قائمة رؤساء وزراء لوكسمبورگ

قالب:Politics of Luxembourg

رئيس وزراء لوكسمبورگ (فرنسية: Premier ministre du Luxembourg) هو رئيس الحكومة في لوكسمبورگ. يقع مقر إقامته الرسمي ومكتبه في فندق دي بورجوني في 4 شارع التجمع في مدينة لكسمبورگ.

عصر المستقلين (1848-1918)

From the promulgation of the first constitution, in 1848, until the early twentieth century, Luxembourgish politics was dominated by independent politicians and statesmen.[1] The prerogative powers of the Grand Duke remained undiluted, and, as such, the monarch actively chose and personally appointed the Prime Minister. As a result, the Prime Minister was often a moderate, without any strong affiliation to either of the two major ideological factions in the Chamber of Deputies: the secularist liberals and the Catholic conservatives.

In the early twentieth century, the emergence of socialism as a third force in Luxembourgish politics ended the dominance of independents, and further politicised the government of the country.[1] This did not affect the Prime Minister's position until 1915, when the long-serving Paul Eyschen died in office. His death created a struggle for power between the main factions, leading to the establishment of the formalised party system.[2]

رؤساء وزراء دوقية لوكسمبورگ الكبرى من 1815 إلى 1890

Prime Minister
Picture Term of Office
Start End
Gaspard-Théodore-Ignace de la Fontaine
Gaspard De La Fontaine.jpg 1 August 1848 6 December 1848
First Prime Minister. Resigned following a Vote of no confidence.[3]
Jean-Jacques Madeleine Willmar
Jean-Jacques Willmar.jpg 6 December 1848 23 September 1853
Dismissed by the Governor[4]
Charles-Mathias Simons
Mathias Simon.JPG 1
23 September 1853
23 September 1854
24 May 1856
2 June 1857
29 November 1857
12 November 1858
23 June 1859
15 July 1859
23 September 1854
24 May 1856
2 June 1857
29 November 1857
12 November 1858
23 June 1859
15 July 1859

26 September 1860
Coup of 1856. President of the Council until November 1857;
thereafter President of the Government. Resigned.
Victor, Baron de Tornaco
Victor de Tornaco.jpg 1
26 September 1860
9 September 1863
31 March 1864
26 January 1866
3 December 1866
14 December 1866
18 June 1867
9 September 1863
31 March 1864
26 January 1866
3 December 1866
14 December 1866
18 June 1867

3 December 1867
Shortest cabinet, December 1866. Luxembourg Crisis; Treaty of London.
Resigned following a Vote of no confidence.
Lambert Joseph Emmanuel Servais
Emmanuel Servais by Bernhoeft-101-cropped 002.jpg 1
3 December 1867
30 September 1869
12 October 1869
7 February 1870
25 May 1873
30 September 1869
12 October 1869
7 February 1870
25 May 1873

26 December 1874
Félix, Baron de Blochausen
Blochausenfelix.jpg 1
26 December 1874
26 April 1875
8 July 1876
6 August 1878
21 September 1882
12 October 1882
26 April 1875
8 July 1876
6 August 1878
21 September 1882
12 October 1882

20 February 1885
Dismissed by the Grand Duke.[8]
Jules Georges Édouard Thilges
Edouard Thilges.jpg 20 February 1885 22 September 1888

The Kingdom of the Netherlands shared the same monarchs with the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg from 1815 to 1890. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has had its own monarchs since 1890.

رؤساء وزراء دوقية لوكسمبورگ منذ عام 1890

Prime Minister
Picture Term of Office Monarchs of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Start End
Paul Eyschen
Paul Eyschen photograph by Grieser.jpg 1
22 September 1888
26 October 1892
23 June 1896
25 October 1905
9 January 1910
3 March 1915
26 October 1892
23 June 1896
25 October 1905
9 January 1910
3 March 1915

11 October 1915

(23 November 1890 – 17 November 1905)
Guillaume IV
Guillaume IV of Luxembourg.png

(17 November 1905 – 25 February 1912)
Longest premiership. Longest cabinet 1896–1905.
Luxembourg occupied by Germany on 2 August 1914. Died in office.
Mathias Mongenast
Mongenast Mathias.jpg 12 October 1915 6 November 1915 Marie-Adélaïde
Marie-Adélaïde, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg 2.jpg

(25 February 1912 – 14 January 1919)
Shortest premiership. Ruled as President of the Council. Resigned.[10]
Hubert Loutsch
Luxembourg politic personality icon.svg 6 November 1915 24 February 1916
Minority government.[11] Resigned following a Vote of no confidence.[11]
Victor Thorn
Luxembourg politic personality icon.svg 24 February 1916 19 June 1917
National Union Government. Resigned.[12]
Léon Kauffman
Luxembourg politic personality icon.svg 19 June 1917 28 September 1918
Léon KauffmanVictor ThornHubert LoutschMathias MongenastPaul EyschenÉdouard ThilgesFélix de BlochausenEmmanuel ServaisVictor de TornacoCharles-Mathias SimonsJean-Jacques WillmarGaspard-Théodore-Ignace de la Fontaine

نظام الحفلة (1918 حتى الوقت الحاضر)

رؤساء وزراء دوقية لوكسمبورگ منذ عام 1918

Political Party:   PD   PNI   CSV   DP

Prime Minister
Picture Political Party Term of Office Government Coalition Monarchs of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Election Start End
rowspan=2 style="background-color: قالب:Party of the Right (Luxembourg)/meta/color" | Émile Reuter
Luxemburger-Wort-1946.07.23-p1-Emile-Reuter-2.jpg PD
28 September 1918
5 January 1920
15 April 1921
5 January 1920
15 April 1921

20 March 1925
Reuter PD, LL
Charlotte, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg.jpg

(14 January 1919 – 12 November 1964)
First partisan government. Armistice; Constitution amended.[13] Only one-party cabinet 1921–25. Resigned.[14]
rowspan=2 style="background-color: قالب:Independent National Party (Luxembourg)/meta/color" | Pierre Prüm
Luxembourg politic personality icon.svg PNI 1925 20 March 1925 16 July 1926 Prüm PNI, PRS
Only PNI premiership. Resigned.[15]
rowspan=2 style="background-color: قالب:Party of the Right (Luxembourg)/meta/color" | Joseph Bech
(1st time)
Joseph Bech (detail).jpg PD 1928, 31
16 July 1926
11 April 1932
27 December 1936
11 April 1932
27 December 1936

5 November 1937
Bech PD, LdG
Longest party-era cabinet 1926–32. Resigned.[16]
rowspan=2 style="background-color: قالب:Party of the Right (Luxembourg)/meta/color" | Pierre Dupong
Pierre Dupong, Benelux conference The Hague March 1949, Luxembourg Delegation.jpg PD

5 November 1937
7 February 1938
6 April 1940
7 February 1938
6 April 1940
10 May 1940
Dupong-Krier PD, POL, PRL
10 May 1940 23 November 1944 Govt. in Exile PD, POL
rowspan=5 style="background-color: قالب:Christian Social People's Party/meta/color" | CSV

23 November 1944
23 February 1945
21 April 1945
23 February 1945
21 April 1945
14 November 1945
Liberation CSV, LSAP
14 November 1945
29 August 1946
29 August 1946
1 March 1947
National Union CSV, LSAP, GD, KPL

1 March 1947
14 July 1948
14 July 1948
3 July 1951
Dupong-Schaus CSV, GD
1951 3 July 1951 23 December 1953 Dupong-Bodson CSV, LSAP
World War II; Luxembourg remained neutral.[17] Emergency government; Nazi occupation; government in exile.

Liberation Governments;[18] neutrality ended.[19] National Union Governments.[20] Died in office.[21]

rowspan=2 style="background-color: قالب:Christian Social People's Party/meta/color" | Joseph Bech
(2nd time)
Joseph Bech (detail).jpg CSV
29 December 1953
29 June 1954
29 June 1954
29 March 1958
Bech-Bodson CSV, LSAP
rowspan=2 style="background-color: قالب:Christian Social People's Party/meta/color" | Pierre Frieden
Luxembourg politic personality icon.svg CSV 1959 29 March 1958 23 February 1959 Frieden CSV, LSAP
Won 1959 election; died in office.[23]
rowspan=4 style="background-color: قالب:Christian Social People's Party/meta/color" | Pierre Werner
(1st time)
Pierre Werner 204g.jpg CSV 2 March 1959 15 July 1964 Werner-Schaus I CSV, DP
15 July 1964
3 January 1967
3 January 1967
6 February 1969
Werner-Cravatte CSV, LSAP Jean
Grand Duke Jean 29.09.2006.jpg

(12 November 1964 – 7 October 2000)

6 February 1969
5 July 1971
19 September 1972
5 July 1971
19 September 1972

15 June 1974
Werner-Schaus II CSV, DP
Longest party-era premiership. Went into opposition following 1974 election.[24]
rowspan=2 style="background-color: قالب:Democratic Party (Luxembourg)/meta/color" | Gaston Egmond Thorn
Thorn Van Agt 1980 cropped.jpg DP 1974

15 June 1974
21 July 1976
16 September 1977
21 July 1976
16 September 1977

16 July 1979
Thorn DP, LSAP
First DP premiership. Became Deputy Prime Minister under Werner when CSV returned to government following 1979 election.[25]
rowspan=3 style="background-color: قالب:Christian Social People's Party/meta/color" | Pierre Werner
(2nd time)
Pierre Werner 204g.jpg CSV 1979
16 July 1979
3 March 1980
3 March 1980
22 November 1980
Werner-Thorn CSV, DP

22 November 1980
21 December 1982
21 December 1982
20 July 1984
Retired at 1984 election.[26]
rowspan=4 style="background-color: قالب:Christian Social People's Party/meta/color" | Jacques Louis Santer
(born 1937)
Jacques Santer cropped.jpg CSV 1984 20 July 1984 14 July 1989 Santer-Poos I CSV, LSAP
14 July 1989
9 December 1992
9 December 1992
13 July 1994
Santer-Poos II
1994 13 July 1994 26 January 1995 Santer-Poos III
President of the Government until 1989; Prime Minister from 1989. Appointed EC President.[27]
rowspan=5 style="background-color: قالب:Christian Social People's Party/meta/color" | Jean-Claude Juncker
(born 1954)
Ioannes Claudius Juncker die 7 Martis 2014.jpg CSV
26 January 1995
4 February 1998
4 February 1998
7 August 1999
Juncker-Poos CSV, LSAP
1999 7 August 1999 31 July 2004 Juncker-Polfer CSV, DP Henri
Henri of Luxembourg (2009).jpg

(7 October 2000 – present)
2004 31 July 2004 23 July 2009 Juncker-Asselborn I CSV, LSAP
2009 23 July 2009 4 December 2013 Juncker-Asselborn II
Longest uninterrupted party-era premiership. Former President of the Euro Group.
rowspan=3 style="background-color: قالب:Democratic Party (Luxembourg)/meta/color" | Xavier Bettel
(born 1973)
Tallinn Digital Summit. Handshake Xavier Bettel and Jüri Ratas (36718144533) CROP BETTEL.jpg DP 2013 4 December 2013 5 December 2018 Bettel-Schneider DP, LSAP, DG
2018 5 December 2018 incumbent Bettel-Schneider II
Second DP premiership.
Xavier BettelJean-Claude JunckerJacques SanterGaston ThornPierre WernerPierre FriedenPierre DupongJoseph BechJoseph BechPierre PrümÉmile Reuter

أنظر أيضاً


  1. ^ أ ب Thewes (2003), p.8
  2. ^ أ ب Thewes (2003), p.64
  3. ^ Thewes (2003), p.16
  4. ^ Thewes (2003), p.20
  5. ^ Thewes (2003), p.28
  6. ^ Thewes (2003), p.34
  7. ^ Thewes (2003), p.42
  8. ^ Thewes (2003), p.48
  9. ^ Thewes (2003), p.52
  10. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Thewes 2003, p.65
  11. ^ أ ب Thewes (2003), p.66
  12. ^ Thewes (2003), p.69
  13. ^ أ ب Thewes (2003), p.76
  14. ^ Thewes (2003), p.88
  15. ^ Thewes (2003), p.90
  16. ^ Thewes (2003), p.104
  17. ^ Thewes (2003), p.107
  18. ^ Thewes (2003), p.115
  19. ^ Thewes (2003), p.118
  20. ^ Thewes (2003), p.122
  21. ^ Thewes (2003), p.140
  22. ^ Thewes (2003), p.148
  23. ^ Thewes (2003), p.151
  24. ^ Thewes (2003), p.182
  25. ^ Thewes (2003), p.192
  26. ^ Thewes (2003), p.204
  27. ^ Thewes (2003), p.222

قائمة المراجع

  • Thewes, Guy (يوليو 2003). Les gouvernements du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg depuis 1848 (PDF) (in French) (Édition limitée ed.). Luxembourg City: Service Information et Presse. ISBN 2-87999-118-8. Retrieved 2 أغسطس 2006.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  • "Les gouvernements de 1848 à nos jours" (in French). Service Information et Presse. 31 يوليو 2004. Archived from the original on 8 يوليو 2006. Retrieved 2 أغسطس 2006.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)

وصلات خارجية

قالب:Luxembourg Prime Ministers قالب:Cabinet of Luxembourg قالب:Luxembourg topics

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