صبغة (صيدلة)
(تم التحويل من صبغة Tincture)

A tincture prepared from white willow bark and ethanol
الصبغة tincture، هي مستخلص كحولي (على سبيل المثال من أوراق أو غيرها من المواد النباتية) أو محلول مادة متطايرة; (مثال الأيودين، ميربرومين).
والصبغات هي محضرات استخلاصية سائلة تنتج عن التأثير المحل للكحول بالبرودة على مواد جافة ذات منشأ حيواني أو نباتي ، والأغلب نباتي، وتكون بسيطة أو مركبة ، وعادية أو فعالة ، تهياء عادة بالحل البسيط أو التعطين (النقع) أو التزحيل (إمرار الكحول على المادة الجافة في أنبوب زجاجي وخروجه من الطرف المقابل).
الطرق العامة للتحضير
أمثلة على الصبغات
Some examples that were formerly common in medicine[1] include:
- Tincture of Cannabis sativa
- Tincture of Benzoin
- Tincture of cantharides
- Tincture of ferric citrochloride (a chelate of citric acid and Iron(III) chloride)
- Tincture of green soap (which also contains lavender)
- Tincture of guaiac
- Tincture of iodine
- صبغة الأفيون (laudanum)
- Camphorated opium tincture (paregoric)
- Tincture of Pennyroyal
- Warburg's Tincture (aka Tinctura Antiperiodica aka Antiperiodic Tincture), an antipyretic medicine of the 19th-century.
Examples of spirits include:
- Spirit of ammonia (also called spirit of hartshorn)
- Spirit of box, or ethanol, which was derived from the destructive distillation of boxwood
- Spirit of camphor
- Spirit of ether, a solution of diethyl ether in alcohol
- "Spirit of Mindererus", ammonium acetate in alcohol
- "Spirit of nitre" is not a spirit in this sense, but an old name for nitric acid (but "sweet spirit of nitre" was ethyl nitrite)
- Similarly "spirit(s) of salt" actually meant hydrochloric acid. The concentrated, fuming, 35% acid is still sold under this name in the UK, for use as a drain-cleaning fluid.
- "Spirit of vinegar" was glacial acetic acid and
- "Spirit of vitriol" was sulfuric acid
- "Spirit of wine" or "spirits of wine" is an old name for alcohol (especially food grade alcohol derived from the distillation of wine)
- "Spirit of wood" means methanol, often derived from the destructive distillation of wood
Advantages of tinctures
Disadvantages of tinctures
انظر أيضا
- Nalewka - a traditional Polish category of alcoholic tincture.
- Infusion - a water or oil based extract with similar historical uses to a tincture.
- Elixir - A pharmaceutical preparation containing an active ingredient that is dissolved in a solution containing some percentage of ethyl alcohol.
- خلاصة
- ^ The Pharmacopoeia of the United States, 1850 ed.