الجيش الكرواتي

الجيش الكرواتي
Seal of Croatian Army.png
شعار الجيش الكرواتي
الحجم15,894 فرد اعتبارا من 2016[1]
جزء منالقوات المسلحة الكرواتية
الشعار اللفظي"Domovini vjerni" (الولاء للوطن)
المشيةMi smo garda hrvatska (نحن حرس كرواتيا)
تواريخ هامة28 مايو
المعدات78 MBT,[2] 623 IFV & APC, 350 artillery pieces, mortars
الاشتباكاتحرب الاستقلال الكرواتية:

حرب البوسنة:

حرب أفغانستان
الفريق مات أوستوڤيتش
الجنرال Martin Špegelj، General Janko Bobetko, General Petar Stipetić, General Zvonimir Červenko, Lieutenant General Ante Gotovina, Lieutenant General Marijan Mareković, Lieutenant General Mladen Kruljac

الجيش الكرواتي (أيضاً الجيش البري الكرواتي، كرواتية: Hrvatska kopnena vojska، Hrvatska vojska)، هو أحد فروع القوات المسلحة الكرواتية.

الدور والغرض الأساسي للجيش الكرواتي هو حماية المصالح القومية الحيوية لجمهورية كرواتيا والدفاع عن سيادة ووحدة أراضي الدولة.


مواقع الجيش الكرواتي
المفتاح: الأحمر– mech, الذهبي– armoured

التنظيم والحالة

Croatian Army Master Sgt.(right) discusses patrol routes with a Czech Army Sgt. (left) in Germany to prepare for Afghanistan, 2012

التنظيم الحالي للجيش الكرواتي

التنظيم الحالي للجيش الكرواتي

خطط التحديث

جندي كرواتي يحمل VHS assault rifle.
Soldiers take cover beside Patria AMV.
Patria AMV ready for patrol.


الأسلحة اليدوية

الطراز صورة العيار المنشأ الكمية ملاحظات
HS Produkt HS 2000 HS2000.png 9×19مم  كرواتيا 40,000 standard sidearm
HS XDM[3] HS2000.png 9×19مم  كرواتيا 20,000 standard sidearm

مسدسات رشاشة

الطراز صورة العيار المنشأ الكمية ملاحظات
H&K MP5[4] MP5.png 9×19مم Flag of Germany.svg ألمانيا 80-100 Used by special forces and anti terrorist police
ERO [4] Uzi 1.jpg 9×19مم  إسرائيل/ كرواتيا ~500 Unlicensed copy of the IMI Uzi submachine gun. Used by special forces and anti terrorist police

بنادق اقتحام

الطراز صورة العيار المنشأ الكمية ملاحظات
HS Produkt VHS/VHS2 HS VHS.png 5.56×45مم  كرواتيا 14650 around 3000 rifles in service as of early 2013, with additional 1580~ acquired under original 2008 contract,[5] 500 VHS1 Rifles intended for Croatian Army sold to US DOD.[6][7][8] Army Order for 300 VHS 2 Rifles made with future order for 20 000 VHS 2 agreed. VHS2 Rifles to replace VHS 1 which will be relegated in to reserve status.[9]
Zastava M70 M70.png 7.62×39مم Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg يوغسلافيا 640~ 88,000 stored and offered for sale, 44,000 sold to Afghanistan in 2010, 4000 donated to Mali in 2013,[10] some 6000 rifles sold to Syrian Rebels via Jordan and Saudi Arabia. To be completely withdrawn from use by the end of 2015.[11][12] To be completely withdrawn from active service by end of 2015, with 400~ left for use in opfor training.
H&K G36C [13] G36.png 5.56×45مم Flag of Germany.svg ألمانيا 550 used by peacekeepers, special Forces and Ministry of the Interior, additional 200 acquired for MUP for total of 750.
Colt M4[13] M4SOPMOD.png 5.56×45مم  الولايات المتحدة 200 - used by peacekeepers and the special forces [14]
FN F2000 F2000.png 5.56×45مم Flag of Belgium.svg بلجيكا ~100 Bought for evaluation but not adopted, currently in limited use
Heckler & Koch HK416 HK416.jpg 5.56×45مم Flag of Germany.svg ألمانيا ~300 Used by peacekeepers, ISFOR and Special Forces in Croatia.

بنادق قناصة

الطراز صورة العيار المنشأ الكمية ملاحظات
Sako TRG-42 TRG42.png 8.6×70مم Flag of Finland.svg فنلندا 240 standard sniper rifle of Croatian Army replacing older models.
MACS M3 MACSM3.png 12.7×99مم  كرواتيا 32~ standard sniper rifle, 48~ stored, supplements Sako TRG.
RT-20 RT20.png 20×110مم  كرواتيا 20~ anti-materiel rifle, some stored
Remington M40A5 M40.png 7.62×51مم  الولايات المتحدة 70~ [15] 100~ older A1 models being phased out, with few remaining for familiarization and training.
Barrett M82 M82Barret.png 12.7×99مم  الولايات المتحدة 24~ anti-materiel rifle, a dozen or so kept in reserve status.

قاذفات قنابل يدوية

الطراز صورة العيار المنشأ الكمية ملاحظات
RBG-6 RBG6.png 40×46مم Flag of South Africa.gif جنوب أفريقيا/ كرواتيا 124 112 with Croatian Army and 12 with special forces and anti terrorist units.[16]
H&K AG36 AG36.png 40×46مم Flag of Germany.svg ألمانيا 300 Comes as standard with all H&K G36C deployed in ISAF and other NATO/EU missions.
Mk 19 grenade launcher MK19.png 40×53مم  الولايات المتحدة 32 For the first time seen in the public at recent Military parade held in Zagreb, 32 weapons purchased for 4.8 million kuna. Mounted on to MATV and M1151 Up-Armored Capable HMMWV vehicles. More to be purchased, requirement calls for 224 weapon systems.[17][18][19]

رشاشات آلية

الطراز صورة العيار المنشأ الكمية ملاحظات
Browning M2 BrowningM2.png 12.7×99مم  الولايات المتحدة 570+ More to be acquired.
FN M249 M249.png 5.56×45مم Flag of Belgium.svg بلجيكا 100+ More to be acquired.[20]
FN MAG FNMAG.png 7.62×51مم Flag of Belgium.svg بلجيكا 400+ number purchased for new light armored vehicles and infantry mobility vehicles armored
Ultimax 100 Ultimax100.png 5.56×45مم Flag of Singapore.svg سنغافورة 100 Acquired in mid 1990s, just after the Homeland War.


الطراز صورة النوع المنشأ العدد تفاصيل
M-84A4 Sniper M-84A4Snajper MBT Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg يوغسلافيا /  كرواتيا 72 All M-84A tanks brought to this standard by 2008 and are awaiting further upgrade. The fleet is undergoing limited overhaul with 4 tanks to be refurbished by the year's end at the cost of 440,000 USD per vehicle.[21] 16 Tanks to be upgraded to M-84A5 standard by 2017. Under new proposed Defence White paper only 48 (44+4) tanks will be kept and modernized, remaining tanks either sold or put into reserve status.

مركبات مجنزرة

الطراز صورة النوع المنشأ العدد تفاصيل
BVP M-80A BVP M 80A.jpg IFV Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg يوغسلافيا 128 A total of 104 vehicles operational in two battalions, additional 24 converted or surplus units. Possible modernization of the fleet has been dismissed, replacement IFV will be known by late 2017 or mid 2018, 108 new vehicles are needed, 88 Infantry fighting vehicle armed with a turret supporting 30mm cannon and two modern anti tank guided missiles, 8 Armoured recover vehicles, 8 Armoured Ambulance and 4 command vehicles. Budget for said vehicles isn't know, it is estimated to be in the region of 1.5 billion kuna.[7]

حاملات أفراد مدرعة

الطراز صورة النوع المنشأ العدد تفاصيل
Patria AMV Patria AMV Karlovac 2009 5.jpg APC Flag of Finland.svg فنلندا/ كرواتيا 126 All units were delivered by mid-2013 but final fitting out and equipping to be concluded no sooner than 2016. An additional third battalion might be ordered after 2015 to fulfill all NATO obligations.[7]
Iveco LMV Lako oklopno vozilo Iveco (HV).jpg IMV Flag of Italy.svg إيطاليا 14 An additional 84 vehicles were planned to enter service by 2017 but this option has been dropped due to the delivery of large quantities of M1151 Up-Armored Capable HMMWVs and similar vehicles.
M1151 Up-Armored Capable HMMWV M1151.jpg IMV  الولايات المتحدة 93 The vehicles are mostly used by the ISAF forces in Afghanistan, but at least 13 newly built units delivered in 2012 are home-based + additional 8 delivered in 2015 for total of 21. [22] 65 M1151s and 20 M1141 vehicles in service.[23]
Oshkosh M-ATV M153 CROWS mounted on a U.S. Army M-ATV.jpg MRAP  الولايات المتحدة 172 The initial order was made for 122 M-ATV but additional 40 units were requested and approved by US Senate.[24][25] Of 162 M-ATVs received as EDA, 15 are going to the Croatian Special Forces Command (SFCOM), 5 will be with the Support Command (SCOM), 2 with the Military Police Regiment, and 78 are to enter service with the Croatian Army in 2015, with a further 62 to follow in 2016 (equipping the 1st Battalion of the Motorized Guards Brigade in Gospic).[26] Additional 10 vehicles are still deployed in ISAF to return to Croatia in 2015 for total of 172 vehicles.[27]
International MaxxPro Navistar MaxxPro.JPG MRAP  الولايات المتحدة 40 A total of 30 vehicles are in Croatia and additional 4 in Afghanistan. Of the 30 MaxxPro vehicles received EDA, 21 are for the Croatian Army, 5 will join SFCOM, and 2 each will go into SCOM and the Military Police Regiment. 6 MaxPro Recovery Vehicles[26][28]
RG-33 Defense.gov photo essay 070824-N-2855B-120.jpg MRAP Flag of South Africa.gif جنوب أفريقيا 20 A total of 20 RG-33L (6x6) MRAP HAGA delivered and to enter service with SCOM during 2015.[26]

مركبات هندسية قتالية

الطراز صورة النوع المنشأ العدد تفاصيل
M-84AI POL Warsaw WZT-3.jpg Armoured Recovery Vehicle Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg يوغسلافيا 4 The last vehicle entered service in 2002.
T-55TZI Tank3 Zamárdi.jpg Armoured Recovery Vehicle Flag of the Soviet Union.svg الاتحاد السوڤيتي 4 The Croatian MoD is currently looking for a replacement.[29]
MT-55A Bundeswehrmuseum Dresden 68.jpg Armoured Bridge Vehicle Flag of the Czech Republic.svg تشيكوسلوفاكيا 2+ Additional bridge units are mounted on KrAZ 6x6 heavy trucks, currently awaiting replacement.[30]
GSP-55 self-propelled amphibious ferry GSP-55.jpg Amphibious Vehicle Flag of the Soviet Union.svg الاتحاد السوڤيتي 2 Only two operational and used with engineering unit. Awaiting replacement by modern NATO system.[31]
PTS-M PTS-2.JPG Amphibious Vehicle Flag of the Soviet Union.svg الاتحاد السوڤيتي 4 Actively participated in transport actions during the floods of 2014.
PMS IFOR Hungarian Army truck.JPEG Pontoon Bridge Flag of the Soviet Union.svg الاتحاد السوڤيتي 4-5 All are mounted on Tatra T813 8x8 trucks. Four systems seen at the parade, serving with engineering regiment, awaiting replacement by modern NATO system.
MV-4 Interpolitex 2013 (534-38).jpg Combat engineer  كرواتيا 4 Used for demining operations.[32]

أسلحة مضادة للطائرات

الطراز صورة النوع المنشأ العدد تفاصيل
Strijela - 10CROA1 Strijela - 10CROA1.jpg short range surface-to-air missile system  كرواتيا 9 The systems were modernized throughout the years.
BOV 20/3 Samovozni top BOV-3 HKoV.JPG SPAAG Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg يوغسلافيا 44 The triple M55 20mm anti-aircraft guns mounted on a BOV APC. The systems are set to remain in service due to their secondary role as heavily armed APCs.
Bofors 40 mm L/70 Bofors-40-L70-hatzerim-2-1.jpg anti-aircraft autocannon Flag of Sweden.svg السويد 12 Paired to Giraffe radars.
9K38 Igla 9K338 Igla-S (NATO-Code - SA-24 Grinch).jpg MANPADS Flag of the Soviet Union.svg الاتحاد السوڤيتي 67
9K32 Strela-2M SA-7.jpg MANPADS Flag of the Soviet Union.svg الاتحاد السوڤيتي
Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg يوغسلافيا
141 (+372)

أسلحة مضادة للدبابات

الطراز صورة النوع المنشأ العدد تفاصيل
Spike LR SPIKE ATGM.jpg anti tank missile  إسرائيل 20 Initial purchase of up to 20 launchers, simulator and unknown quantity of missiles to initially equip 8 Patria AMV in Croatian army service. 32 Patria will eventually undergo similar upgrade. Currently Croatian Army has requirement for 200+ Launchers and at least 1000+ missiles to replace current stock of Soviet anti tank missiles in service with the infantry formations. However, beyond initial 20 launchers, no clear indication when the additional launchers might be purchased. [33]
9К115-2 Metis-M/9K115 Metis Antitank missile system Metis-M1.jpg wire-guided anti-tank missile Flag of the Soviet Union.svg الاتحاد السوڤيتي 54 System purchased from Russia and Ukraine in early 1990s, during the war of Croatian Independence, 54 launchers and over 300 missiles in service.
9M113 Konkurs Flickr - Israel Defense Forces - Russian-Made Missile Found in Hezbollah Hands.jpg wire-guided anti-tank missile Flag of the Soviet Union.svg الاتحاد السوڤيتي 42 System purchased from Russia and Ukraine in early 1990s, during the war of Croatian Independence, 42 launchers and over 300 missiles in service.[34][35] To be replaced by Javelin or Eurospike at some point in near future.
9K111 Fagot POLK 9K111 Fagot.jpg wire-guided anti-tank missile Flag of the Soviet Union.svg الاتحاد السوڤيتي 119 Awaiting replacement by a modern tandem warhead anti tank system.
9K11 Malyutka BOV POLO M 83.jpg wire-guided anti-tank missile Flag of the Soviet Union.svg الاتحاد السوڤيتي 216 216 modernized launchers/missiles integrated with M-83 Polo armoured vehicle with 6 launchers installed per each vehicle and with 18 vehicles deployed per each combat brigade, complete withdrawal from service by end of 2016, to be replaced by modern tandem warhead system after 2015. Javelin and EuroSpike are being considered as a replacement, with Javelin having considerable advantage due to commonality issue with Patria AMV 30mm ATGM RWS turrets.
RL90 M95 Лансер М79 Оса.jpg RPG Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg يوغسلافيا 770 over 1500 systems available, with 770 in service deployed with 4-6 with each combat platoon. To be phased out by 2017 and kept in reserve, replaced entirely by Swedish made Carl Gustav recoilless rifle after 2017.
AT4 AT4-johnson2004-02-03.jpg RPG Flag of Sweden.svg السويد ~ The exact number of these weapons is unknown.[36]
AGM-114 Hellfire Lockheed Martin Longbow Hellfire.jpg air-to-surface missile  الولايات المتحدة ~ The exact number of these weapons is unknown, however it is believed 32 air/helicopter launchers and number of missiles where purchased as part of OH 58D purchase.[37]



الطراز صورة النوع العيار المنشأ العدد تفاصيل
M57 60mm mortar round being launch.JPG Mortar 60مم Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg يوغسلافيا 69 1253 kept in reserve [7] mortar has effective range of 3500m with standard projectile. Mortar underwent modification to meet NATO requirements.
M96 Mortar 82mm M-69 Croatian Army.JPG Mortar 82مم Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg يوغسلافيا 69 360 kept in reserve, improved copy of the Yugoslav M69 mortar[7] Mortar has 5600m effective range with a standard projectile, 4200m illuminating projectile and 4800m with light anti armour projectile. Mortar underwent modification to meet NATO requirements.
M75 Mortar 120 mm M-75 Croatian Army.JPG Mortar 120مم Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg يوغسلافيا 43 201 kept in reserve[7] Mortar has 9500m effective range with a standard round projectile, and 5500m with illuminating projectile. Mortar underwent modification to meet NATO requirements.


الطراز صورة النوع العيار المنشأ العدد تفاصيل
75 mm M116 howitzer Topnička bitnica.jpg Howitzer 75مم  الولايات المتحدة 12 of 57 artillery pieces only 12 are kept in active service primarily as ceremonial cannons, remaining cannons to be phased out by the end of 2015/6.
M56/M101 Canadian C3 howitzer March 3, 2009.jpg Howitzer 105مم Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg يوغسلافيا/ الولايات المتحدة 48 Some are US and some Yugoslav-built under license. Some 44 kept in reserve with additional 4 used for training. Last ammunition check was conducted in October, 2015.[38]
D-30 RH M94 D-30J howitzer.jpg Howitzer 122مم Flag of the Soviet Union.svg الاتحاد السوڤيتي/ كرواتيا 54 Modified soviet D-30 howitzers brought in line with NATO commonality standards. One is in a museum and 3 loaned to NATO's Joint Multinational Training Centre in Hohenfels in Germany for extend time.[39] To be kept in service for the foreseeable future. Four units took part in the military parade in 2015.[40]
130 mm towed field gun M1954 (M-46) M-46 Lutsk.jpg Howitzer 130مم Flag of the Soviet Union.svg الاتحاد السوڤيتي 72 To be kept serviceable for the reserve forces. Two units took part in the military parade in 2015. Last ammunition check was conducted in October, 2015.[38]
CITER 155mm L33 Gun CITER L33 155 mm.JPG Howitzer 155مم Flag of Argentina.svg الأرجنتين 18 All systems operational.[7][41]

هاوتزر ذاتي الحركة

الطراز صورة النوع العيار المنشأ العدد تفاصيل
Panzerhaubitze 2000 Panzerhaubitze 2000, Military Parade, Zagreb, 4-8-2015.JPG Self-propelled howitzer 155mm Flag of Germany.svg ألمانيا 15+Simulator Ordered from German Army reserve stock, the $54 million contract for 12 (plus three for spare parts) howitzers includes modernization and upgrade to said howitzers with support equipment, spare parts and training simulator included. With delivery starting in 2015, with the first 6 to join the Croatian Army in the second half of 2015 and the remaining vehicles to be delivered after a general overhaul by the German Army in mid-2016/7.[42][43] Originally Croatia was negotiating 18 systems, but German Army will retain additional vehicles envisaged under earlier announced defence cuts thus only 12 Howitzers were offered to Croatia as part of the deal, which also included complete modernization of the system and overhaul to meet the latest NATO standards.[44] First two howitzers delivered, 13+1 simulator more to be delivered over coming 18 months[45]
2S1 Gvozdika Samohodna haubica Gvozdika.jpg Self-propelled howitzer 122mm Flag of the Soviet Union.svg الاتحاد السوڤيتي 9[7] Due to be augmented by 12 Panzerhaubitze 2000 and possibly replaced by 6 additional PzH2000 in the long term. Plan for limited modernization the system including installation of NATO compatible combat and communication equipment. 6 systems in use and 3 used as spare. To form armoured self-propelled artillery battalion.

مدفعية صاروخية

الطراز صورة النوع العيار المنشأ العدد تفاصيل
RAK-12 VLR 128 mm RAK 12 M91 080810 24.jpg Towed multiple rocket launcher 128mm  كرواتيا 68 Some 8 systems are in active service while additional 60 are kept in reserve status.
APR–40 Samovozni visecjevni lanser raketa SVLR GRAD 122 mm 080810.jpg Mobile Multiple Rocket Launcher 122mm رومانيا Socialist Republic of Romania 36 Ordered from Romania in 1992–1993. Replacement by modern NATO system is a priority under new defence white paper, no mention of what system would replace current Multiple launch Systems in service, talks are being held with US and German governments on possible purchase of M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (M270 MLRS), Croatian requirements call for initially 8 systems to form a two battery teams at independent Artillery regiment, with potential for further 16 systems to equip 2 active brigades for total of 24 systems + simulators and training aids. Number of systems Croatian Army might purchase will solely depend on price of the entire purchase and delivery dates, Croatian Defence budget has set aside some 200 million kuna or $32 million for this program, although it is likely said systems might be donated by the US for symbolic price in turn Croatian MOD paying only VAT for said vehicles in which case price tag might be negligible and affordable.

مركبات نقل لوجستي ومتعددة المهمات

شاحنات ومركبات متعددة الاستخدامات

مركبات عسكرية متعددة الاستخدامات
الطراز صورة النوع المنشأ العدد تفاصيل
Iveco 5T Transport Truck Kamion Iveco Eurocargo - veza (HV).jpg Medium cargo truck, Cab forward Flag of Italy.svg إيطاليا 120+ initial order of 39 vehicles made in 2005 and subsequent order for additional 80 vehicles in 2008 and 2009. Currently over 120 vehicles in service.
TAM Croatian Army Truck.jpg Utility Truck, Cab forward Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg يوغسلافيا 600~ large number of these trucks in various configurations still serve in many roles within Croatian Army, they're being replaced by modern models but, due to defence cutbacks, these vehicles are likely to remain in service for the foreseeable future. These vehicles are, in many cases, now over 40 years old; replacement is sought when and where possible.
LkW MAN 5t MIL GL 4x4 Bundeswehr MAN 5to.gl.jpg 5T Troop transport, Cab forward Flag of Germany.svg ألمانيا 400 Initial purchase of 27 German Army trucks that were stored and now being refurbished for Croatian Army for a total of 380-400~ of MAN-KT type. Croatian Army ordered from German Army reserve to fullfill initial requirement for 1000 army trucks. Croatian army needs to replace its own trucks by other news in the coming years.[46][47][48]
MAN Tank Transporter Vojni kamion - labudica (ZG Praška).jpg 40T Truck Tank Transporter, Cab forward Flag of Germany.svg ألمانيا 16 16 older MAN units in service, being replaced by modern equivalent soon.
Astra Trucks 2june 2007 561.jpg Medium Utility Vehicle, Cab forward Flag of Italy.svg إيطاليا 12~ Standard utility vehicle of the Croatian Army, 33 units ordered in 2004, all delivered and in service. Iveco Trekker chosen as a heavy truck, future orders unlikely.[49]
DAF Trucks Croatian Army Truck (2).jpg 4WD/Medium Utility Vehicle, Cab forward Flag of the Netherlands.svg هولندا 60~ Standard utility vehicle of the Croatian Army; 60 units received from the Dutch Army reserve stock in 2001.
Mercedes-Benz Actros ROCA Mobile Water Filter Truck 20120602a.jpg 6x6 and 8x8 Heavy utility vehicle, Cab forward Flag of Germany.svg ألمانيا 40 Standard heavy utility vehicle of the Croatian Army, 40 units ordered in 2010, all delivered and in service by mid-2012. Iveco chosen as preferred heavy truck over Mercedes, Scania, Volvo, Renault and MAN.

مركبات دفع رباعي عسكرية

مركبات دفع رباعي عسكرية
الطراز صورة النوع المنشأ العدد تفاصيل
Toyota Landcruiser Toyota Landcruiser STD.jpg 4WD/ Utility vehicles/Military light utility vehicle Flag of Japan (bordered).svg اليابان 80~ 150 Ordered in 2008 and delivered in 2010, half went to other government departments, including the Ministry of the Interior. All are in good serviceable condition; it is a standard utility vehicle in service with the Croatian Army and other governmental agencies of Croatia.
Mercedes G Vozilo Vojne policije Puch.jpg 4WD/Light utility vehicle/Military light utility vehicle Flag of Germany.svg ألمانيا 324 Standard utility vehicle of the Croatian Army, 250 units ordered in 2002/3, all delivered and in service. An additional 74 vehicles ordered in 2008 and delivered in 2010.
Land Rover Wolf Defender Vojne policije HV.jpg 4WD/Military light utility vehicle قالب:GRB 32~ Primarily used by the Croatian Army's special forces and military police; many transfered to the Croatian Police. Of the 200 ordered in 1998, only 32 remain in service with the armed forces; some 120 transferred to civilian use, many ending up with the MUP, ministry of interior in various roles, some with Croatian Mountain Rescue Service and some with Border Patrol Units.[50][51]

مركبات متعددة المهمات

مركبات مدنية متعددة المهمات
الطراز صورة النوع المنشأ العدد تفاصيل
Iveco Trakker Iveco Trakker.jpg Medium and heavy trucks, cab forward Flag of Italy.svg إيطاليا 120+ initial order of a half a dozen or so vehicles made in 2007. Most are used along with the MAN Trucks for heavy transporter role.[52][53] Chosen as the main heavy truck for Croatian Army Service. To replace older FAP, TAM and MAN trucks in service with the Army. The quantity of these vehicles has increased year by year, but due to shortage of funds major purchases are avoided. Currently about a dozen or so new vehicles are ordered and delivered each year.
Iveco Daily CAMELEON IV440 with Patrol Module.jpg Medium trucks Flag of Italy.svg إيطاليا 120+ Initial order of a half a dozen or so vehicles made in 2007. Most are used along with the FAP and TAM medium trucks for a logistical transporter role. To replace older FAP, TAM and Zastava aging trucks in service with the Army. Number to vehicles to rise; however, due to shortage of funds, major purchases are avoided. Currently about a dozen or so new vehicles are ordered and delivered each year.
Nissan Navara 2nd Nissan Frontier SE crew cab.jpg 4WD/pickup truck Flag of Japan (bordered).svg اليابان 80 Standard utility vehicle of the Croatian Army, 80 units ordered in 2010, all delivered and in service by mid-2012. Additional vehicles might be ordered to replace older vehicles currently in service.[54][55]

انظر أيضاً

المصادر والهوامش

  1. ^ Oružane snage Republike Hrvatske
  2. ^ "Home – Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia". Retrieved 24 December 2014.
  3. ^ "Modern Firearms - IM Metal HS 2000". world.guns.ru. Retrieved 28 September 2015.
  4. ^ أ ب http://www.vojska.net/eng/armed-forces/croatia/equipment/infantry/
  5. ^ "Potpisivanje Ugovora o nabavi vojnih odora i jurišnih pušaka za potrebe OS RH". Retrieved 24 December 2014.
  6. ^ "Amerikanci hitno naručili 500 komada hrvatske jurišne puške – Zadarski list". Retrieved 24 December 2014.
  7. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-11-27. Retrieved 2014-01-27. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  8. ^ "Image: hvu_konferencija_01042014_17.jpg, (1200 × 798 px)". morh.hr. 1 April 2014. Retrieved 28 September 2015.
  9. ^ "HV nabavlja 20.000 novih pušaka, ugovor vrijedan 50 milijuna kuna - Večernji.hr". vecernji.hr. Retrieved 28 September 2015.
  10. ^ Drazen. "Croatia delivers donated infantry weapons to Mali – Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia". Retrieved 24 December 2014.
  11. ^ "Hrvatska vlada donirala Maliju oružje vrijednosti milijun kuna". Retrieved 24 December 2014.
  12. ^ "Za mir i sigurnost u Afganistanu Hrvatska donira 15.000 pušaka i 300 topova". Retrieved 24 December 2014.
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  14. ^ "File:HK 417 080810 44.jpg". Retrieved 24 December 2014.
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