
(تم التحويل من يمونا)
يـَمـُنا Yamuna
Taj Mahal reflection on Yamuna river, Agra.jpg
تاج محل في أگرا على ضفاف يمنا
البلد الهند
States Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, هاريانا, دلهي
 - يسار Hindon, Sharda, Kunta, Gir[بحاجة لتوضيح], Rishiganga, Hanuman Ganga, Sasur Khaderi, Tons
 - يمين Chambal, Betwa, Ken, السند, Dhansan
المدن يمنا نگر, دلهي, Mathura, أگرا, Etawah, Kalpi, الله آباد
Source يامونوتري
 - الموقع Banderpooch peaks, Uttarkashi district, Uttarakhand, الهند
 - elevation 3,293 m (10,804 ft)
 - coordinates 31°01′0.12″N 78°27′0″E / 31.0167000°N 78.45000°E / 31.0167000; 78.45000
المصب Triveni sangam
 - الموقع الله آباد, الهند
 - الارتفاع 74 m (243 ft)
 - الاحداثيات 25°25′11.44″N 81°53′5.80″E / 25.4198444°N 81.8849444°E / 25.4198444; 81.8849444
الطول 1,376 km (855 mi)
الحوض 366,223 km2 (141,399 sq mi)
التدفق المصب
 - المتوسط 2,950 m3/s (104,178 cu ft/s) [1]

يـَمـُنا أو يامونا (/jəmʊnaː/؛ بالسنسكريتية وبالهندي: यमुना ؛ إنگليزية: Yamuna)، وأحياناً يسمى جمنا (بالهندي: जमुना؛ /d͡ʒəmʊna:/ ؛ إنگليزية: Jamuna) هو أطول وثاني أكبر نهر رافد لنهر الگنج (گانگا) في شمال الهند. وينبع من مثلجة يامونوتري على ارتفاع 6,387 متر على المنحدرات الجنوبية الغربية لقمم بندرپوچ في أعلى منطقة في الهيمالايا السفلى في Uttarakhand, it travels a total length of 1,376 kilometers (855 mi) and has a drainage system of 366,223 square kilometres (141,399 sq mi), 40.2% of the entire Ganges Basin, before merging with the Ganges at Triveni Sangam, الله آباد، موقع احتفال كومبا ملا كل اثنتي عشر عاماً.

It crosses several states, Uttarakhand, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, passing by Uttarakhand and later Delhi, and meets its tributaries on the way, including Tons, its largest and longest tributary in Uttarakhand, Chambal, which has its own large basin, followed by Sindh, the Betwa, and Ken. Most importantly it creates the highly fertile alluvial, Yamuna-Ganges Doab region between itself and the Ganges in the Indo-Gangetic plain. Nearly 57 million people depend on the Yamuna waters. With an annual flow of about 10,000 cubic billion metres (cbm) and usage of 4,400 cbm (of which irrigation constitutes 96 per cent), the river accounts for more than 70 per cent of Delhi’s water supplies. Just like the Ganges, the Yamuna too is highly venerated in Hinduism and worshipped as goddess Yamuna, throughout its course. In Hindu mythology, she is the daughter of Sun God, Surya, and sister of Yama, the God of Death, hence also known as Yami and according to popular legends, bathing in its sacred waters frees one from the torments of death.[2][3]

The water of Yamuna is of "reasonably good quality" through its length from Yamunotri in the Himalayas to Wazirabad in Delhi, about 375 kilometres (233 mi), where the discharge of waste water through 15 drains between Wazirabad barrage and Okhla barrage renders the river severely polluted after Wazirabad. One official describes the river as a "sewage drain" with biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) values ranging from 14 to 28 mg/l and high coliform content.[4] There are three main sources of pollution in the river, namely households and municipal disposal sites, soil erosion resulting from deforestation occurring to make way for agriculture along with resulting chemical wash-off from fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides and run-off from commercial activity and industrial sites.

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مسار النهر

قمة بندرپونچ، منبع نهر يامونا، كما تبدو من موسوري.
الولاية مساحة التجميع (كم²) % من حوض التجميع
أتر پرادش وأوتاراخند 74,208 21.5 %
هيماچل پرادش 5,799 1.6
هاريانا 21,265 6.5
راجستان 102,883 29.8
ماديا پرادش 14,023 40.6
دلهي 1,485 0.4
معبد في يامونوتري على النهر، مكرّس للإلهة يامونا.


ڤاسودڤ يحمل الإله كريشنا الرضيع عبر نهر يامونا، وهي أسطورة هامة في بهاگاڤاتا پورانا

الأهمية الدينية

الإلهة يامونا.
تاج محل يقع على ضفاف نهر يمونا.

ادارة النهر


مأخذ قناة أگرا في قناطر أوخلا، دلهي. 1871.

الجغرافيا والحياة البرية

The Yamuna, seen from the تاج محل في أگرا في أتر پرادش

The catchment area of the river, especially till it touches the plains, is replete with alpine, semi alpine, temperate and sub-tropical vegetation, and vast areas are under forest cover, and supports extensive animal life.

Yamuna is the frontier of the Asian Elephant. West of the Yamuna, there are no elephants to be found over 900 kilometres (560 mi) of the western Himalayas and their foothills. The forests of the lower Yamuna offer ideal corridors for elephant movement. The principal forests to be found here are of sal, khair (acacia), and sissoo (rosewood) trees, and the Chir Pine forests of the Shivalik Hills.

اليامونا بالقرب من الهيمالايا، بمجرد وصولها السهول، بعد دهرادون في أوتاراخند.


متعبدون هندوس يصلون لشروق الشمس وسط رغاوي سامة طافية على سطح نهر يامونا، أثناء عيد تشات بوجا، في Kalindi Kunj، نيودلهي، بالهند، اليوم 4 نوفمبر 2019.

معرض صور

انظر أيضاً


  • Fraser, James Baillie (1820). Journal of a tour through part of the snowy range of the Himala Mountains, and to the sources of the rivers Jumna and Ganges. Rodwell and Martin, London.
  • Haberman, David L. (2006). River of love in an age of pollution: the Yamuna River of northern India. University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-24790-6.
  • Schumann, A. H. (2001). Sustainable regional water management of Yamuna river basin: A case study. International Association of Hydrological Sciences(IAHS). pp. 25–32. ISBN 1-901502-51-1.

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  1. ^ Jain, Sharad K.; Agarwal, Pushpendra K.; Singh, Vijay P. (2007). Hydrology and water resources of India. Springer. p. 341. ISBN 978-1-4020-5179-1. Retrieved 26 April 2011.
  2. ^ Jain, Sharad K.; Pushpendra K. Agarwal; Vijay P. Singh (2007). Hydrology and water resources of India- Volume 57 of Water science and technology library. Springer. pp. 344–354. ISBN 1-4020-5179-4.
  3. ^ Hoiberg, Dale (2000). Students' Britannica India, Volumes 1-5. Popular Prakashan. pp. 290–291. ISBN 0-85229-760-2.
  4. ^ "'Ganga is the most polluted river'". The Hindu. Nov 23, 2003.

وصلات خارجية

قالب:Hydrography of Uttarakhand قالب:Geo HP

قالب:Hydrography of Haryana

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