الشراكة من أجل السلام

الشراكة من أجل السلام Partnership for Peace (PfP) هي برنامج في منظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي (NATO) يهدف لخلق الثقة بين الناتو ودول أخرى في أوروبا وجمهوريات الاتحاد السوفيتي السابق؛ 21 دولة أصبحوا أعضاء.[1] وقد نوقشت الفكرة لأول مرة من قِبل جمعية نوڤاي Novae البلغارية، بعد أن اقترحتها مبادرة أمريكية في اجتماع وزراء دفاع الناتو في تراڤىمونده، ألمانيا، في 20–21 أكتوبر 1993، وانطلقت رسمياً في 10–11 يناير 1994 في قمة الناتو في بروكسل، بلجيكا.[2]
NATO builds relationships with partners through military-to-military cooperation on training, exercises, disaster planning and response, science and environmental issues, professionalization, policy planning, and relations with civilian government.[3]
الأعضاء الحاليون
الجمهوريات السابقة في الاتحاد السوفيتي
أرمنيا (5 أكتوبر 1994)[4]
أذربيجان (May 4, 1994)[4]
بلاروس (January 11, 1995)[4]
جورجيا (March 23, 1994)[4]
قزخستان (May 27, 1994)[4]
قيرغيزستان (June 1, 1994)[4]
مولدوڤا (March 16, 1994)[4]
روسيا (June 22, 1994)[4]
طاجيكستان (February 20, 2002)[4]
تركمنستان (May 10, 1994)[4]
أوكرانيا (February 8, 1994)[4]
اوزبكستان (July 13, 1994)[4]
جمهوريات يوغسلافيا السابقة
البوسنة والهرسك (December 14, 2006)[4]
جمهورية مقدونيا (November 15, 1995)[4]
صربيا (December 14, 2006)[4]
أعضاء الاتحاد الأوروبي
النمسا (February 10, 1995)[4]
فنلندا (May 9, 1994)[4]
أيرلندا (December 1, 1999)[4]
مالطا (joined April 26, 1995;[4][5] withdrew on October 27, 1996;[6] reactivated their membership on March 20, 2008;[7] this was accepted by NATO on April 3, 2008.[8])
السويد (May 9, 1994)[4]
عضو منظمة التجارة الحرة الأوروبية
تاريخ العضوية
Thirteen former member states of the PfP (namely Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia), have subsequently joined NATO. On April 26, 1995 Malta became a member of PfP;[5] it left on October 27, 1996 in order to maintain its neutrality.[6] On March 20, 2008 Malta decided to reactivate their PfP membership;[7] this was accepted by NATO at the summit in Bucharest on April 3, 2008.[8] During the NATO summit in Riga on November 29, 2006, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia were invited to join PfP,[9] which they did[4] on December 14, 2006.[10]
طامحون للعضوية
قبرص is the only European Union member state that is neither a NATO member state nor a member of the PfP program. The Parliament of Cyprus adopted a resolution in February 2011 that Cyprus should seek membership in the program, but President Demetris Christofias did not act on it, saying it would hamper his attempts to negotiate an end to the nation's dispute with the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and demilitarize the island.[11][12] إيطاليا, a full member of NATO, is likely to veto any attempt by Cyprus to engage with NATO until the dispute is resolved.[13] Christofias' successor, Nicos Anastasiades, has publicly supported PfP membership for Cyprus, but no headway has occurred since.
كوسوڤو[أ] has described PfP membership as a strategic objective of the government.[14] Kosovo submitted an application to join the PfP program in July 2012. However, four NATO member states, Greece, Romania, Spain and Slovakia, do not recognize Kosovo's independence and have threatened to block their participation in the program.[15][16] To be eligible to join, the Kosovan Armed Forces must be established.[17]
الأعضاء السابقون
البلدان التي أصبحت أعضاء كاملين في الناتو في 12 مارس 1999
البلدان التي أصبحت أعضاء كاملين في الناتو في 29 مارس 2004
بلغاريا (February 14, 1994)[4]
إستونيا (February 3, 1994)[4]
لاتڤيا (February 14, 1994)[4]
لتوانيا (January 27, 1994)[4]
رومانيا (January 26, 1994)[4]
سلوڤاكيا (February 9, 1994)[4]
سلوڤنيا (March 30, 1994)[4]
البلدان التي أصبحت أعضاء كاملين في الناتو في 1 أبريل 2009
البلدان التي أصبحت أعضاء كاملين في الناتو في 5 يونيو 2017
الجبل الأسود (December 14, 2006)[4]
تدريب "نسيم البحر" السنوي بالبحر الأسود
تدريب "Sea Breeze" السنوي يجرى في البحر الأسود بين 28 يونيو و 10 يوليو 2021، ضمن الشراكة من أجل السلام والحوار المتوسطي في حلف الناتو، بمشاركة أوكرانيا والولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا وكندا وهولندا ورومانيا وبلغاريا واليونان وتركيا ومصر والإمارات وإسرائيل ودول أخرى، ونفت تونس مشاركتها في هذا التدريب، بالرغم من اعلان وزارة الدفاع الأمريكية ذلك، كما في الرسم المرافق. المناورات الواسعة النطاق سيشارك فيها حوالي 4 آلاف عسكري و40 سفينة حربية وقارب وسفينة مساعدة، بالإضافة إلى 30 طائرة، وأكثر من 100 وحدة من المركبات العسكرية والعربات المدرعة.[18]
انظر أيضاً
- Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
- Individual Partnership Action Plan
- العلاقات الخارجية للناتو
- Partnership for Peace Information Management System
- الحوار المتوسطي
- ^ Kosovo is the subject of a territorial dispute between Serbia and the local Albanian majority. The Assembly of Kosovo declared its independence on 17 February 2008, a move that is recognised and the Republic of China (Taiwan), but not by Serbia, which claims it as part of its sovereign territory.
- ^ North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (2009-12-03). "Partner countries". Retrieved 2009-12-23.
- ^ Borawski, John (April 1995). "Partnership for Peace and beyond". International Affairs. Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-. 71 (2): 233–246. JSTOR 2623432.
- ^ http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/topics_50349.htm
- ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن هـ و ي أأ أب أت أث أج أح أخ North Atlantic Treaty Organization (2006-10-05). "Signatures of Partnership for Peace Framework Document". Retrieved 2006-11-30.
- ^ أ ب North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (1995-04-26). "Secretary General's Council Welcoming Remarks, Visit by Maltese Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Professor Guido de Marco, Wednesday, April 26, 1995". Retrieved 2006-11-30.
- ^ أ ب Bohlen, Celestine (1996-11-12). "New Malta Chief Focuses on Neutrality". New York Times. Retrieved 2008-04-05.
Within hours of taking office, Mr. Sant withdrew Malta's membership in Partnership for Peace, a NATO military cooperation program that is so loosely defined that its sign-up list now spans the spectrum from Russia to Switzerland. [...] Mr. Sant says none of those moves should be interpreted as anti-European or anti-American, but simply as the best way of insuring Malta's security.
- ^ أ ب Gambin, Karl (2008-04-03). "Malta reactivates Partnership for Peace membership". DI-VE. Retrieved 2008-04-03.
The cabinet has agreed to reactivate its membership in the Partnership for Peace which was withdrawn in 1996, the government said on Thursday.
- ^ أ ب North Atlantic Treaty Organization (2008-04-03). "Malta re-engages in the Partnership for Peace Programme". Retrieved 2008-04-03.
At the Bucharest Summit, NATO Heads of State and Government welcomed Malta's return to the Partnership for Peace Programme. At Malta's request, the Allies have re-activated Malta's participation in the Partnership for Peace Programme (PfP).
- ^ North Atlantic Treaty Organization (2006-11-29). "Alliance offers partnership to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia". Retrieved 2006-11-30.
- ^ Associated Press (2006-12-14). "Serbia inducted into NATO". Retrieved 2006-12-14.
- ^ "Cypriot parliament votes to join NATO's Partnership for Peace". SETimes. 2011-02-25. Retrieved 2012-07-19.
- ^ "Cyprus - Vouli Antiprosopon (House of Representatives)". Inter-Parliamentary Union. Retrieved 2013-02-24.
- ^ Dempsey, Judy (2012-11-24). "Between the European Union and NATO, Many Walls". New York Times. Retrieved 2012-07-19.
- ^ "Hoxhaj në Lituani, merr përkrahje për MSA-në dhe vizat (Video)". Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo. 2014-04-03. Retrieved 2014-04-03.
- ^ "Kosovo seeks to join international organisations". Turkish Weekly. 2012-07-19. Retrieved 2012-07-19.
- ^ "Kosovo looking to join the Adriatic Charter". 2013-01-21. Retrieved 2013-11-11.
- ^ Thaçi, Hashim. "Prioritetet e reja të Politikës së Jashtme të Kosovës". Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo.
- ^ وسام متى (2021-06-24). "أخطر حادث بحري في مياه القرم.. "بروفه" صدام روسيا ـ "الناتو" المقبل". 180پوست.