علم النفس الاجتماعى
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بوابة |
علم النفس الاجتماعي Social psychology هو فرع من فروع علم النفس يدرس السلوك الاجتماعي للفرد و الجماعة, كاستجابات لمثيرات اجتماعية, و هدفه بناء مجتمع أفضل قائم علي فهم سلوك الفرد و الجماعة
وبمعنى أخر فأن علم النفس الأجتماعى عبارة عن الدراسة العلمية للانسان ككائن اجتماعي.
ظواهر بين شخصية
ديناميكا الجماعات

Social psychologists study interactions within groups, and between both groups and individuals.
تجارب شهيرة

The Milgram experiment: The experimenter (E) persuades the participant (T) to give what the participant believes are painful electric shocks to another participant (L), who is actually an actor. Many participants continued to give shocks despite pleas for mercy from the actor.
الدوريات الأكاديمية
- Asian Journal of Social Psychology
- Basic and Applied Social Psychology
- British Journal of Social Psychology
- European Journal of Social Psychology
- Journal of Applied Social Psychology
- Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
- Journal of Social Psychology
- Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
- Personality and Social Psychology Review
- Social Psychology
انظر أيضاً
- Association of Psychological and Social Studies
- Crowd psychology
- European Association of Social Psychology
- Fuzzy-trace theory
- List of biases in judgment and decision making
- List of publications in social psychology
- List of social psychologists
- Sociological approach to social psychology
- Society for Personality and Social Psychology
- Society of Experimental Social Psychology
- Socionics
وصلات خارجية
مراجع مكتبية عن علم النفس الاجتماعى |
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- Social Psychology Network
- Introduction to Social Psychology
- Social Psychology – basics
- Social psychology Subject Area page at PLOS
- Social psychology Information and Resources Page at All-About-Psychology.Com
- فيديوهات