رئيس أوكرانيا

رئيس أوكرانيا
Президе́нт Украї́ни
Flag of the President of Ukraine.svg
Volodymyr Zelensky Official portrait.jpg
ڤولوديمير زلنسكي

منذ 20 مايو 2019
الإقامةMariyinsky Palace (ceremonial)
13 other available for use
عيـَّنهPopular vote
مدة المنصبFive years
renewable once, consecutively
مفتتـِح المنصبAndriy Livytskyi,
16 July 1948[d]
(in exile)
الراتب28,000 per month[1]

قالب:Politics of Ukraine (small)

رئيس أوكرانيا ([Президент України, Prezydent Ukrayiny] Error: {{Lang-xx}}: text has italic markup (help)) هو رأس دولة أوكرانيا. ويمثل الرئيس الأمة في العلاقات الدولية، ويدير النشاط السياسي الخارجي للدولة، ويجري المفاوضات ويبرم المعاهدات الدولية. والرئيس هو directly elected by the citizens of Ukraine for a five-year term of office (whether the presidential election is early or scheduled), limited to two terms consecutively.[2]

The president's official residence is the Mariyinsky Palace, located in the Pechersk district of the capital Kiev. Other official residences include the House with Chimaeras and the House of the Weeping Widow, which are used for official visits by foreign representatives. The Presidential Administration of Ukraine, unofficially known as "Bankova" in reference to the street it is located on, serves as the presidential administration, advising the president in the domestic, foreign and legal matters.

Since the office's establishment on 5 July 1991, there have been five presidents of Ukraine. ليونيد كراڤتشوك was the inaugural president, serving three years from 1991 until his resignation in 1994. Leonid Kuchma was the only president to have served two consecutive terms in office. Viktor Yushchenko, Petro Poroshenko and Viktor Yanukovych served one term, with the latter being replaced by acting president Oleksandr Turchynov, who then also served as Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament, on 21 February 2014.[3] Oleksandr Turchynov was the only acting president in Ukraine's modern history. Unlike in the US, where becoming acting president means immediately receiving all powers and duties of the presidency, in Ukraine the powers of an acting president are severely limited. On 18 June 2015, Yanukovych was officially deprived of the title of president of Ukraine.[4] The Government of Ukraine utilizes a semi-presidential system in which the roles of the head of state and head of government are separate, thus the president of Ukraine is not the nation's head of government.[5] The prime minister serves as the head of government,[6] a role currently filled by Denys Shmyhal who took office in March 2020.

The current president is Volodymyr Zelensky, who took the oath of office on 20 May 2019.


أول رئيس Mykhailo Hrushevskyi (1917–18).
ثاني رئيس Volodymyr Vynnychenko (1918–19).
ثالث رئيس سيمون پتليورا (1919–1926).

خط زمني

الادارة الموالية لروسيا

خاضعة لسانت بطرسبورج وموسكو

انظر أيضاً



a.^  As President of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

b.^  Per Chapter V, Article 103 of the Constitution, the President is allowed to serve a maximum of two full 5-year terms. However, in 2003, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine permitted then-President Leonid Kuchma to run for a third term in the 2004 presidential election (he chose not to run). "Summary to the Decision no. 22-rp/2003 of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine as of 25 December 2003" (Microsoft Word document). Constitutional Court of Ukraine. 25 December 2003. Retrieved 22 March 2009.

C.^  Official Ukrainian text of the oath: "Я, (ім'я та прізвище), волею народу обраний Президентом України, заступаючи на цей високий пост, урочисто присягаю на вірність Україні. Зобов'язуюсь усіма своїми справами боронити суверенітет і незалежність України, дбати про благо Вітчизни і добробут Українського народу, обстоювати права і свободи громадян, додержуватися Конституції України і законів України, виконувати свої обов'язки в інтересах усіх співвітчизників, підносити авторитет України у світі." Source: Стаття 104. Constitution of Ukraine (in Ukrainian). Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Retrieved 13 December 2008.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)

D.^  Although Leonid Kravchuk's official inauguration ceremony was conducted on 22 August 1992, he carried out most of the presidential responsibilities temporarily ceded to him as Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada until 5 December 1991 when he became President.


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