has recalled the ambassador from Georgia to Ukraine.[31]
Ukrainian initiatives to recruit Israelis began on February 26th, primarily targeting the Ukrainian-Jewish community in Israel, in tandem with Israeli protests against the Russian invasion of Ukraine[32] swelling to the thousands, consisting of primarily Israelis with roots from Ukraine and other ex-Soviet countries, but also a smaller contingent of Israelis with no roots in the former USSR at all.[33] The Ukrainian Embassy focused on recruiting Ukrainian-Israelis through Facebook.[32] By early March, it was reported that Israelis had been recruited and were heading to Ukraine; most were veterans of the Israeli Defense Forces, and were primarily of Ukrainian, Russian, or other former USSR roots, but not exclusively so, with recruits of Druze Israeli and American-Israeli backgrounds also noted.[34]
The tensions in the Donbas region starting from 2014 have mobilized about 17,000 foreign fighters from 50 nations. Of those the vast majority were Russians (ca. 15 000) or from other eastern European countries. Of the foreign fighters coming the West Italians have constituted the second numerous group after Germans (about 60 Italians and about 100 Germans moved to Donbas from 2014 to 2022). It is estimated that these foreign fighters were more or less equally split between the pro-Russian and pro-Ukraine forces.[35]
The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and Volodymyr Zelenskyy's open call for a legion of foreign fighters ignited interest among Italians to flying to Ukraine and participating in the conflict, to the point that Italian police started monitoring social media in order to detect possible terrorism threats.[36]
It is unclear at the moment how many Italians have answered the call. In Italy the criminal code punishes "unauthorized enlistment in the service of a foreign state".[36]
On March 1, Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi said, "I am aware that the Embassy of Ukraine in Japan is calling for such (volunteer soldiers), but I would like you to refrain from traveling to Ukraine, regardless of your purpose."[37]
As of March 2, 2022, 70 Japanese men have applied to be volunteers of the volunteer foreign legion. 50 of these men are former members of the Japan Self-Defense Forces and two of these men are former members of the French Foreign Legion.[38] It was reported that an unnamed company in Tokyo assisted the Embassy in recruiting potential candidates.[39]
The Saeima of Latvia unanimously approved immunity from prosecution for Latvian volunteers who wish to join combat on the side of the Ukrainian military.[40][41]
On 28 February the Minister of Defence, Kajsa Ollongren, announced that joining the international foreign legion is legal. In support of her statement, she said; "it's only illegal to join a foreign army if that army is at war with the Netherlands." It is suggested that only citizens with a military background should be eligable to join the fighting.
As of March 7, 2022, it is estimated around 200 Dutchmen have volunteered to join the legion at the Ukranian embassy in The Hague. 40 of them are already on their way to Ukraine.[42][43][44]
Polish citizens may join the army of foreign countries only after approval of a written application by the Polish Ministry of National Defense. There are several formal conditions that must be met in order to issue a permit. Among others, one cannot currently be in active military service and joining the army of a foreign country cannot violate the interests of the Republic of Poland.[45] A group of at least 30 people who were willing to join the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine gathered.[46]
On 3 March, Senegal’s foreign ministry condemned a social media post by the country’s Ukrainian embassy calling for volunteers as illegal under Senegalese law. The Ukrainian ambassador to Senegal was summoned and asked to take down the post.[39]
Vivian Balakrishnan, Singaporean Minister of Foreign Affairs, said during a Parliament session on February 22 that Singaporeans must only fight for Singaporean national security interests and not fight in other places even for noble reasons.[47]
كوريا الجنوبية
The South Korean government is taking an ambiguous stance with both the Ministry of Law and the Ministry of National Defense stating “특별히 언급할 건 없다” "We have nothing in particular to comment" regarding whether South Korean citizens can volunteer to join combat in Ukraine.[48]
On the one hand there have been warnings about personal repercussions. Ukraine is currently on the no travel list and trespassing without permission onto any Level 4 Travel Prohibition Zone is a violation of the Passport Act which carries a penalty of up to one year imprisonment or a fine of up to ₩10 million (approx. $8,700).[48] The government also reminded people that duty to defend Korea comes first and any South Korean men under 25 years of age who enlist in the Ukrainian military without first completing national service can be charged for violating Article 70 of the Military Service Act for up to three years, unless they obtain permission from the commissioner of the Military Manpower Administration.[48] Some legal experts also warned that it might set a dangerous precedent of mercenaries joining terrorist groups abroad.[48]
However, other prominent legal experts have provided very different advice to the government, stating that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are not a designated terrorist organization therefore it does not set any unwanted precedents, exemptions can apply when it is for "urgent humanitarian assistance" even to conflict zones, and that private citizens joining the Ukrainian Foreign Legion could be allowed so long as it's reported as an "Overseas Job Experience".[48] The government states it would "prefer" if volunteers don't join but also strongly hinted it won't actively prohibit South Korean citizens trying to join combat in Ukraine ("적극적으로 금지하고 나서는 것도 아니다.").[48]
On March 3, 2022, the Ukrainian Embassy in Seoul reported it had received applications from dozens of South Korean volunteers, some of whom are highly trained soldiers the Embassy wants to "immediately" send to join combat in Ukraine.[49][48]
Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded in a press conference for a question regarding the official stance towards any Taiwanese national whom want to join the International Legion in the war of Ukraine, stated "the government's consistent position is to call on all Taiwanese nationals to avoid traveling to Ukraine, due to the deteriorating situation in there."[50] "The government fully understands the sentiment of its nationals who want to stand for righteousness and give their support to Ukraine. However, on the standpoint of protecting the safety of its people and the risk of war, the government advises its nationals to avoid going there." and reiterated "in order to urge Russia to stop its military aggression against Ukraine, Taiwan will participate in the economic sanctions imposed on Russia along with the international community."[50][51]
Due to no formal diplomatic relation between Ukraine and Taiwan, no diplomatic missions were established in either side. The Representative Office of Poland in Taipei suggested that the Taiwanese volunteers first need to travel to Poland, and enlist with the Ukrainian Embassy in Warsaw.[51]
المملكة المتحدة
The Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom Liz Truss said "the people of Ukraine are fighting for freedom and democracy, not just for Ukraine but also for the whole of Europe because that is what President [Vladimir] Putin is challenging. And absolutely, if people want to support that struggle, I would support them in doing that."[52] However, Boris Johnson's office did not endorse Truss's statement[53] and the statement was criticised by several politicians who said volunteers may be in violation of the Foreign Enlistment Act 1870.[54] Ukrainian sources said 6,000 Britons had registered an interest in joining;[55] The Times reported over 150 former paratroopers who served in the War in Afghanistan had joined and were travelling to the front line.[56] UK military officials instructed regular and reserve personnel not to travel to Ukraine.[57]
الولايات المتحدة
The United States Department of State issued a travel advisory formally advised all Americans not to travel to Ukraine.[58] According to the Ukrainian embassy in Washington, D.C., 3,000 American citizens have volunteered to fight for Ukraine.[59] The Neutrality Act of 1794, a federal law whose provisions remains in effect as of 15 مارس 2025, currently prohibits American citizens from taking up arms against any country at peace with the United States. It is unclear whether the United States Congress will pass a legislation to waive this restrictions with respect to the conflict in Ukraine.
According to Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, more than 20,000 volunteers from 52 different countries have volunteered to fight for Ukraine.[1] He, however, did not mention the name of the home countries of the volunteers, saying that some of the countries forbid their citizens from fighting for other countries. He also did not specify how many of the foreign volunteers have arrived in Ukraine.[1]
رد فعل روسيا
On 3 March 2022, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov warned that if any foreign troops are detained while under Ukrainian command, they will not be treated humanely or be given prisoner of war status.[60] Russia is a signatory to parts of the Third Geneva Convention but not the Mercenary Convention.[بحاجة لمصدر]
انظر أيضاً
- Dzhokhar Dudayev Battalion: A similar unit made up of ethnic Chechens, mainly veterans of the First Chechen War and Second Chechen War who supported the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria
- Georgian Legion (Ukraine): A similar unit composed mostly of ethnic Georgians established in 2014
- Wagner Group#2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
- International Legion (proposed)
- International Freedom Battalion
- List of military legions
- List of foreign volunteers
- Foreign volunteers in the Rhodesian Security Forces
- Foreign fighters in the Bosnian War
- Anti-Soviet partisans and Eastern European anti-Communist insurgencies
- Ukrainian Sich Riflemen
- International Legion
- International Brigades
- Lafayette Escadrille, a World War I volunteer air squadron
- American Volunteer Group and Flying Tigers, a volunteer air squadron of the Second Sino-Japanese War
- Mahal (Israel), foreign Jewish and non-Jewish volunteers in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.
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- ^ ANDREW HAY AND ROD NICKEL, Reuters (1 Mar 2022) Americans, Canadians answer Ukraine call for foreign fighters
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