كمبردج (دائرة انتخابية في المملكة المتحدة)

Coordinates: 52°12′11″N 0°07′52″E / 52.203°N 0.131°E / 52.203; 0.131

52°12′11″N 0°07′52″E / 52.203°N 0.131°E / 52.203; 0.131

دائرة انتخابية Borough
لمجلس العموم
Outline map
حدود Cambridge في Cambridgeshire.
Outline map
موقع Cambridgeshire ضمن England.
التعداد114,740 (2011 census)[1]
المسجلون74,628 (2018)[2]
المستوطنات الرئيسيةCambridge
الدائرة الحالية
خُلِقت1295 (1295) 1295 (1295)
عضو البرلمانDaniel Zeichner (حزب العمال)
عدد الأعضاء1295–1885: Two
1885–present: One
الدائرة الانتخابية الاوروبيةEast of England

كيمبردج إنگليزية: Cambridge هي إحدى الدوائر الانتخابية في المملكة المتحدة الممثلة في مجلس العموم في كمبردج‌شاير، إنگلترة، ممثـَلة في مجلس العموم في برلمان المملكة المتحدة.[n 1] وقد أنشئت الدائرة الانتخابية في 1295 وتتمركز حول المدينة الجامعية كمبردج.

عضو البرلمان الذي يمثلها حالياً هو :David Howarth (LD).

أعضاء البرلمان

  • الدائرة أنشئت في (1295)

MPs 1295–1660

Parliament First member Second member
1386 Robert Brigham John Herries[3]
1388 (Feb) John Cotton John Camp[3]
1388 (Sep) John Blankpayn John Marshall[3]
1390 (Jan) Richard Maisterman Robert Goodrich[3]
1390 (Nov)
1391 John Camp John Payn[3]
1393 John Herries Robert Goodrich[3]
1394 Robert Brigham Robert Goodrich[3]
1395 Robert Brigham John Thriplow[3]
1397 (Jan) Hugh Candlesby John Thriplow[3]
1397 (Sep) Thomas Trivet Simon Bentbow[3]
1399 Hugh Candlesby William Salle[3]
1402 Robert Brigham Thomas Trivet[3]
1404 (Jan)
1404 (Oct)
1406 John Knapton John Bilney[3]
1407 Simon Bentbow Thomas Beverley[3]
1411 John Bush John Alderhithe[3]
1413 (Feb)
1413 (May) Stephen Neel Robert Attilbridge[3]
1414 (Apr) John Beverley John Warwick[3]
1414 (Nov) John Greenlane John Hokington[3]
1415 John Knapton Thomas Beverley[3]
1416 (Mar) John Bilney John Sexton[3]
1416 (Oct)
1417 John Bilney Robert Attilbridge[3]
1419 John Knapton Henry Topcliffe[3]
1420 John Cappe Henry Topcliffe[3]
1421 (May) John Greenlane John Bilney[3]
1421 (Dec) Richard Andrew William Wedgwood[3]
1447 John Say
1510 No names known[4]
1512 John Bury John Erlich[4]
1515 ?
1523 ?
1529 Thomas Brakyn Robert Chapman[4]
1536 Thomas Brakyn Robert Chapman[4]
1539 Thomas Brakyn Robert Chapman[4]
1542 Thomas Brakyn Edward Slegge[4]
1545 John Rust Simon Trew[4]
1547 John Fanne, died
and replaced Jan 1552 by
John Rust
Richard Brakyn[4]
1553 (Mar) Robert Chapman Alexander Ray[4]
1553 (Oct) James Fletcher Richard Brakyn[4]
1554 (Apr) John Rust Richard Brakyn[4]
1554 (Nov) Robert Chapman Richard Brassney[4]
1555 Alexander Ray Lawrence Hawes[4]
1558 John Line Thomas Ventris[4]
1558/1559 Thomas Ventris Roger Slegge[5]
1562/1563 Henry Serle Roger Slegge[5]
1571 (Mar) Robert Shute Roger Slegge[5]
1572 (Apr) Robert Shute, became a judge
and replaced Jan 1581 by
John North
Roger Slegge[5]
1584 (Nov) Henry North Roger Slegge[5]
1586 (Oct) John Edmonds Roger Slegge[5]
1588 (Oct) Nicholas Gaunte Roger Slegge[5]
1593 Thomas Goldsborough Christopher Hodson[5]
1597 (Oct) Robert Wallis John Yaxley[5]
1601 (Oct) Robert Wallis John Yaxley[5]
1604 Robert Wallis John Yaxley
1614 Sir Robert Hitcham Francis Brakin
1621 Richard Foxton Thomas Meautys
1621 (Mar) Sir John Hobart
1624 Francis Brakyn Robert Luckyn
1625 Talbot Pepys Thomas Meautys
1626 John Thompson Thomas Meautys
1628 Thomas Purchase Thomas Meautys
1629–1640 No Parliaments summoned
1640 (Apr) Oliver Cromwell Thomas Meautys
1640 (Nov) Oliver Cromwell John Lowry
1653 Cambridge not represented in Barebone's Parliament
1654 Richard Timbs (one member only)
1656 Richard Timbs (one member only)
1659 John Lowry Richard Timbs

MPs 1660–1885

Election 1st Member[6] 1st Party 2nd Member[6] 2nd Party
1660 Sir Dudley North Sir Thomas Wills, Bt
1661 Sir William Compton Roger Pepys
1664 The Lord Alington
1679 Sir Thomas Chicheley
1685 Sir William Wren
1689 Sir John Cotton, Bt
1690 Granado Pigot
1695 John Pepys Isaac Watlington
1696 Sir John Cotton, Bt
1698 Sir Henry Pickering, Bt
1702 Anthony Thompson
1705 Sir John Cotton, Bt
1708 Sir John Hynde Cotton, Bt Tory Samuel Shepheard
January 1715 Thomas Sclater Tory
May 1715 Samuel Shepheard
January 1722 Thomas Bacon Tory
October 1722 Gilbert Affleck
1727 Sir John Hynde Cotton, Bt
1737 Gilbert Affleck
1741 Viscount Dupplin Whig James Martin
1744 Christopher Jeaffreson
1747 Samuel Shepheard
1748 Christopher Jeaffreson
1749 Charles Cadogan Tory[7]
1754 Hon. Thomas Bromley Whig
1755 Charles Cadogan Tory[7]
1758 Soame Jenyns Tory[7]
1776 Benjamin Keene Tory[7]
1780 James Whorwood Adeane Tory[7]
1784 John Mortlock Whig[7]
1788 Francis Dickins Tory[7]
1789 Edward Finch Tory[7]
1791 Robert Manners Tory[7]
1819 Frederick Trench Tory[7]
1820 Charles Madryll Cheere Tory[7]
1825 Marquess of Graham Tory[7]
1832 George Pryme Whig[7][8] Thomas Spring Rice Whig[7]
1839 John Manners-Sutton Conservative[7]
1840 Sir Alexander Grant, Bt Conservative[7]
1841 Hon. John Manners-Sutton Conservative[7]
1843 Fitzroy Kelly Conservative[7]
1847 Robert Adair Whig[9][10][11][12][13] Hon. William Campbell Whig[12][13]
1852 Kenneth Macaulay Conservative John Harvey Astell Conservative
March 1853 Writ suspended[14]
1854 Robert Adair Radical[15][16][17] Francis Mowatt Radical[18][19]
1857 Kenneth Macaulay Conservative Andrew Steuart Conservative
1863 Francis Powell Conservative
1865 William Forsyth Conservative
1866 John Eldon Gorst Conservative
1868 Robert Torrens Liberal William Fowler Liberal
1874 Alfred Marten Conservative Patrick Smollett Conservative
1880 William Fowler Liberal Hugh Shield Liberal
1885 representation reduced to one member

MPs since 1885

Election Member[6][20] Party
1885 Robert Uniacke-Penrose-Fitzgerald Conservative
1906 Stanley Buckmaster Liberal
Jan 1910 Almeric Paget Conservative
1917 by-election Sir Eric Geddes Coalition Conservative
1922 by-election Sir George Newton Conservative
1934 by-election Richard Tufnell Conservative
1945 Arthur Symonds Labour
1950 Sir Hamilton Kerr, Bt. Conservative
1966 Robert Davies Labour
1967 by-election David Lane Conservative
1976 by-election Robert Rhodes James Conservative
1992 Anne Campbell Labour
2005 David Howarth Liberal Democrat
2010 Julian Huppert Liberal Democrat
2015 Daniel Zeichner Labour


2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

Cambridge historical election results

Elections in the 2010s

General election 2019: Cambridge[21]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب العمال Daniel Zeichner 25,776 48.0 −3.9
Liberal Democrats Rod Cantrill 16,137 30.0 +0.7
Conservative Russell Perrin 8,342 15.5 −0.8
Green Jeremy Caddick 2,164 4.0 +1.7
Brexit Party Peter Dawe 1,041 1.9 New
Independent Miles Hurley 111 0.2 New
SDP Jane Robins 91 0.2 New
Rebooting Democracy Keith Garrett 67 0.1 −0.1
الأغلبية 9,639 18.0 −4.6
الإقبال على الانتخابات 53,729 67.4 −4.5
حزب العمال hold تأرجح −2.3
General election 2017: Cambridge[22]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب العمال Daniel Zeichner 29,032 51.9 +15.9
Liberal Democrats Julian Huppert 16,371 29.3 −5.6
Conservative John Hayward 9,133 16.3 +0.7
Green Stuart Tuckwood 1,265 2.3 −5.7
Rebooting Democracy Keith Garrett 133 0.2 −0.1
الأغلبية 12,661 22.6 +21.4
الإقبال على الانتخابات 55,934 71.2 +9.6
حزب العمال hold تأرجح +10.7
General election 2015: Cambridge[23][24]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب العمال Daniel Zeichner 18,646 36.0 +11.7
Liberal Democrats Julian Huppert 18,047 34.9 −4.3
Conservative Chamali Fernando 8,117 15.7 −9.9
Green Rupert Read 4,109 7.9 +0.3
UKIP Patrick O'Flynn 2,668 5.2 +2.8
Rebooting Democracy Keith Garrett 187 0.4 N/A
الأغلبية 599 1.2
الإقبال على الانتخابات 51,774 62.1 −2.9
حزب العمال ربح من حزب الديمقراطيين الليبراليين تأرجح +8.0
General election 2010: Cambridge[25]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب الديمقراطيين الليبراليين Julian Huppert 19,621 39.1 −5.6
Conservative Nick Hillman 12,829 25.6 +8.3
Labour Daniel Zeichner 12,174 24.3 −9.7
Green Tony Juniper 3,804 7.6 +4.7
UKIP Peter Burkinshaw 1,195 2.4 +1.0
Cambridge Socialists Martin Booth 362 0.7 N/A
Independent Old Holborn (Robert Ambridge)[n 2] 145 0.3 N/A
الأغلبية 6,792 13.5
الإقبال على الانتخابات 50,130 65.0 +6.1
حزب الديمقراطيين الليبراليين hold تأرجح −7.0

Elections in the 2000s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

General election 2005: Cambridge
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب الديمقراطيين الليبراليين David Howarth 19,152 44.0 +18.9
Labour Anne Campbell 14,813 34.0 −11.1
Conservative Ian Lyon 7,193 16.5 −6.4
Green Martin Lucas-Smith 1,245 2.9 −0.4
UKIP Helene Davies 569 1.3 +0.1
Respect Tom Woodcock 477 1.1 N/A
Independent Suzon Forscey-Moore 60 0.1 N/A
Independent Graham Wilkinson 60 0.1 N/A
الأغلبية 4,339 10.0
الإقبال على الانتخابات 43,569 62.1 +1.5
حزب الديمقراطيين الليبراليين ربح من حزب العمال تأرجح +15.0
General election 2001: Cambridge
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب العمال Anne Campbell 19,316 45.1 −8.3
Liberal Democrats David Howarth 10,737 25.1 +8.9
Conservative Graham Stuart 9,829 22.9 −3.0
Green Stephen Lawrence 1,413 3.3 +2.0
Socialist Alliance Howard Senter 716 1.7 N/A
UKIP Len Baynes 532 1.2 N/A
ProLife Alliance Clare Underwood 232 0.5 +0.2
Workers Revolutionary Margaret Courtney 61 0.1 −0.1
الأغلبية 8,579 20.0 −7.5
الإقبال على الانتخابات 42,836 60.6 −10.9
حزب العمال hold تأرجح −8.6

Elections in the 1990s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

General election 1997: Cambridge
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب العمال Anne Campbell 27,436 53.4 +13.7
Conservative David Platt 13,299 25.9 −12.6
Liberal Democrats Geoffrey Heathcock 8,287 16.1 −3.8
Referendum William Burrows 1,262 2.5 N/A
Green Margaret Wright 654 1.3 −0.1
ProLife Alliance Anna Johnstone 191 0.4 N/A
Workers Revolutionary Raymond Athow 107 0.2 N/A
Natural Law M. Gladwin 103 0.2 N/A
الأغلبية 14,137 27.5 +26.3
الإقبال على الانتخابات 51,339 71.5
حزب العمال hold تأرجح +13.2
General election 1992: Cambridge
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب العمال Anne Campbell 20,039 39.7 +11.4
Conservative Mark Bishop 19,459 38.5 −1.5
Liberal Democrats David Howarth 10,037 19.9 −10.7
Green Tim Cooper 720 1.4 +0.3
Monster Raving Loony Richard Brettell-Winnington 175 0.3 N/A
Natural Law Roger Chalmers 83 0.2 N/A
الأغلبية 580 1.2
الإقبال على الانتخابات 50,513 73.2
حزب العمال ربح من حزب المحافظين تأرجح +6.4

Elections in the 1980s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

General election 1987: Cambridge[26]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Robert Rhodes James 21,624 40.0 −1.5
SDP Shirley Williams 16,564 30.6 +0.9
Labour Christopher Howard 15,319 28.3 +0.1
Green Margaret Wright 597 1.1 N/A
الأغلبية 5,060 9.35 −2.5
الإقبال على الانتخابات 54,104 78.03
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −1.2
General election 1983: Cambridge[26]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Robert Rhodes James 20,931 41.5 −1.48
SDP Matthew Oakeshott 14,963 29.7 +12.6
Labour Janet Jones 14,240 28.2 −11.15
Monster Raving Loony John Dougrez-Lewis 286 0.57 N/A
الأغلبية 5,968 11.84
الإقبال على الانتخابات 50,420 75.23
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح

Elections in the 1970s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

General election 1979: Cambridge[27][28]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Robert Rhodes James 25,568 45.71 +4.46
Labour Martin Smith 20,772 37.14 +1.13
Liberal John Wakelin 9,285 16.60 −4.47
National Front Derek Holland 311 0.56 N/A
الأغلبية 4,796 8.57
الإقبال على الانتخابات 55,936 72.02
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح +1.66
United Kingdom Parliament: Cambridge by-election 1976
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Robert Rhodes James 19,620 51.03 +9.78
Labour Martin Smith 9,995 25.99 −10.01
Liberal Michael O'Loughlin 7,051 18.34 −2.73
Independent James Sharpe 711 1.85 N/A
National Front Jeremy Wotherspoon 700 1.82 N/A
Science Fiction Looney Philip Sargent 374 0.97 N/A
الأغلبية 9,625 25.03 +19.78
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح
General election October 1974: Cambridge[27][29]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين David Lane 21,790 41.25 +0.66
Labour James Patrick Curran 19,017 36.00 +3.28
Liberal Michael Wilfrid Bryan O'Loughlin 11,129 21.07 −5.00
United Democratic Party Christopher John Curry 885 1.68 N/A
الأغلبية 2,773 5.25
الإقبال على الانتخابات 52,821 69.56
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −1.31
General election February 1974: Cambridge[27][30]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين David Lane 24,119 40.59
Labour James Patrick Curran 19,443 32.72
Liberal Michael Wilfrid Bryan O'Loughlin 15,491 26.07
Independent Susan Elisabeth Inkster 369 0.62 N/A
الأغلبية 4,676 7.87
الإقبال على الانتخابات 59,422 78.74
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح
General election 1970: Cambridge[31][32][33][34]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين David Lane 26,252 55.33 +11.91
Labour George Scurfield 21,191 44.67 −0.80
الأغلبية 5,061 10.67 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 47,443 72.37 −7.63
ناخبون مسجلون 65,554
حزب المحافظين ربح من حزب العمال تأرجح +6.36

Elections in the 1960s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

Cambridge by-election, 21 September 1967[35]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين David Lane 20,488 51.61 +8.19
Labour George Scurfield 14,510 36.55 −8.92
Liberal David Spreckley 4,701 11.84 +1.64
الأغلبية 5,978 15.06
الإقبال على الانتخابات 39,699 65.7
حزب المحافظين ربح من حزب العمال تأرجح
General election 1966: Cambridge[31][32][36][37]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب العمال Robert Davies 21,963 45.47 +5.01
Conservative David Lane 20,972 43.42 +0.05
Liberal Michael WB O'Loughlin 4,928 10.20 −5.97
Independent Peter King 439 0.91 N/A
الأغلبية 991 2.05 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 48,302 80.00 +0.86
ناخبون مسجلون 60,380
حزب العمال ربح من حزب المحافظين تأرجح +2.48
General election 1964: Cambridge[31][32][38][39]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Hamilton Kerr 20,720 43.37 −7.69
Labour Robert Davies 19,331 40.46 +3.67
Liberal Michael WB O'Loughlin 7,723 16.17 +4.02
الأغلبية 1,389 2.91 −11.36
الإقبال على الانتخابات 47,774 79.14 −0.67
ناخبون مسجلون 60,365
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −5.68

Elections in the 1950s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

General election 1959: Cambridge[31][32][40][41]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Hamilton Kerr 24,350 51.06 −6.50
Labour Robert Davies 17,543 36.79 −5.65
Liberal Arnold Geoffroy de Montmorency 5,792 12.15 −10.29
الأغلبية 6,807 14.27 −0.85
الإقبال على الانتخابات 59,745 79.81 +1.28
ناخبون مسجلون 59,745
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −0.43
General election 1955: Cambridge[31][32][42][43]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Hamilton Kerr 27,059 57.56 +5.17
Labour Arthur Symonds 19,953 42.44 +1.25
الأغلبية 7,106 15.12 +3.93
الإقبال على الانتخابات 47,012 78.53 −5.91
ناخبون مسجلون 59,868
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح +1.96
General election 1951: Cambridge[31][32][44][45]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Hamilton Kerr 26,570 52.39 +2.88
Labour Arthur Symonds 20,893 41.19 +1.24
Liberal Frances Josephy 3,257 6.42 −4.12
الأغلبية 5,677 11.19 +1.64
الإقبال على الانتخابات 50,720 84.44 −2.04
ناخبون مسجلون 60,064
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح +0.82
General election 1950: Cambridge[31][32][46][47]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Hamilton Kerr 25,151 49.51 +0.39
Labour Arthur Symonds 20,297 39.95 −10.93
Liberal Frances Josephy 5,355 10.54 N/A
الأغلبية 4,854 9.55 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 50,803 86.48 +17.32
ناخبون مسجلون 58,742
حزب المحافظين ربح من حزب العمال تأرجح +5.66

Elections in the 1940s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

General election 1945: Cambridge[31][32][48]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب العمال Arthur Symonds 19,671 50.88 +9.36
Conservative Richard Tufnell 18,989 49.12 −9.36
الأغلبية 682 1.76 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 38,600 69.16 −4.06
ناخبون مسجلون 55,898
حزب العمال ربح من حزب المحافظين تأرجح +9.36

Elections in the 1930s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

General election 1935: Cambridge[31][32][49]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Richard Tufnell 18,927 58.48 −14.71
Labour Alexander Wood 13,436 41.52 +14.71
الأغلبية 5,491 16.97 −29.41
الإقبال على الانتخابات 32,363 73.22 −2.40
ناخبون مسجلون 44,197
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −14.71
General election 1931: Cambridge[31][32][50]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين George Newton 23,347 73.19 +30.00
Labour Alexander Wood 8,552 26.81 −4.70
الأغلبية 14,795 46.38 +34.70
الإقبال على الانتخابات 31,899 75.62 −4.19
ناخبون مسجلون 42,186
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح +17.35

Elections in the 1920s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

General election 1929: Cambridge[31][32]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين George Newton 13,867 43.19 −9.33
Labour David Hardman 10,116 31.51 +12.09
Liberal Maurice Amos 8,124 25.30 −2.75
الأغلبية 3,751 11.68 −2.20
الإقبال على الانتخابات 32,107 79.81 −2.04
ناخبون مسجلون 40,227
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −4.87
General election 1924: Cambridge[31][32]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين George Newton 12,628 52.52 +10.59
Labour Alec Firth 6,744 28.05 −5.50
Liberal Frank Reyner Salter 4,670 19.42 −5.11
الأغلبية 5,884 13.88 +5.50
الإقبال على الانتخابات 24,042 81.85 +0.91
ناخبون مسجلون 29,372
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح +8.05
General election 1923: Cambridge[31][32]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين George Newton 9,814 41.93 −6.82
Liberal Sydney Cope Morgan 7,852 33.55 +3.16
Labour Alec Firth 5,741 24.53 +3.67
الأغلبية 1,962 8.38 −9.98
الإقبال على الانتخابات 23,407 80.94 −0.23
ناخبون مسجلون 28,920
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −4.99
General election 1922: Cambridge[31][32]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين George Newton 11,238 48.75 −26.65
Liberal Sydney Cope Morgan 7,005 30.39 +5.69
Labour Alec Firth 4,810 20.86 N/A
الأغلبية 4,233 18.36 −32.24
الإقبال على الانتخابات 23,053 81.17 +20.22
ناخبون مسجلون 28,402
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −16.17
By-election, 1922: Cambridge[31][32]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين George Newton 10,897 48.69 −26.61
Labour Hugh Dalton 6,954 31.07 N/A
Liberal Sydney Cope Morgan 4,529 20.24 −4.46
الأغلبية 3,943 17.62 −32.98
الإقبال على الانتخابات 22,380 80.41 +19.46
ناخبون مسجلون 27,833
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −28.84

Elections in the 1910s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

قالب:Election box winning candidate with party link coalition 1918قالب:Election box end 1918
General election 1918: Cambridge[31][32]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Labour Thomas Rhondda Williams 3,789 24.70 N/A
الأغلبية 7,764 50.60 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 15,342 60.95 N/A
ناخبون مسجلون 25,170
اتحادي hold تأرجح N/A
By-election, 1917: Cambridge[51]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
اتحادي Eric Geddes Unopposed
اتحادي احتفاظ
General election December 1910: Cambridge[51]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Almeric Paget 4,427 52.0 −1.4
Liberal Stanley Buckmaster 4,084 48.0 +1.4
الأغلبية 343 4.0 −2.8
الإقبال على الانتخابات 8,511 90.6 −2.6
ناخبون مسجلون 9,392
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −1.4
General election January 1910: Cambridge[51]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Almeric Paget 4,667 53.4 +5.3
Liberal Stanley Buckmaster 4,080 46.6 −5.3
الأغلبية 587 6.8 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 8,747 93.1 +0.9
ناخبون مسجلون 9,392
حزب المحافظين ربح من الليبرالي تأرجح +5.3

Elections in the 1900s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

General election 1906: Cambridge[51]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
الليبرالي Stanley Buckmaster 4,232 51.9 N/A
Conservative Almeric Paget 3,924 48.1 N/A
الأغلبية 308 3.8 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 8,156 92.2 N/A
ناخبون مسجلون 8,850
الليبرالي ربح من حزب المحافظين تأرجح N/A
General election 1900: Cambridge[51]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Robert Uniacke-Penrose-Fitzgerald Unopposed
حزب المحافظين احتفاظ

Elections in the 1890s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

General election 1895: Cambridge[51]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Robert Uniacke-Penrose-Fitzgerald 3,574 55.0 +3.0
Liberal Alexander Jones David 2,920 45.0 −3.0
الأغلبية 654 10.0 +6.0
الإقبال على الانتخابات 6,494 83.3 −2.9
ناخبون مسجلون 7,796
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح +3.0
General election 1892: Cambridge[51]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Robert Uniacke-Penrose-Fitzgerald 3,299 52.0 −2.2
Liberal R. C. Lehmann 3,044 48.0 +2.2
الأغلبية 255 4.0 −4.4
الإقبال على الانتخابات 6,343 86.2 −1.3
ناخبون مسجلون 7,362
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −2.2

Elections in the 1880s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

General election 1886: Cambridge[51]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Robert Uniacke-Penrose-Fitzgerald 2,937 54.2 +3.2
Liberal Cyril Dodd[52] 2,479 45.8 −3.2
الأغلبية 458 8.4 +6.4
الإقبال على الانتخابات 5,416 87.5 −2.7
ناخبون مسجلون 6,189
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح +3.2
قالب:Election box win
General election 1885: Cambridge[51]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Robert Uniacke-Penrose-Fitzgerald 2,846 51.0 +5.7
Liberal William Fowler 2,739 49.0 −5.7
الأغلبية 107 2.0 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 5,585 90.2 +0.6 (est)
ناخبون مسجلون 6,189
General election 1880: Cambridge (2 seats)[53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
الليبرالي William Fowler 2,386 27.7 +2.9
الليبرالي Hugh Shield 2,326 27.0 +2.7
Conservative Alfred Marten 2,003 23.2 −2.7
Conservative Patrick Smollett 1,902 22.1 −2.9
الأغلبية 323 3.7 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 4,309 (est) 89.6 (est) +8.7
ناخبون مسجلون 4,806
الليبرالي ربح من حزب المحافظين تأرجح +2.8
الليبرالي ربح من حزب المحافظين تأرجح +2.8

Elections in the 1870s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

General election 1874: Cambridge (2 seats)[53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Alfred Marten 1,856 25.9 +4.0
حزب المحافظين Patrick Smollett 1,794 25.0 +3.8
Liberal William Fowler 1,774 24.8 −3.5
Liberal Robert Torrens 1,738 24.3 −4.3
الأغلبية 20 0.3 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 3,581 (est) 80.9 (est) −1.1
ناخبون مسجلون 4,428
حزب المحافظين ربح من الليبرالي تأرجح +4.0
حزب المحافظين ربح من الليبرالي تأرجح +3.9

Elections in the 1860s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

General election 1868: Cambridge (2 seats)[53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
الليبرالي Robert Torrens 1,879 28.6 +4.2
الليبرالي William Fowler 1,857 28.3 +3.9
Conservative Francis Powell 1,436 21.9 −3.7
Conservative John Eldon Gorst 1,389 21.2 −4.4
الأغلبية 421 6.4 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 3,281 (est) 82.0 (est) −2.0
ناخبون مسجلون 4,000
الليبرالي ربح من حزب المحافظين تأرجح +4.0
الليبرالي ربح من حزب المحافظين تأرجح +4.2
Cambridge by-election, 24 April 1866: Cambridge[53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين John Eldon Gorst 774 50.6 −0.6
Liberal Robert Torrens 755 49.4 +0.6
الأغلبية 19 1.2 +0.1
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,529 86.4 +2.4
ناخبون مسجلون 1,769
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −0.6

Election of William Forsyth declared void on petition, due to his holding an office of profit under the Crown.

General election 1865: Cambridge (2 seats)[53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين William Forsyth 762 25.6 −0.8
حزب المحافظين Francis Powell 760 25.6 −0.7
Liberal Robert Torrens 726 24.4 +0.5
Liberal William Dougal Christie 725 24.4 +1.0
الأغلبية 34 1.1 −1.2
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,487 (est) 84.0 (est) +4.6
ناخبون مسجلون 1,769
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −0.8
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −0.7
Cambridge by-election, 12 February 1863: Cambridge[53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Francis Powell 708 53.0 +0.3
Liberal Henry Fawcett 627 47.0 −0.3
الأغلبية 81 6.1 +3.8
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,335 72.9 −6.5
ناخبون مسجلون 1,831
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح +0.3

Resignation of Andrew Steuart.

Elections in the 1850s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

General election 1859: Cambridge (2 seats)[53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Kenneth Macaulay 753 26.4 +0.2
حزب المحافظين Andrew Steuart 750 26.3 +1.3
Liberal Edward Twisleton 683 23.9 −0.9
Liberal Francis Mowatt 669 23.4 −0.5
الأغلبية 67 2.3 +2.1
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,428 (est) 79.4 (est) +1.2
ناخبون مسجلون 1,797
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح +0.5
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح +1.0
General election 1857: Cambridge (2 seats)[15][53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Kenneth Macaulay 770 26.2 −0.9
حزب المحافظين Andrew Steuart 735 25.0 −1.5
Radical Robert Adair 729 24.8 +0.5
Radical J. T. Hibbert[16][54] 702 23.9 +1.7
الأغلبية 6 0.2 −2.6
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,468 (est) 78.2 (est) +1.7
ناخبون مسجلون 1,878
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −1.0
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −1.3
Cambridge by-election, 18 August 1854: Cambridge[53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
راديكالي Robert Adair 758 26.2 +1.9
راديكالي Francis Mowatt 733 25.3 +3.1
Conservative George Finch-Hatton 708 24.5 −2.6
Conservative Frederic William Slade[55] 696 24.0 −2.5
الأغلبية 25 0.9 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,448 (est) 73.2 (est) −3.3
ناخبون مسجلون 1,977
راديكالي ربح من حزب المحافظين تأرجح +2.2
راديكالي ربح من حزب المحافظين تأرجح +2.8

Previous election declared void on petition, due to bribery and treating. [14]

General election 1852: Cambridge (2 seats)[53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Kenneth Macaulay 821 27.1 +15.5
حزب المحافظين John Harvey Astell 803 26.5 +14.9
Whig Robert Adair 737 24.3 −52.5
Radical Francis Mowatt 673 22.2 N/A
الأغلبية 84 2.8 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,517 (est) 76.5 (est) +9.2
ناخبون مسجلون 1,984
حزب المحافظين ربح من [[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] تأرجح +20.9
حزب المحافظين ربح من [[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] تأرجح +20.6

Elections in the 1840s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1847: Cambridge (2 seats)[53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
هويگ Robert Adair 811 40.5 +16.0
هويگ William Campbell 727 36.3 +13.1
Conservative John Manners-Sutton 465 23.2 −29.1
الأغلبية 262 13.1 N/A
الأغلبية 1,234 (est) 67.3 (est) −6.4
هويگ ربح من حزب المحافظين تأرجح +15.3
هويگ ربح من حزب المحافظين تأرجح +13.8
قالب:Election box Registered electors
By-election, 16 July 1845: Cambridge[53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Fitzroy Kelly 746 50.6 −1.7
Whig Robert Adair 729 49.4 +1.7
الأغلبية 17 1.2 +0.2
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,475 77.5 +3.8
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −1.7

By-election triggered by the appointment of Fitzroy Kelly as Solicitor-General of England and Wales

قالب:Election box Registered electors
By-election, 21 March 1843: Cambridge[7][53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Fitzroy Kelly 713 51.2 −1.1
Whig Richard Foster 680 48.8 +1.1
الأغلبية 33 2.4 +1.4
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,393 73.2 −0.5
حزب المحافظين hold تأرجح −1.1

By-election triggered by the resignation of Sir Alexander Cray Grant, Bt. by accepting the office of Steward of the Manor of Poynings

قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1841: Cambridge (2 seats)[7][53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين John Manners-Sutton 758 26.8 +3.0
حزب المحافظين Alexander Grant 722 25.5 +2.3
Whig Richard Foster 695 24.5 −2.2
Whig Cosmo Russell 656 23.2 −3.1
الأغلبية 27 1.0 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,430 73.7 −2.7
حزب المحافظين ربح من [[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] تأرجح +2.9
حزب المحافظين ربح من [[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] تأرجح +2.5
قالب:Election box Registered electors
By-election, 23 May 1840: Cambridge[7][53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين Alexander Grant 736 52.8 +5.8
Whig Thomas Starkie 657 47.2 −5.8
الأغلبية 79 5.7 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,393 75.0 −1.4
حزب المحافظين ربح من هويگ تأرجح +5.8

Previous by-election declared void on petition due to bribery and treating by Manners-Sutton's agents. [56]

Elections in the 1830s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

قالب:Election box Registered electors
By-election, 6 September 1839: Cambridge[7][53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
حزب المحافظين John Manners-Sutton 717 53.7 +6.7
Whig Thomas Milner Gibson[57] 617 46.3 −6.7
الأغلبية 100 7.5 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,334 78.6 +2.2
حزب المحافظين ربح من [[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] تأرجح +6.7

By-election triggered by the elevation to the peerage of Thomas Spring Rice as Lord Monteagle of Brandon.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1837: Cambridge (2 seats)[7][53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] Thomas Spring Rice 690 26.7 −8.1
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] George Pryme 678 26.3 −6.4
Conservative James Knight 614 23.8 +7.6
Conservative John Manners-Sutton 599 23.2 +7.0
الأغلبية 64 2.5 +2.3
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,298 76.4 −14.1
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح −7.7
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح −6.9
By-election, 27 April 1835: Cambridge[7][53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] Thomas Spring Rice بلا منافس
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] احتفاظ

By-election triggered by the appointment of Thomas Spring Rice as Chancellor of the Exchequer.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1835: Cambridge (2 seats)[7][53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] Thomas Spring Rice 736 34.8 −9.1
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] George Pryme 693 32.7 +0.9
Conservative James Knight 688 32.5 +8.3
الأغلبية 5 0.2 −7.4
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,341 90.5 +7.3
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح −6.6
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح −1.6
قالب:Election box Registered electors
By-election, 13 June 1834: Cambridge[7][53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] Thomas Spring Rice 615 51.0 −24.7
Tory Edward Sugden 590 49.0 +24.8
الأغلبية 25 2.1 −5.5
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,205 82.8 −0.4
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح −24.8

By-election triggered by the appointment of Thomas Spring Rice as Secretary of State for War and the Colonies.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1832: Cambridge (2 seats)[7][53]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] Thomas Spring Rice 979 43.9 N/A
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] George Pryme 709 31.8 N/A
Tory Edward Sugden 540 24.2 N/A
الأغلبية 169 7.6 N/A
الإقبال على الانتخابات 1,247 83.2 N/A
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] ربح من توري تأرجح N/A
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] ربح من توري تأرجح N/A
قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1831: Cambridge (2 seats)[7]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
توري James Graham بلا منافس
توري Frederick Trench بلا منافس
توري احتفاظ
توري احتفاظ
قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1830: Cambridge (2 seats)[7]
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
توري James Graham بلا منافس
توري Frederick Trench بلا منافس
توري احتفاظ
توري احتفاظ

Elections in the 1820s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1820: Cambridge (2 seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
توري 'Frederick Trench' 37
توري 'Charles Cheere' 37
Whig Henry John Adeane 18
Whig George Pryme 16
الأغلبية 19
الأغلبية 19
توري hold تأرجح
توري hold تأرجح

By-election triggered by the death of Charles Madryl Cheere.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
Cambridge by-election, 4 February 1825: Cambridge (2 seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory James Graham Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري hold تأرجح
قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1826: Cambridge (2 seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory James Graham 24
Tory Frederick Trench 23
Whig George Pryme 4
الأغلبية 20
الأغلبية 19
توري hold تأرجح
توري hold تأرجح

By-election triggered by the appointment of the Marquess of Graham as Commander of the Board of Control.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
Cambridge by-election, 8 February 1828: Cambridge (2 seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory James Graham Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري hold تأرجح

By-election triggered by the appointment of Frederick William Trench as Storekeeper of Ordnance.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
Cambridge by-election, 9 June 1829: Cambridge (2 seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Frederick Trench Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري hold تأرجح

Elections in the 1810s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1812: Cambridge (2 seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Edward Finch Unopposed N/A
Tory Robert Manners Unopposed N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري hold تأرجح N/A
توري hold تأرجح N/A
قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1818: Cambridge (2 seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Edward Finch 76 N/A
Tory Robert Manners 76 N/A
Whig Henry John Adeane 56 N/A
الأغلبية 20 N/A
الأغلبية 20 N/A
توري hold تأرجح N/A
توري hold تأرجح N/A

By-election triggered by the resignation of the Hon. Edward Finch.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
Cambridge by-election, 3 December 1819
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Frederick Trench Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري hold تأرجح

Elections in the 1800s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

By-election triggered by the appointment of Robert Manners as First Equerry and Clerk Marshal of the Mews.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
Cambridge by-election, 9 February 1801
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Robert Manners Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري hold تأرجح
قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1802: Cambridge (2 seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Edward Finch Unopposed N/A
Tory Robert Manners Unopposed N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري hold تأرجح N/A
توري hold تأرجح N/A
قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1806: Cambridge (2 seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Edward Finch Unopposed N/A
Tory Robert Manners Unopposed N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري hold تأرجح N/A
توري hold تأرجح N/A
قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1807: Cambridge (2 seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Edward Finch Unopposed N/A
Tory Robert Manners Unopposed N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري hold تأرجح N/A
توري hold تأرجح N/A

Elections in the 1790s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1790: Cambridge (2 seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Edward Finch Unopposed N/A
Tory Francis Dickins Unopposed N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري hold تأرجح N/A
توري hold تأرجح N/A

By-election triggered by the simultaneous election of Francis Dickins for Northamptonshire, and his decision to sit for that constituency instead of Cambridge.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
Cambridge by-election, 12 February 1791
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Robert Manners Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري hold تأرجح
قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1796: Cambridge (2 seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Edward Finch Unopposed N/A
Tory Robert Manners Unopposed N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري hold تأرجح N/A
توري hold تأرجح N/A

Elections in the 1780s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

قالب:Election box Registered electorsقالب:Election box hold
General election 1780: Cambridge (2 Seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory James Whorwood Adeane 96
Nonpartisan Benjamin Keene 83
Whig Christopher Potter 18
الأغلبية 78
الأغلبية 65
توري hold تأرجح
قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1784: Cambridge (2 Seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory James Whorwood Adeane Unopposed N/A N/A
Tory John Mortlock Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري hold تأرجح
توري ربح من غير حزبي تأرجح N/A

By-election triggered by the appointment of John Mortlock to office.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
Cambridge by-election, 29 May 1788
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Francis Dickins 41
Whig Thomas Adams 7
الأغلبية 34
توري hold تأرجح

By-election triggered by the appointment of James Whorwood Adeane to office.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
Cambridge by-election, 11 May 1789
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Edward Finch Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري hold تأرجح

Elections in the 1770s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1774: Cambridge (2 Seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Soame Jenyns 92
Whig Charles Cadogan 89
Whig Thomas Byde 63
Nonpartisan Samuel Meeke 60
الأغلبية 29
الأغلبية 26
توري hold تأرجح
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح

By-election triggered by the elevation to the peerage of Charles Sloane Cadogan.

قالب:Election box Registered electorsقالب:Election box hold
Cambridge by-election, 7 November 1776
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Nonpartisan Benjamin Keene 101
Whig Thomas Byde 34
الأغلبية 67

Elections in the 1760s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1761: Cambridge (2 Seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Soame Jenyns Unopposed N/A N/A
Whig Charles Cadogan Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري ربح من [[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] تأرجح N/A
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح

By-election triggered by the appointment of Charles Sloane Cadogan to office.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
Cambridge by-election, 23 April 1764
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Whig Charles Cadogan Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح
قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1768: Cambridge (2 Seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Tory Soame Jenyns Unopposed N/A N/A
Whig Charles Cadogan Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
توري hold تأرجح
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح

By-election triggered by the appointment of Charles Sloane Cadogan to office.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
Cambridge by-election, 15 May 1769
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Whig Charles Cadogan Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح

Elections in the 1750s

2010s2000s1990s1980s1970s1960s1950s1940s1930s1920s1910s1900s1890s1880s1870s1860s1850s1840s1830s1820s1810s1800s1790s1780s1770s1760s1750sBack to Top

قالب:Election box Registered electors
General election 1754: Cambridge (2 Seats)
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Whig Thomas Hay Unopposed N/A N/A
Whig Thomas Bromley Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح

By-election triggered by the succession to the peerage of Thomas Bromley.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
Cambridge by-election, 13 January 1755
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Whig Charles Cadogan Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح

By-election triggered by the appointment of Thomas Hay, Viscount Dupplin, to office.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
Cambridge by-election, 22 December 1755
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Whig Thomas Hay Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح

By-election triggered by the appointment of Thomas Hay, Viscount Dupplin, to office.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
Cambridge by-election, 31 January 1758
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Whig Thomas Hay Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح

By-election triggered by the succession to the peerage Thomas Hay, Viscount Dupplin.

قالب:Election box Registered electors
Cambridge by-election, 29 November 1758
الحزب المرشح الأصوات % ±%
Whig Charles Cadogan Unopposed N/A N/A
الأغلبية N/A N/A N/A
[[Whig (British political party)|قالب:Whig (British political party)/meta/shortname]] hold تأرجح

Graphical representation

24.7% 75.3%
Liberal Conservative
1922 by-election
31.1% 20.2% 48.7%
Labour Liberal Conservative
20.9% 30.4% 48.8%
Labour Liberal Conservative
24.5% 33.6% 41.9%
Labour Liberal Conservative
19.4% 28.1% 52.5%
Labour Liberal Conservative
31.5% 25.3% 43.2%
Labour Liberal Conservative
26.8% 73.2%
Labour Conservative
41.5% 58.5%
Labour Conservative
50.9% 49.1%
Labour Conservative
40.0% 10.5% 49.5%
Labour Liberal Conservative
41.2% 6.4% 52.4%
Labour Liberal Conservative
42.4% 57.6%
Labour Conservative
36.8% 12.2% 51.1%
Labour Liberal Conservative
40.5% 16.2% 43.4%
Labour Liberal Conservative
45.5% 10.2% 43.4%
Labour Liberal Conservative
1967 by-election
36.6% 11.8% 51.6%
Labour Liberal Conservative
44.7% 55.3%
Labour Conservative
Feb 1974
32.7% 26.1% 40.6%
Labour Liberal Conservative
Oct 1974
36.0% 21.1% 1.7 41.3%
Labour Liberal UDP Conservative
1976 by-election
26.0% 18.3% 1.9 51.0% style="background:قالب:National Front (United Kingdom)/meta/color; width:1.8%;" | 1.8
Labour Liberal Ind Conservative NF
37.1% 16.6% 45.7%
Labour Liberal Conservative
28.2% 29.7% 41.5%
Labour SDP Conservative
1.1 28.3% 30.6% 40.0%
Gn Labour SDP Conservative
1.4 39.7% 19.9% 38.5%
Gn Labour Lib Dems Conservative
1.3 53.4% 16.1% 25.9% 2.5
Gn Labour Lib Dems Conservative Ref
1.7 3.3 45.1% 25.1% 22.9% 1.2
SA Gn Labour Lib Dems Conservative UK
2.9 style="background:قالب:Respect Party/meta/color; width:1.1%;" | 1.1 34.0% 44.0% 16.5% 1.3
Gn Rs Labour Lib Dems Conservative UK
7.6% 24.3% 39.1% 25.6% 2.4
Green Labour Lib Dems Conservative UK
7.9% 36.0% 34.9% 15.7% 5.2%
Green Labour Lib Dems Conservative UKIP
2.2 51.9% 29.3% 16.3%
Gn Labour Lib Dems Conservative

انظر أيضاً

الهامش والمراجع

  1. ^ As with all constituencies, Cambridge elects one Member of Parliament (MP) by the first past the post system of election at least every five years. It is a borough constituency rather than county constituency which determines the exact level of election expenses available and the type of returning officer appointed for the count.
  2. ^ Old Holborn is the name of a popular libertarian blog, and the author of the blog stood for election under the name of his blog, rather than his own name.
  1. ^ "Cambridge: Usual Resident Population, 2011". Neighbourhood Statistics. Office for National Statistics. Retrieved 9 فبراير 2015.
  2. ^ "England Parliamentary electorates 2010-2018". Boundary Commission for England. Retrieved 23 March 2019.
  3. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن "History of Parliament". Retrieved 21 سبتمبر 2011.
  4. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص "History of Parliament". Retrieved 21 سبتمبر 2011.
  5. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر "History of Parliament". Retrieved 21 سبتمبر 2011.
  6. ^ أ ب ت Leigh Rayment's Historical List of MPs – Constituencies beginning with "C" (part 1)
  7. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن هـ و ي أأ Stooks Smith, Henry. (1973) [1844-1850]. Craig, F. W. S. (ed.). The Parliaments of England (2nd ed.). Chichester: Parliamentary Research Services. pp. 25–28. ISBN 0-900178-13-2.
  8. ^ Churton, Edward (1838). The Assembled Commons or Parliamentary Biographer: 1838. p. 190. Retrieved 29 أكتوبر 2018 – via Google Books.
  9. ^ Wahrman, Dror (1995). "Against the tide". Imagining the Middle Class: The Political Representation of Class in Britain, c. 1780–1840. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 44. ISBN 0-521-47127-3. Retrieved 22 أبريل 2018.
  10. ^ Hutchinson, Wesley (2014). "'And this in thriving and prosperous Antrim!': An Anglo-Irish landlord's perspective on the famine". Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique. XIX-2 (2): 89–105. doi:10.4000/rfcb.263.
  11. ^ "Whig Meeting at the Hoop". Cambridge Chronicle and Journal. 24 يوليو 1847. p. 2. Retrieved 22 أبريل 2018 – via British Newspaper Archive.
  12. ^ أ ب "Cambridge". The Suffolk Chronicle. 24 يوليو 1847. pp. 1–2. Retrieved 22 أبريل 2018 – via British Newspaper Archive.
  13. ^ أ ب "The Borough Election". Cambridge Independent Press. 31 يوليو 1847. p. 2. Retrieved 22 أبريل 2018 – via British Newspaper Archive.
  14. ^ أ ب "Writ suspended". Hampshire Chronicle. 5 مارس 1853. p. 2. Retrieved 22 أبريل 2018 – via British Newspaper Archive.
  15. ^ أ ب "Review of the Corn Trade". Cambridge Chronicle and Journal. 21 مارس 1857. pp. 3–4. Retrieved 22 أبريل 2018 – via British Newspaper Archive.
  16. ^ أ ب Lane, Andrew Jonathan (1992). "The development of democracy as a political ideal in the second half of the nineteenth century: with special reference to Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, and Co. Durham" (PDF). Durham E-Theses Online. Durham University. pp. 97, 211. Retrieved 22 أبريل 2018.
  17. ^ "The Elections". Berkshire Chronicle. 19 أغسطس 1854. p. 8. Retrieved 22 أبريل 2018 – via British Newspaper Archive.
  18. ^ Collet, Collet Dobson (1899). History of the Taxes on Knowledge: Their Origin and Repeal. London: T. Fisher Unwin. p. 93. Retrieved 22 أبريل 2018.
  19. ^ "Francis Mowatt". Cambridge Chronicle and Journal. 5 أغسطس 1854. pp. 4–5. Retrieved 22 أبريل 2018 – via British Newspaper Archive.
  20. ^ "Cambridge 1660-". Hansard 1803–2005. UK Parliament. Retrieved 9 فبراير 2015.
  21. ^ "General Election 2019 - Cambridge constiuency result". cambridge.gov.uk. Retrieved 13 ديسمبر 2019.
  22. ^ "Cambridge - 2017 Election Results". Parliament.uk. Retrieved 10 نوفمبر 2019.
  23. ^ "Election Data 2015". Electoral Calculus. Archived from the original on 17 أكتوبر 2015. Retrieved 17 أكتوبر 2015.
  24. ^ "Cambridge News – News, Sport and Events from around Cambridge". www.cambridge-news.co.uk. Archived from the original on 14 أبريل 2015.
  25. ^ "Cambridge – Statement of Persons Nominated" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 مارس 2012.
  26. ^ أ ب "'Cambridge', June 1983 up to May 1997". ElectionWeb Project. Cognitive Computing Limited. Retrieved 4 مارس 2016.
  27. ^ أ ب ت "'Cambridge', Feb 1974 – May 1983". ElectionWeb Project. Cognitive Computing Limited. Archived from the original on 30 مارس 2016. Retrieved 20 مارس 2016.
  28. ^ "UK General Election results 1979". Politics Resources. Archived from the original on 11 أغسطس 2011. Retrieved 20 مارس 2016.
  29. ^ "UK General Election results October 1974". Politics Resources. Archived from the original on 8 مايو 2015. Retrieved 20 مارس 2016.
  30. ^ "UK General Election results February 1974". Politics Resources. Archived from the original on 5 ديسمبر 2009. Retrieved 20 مارس 2016.
  31. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط "Cambridge BCon/PBCon through time – Political Life Statistics – Groupings of Political Parties". A Vision of Britain through Time. GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth. Retrieved 14 أبريل 2016.
  32. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط "Cambridge BCon/PBCon through time – Political Life Statistics – Total Electorate". A Vision of Britain through Time. GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth. Retrieved 14 أبريل 2016.
  33. ^ Kimber, Richard. "UK General Election results 1970". Political Science Resources. Archived from the original on 4 مارس 2016. Retrieved 14 أبريل 2016.
  34. ^ http://tools.assembla.com/svn/grodt/uk/thc/files/marked_up/1970_marked_up.txt
  35. ^ "1967 By Election Results". Archived from the original on 29 مارس 2012. Retrieved 20 أغسطس 2015.
  36. ^ Kimber, Richard. "UK General Election results 1966". Political Science Resources. Archived from the original on 3 مارس 2016. Retrieved 14 أبريل 2016.
  37. ^ http://tools.assembla.com/svn/grodt/uk/thc/files/marked_up/1966_marked_up.txt
  38. ^ Kimber, Richard. "UK General Election results 1964". Political Science Resources. Archived from the original on 3 مارس 2016. Retrieved 14 أبريل 2016.
  39. ^ http://tools.assembla.com/svn/grodt/uk/thc/files/marked_up/1964_marked_up.txt
  40. ^ Kimber, Richard. "UK General Election results 1959". Political Science Resources. Archived from the original on 4 مارس 2016. Retrieved 14 أبريل 2016.
  41. ^ http://tools.assembla.com/svn/grodt/uk/thc/files/marked_up/1959_marked_up.txt
  42. ^ Kimber, Richard. "UK General Election results 1955". Political Science Resources. Archived from the original on 3 مارس 2016. Retrieved 14 أبريل 2016.
  43. ^ http://tools.assembla.com/svn/grodt/uk/thc/files/marked_up/1955_marked_up.txt
  44. ^ Kimber, Richard. "UK General Election results 1951". Political Science Resources. Archived from the original on 3 مارس 2016. Retrieved 14 أبريل 2016.
  45. ^ http://tools.assembla.com/svn/grodt/uk/thc/files/marked_up/1951_marked_up.txt
  46. ^ Kimber, Richard. "UK General Election results 1950". Political Science Resources. Archived from the original on 1 مايو 2016. Retrieved 14 أبريل 2016.
  47. ^ http://tools.assembla.com/svn/grodt/uk/thc/files/marked_up/1950_marked_up.txt
  48. ^ Kimber, Richard. "UK General Election results 1945". Political Science Resources. Archived from the original on 4 مارس 2016. Retrieved 14 أبريل 2016.
  49. ^ Kimber, Richard. "UK General Election results 1935". Political Science Resources. Archived from the original on 4 مارس 2016. Retrieved 14 أبريل 2016.
  50. ^ Kimber, Richard. "UK General Election results 1931". Political Science Resources. Archived from the original on 26 يونيو 2016. Retrieved 14 أبريل 2016.
  51. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ Craig, FWS, ed. (1974). British Parliamentary Election Results 1885–1918 (ebook). London and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-349-02300-4.
  52. ^ "Contest in the Borough". Cambridge Independent Press. 26 يونيو 1886. p. 2. Retrieved 24 نوفمبر 2017.
  53. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق Craig, F. W. S., ed. (1977). British Parliamentary Election Results 1832-1885 (e-book) (1st ed.). London: Macmillan Press. ISBN 978-1-349-02349-3.
  54. ^ Seaman, L. C. B. (2002). Victorian England: Aspects of English and Imperial History, 1837-1901. Routledge. p. 177. ISBN 9781134947904. Retrieved 22 أبريل 2018.
  55. ^ "To Builders". Cambridge Chronicle and Journal. 5 أغسطس 1854. p. 5. Retrieved 22 أبريل 2018 – via British Newspaper Archive.
  56. ^ "Cambridge Election Committee". Bradford Observer. 7 مايو 1840. p. 1. Retrieved 29 أكتوبر 2018 – via British Newspaper Archive.
  57. ^ "Spirit of the Journals". The Pilot. 11 سبتمبر 1839. p. 4. Retrieved 9 أبريل 2020 – via British Newspaper Archive.

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