تحويل 1-1-1240م الى هجري  (وصلة خارجية)  | تحويل 31-12-1240م الى هجري  (وصلة خارجية)  | ابحث في الموسوعة عن مواضيع متعلقة بسنة 1240

الألفية: الألفية 2
القرون: القرن 12 - القرن 13 - القرن 14
العقود: عقد 1210  عقد 1220  عقد 1230  - عقد 1240 -  عقد 1250  عقد 1260  عقد 1270
السنوات: 1237 1238 1239 - 1240 - 1241 1242 1243
1240 حسب الموضوع
زعماء الدولالدول ذات السيادة
تصنيفا المواليد والوفيات
تصنيفا التأسيسات والانحلالات
الفن والأدب
1240 في الشعر
1240 في التقاويم الأخرى
التقويم الگريگوري1240
آب أوربه كونديتا1993
التقويم الأرمني689
التقويم الآشوري5990
التقويم البهائي−604 – −603
التقويم البنغالي647
التقويم الأمازيغي2190
سنة العهد الإنگليزي24 Hen. 3 – 25 Hen. 3
التقويم البوذي1784
التقويم البورمي602
التقويم البيزنطي6748–6749
التقويم الصيني己亥(التراب الخنزير)
3936 أو 3876
    — إلى —
庚子年 (المعدن الفأر)
3937 أو 3877
التقويم القبطي956–957
التقويم الديسكوردي2406
التقويم الإثيوپي1232–1233
التقويم العبري5000–5001
التقاويم الهندوسية
 - ڤيكرام سامڤات1296–1297
 - شاكا سامڤات1162–1163
 - كالي يوگا4341–4342
تقويم الهولوسين11240
تقويم الإگبو240–241
التقويم الإيراني618–619
التقويم الهجري637–638
التقويم اليابانيEn'ō 2 / Ninji 1
تقويم جوچىN/A
التقويم اليوليوسي1240
التقويم الكوري3573
تقويم مينگوو672 قبل جمهورية الصين
التقويم الشمسي التايلندي1783

Year 1240 (MCCXL) was a leap year starting on Sunday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar.


حسب المنطقة


  • الصالح أيوب يصبح سلطان مصر بعد أن أطاح بشقيقه العادل الثاني، بمساعدة من الجنود الترك. Malik al-Salih, distrusting the traditional elements of the Ayyubid army (free Kurdish soldiers, a regiment of Mamluk slaves created by his predecessors such as Salahiya de Saladin and Kamiliya de al-Kamil ) surrounds himself with a guard Mamluk of his creation, quartered on an island in the Nile (Bahr an-Nil), which gives it the name of Bahriya as-Salihiya
  • Capture and destruction of Koumbi , until then capital of the kingdom of Ghana , by the king of Mali Soundiata Keïta who takes the title of emperor: the Empire of Mali was born with Kangaba and Niani as capitals . Soundiata sends his lieutenants to conquer Bambouk . One of them, Amari-Sonko, seizes the gold mines of Ouaranga


  • 13 أبريل - Delhi Sultanate  : revolt of the Turkish nobles led by Altuniya the governor of Bathinda, against Minister Yaqut, who was killed 2 .
  • 22 أبريل - the Turkish chiefs ( maliks ) put Bahrâm Shâh (en) , half-brother of Raziyya on the throne of Delhi . They force the sultans to create the position of regent ( nâ'ib ) which is entrusted to Aitegin; gradually, the latter comes to virtually hold power. Raziyya , taken prisoner, wife Altuniya 3 .
  • 30 يوليو - the Delhi regent Aitegin is assassinated at the instigation of Sultan Bahrâm Shâh 3 .
  • سبتمبر-نوفمبر - revolt of the Baba'is, socio-religious revolt of the Turkmen nomads in Anatolia . After victories at Sivas and Kayseri , she threatens Konya . It was hardly repressed in the plain of Malya near Kırşehir by the troops of Kay Khusraw II assisted by Frankish mercenaries. The sultanate of Roum is weakened.
  • 13 أكتوبر - Raziyya and Altuniya, who got married and marched on Delhi , are abandoned in Kaithal by their mercenary troops. They try to flee but are assassinated by a Hindu fanatic
  • 6 ديسمبر - Batu Khan and the Golden Horde sack the Ruthenian city of Kiev.
  • Retrocession of Safet and Beaufort by the Sultan of Damascus Al-Salih Ismaël to the Latin States of the East.
  • Tuan Mash'ika, an Arab, travels and introduces Islam إلى صولو.
  • الإنتهاء من كتابة الملحمة اليابانية قصة الهائيكي.
  • المنغول يهاجمون عدداً من الأديرة التبتية، فذبحوا الرهبان من راندنگ و اقتربوا من لهاسا.


June 3, 13  : defeat of Salinguerra. Ferrara fell into the hands of the Este (ended in 1597 ).

  • 25 يونيو - controversy with the Jews about the Talmud in the presence of Louis IX of France and Blanche of Castille 14 . The prosecutor, the apostate Jew Nicolas Donin , obtains the condemnation of the Talmud which will be publicly burned onJune 6, 1242.
  • Mongolian offensive in early summer. Batu sacked Pereyaslav , Chernigov and principalities of Russia Southern 15.
  • 15 يوليو - معركة النيڤا: الأمير الروسي ألكسندر نيڤسكي defeats the Swedes, saving the جمهورية نوڤگورود from a full-scale enemy invasion from the North.
  • 22 أغسطس - capture of Ravenna by Frederick II . He puts the seat in front of Faenza who resists untilApril 14, 1241.
  • 17 سبتمبر - revolt of Viscount Raimond Trencavel helped by Olivier de Termes . He besieges Carcassonne .
  • 20 سبتمبر - Frederick II forbids the council convened by Gregory IX .
  • 11 أكتوبر - Raimond Trencavel must lift the siege of Carcassonne after the intervention of the royal army 21 .
  • نوفمبر - Mongols enter Poland 22 . Victorious at Schidlow, they set fire to Lublin and Krakow 23 , then ravaged Silesia (ended in 1242 ), whose duke, Henry II the Pious , was killed during the battle of Legnica ( Liegnitz ) in 1241 . For half a century, the Mongols carried out devastating raids from Red Ruthenia ( Halicz region ) of which they remained masters. The Mongols threaten the territories of the Order of the Teutonic Knights (Prussia , Livonia , Courland ), which concentrated its forces on the Vistula . The Prussians took advantage of this to revolt with the support of Duke Świętopełk II of Pomerania . A long war ensued ( 1242 - 1253 ) 24 .
  • 6 ديسمبر - Kiev is destroyed. All its inhabitants are massacred. The Mongols ravage Volhynia and Galicia . All of southern Russia is devastated. The bishoprics of Pereïaslav , Belgorod and Youriev disappear 15 . Fleeing the Mongols, Michel from Kiev and Daniel from Volhynia cross into Hungary . Daniel fails in his plans for a crusade against the Mongols. After the devastation of Western Russia, Daniel is trying to repopulate the area by installing settlers Hungarian, Polish and German 25 .
  • 14 ديسمبر - charter of Faenza. The Swiss forest cantons ( Uri , Schwyz and Unterwalden ) obtained diplomas from Emperor Frederick II signed in Faenza which placed them directly under the protection of the Empire , in gratitude for their military participation in the war he was waging against the pope in Italy
  • The civil war era in Norway ends.
  • The Flemish village Kaprijke is recognized as a city.
  • Sancho II of Portugal conquers the cities of Ayamonte and Cacella from the Muslims, as part of the Reconquista.[1]
  • After the Mongol invasions, the Principality of Polotsk requested the protection of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and became its vassal before being incorporated into the Grand Duchy in 1307

حسب الموضوع




القبر الخاوي لابن عربي مغلفاً بالزجاج في مقبرته في حي الصالحية شمال دمشق على سفح جبل قاسيون


  1. ^ Picard, Christophe (2000). Le Portugal musulman (VIIIe-XIIIe siècle. L'Occident d'al-Andalus sous domination islamique. Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose. p. 110. ISBN 2-7068-1398-9.
