أمن الحاسوب
(تم التحويل من الأمن السيبراني)
أمن الحاسوب هو أحد فروع أمن المعلومات المطبقة على أنظمة الحواسب النظرية و الفعلية. أمن الحاسوب هو أحد فروع لمعلوماتية التي تقوم بتطبيق و دراسة نواحي السلوك الآمن و السري ضمن أنظمة التشغيل الحاسوبية أو ضمن توصيلات شبكات الحاسوب.
انظر أيضا
- Attack tree
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Chaos Computer Club
- Computer security model
- Cryptography
- Cyber security standards
- Data security
- Differentiated security
- Fault tolerance
- Formal methods
- Identity management
- Internet Firewalls
- Internet privacy
- Information Leak Prevention
- Network security
- Malware Spread Mitigation
- Penetration Testing
- Physical Security
- Separation of protection and security
- Timeline of hacker history
- Wireless LAN Security
- Ross J. Anderson: Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems, ISBN 0-471-38922-6
- Bruce Schneier: Secrets & Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World, ISBN 0-471-25311-1
- Robert C. Seacord: Secure Coding in C and C++. Addison Wesley, September, 2005. ISBN 0-321-33572-4
- Paul A. Karger, Roger R. Schell: Thirty Years Later: Lessons from the Multics Security Evaluation, IBM white paper.
- Clifford Stoll: Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage, Pocket Books, ISBN 0-7434-1146-3
- Stephen Haag, Maeve Cummings, Donald McCubbrey, Alain Pinsonneault, Richard Donovan: Management Information Systems for the information age, ISBN 0-07-091120-7
- Peter G. Neumann: Principled Assuredly Trustworthy Composable Architectures 2004
- Morrie Gasser: Building a secure computer system ISBN 0-442-23022-2 1988
- E. Stewart Lee: Essays about Computer Security Cambridge, 1999
This e-primer provides a comprehensive review of the digital and information and communications technology revolutions and how they are changing the economy and society. The primer also addresses the challenges arising from the widening digital divide.
وصلات خارجية
- Computer Security Tools with Links to them for anyone to use
- Andreas Pfitzmann: Security in IT Networks: Multilateral Security in Distributed and by Distributed Systems
- Computer Security News
- MySecureCyberspace: a resource for home users created by Carnegie Mellon CyLab
- The Open Web Application Security Project - tools, documentation, community
- Security Focus - News and editorials on security related topics, along with a comprehensive database of security knowledge.
- Subject matter experts on OPSEC and security