جهاز المخابرات الوطني التركي

(تم التحويل من National Intelligence Organization)
جهاز المخابرات الوطني
Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı
Seal of the Turkish National Intelligence.png
الختم الرسمي للجهاز.
استعراض الوكالة
تشكلت22 يوليو 1965
agency السابقة
الاختصاصالحكومة التركية
المقر الرئيسيإتيمسگوت، أنقرة[2]
الموظفون8.000 (2014)[3]
الميزانية السنوية 17.4 بليون (2024)[4]
تنفيذي الوكالة
الوكالة الأمالرئاسة التركية
الموقع الإلكترونيmit.gov.tr

جهاز المخابرات الوطني (تركية: Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı MİT، إنگليزية: National Intelligence Organization)، هو جهاز المخابرات الوطني في تركيا. تأسس عام 1965 ليحل محل مصلحة الأمن الوطني التركي.[5]

يخضع جهاز المخابرات الوطني لإشراف الرئاسة التركية. ويعمل بشكل وثيق مع البعثات الدبلوماسية التركية في الخارج.

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كان الجهاز يسمى في السابق تركية: Millî Emniyet Hizmetleri Teşkilatı (منظمات خدمات الشرطة الوطنية)[6]. وكان أحد مديري المنظمة جلال توفيق قره‌ساپان الذي شغل المنصب بين عامي 1959 و1960.[6]

في 9 فبراير 2023، تأسست أكاديمية المخابرات الوطنية، بالتركية Milli İstihbarat Akademisi، وبدأت أنشطتها في 6 يناير 2024. وهي مؤسسة تابعة لجهاز المخابرات الوطني، تهدف إلى "توفير التعليم العالي وإجراء البحوث العلمية في مجال المخابرات والأمن والاستراتيجية".[7][8]


الهيكل التنظيمي

يترأس الجهاز مدير عام، يعينه الرئيس التركي.[9] ويكون المدير العام عادةً ضابط مخابرات محترف يتمتع بخبرة واسعة في المسائل المخابراتية والأمنية.[10]

ينقسم الجهاز إلى أقسام ووحدات مختلفة، كل منها متخصص في مجالات محددة من الاستخبارات ومكافحة الإرهاب والتحليل. وتشمل هذه الوحدات قسم مكافحة الإرهاب، وقسم العلاقات الخارجية، وقسم مخابرات الإشارات، وغيرها.[11][12]

علاقتها بالمخابرات العسكرية

وبحسب مدير العمليات الخارجية السابق يافوز أتاچ، فإن الوجود العسكري في الجهاز لا يكاد يذكر،[13] على الرغم من أن للجهاز إرث عسكري، ففي عام 1990 كانت نسبة العسكريين 35%، بينما في عام 2007 كانت نسبة العسكريين في المستويات الدنيا 4.5%.[14] في حين أن المنظمة كانت تقوم تاريخيًا بتعيين موظفيها من أقارب الموظفين الحاليين،[15] يقول الدير السابق إمري تانر أن الأمر لم يعد كذلك.[16]


يتولى جهاز المخابرات الوطنية مهمة جمع المعلومات المخابراتية عن التهديدات القائمة والمحتملة من مصادر داخلية وخارجية ضد أراضي وشعب وسلامة ووجود واستقلال وأمن وجميع العناصر الأخرى التي تشكل النظام الدستوري والقوة الوطنية للجمهورية التركية. ويتولى جهاز المخابرات الوطنية مهمة توصيل هذه المعلومات المخابراتية إلى رئيس الجمهورية ورئيس الأركان العامة والأمين العام لمجلس الأمن القومي وهيئات الدولة الأخرى ذات الصلة حسب الضرورة.

جهاز المخابرات الوطني هو المسؤول عن أنشطة مكافحة التجسس في تركيا.[17][18][19]

من الناحية القانونية، لا يمكن تكليف الجهاز بأي مهام أخرى ولا يمكن توجيهه إلى أي مجال آخر من مجالات النشاط سوى جمع المعلومات المخابراتية المتعلقة بأمن الجمهورية. تشارك المخابرات الوطنية في حرب السيبرانية. تعتبر وزارة الدفاع التركية الأمن السيبراني "الحدود الخامسة" للبلاد بعد البر والجو والبحر والفضاء. يستخدم جهاز المخابرات الوطني حلول الأمن السيبراني المحلية التي طورتها في الغالب شركات مثل HAVELSAN ومجلس البحث العلمي والتكنولوجي التركي.


عام 2014، كشفت لجنة الشؤون الداخلية في البرلمان التركي أن جهاز المخابرات الوطنية لديه وحدات تعمل في الخارج وتقوم بالتنصت على هواتف 2473 شخصاً، معظمهم مرتبطون بـ "الإرهاب وأنشطة التجسس".[20]

في 5 أبريل 2018، قال نائب رئيس الوزراء التركي بكير بوزداغ إن جهاز المخابرات التركي ألقى القبض على 80 مواطنًا تركيًا، يشتبه في أن لهم صلات بحركة گولن، من 18 دولة مختلفة حتى الآن.[21]

في 16 أكتوبر 2020، ألقت أجهزة المخابرات التركية القبض على رجل يشتبه في قيامه بالتجسس على مواطنين عرب أجانب لصالح الإمارات، بحسب وكالة رويترز. وقال المسؤولون إن الرجل دخل تركيا باستخدام جواز سفر غير إماراتي. واعترف المعتقل بالتهم الموجهة إليه، وحصلت السلطات التركية على "مجموعة من الوثائق" منه تُظهر انتمائه لدولة الإمارات، لكن لم ترد أي ردود فعل من الإمارات.[22] عام 2019، ألقت تركيا القبض على رجلين يشتبه في قيامهما بالتجسس على مواطنين عرب لصالح الإمارات. وكان أحد الرجلين مرتبطًا بقتل الصحفي السعودي جمال خاشقجي.[23]

عام 2022، شارك جهاز المخابرات الوطني وساعد في صفقة تبادل سجناء بين كونستانتين ياروشينكو (روسيا) وتريڤور ريد (الولايات المتحدة) التي جرت في إسطنبول.[24]



كشفت وثائق قضائية تركية أن جهاز المخابرات الوطني تجسس على مواطنين أتراك في أنگولا، وكانوا من أنصار حركة گولن.[25]


في 22 نوفمبر 2017، أمر النائب العام المصري باحتجاز 29 شخصًا مشتبهًا في قيامهم بالتجسس لصالح تركيا ضد المصالح الوطنية لمصر والانضمام إلى منظمة إرهابية. كما اتُهموا بغسيل الأموال وإجراء مكالمات خارجية دون ترخيص وتداول العملات دون ترخيص. ووفقًا لنتائج تحقيق أجرته المخابرات العامة المصرية، كانت المجموعة تسجل المكالمات الهاتفية وتمرر المعلومات إلى المخابرات التركية كجزء من خطة لإعادة الإخوان المسلمين إلى السلطة في مصر.[26][27]


في مارس 2018، اختطف المخابرات التركية ثلاثة أعضاء مشتبه في انتماءهم لحركة گولن من الگابون ونقلهم من ليبرڤيل إلى أنقرة على متن طائرة خاصة.[28]


في 15 فبراير 1999 ألقت المخابرات التركية القبض على عبد الله أوجلان في كينيا، أثناء نقله من السفارة اليونانية إلى مطار جومو كينياتا الدولي في نيروبي، ويقال أن ذلك تم بمساعدة المخابرات المركزية الأمريكية.[29] ثم نُقل قسراً إلى تركيا وسجن في جزيرة إيمرالي حيث حوكم. كما أنقذ جهاز المخابرات التركي مواطنة إيطالية، وهي سيلڤيا رومانو، التي اختطفت في كينيا في 20 نوفمبر 2018، ونُقلت إلى الصومال.[30] في 31 مايو 2021، اعتقلت المخابرات التركية في كينيا صلاح الدين گولن، وهو ابن شقيق فتح الله گولن، وأحضرته إلى تركيا.[31]


في أغسطس 2019، نُشر تقرير جاء فيه أن جهاز المخابرات الوطني التركي يعمل داخل العاصمة طرابلس لدعم حكومة الوفاق الوطني (المعترف بها من قبل الأمم المتحدة).[32] وصل عناصر من المخابرات التركية إلى ليبيا قبل إرسال أي وحدة عسكرية تركية.[33]

في سبتمبر 2020، سُجن خمسة صحفيين أتراك في تركيا بعد كشفهم وثائق عن أنشطة المخابرات التركية في ليبيا، وأُطلق سراح ثلاثة منهم في فبراير 2022.[34]


في عملية مشتركة بين جهاز المخابرات الوطني التركي وجهاز المخابرات والأمن الوطني الإثيوپي، تم القبض على رجل يعتقد أنه ممول رئيسي لحركة گولن، ونُقل إلى تركيا.[35]

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الولايات المتحدة

عام 2018، وجهت وزارة العدل الأمريكية اتهامات إلى كامل إيكيم ألپ‌تكين وبيجان رفيقيان بالعمل كعملاء غير شرعيين لتركيا في الولايات المتحدة.[36]

في يوليو 2019، وردت أنباء تفيد بأن دبلوماسيين أتراكًا بدعم من المخابرات التركية، تجسسوا على نطاق واسع على منتقدي الحكومة التركية. ومن بين المنظمات التي تم التجسس عليها، مدارس وشركات ومنظمات غير حكومية وغير ربحية ومؤسسات تقع في ولاية نيويورك وواشنطن دي سي وجورجيا وپنسلڤانيا وتكساس وشيكاغو.[37]



In 2002, Armenian special services arrested an Armenian government official on charges of spying for Turkish national intelligence.[38] He was sentenced to 10 years in prison after being convicted of spying for Turkey.[39]


In 2018, MIT arrested a FETÖ member in Azerbaijan and brought him to Turkey. He was a teacher working for a school in Azerbaijan which was operated by FETÖ .[40]


According to a published news report, operatives of Turkish counterterrorism unit and MIT assigned to the Turkish Embassy had engaged in a large-scale spying campaign on FETÖ-linked organisations and foundations.[41]


In August 2017, the Kurdistan Communities Union said that had captured two Turkish nationals in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq; the Kurdish group said both individuals captured were working for the MIT. The plan of the two captured Turks, according to NRT News, was to assassinate a senior Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) figure.[42]

In August 2018, it was announced that the PKK leader Ismail Özden and 4 other militants of the Sinjar Resistance Units (YBŞ) were killed in Turkish airstrikes in Sinjar. The Turkish Armed Forces carried out the joint operation with the MIT.[43]

In April 2019, 4 PKK militants were nabbed at Iraq's Mount Sinjar and were brought to Turkey as part of a joint operation by the MIT and Turkish Armed forces.[44]

In June 2019, Diyar Gharib Muhammed — one of seven members of the PKK's Central Committee was Killed. A Turkish F-16 struck his vehicle with the assistance of human intelligence provided by National Intelligence Organization (MIT) in the Kortek Bend area of Qandil in northern Iraq.[45]

In August 2019, 4 PKK militants were killed in an airstrike by Turkish warplane in a joint operation with MIT in the Qandil area of northern Iraq.[46]

In September 2019, 3 PKK militants were killed in an airstrike by Turkish warplane in a joint operation with MIT in the Gara region of northern Iraq.[47] The same month the MIT in a joint operation, in northern Iraq's Qandil region, with the Turkish Armed Forces neutralized a senior female PKK member together with her driver.[48]


عام 2016، اختطف مدرس تركي في ماليزيا من كوالالمپور بسبب مزاعم عن ارتباطه بحركة گولن. ووفقًا للتقارير، تعرض للضرب والتعذيب والتهديد بالقتل أثناء احتجازه قبل المحاكمة في أنقرة.[49]

في أغسطس 2019، اعتقلت المخابرات التركية زعيم منظمة گولن في ماليزيا في عملية وأعادته إلى تركيا. وكان الشخص مطلوبًا من قبل تركيا بتهمة التورط في أنشطة المنظمة الإرهابية في بلدان متعددة.[50]


في يوليو 2018، اختطف مدرس تركي مرتبط بحركة گولن في العاصمة المنغولية ونُقل إلى مطار المدينة. وقد أُطلق سراحه بعد أن أوقفت السلطات مؤقتًا الطائرة التي كانت تشغلها القوات الجوية التركية.[51]


كشفت وثائق قضائية تركية عن تعرض مواطنين أتراك في بورما، من أنصار حركة گولن، للتجسس.[52]


في سبتمبر 2017، في عملية مشتركة بين المخابرات التركية والمخابرات الپاكستانية وشرطة الپنجاب، أُلقي القبض على مدرس تركي بارز وعائلته ونقلهم إلى تركيا. كان نائب رئيس مؤسسة تعليمية تابعة لمنظمة فتح الله گولن تعمل في پاكستان.[53][54]


After the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011, the intelligence services of several NATO countries began operating near the Syria-Turkey border, coordinated by MIT. While operating on the Turkish side, all initiatives had to be cleared first with MIT.[55]

The 2014 National Intelligence Organisation scandal in Turkey revealed MIT's role in supplying arms to Syrian rebels in Syria.[56] The Turkish journalists who exposed this arrangement were charged with espionage and "divulging state secrets" by the Turkish courts.[57] One of the journalists claimed:'Those who sent the convoy from Turkey knew that the weapons were "heading to end [up] in ISIS hands"'.[بحاجة لمصدر] Turkish Army officers who intercepted some of the intelligence agency's weapons-filled trucks also faced espionage charges.[56] In June 2019, a Turkish court sentenced the group of officers and prosecutors who stopped the MIT trucks to at least two decades behind bars for obtaining and disclosing confidential state documents. They were also accused of being FETÖ members.[58] The Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet published video footage which it said showed security forces discovering weapons parts being sent to Syria on trucks belonging to MIT.[59] In December 2020, Turkish court sentenced to prison 27 people because they stopped the MIT trucks in 2014.[60]

In October 2014, an Egyptian official said that MIT was helping the ISIS with satellite images and other critical data.[61]

In October 2014, Press TV journalist Serena Shim was killed when the car she was travelling in collided with a heavy vehicle in Suruç in what are claimed, by her employer and parents, to be suspicious circumstances. The car crash happened just days after Shim reported that the MIT had threatened her and accused her of spying because of her reporting on Turkey's stance on Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant militants during the siege of Kobane. She also claimed that she had received images of ISIL militants crossing the Turkish border into Syria in World Food Programme and NGO trucks.[62][63][64]

On 18 March 2016, Russia's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin sent a letter to the UN Security Council saying that three Turkish humanitarian organizations sent weapons and supplies to extremists in Syria on behalf of MIT. The three NGOs were the Besar Foundation, the Iyilikder Foundation, and the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms (IHH).[65] In a 2018 interview, former Turkish National Police official Ahmet Yayla said that the MIT has used Turkey's IHH as an intermediary to arm Islamist terrorists.[66]

In 2016, one of the commanders of the Syrian Turkmen rebel group Seljuk Brigade in Syria, Hani al-Mulla, was assassinated. Suspicion ranged from the involvement of Turkish intelligence and Turkish-backed rebels to ISIS.[67]

MİT played an active role in the Turkish military operation in Afrin, including the coordination and direction of the Syrian National Army, as well as intelligence support in the identification of targets for Turkish Air Force airstrikes, and post-destruction evaluation.[68]

According to documents revealed in 2019, the MIT was secretly transported ammunition and fighters into Syria with buses in 2015.[69]

In May 2019, Syria's Military Intelligence Directorate officials met with Turkish MIT intelligence officials including MIT's head Hakan Fidan, despite hostilities between the Syrian and Turkish governments. Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) released a statement saying the meeting was held to prevent a conflict between Syria and Turkey. AKP spokesperson Omer Celik defended the meeting, saying "Our intelligence agencies and our elements in the field can hold any meeting they like at any time they like to prevent some humanitarian tragedies or in line with some needs."[70]

In 2020, European Union Agency for Asylum reported that a lot of the armed opposition groups in Syria are under the near-total control of MIT and the Turkish Ministry of Defence.[71]

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In 2017, Peter Pilz released a report about the activities of Turkish agents operating through ATIB (Avusturya Türkiye İslam Birliği – Austria Turkey Islamic Foundation), the Diyanet's arm responsible for administering religious affairs across 63 mosques in the country, and other Turkish organizations. Pilz's website faced a DDoS attack by Turkish hacktivists and heavy security was provided when he presented the report publicly. Per the report, Turkey operates a clandestine network of 200 informants targeting opposition as well as Gülen supporters inside Austria.[72]

In September 2020, a Turkish spy was arrested and confessed. In addition, the Austria's interior minister said that there are indications that Turkey's secret service tried to recruit Austrian citizens and that Europol and the European Council had been informed. Turkey rejected the accusations.[73][74]

In October 2020, a Turkish spy turned himself in to Austrian police and claimed that MIT had plans to attack the Austrian politicians, Aygül Berivan Aslan and Peter Pilz. In addition, he said that at the past he had been forced to give a false testimony which convicted Metin Topuz, an employee at the American Consulate in Istanbul. Turkey denied accusations.[75]


In 2017, the Flemish interior minister, Liesbeth Homans, started the process of withdrawing recognition of the Turkish-sponsored and country's second largest mosque, Fatih mosque in Beringen accusing the mosque of spying in favor of Turkey.[76][77]


In 1994, a prominent Greek Cypriot supporter of Kurdistan, Theophilos Georgiadis, was murdered outside his house in Aglandjia, Nicosia by a Greek Cypriot who was likely paid off by Turkish intelligence, using a Turkish Army officers gun.[78][79]

According to reports, partially confirmed by Cyprus Police, there have been migrants crossing into the government controlled side of Cyprus with links to terrorist organisations and Turkish Intelligence with a Police spokseperson saying that the suspected individuals are under constant surveillance by the intelligence appartus.[80][81]

Czech Republic

Judicial documents revealed that critics of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan were spied upon in the Czech Republic.[82]


MIT was blamed for the 2013 murders of three PKK activists in Paris.[83]


In July 2015 The Tagesspiegel newspaper reported that German federal prosecutors were looking into claims that three men - two Turks and a German national - were instructed by MIT to spy on Erdogan critics in Cologne, particularly Kurds and members of the Muslim minority Alevi community.[84]

In 2016, Bundestag intelligence oversight committee members demanded answer from German government about the reports that Germans of Turkish origin are being pressured in Germany by informers and officers of Turkey's MIT spy agency. According to reports Turkey had 6,000 informants plus MIT officers in Germany who were putting pressure on "German Turks". Hans-Christian Ströbele told that there was an "unbelievable" level of "secret activities" in Germany by Turkey's MIT agency. According to Erich Schmidt-Eenboom, not even the former communist East German Stasi secret police had managed to run such a large "army of agents" in the former West Germany: "Here, it's not just about intelligence gathering, but increasingly about intelligence service repression."[84] German lawmakers have called for an investigation, charging that Turkey is spying on suspected Gulen followers in Germany.[85]

In December 2016, a 31-year-old Turkish citizen who had resided in Germany for a decade was arrested in Hamburg on suspicion of espionage and plotting the assassination of two prominent Kurds on behalf of Turkish security services.[72]

In March 2017 the Turkish secret intelligence service was accused of conducting espionage of more than 300 people and 200 associations and schools linked to supporters of exiled Fethullah Gülen. Boris Pistorius, interior minister for Lower Saxony State, called this "intolerable and unacceptable", stating that "the intensity and ruthlessness with which people abroad are being investigated is remarkable". A German security official said that "we are horrified at how openly Turkey reveals that it is spying on Turks living here".[86][87][88] On 30 March 2017 Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere expresses suspicions that the move may have been intended to weigh on Turkish-German relations − "to provoke us in some way".[89] The appallment was deepened when it was revealed that the 300 persons included politicians, including Michelle Müntefering.[90][91][92]

In June 2017, according to news reports, Turkish Intelligence had reportedly been collecting an increasing amount of information on Bundestag members who are involved in defense as well as domestic and foreign policy. A spokeswoman for Bundeskriminalamt confirmed the report that the agency met with German MPs "in recent weeks" to discuss "safety" concerns, since "protecting members of the Bundestag is a legal task of the BKA".[93]

In October 2017, according to German press reports officials working in Germany's immigration authorities pass on information about Turkish asylum seekers to Turkey. In many cases, even their locations were also revealed, that even their families did not know for security reasons. These incidents showed that Turkish spies may have infiltrated German authorities.[94] In addition, Herbert Reul, the interior minister for the German state of the North Rhine-Westphalia, submitted a report to the state parliament, alleging that the Turkish-German organisation Osmanen Germania works with MIT. The organisation denied the accusations.[95] In July 2018, Germany banned the organisation on allegations it is involved in organized crime and represents a threat to the general public.[96]

In October 2021, German authorities arrested a Turk in a hotel at Düsseldorf for spying on behalf of Turkey. Police found a pistol, ammunition and a list with the names Gulen supporters.[97]


In December 2011, the Turkish newspaper Birgun reported on an interview with former Turkish prime minister Mesut Yilmaz saying that Turkey was behind a number of large forest fires in Greece in the 1990s. Yilmaz later denied the statements, saying he had been misquoted by the newspaper and that he had been actually referring to unsubstantiated reports of Greek involvement in Turkish forest fires.[98][99] In addition, former head of Greek intelligence service said they had intelligence that Turkish agencies were involved in the arsons in the 1990s but had no proof. He said they had received information from their agents in Turkey that Turkish agents or others were involved in the forest fires on Greek islands.[100]

In August 2013, Greek police arrested a German citizen on the island of Chios on suspicion of spying for Turkey. Police said they had found in the man's possession cameras, laptops, maps and glasses with an embedded camera, and an email he had sent to an unidentified recipient with details on Greek warships and army vehicles on the island. The man confessed he had photographed barracks and other military-related buildings on the island for five people he believed were Turkish nationals who paid him up to 1,500 euros ($2,000) for each assignment. Greek authorities suspected that the individuals worked for the Turkish secret services.[101]

In October 2014, Greek police arrested a German citizen on the island of Kos because he photographed sensitive locations on the island. He admitted that was spying for MIT[102][103] and he was recruited in 2011. He was paid 2,000 euros every month and the money were deposited to his bank account in Germany. Furthermore, he said that he was one of the many European retirees living in Greece who have been recruited by Turkey in order to spy against Greece.[104]

In June 2016, a Turkish intelligence officer who worked in the Trabzon Province admitted that his agency ran surveillance on Greek tourists who visited the province. Many Greeks visit the Trabzon and the historic Greek Orthodox Sumela Monastery there.[105]

In February 2017, the newspaper Kathimerini reported that the Turkish National Intelligence Organisation recruits EU retirees to spy on a variety of Greek sensitive locations, including military bases, airports and power plants.[106][102]

In March 2017, the former editor in chief of the English version of Turkish Zaman newspaper, Abdullah Bozkurt, posted a tweet on his account warning of increased clandestine operations of Turkish intelligence agents in Greece.[107]

In April 2020, a document published by the Gülen-aligned Nordic Monitor, claims that Turkish intelligence was spying on refugees and migrants in Greece in order to find details of those who were persecuted by the Erdogan administration.[108]

In August 2020, more documents revealed the illegal information gathering and surveillance activities in Greece by the MIT, the Turkish Embassy and the Turkish consulates against Turkish asylum seekers.[109]

In December 2020, Greek authorities arrested two Greek Muslims in Rhodes for espionage. One was working at the Turkish Consular Authority in Rhodes and the other on a passengers ship which connects the Rhodes with Kastelorizo.[110]


In March 2018, six Turkish nationals from Kosovo had been captured by Turkish intelligence and brought to Turkey over alleged links to schools financed by the Gulen movement. Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan said, speaking to supporters and party members in Istanbul: "Our National Intelligence Agency captured six of the highest ranking members [of Gulen's network] in the Balkans in the operation it conducted in Kosovo."[111]


The cyber team of the MİT hacked the server of the ByLock in Lithuania and transferred all signed-up IP's to the headquarters in Ankara. The MİT had finalized its operation in December 2015 and January 2016, before ByLock has ceased its operation. Bylock was a secure communication app and Turkish authorities believe that it was exclusively allocated for the members of the Gülen Movement.[112]


In 2018, Turkish together with Moldovan intelligence services detained at least six Turkish nationals employed at a private chain of high schools in Moldova. All were teachers or students at the Horizont Turkish high-school private chain, which is seen as close to the Fethullah Gulen.[113][114]


The Gülen-aligned Stockholm Center for Freedom accused the Norwegian Islamist religious organizations that are affiliated with Turkish government that were illegally profiling and intelligence gathering activities on Turks who are believed to be affiliated with Gülen movement in Norway.[115][116]


عام 2015، كتب ماثيو إيد أنه وفقًا للتقارير، فإن الجواسيس الأتراك هم من بين أكثر الجواسيس نشاطًا في صربيا. تنظم تركيا وتمول حركة البشناق من أجل انفصال منطقة راشكا.[117]


وبحسب مركز ستوكهولم للحريات الموالي لگولن، فقد فُتح تحقيق للاشتباه في جمع معلومات مخابراتية غير قانونية و"رسم خرائط" غير قانونية ضد دوائر المعارضة في السويد.[118]


Parliamentarian Alex Kuprecht announced that the government was considering opening a criminal case against regarding espionage and other illegal activities performed by Turkish agents against dissidents. Also, there were espionage against academics who were critical of Turkey.[72] On March 16, 2017, the Office of the Attorney General launched a criminal inquiry into possible foreign spying on Switzerland's Turkish community. Investigation also concerned an attempt to kidnap a Swiss-Turkish in Zurich to take him abroad.[119] That same month, Switzerland's foreign minister warned Turkey against illegal spying on expatriate Turks in Switzerland.[120] In April 2017, a Swiss policeman of Turkish origin was arrested on the accusation that he was spying for the Turkish government.[121]


At the time of the 1971 Turkish military memorandum, the MIT did not inform Prime Minister Süleyman Demirel about the coup plans, and asked for the PM's resignation on the day of the coup.[122]

During the 1980 Turkish coup d'état, the plans for "Operation Flag" (Bayrak Harekâtı) were conveyed to the military units by an MİT airplane. Once again, the agency did not notify the prime minister, even though legally it was under his authority, as it was part of the coup.[122]

During the 2016 Turkish coup d'état attempt, the MİT fought against the coup plotters.[122]


In July 2018, a gulen-linked suspect was brought to the Turkey from Ukraine following operations conducted by the MİT.[123]

In February 2022, MIT captured and abducted the Turkish arm dealer and former special forces captain in the Turkish armed forces, Nuri Bozkir, who exposed the Turkish arms transfers to militant groups in Syria and Libya. He applied for political asylum in Ukraine and Turkey issued an Interpol red notice calling for his arrest for the 2002 murder of Turkish academic Necip Hablemitoglu while Bozkir denied any involvement.[124]

United Kingdom

In 1994, Mehmet Kaygisiz, a Kurdish man with links to the PKK and the north London underworld, was shot dead at a café in Islington. His murder remained unsolved and at the time his murder was thought to be drug-related, but in 2016 new documents suggest that MIT ordered his murder.[83]

In 2018, Turkish NBA player Enes Kanter, who was against Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, informed the New York Knicks he will not be traveling with the team to London because he believed that a trip there would be life-threatening. When a reporter asked him if he really believes a trip to London would be dangerous, he replied: "They've got a lot of spies there. I can get killed very easy. That will be a very ugly situation."[125]



صدرت تعليمات لأئمة أتراك في مساجد أستراليا بالتجسس على أنصار فتح الله گولن الأستراليين.[126]

تم الكشف عن أنشطة المراقبة غير القانونية وجمع المعلومات والمراقبة الذي يقوم بها جهاز المخابرات الوطني التركي في أستراليا في وثائق سرية عام 2020.[127]

قائمة رؤساء المخابرات التركية

الاسم تولى المنصب ترك المنصب
1 عوني كنتان 14 يوليو 1965 2 مارس 1966
2 محمد فؤاد دوغو 2 مارس 1966 27 مارس 1971
3 نور الدين إرسين 2 أغسطس 1971 25 يولوي 1973
4 بولنت تركر 26 يوليو 1973 27 فبراير 1974
5 بهاء الدين اوزولكر 28 فبراير 1974 26 سبتمبر 1974
6 بولنت تركر 26 سبتمبر 1974 24 نوفمبر 1974
7 حمزة گرگوچ 25 نوفمبر 1974 13 يوليو 1978
8 عدنان إرسوز 13 يوليو 1978 19 نوفمبر 1979
9 بولنت تركر 19 نوفمبر 1979 7 سبتمبر 1981
10 برهان الدين بيگالي 7 سبتمبر 1981 14 أغسطس 1986
11 خيري اوندول 5 سبتمبر 1986 29 أغسطس 1988
12 تيومان قومان 29 أغسطس 1988 27 أغسطس 1992
13 سونميز قوقزال 9 نوفمبر 1992 11 فبراير 1998
14 شنكل أتاساگون 11 فبراير 1998 11 يونيو 2005
15 إمرئ تانر 15 يونيو 2005 26 مايو 2010
16 خاقان فيدان 26 مايو 2010 10 فبراير 2015[128]
17 خاقان فيدان 9 مارس 2015[129] 4 يونيو 2023
18 إبراهيم قالين 5 يونيو 2023 الحاضر

Permission for testimony

Testimony in court may only be made with and by the permission of the Director of the MİT. According to Article 29 of Law No. 2937, MİT agents must not give their testimony if it pertains to state secrets without further permission from the MİT.


The Organization owns a non-public Museum of Espionage consisting of a variety of spy equipment, which was revealed once in October 2013.


Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles
Model Image Origin Type Variant Notes
TAI Anka TAI ANKA-B.jpg Flag of Turkey.svg تركيا UCAV Anka-B Electronic warfare and intelligence UAV made for the National Intelligence Organization. Equipped with electronic warfare and intelligence systems (IMINT,ELINT,COMINT,SIGINT).[130][131][132]
FRBR 160716 TAI ANKA 01.jpg Anka-I
Bayraktar TB2 Bayraktar TB2 Ground.jpg Flag of Turkey.svg تركيا UCAV TB2S [133][134][135][136]
Baykar Bayraktar Akıncı Bayraktar Akıncı SİHA (UAV).jpg Flag of Turkey.svg تركيا UCAV Akinci-A [137]
TAI Aksungur TAI Aksungur Teknofest2019 (1).jpg Flag of Turkey.svg تركيا UCAV [138]
Bombardier Challenger 600 series Canadair CL-600-2B16 Challenger 604.jpg Flag of Canada.svg كندا ELINT/SIGINT CL-604 [139]
M-RLIV Canadair Challenger CL.605 (8558392418).jpg CL-605
S-70 Black Hawk Sikorsky S-70i Black Hawk SP-YVC ILA 2012 03.jpg  الولايات المتحدة ELINT/SIGINT S-70i [139]
Sikorsky S-76 N120TN Sikorsky S-76 Helicopter (27855204720).jpg  الولايات المتحدة ELINT/SIGINT S-76+ [139]
MİLGEM type ship Flag of Turkey.svg تركيا Intelligence gathering ship.[140] TCG Ufuk (A-591) Delivered on 14.01.2022. Overall length of 99.5 meters, 14.4 meters of maximum width, 2,400 tons of displacement, and 3.6 meters of draft. She has a hangar and helicopter deck to accommodate a 10-ton helicopter.
Planned future acquisition Flag of Turkey.svg تركيا Spy satellite According to the Turkish authorities, the next plan for MIT is the creation of a spy satellite.[141][142]


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