يوم المُعلم

هذا شعار: محرك بحث قوقل يحتفي بمناسبة يوم المعلم. رفع الشعار على محرك بجث قوقل في نطاقات مختلفة من سنة 2015 حسب احتقال كل دولة.

في بعض البلدان، يُعتبر يوم المعلم يومًا خاصًا لتكريم المعلمين. بعض من هذه الدول تتخذ هذا اليوم يوم عطلة، وبعضها يتخذه في أيام العمل. يُحتفل باليوم العالمي للمعلمين يوم 5 أكتوبر سنوياً منذ عام 1994، وهو بمثابة إحياء لذكرى توقيع التوصية المشتركة الصادرة عن منظمة العمل الدولية ومنظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية والعلم والثقافة (اليونسكو) في عام 1966 والمتعلقة بأوضاع المعلمين.

حسب البلد

البلد الاسم باللغة الأم تاريخ ملاحظات
Flag of Afghanistan.svg أفغانستان Roz-e-Malem 24 مايو في هذا اليوم تكون المدارس في عطلة، لكن الطلاب والمدرسين يأتون للاحتفال بيوم المعلم. ويقدم الطعام والحلوى والموسيقى (في بعض المدارس) والهدايا للمعلمين.
Flag of Albania.svg ألبانيا Festa e mёsuesit 7 مارس في عام 1867، افتتحت أول مدرسة تقدم الدروس باللغة الألبانية في مدينة صغيرة بالبلاد.
Flag of Argentina.svg الأرجنتين Dia del Maestro 11 سبتمبر تكريماً لعمل دومينگو فاوستينو سارمينتو بعد مماته.
Flag of Australia.svg أستراليا World Teachers’ Day آخر جمعة من أكتوبر[1]
Flag of Azerbaijan.svg أذربيجان Beynəlxalq Müəllimlər Günü 5 أكتوبر بين العامين 1965 و1994 كان يحتفل به في الأحد الأول من أكتوبر. بعد ذلك أصبح في الخامس من أكتوبر حسب منظمة اليونسكو.
GM Flag Algeria.png الجزائر عيد المعلم (يوم الاحتفال بالمعلم) 28 فيفري
 بوتان Teachers' Day 2 مايو أسس وعلم وفقًا ليوم ولادة الملك الثالث للبلاد، الذي أدخل التعليم الحديث إليها.
Flag of Bolivia.svg بوليڤيا Día del Maestro 6 يونيو
Flag of Brazil.svg البرازيل Dia do Professor 15 أكتوبر A decree regulating the elementary schools in Brazil. The celebration gained popularity throughout the country, and October 15 was officially designated Teachers' Day in 1963.[2]
Flag of Chile.svg تشيلي Día del Profesor 16 أكتوبر في 1975، أختير تاريخ 10 ديسمبر للإحتفال بيوم المعلمين، لأنه في ذلك اليوم، من عام 1945، الشاعرة التشيلية گبريالا ميسترال حازت جائزة نوبل . لكن في سنة 1977، تغيّر التاريخ إلى 16 أكتوبر، بسبب مؤسسة Colegio de Profesores de Chile (كلية معلّمي تشيلي).[3]
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg الصين 教师节 10 سبتمبر عادة ما يكون هناك بعض الأنشطة يعبر بها الطلبة عن امتنانهم لمعلميهم، مثل تقديم الهدايا والورود والبطاقات.
قالب:كولمبيا Día del Profesor 15 مايو
Flag of Croatia.svg كرواتيا Dan učitelja 5 أكتوبر لا يكون هناك دراسة في يوم المعلم.
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg تشيك Den učitelů 28 مارس The birthdate of John Amos Comenius. Czech students nominate the teachers, whose approach most motivates and inspires them, to the competition Zlatý Ámos (Golden Amos). The coronation of "Golden Amos" take place yearly on March 28.[4][5]
Flag of Ecuador.svg إكوادور 13 أبريل
 السلڤادور 22 يونيو كمآ يلآحظ أن هنآك عطلة وطنية.[6][7]
Flag of Hong Kong.svg هونگ كونگ 10 سبتمبر Before Hong Kong Handover, Teachers' day was on September 28, which followed the tradition from Republic of China since 1950s. After the sovereignty was transferred to People's Republic of China in 1997, the day changed to September 10, which is the same as PRC's one.
Flag of Hungary.svg المجر Pedagógus nap 1 يونيو
Flag of India.svg الهند शिक्षक दिवस
Shikshak Divas
5 سبتمبر It is the birthday of the second President of India, academic philosopher Dr. Radhakrishnan. It is considered a "celebration" day, where teachers and students report to school as usual but the usual activities and classes are replaced by activities of celebration, thanks and remembrance. At some schools on this day, the responsibility of teaching is taken up by the senior students as an appreciation for their teachers.
Flag of Indonesia.svg إندونسيا Hari Guru 25 نوفمبر National Teacher's Day is commemorated in the same time as PGRI's birthday (PGRI= Indonesian's Teacher Association). National Teacher's Day in not a holiday, and it is celebrated by having a ceremonial activity by giving a recognition to a certain teachers, head masters, and/ or school attendant.
Flag of Iran.svg إيران روزِ معلّم 2 مايو (12 ارديبهشت - التقويم الإيراني) في ذكرى استشهاد (أبو الحسن خانعلي) في 2 مايو سنة 1961

في ذكرى استشهاد (مرتضى مطهري) في 2 مايو سنة 1979

Flag of Jamaica.svg جامايكا Teachers' Day 6 مايو Teachers' Day is normally celebrated on May 6 or the first Wed in May.[8] In celebration of Teachers' Day, it is common for students and parents to bring teachers gifts. Additionally, most schools are closed early (half-day).
Flag of Latvia.svg لتوانيا mokytojo diena 5 أكتوبر Between 1965 and 1994, the first Sunday of October. Since 1994, on October 5, to coincide with the World Teachers' Day (est. 1994 by UNESCO).
Flag of Lebanon.svg لبنان Eid Al Moalim (Teachers Celibration day) 3 مارس المعروف عن الشعب اللبناني حبهم واحترامهم للمعلمين، وبين 3 مارس و 9 مارس يحدث احتفال بمناسبة هذا اليوم
Flag of Malaysia.svg ماليزيا Hari Guru 16 مايو This date was chosen because in the same month in 1956, the Federal Legislative Council of the Malay States had received several suggestions (documents) from the Education Committee regarding Teachers' Day as the base of education in Malaysia. The document, known as the Razak Report, has become the foundation of education in Malaysia ever since. Although it is not an official school holiday, celebrations are usually held on May 16, or earlier, if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday.
Flag of Mexico.svg المكسيك Día del Maestro 15 مايو
Flag of Mongolia.svg منغوليا Багш нарийн баярын өдөр (Teacher's day) أول يوم عطلة في فبراير
Flag of Pakistan.svg باكستان Teacher's Day 5 أكتوبر It recognizes the importance of teachers and attributes progress to the quality of teachers in Pakistan's Educational System.
Flag of Panama.svg پنما Día del Maestro 1 ديسمبر وفي نفس اليوم حدثت وفاة (خوسيه مآنويل هورتآدو)
Flag of Paraguay.svg پاراگواي Día del Maestro 30 أبريل
قالب:البيرو Día del Maestro 6 يوليو During the independence of Peru, libertador don José de San Martín founded the first Normal School for Men by means of a resolution passed by Marquis of Torre-Tagle on July 6, 1822.

Many years later, on 1953, the then president Manuel A. Odría decreed Teachers' Day to be commemorated on the 6 of July.[9]

Flag of the Philippines.svg الفلپين Teacher's day (Araw ng mga Guro) 5 أكتوبر By Presidential Proclamation No. 479 [10] to honor more than 500,000 teachers nationwide. However, (Tagalog:Araw ng mga Guro) in الفلپين (Teacher's Day) is actually celebrated in schools between the months of September and October (mainly elementary and secondary levels). Teachers are presented with orchid corsages by students. Groups of students representing various grade levels perform short skits or song and dance numbers, or read poetry for their teachers in front of fellow schoolmates in school-wide activities. These activities are planned by senior students in the Student Council who coordinate the activities well in advance. For Filipino-Chinese schools, a program is usually organized by students for teachers on September 27, while September 28, considered as the actual Teacher's Day, is a school holiday where both teachers and students are allowed to rest. September 28 was chosen because it is known as the birthday of famous Chinese philosopher Confucius [11].

For some universities in the Metro Manila area, Catholic Teachers' Day is celebrated on the second week of February.

Flag of Poland.svg پولندا Dzień Nauczyciela 14 أكتوبر On this day is the anniversary of creation the Commission of National Education, created in 1773 from the initiative of King Stanisław August Poniatowski
Flag of Russia.svg روسيا День учителя 5 أكتوبر Between 1965 and 1994, the first Sunday of October. Since 1994, on October 5, to coincide with the World Teachers' Day (est. 1994 by UNESCO).
Flag of Egypt.svg مصر عيد المعلم 21 ديسمبر
Flag of Singapore.svg سنغافورة 1 سبتمبر An official school holiday. Celebrations are normally conducted the day before, when students get half a day off.
Flag of Slovakia.svg سلوڤاكيا Deň učiteľov 28 مارس The birthdate of John Amos Comenius.
Flag of South Korea (bordered).svg كوريا الجنوبية 스승의 날 May 15 since 1963 in Seoul and 1964 in Chunju city Originally it was started by a group of red-cross youth team members who visited their sick ex-teachers at hospitals. The national celebration ceremony had been stopped between 1973 and 1982 and it resumed after that. On the celebration day, teachers are usually presented with carnations by their students, and both enjoy a shorter school day. Ex-students pay their respects to the former teachers by visiting them and handing a carnation. Many schools now close on Teacher's Day because of the rampant bribery implicit in the expensive gifts often given to teachers. Schools can use the day to have an outing for the teachers.
Flag of the Republic of China.svg تايوان 教師節 28 سبتمبر The day honors teachers' virtues, pains, and also their contribution not only to their own students but also to the whole society. People often make use of the day to express their gratitude to their teachers, such as paying them a visit or sending them a card. This date was chosen to commemorate the birth of Confucius, believed to be the model master educator in ancient China. In 1939, the Ministry of Education established the national holiday to be August 27, the attributed birthday of Confucius.

In 1952, the Executive Yuan changed it to September, stating that it was calculated to be the precise date in the Gregorian calendar. The festival celebration occurs in the temples of Confucius around the island, known as the "Grand Ceremony Dedicated to Confucius" (祭孔大典). The ceremony begins at 6 AM with drum beats. 54 musicians dress in robes with blue belts, 36 (or 64) dancers dress in yellow with green belts. They are led by Confucius's chief descendant (currently Kung Te-cheng) and followed by ceremonial officers. Three animals—the cow, the goat, and the pig—are sacrificed. The hairs plucked from these sacrificed animals are called the Hairs of Wisdom. In addition, local education institutes and civil offices award certain teachers for their excellence and positive influence.

Flag of Thailand.svg تايلند วันครู 16 يناير Adopted as Teachers' Day in the تايلند by a resolution of the government on November 21, 1956. The first Teachers' Day was held in 1957.
Flag of Turkey.svg تركيا Öğretmenler Günü 24 نوفمبر Mustafa Kemal Atatürk thought and stated that "New generation will be created by teachers.". Atatürk was also considered as Prime Teacher (تركية: Başöğretmen), because he adopted a new alphabet for the newly founded Turkish Republic on 1923.
Flag of Palestine.svg فلسطين عيد المعلم 14 ديسمبر -
 الولايات المتحدة اليوم الوطني للمعلم يكون يوم الثلاثاء من أسبوع تقدير المعلم، الذي يحدث في الأسبوع الأول من مايو (5 مايو، 2009) Students often show appreciation for their teachers with token gifts. The National Education Association describes National Teacher Day as "a day for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives".[12]

The NEA gives a history of National Teacher Day:[13] The origins of Teacher Day are murky. Around 1944 Wisconsin teacher Ryan Krug began corresponding with political and education leaders about the need for a national day to honor teachers. Woodbridge wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt who in 1953 persuaded the 81st Congress to proclaim a National Teacher Day. NEA along with its Kansas and Indiana state affiliates and the Dodge City (Kan.) local lobbied Congress to create a national day celebrating teachers. Congress declared March 7, 1980, as National Teacher Day for that year only. NEA and its affiliates continued to observe Teacher Day on the first Tuesday in March until 1985, when the National PTA established Teacher Appreciation Week as the first full week of May. The NEA Representative Assembly then voted to make the Tuesday of that week National Teacher Day.

As of September 7, 1976, September 11 was also adopted as Teachers' Day in the U.S. state of مساتشوستس. Currently, Massachusetts sets the first Sunday of June as its own Teachers’ Day, annually.

Flag of Vietnam.svg ڤيتنام Ngày nhà giáo Việt Nam 20 نوفمبر يمكن هذا اليوم الطلبة من التعبير عن احترامهم لمعلميهم. Students begin preparing a week in advance, and many classes usually prepare literature and art to welcome teacher’s day, while other student prepare foods and flowers for the parties held at their schools. Students usually visit their teachers at their homes to offer flowers and small gifts, or organize trips with their teachers and classmates. Former students also pay respect to their former teachers on this day. The holiday has its origins in a meeting between educators in communist bloc nations in Warsaw in 1957. It was first celebrated in 1958 as the Day of the International Manifest of Educators; in 1982 the day is renamed Vietnamese Educators' Day.

الإمارات العربية المتحدة: في هذا اليوم يحتفل الصغار به ونادرًا ما يحتفل به الكبار ويجلبون لمعلميهم هدايا وبطاقات وكعك وغيرها.

انظر أيضًا


  1. ^ http://www.qct.edu.au/WorldTeachersDay/WTD.htm Australia Recognizes World Teachers' Day
  2. ^ http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dia_do_professor
  3. ^ http://www.educar.cl/htm2006/quees7.htm Día del profesor.
  4. ^ "Zlatý Ámos - anketa o nejoblíbenějšího učitele České republiky". Zlatý Ámos. Retrieved November 23, 2008. (التشيكية)
  5. ^ "Mezinárodní den učitelů a Zlatý Ámos". adam.cz. October 4, 2006. Retrieved November 23, 2008. (التشيكية)
  6. ^ "Nueva Alejandría - Secciones - Maestros Americanos - El Salvador". Retrieved 2008-06-22.
  7. ^ "TEACHER APPRECIATION: teacher appreciation poem - Teachers Day - El Salvador". Retrieved 2008-06-22.
  8. ^ "Gleaner gives teachers a break!". Retrieved 2009-05-06.
  9. ^ Portal Educativo del Perú - Día del Maestro (Spanish) See item: Una fecha con Historia
  10. ^ http://www.ops.gov.ph/records/proc_no479.htm: OPS: National Teacher's Day
  11. ^ Birthday of Confucius (551-479 B.C.E.) (Perpetual Multicultural Calendar Software)
  12. ^ NEA: National Teacher Day
  13. ^ http://www.nea.org/teacherday/ NEA: National Teacher Day