كريم (صيدلة)

‎وصف الكريم‎

الكريم هو مستحضر موضعي يستعمل غالبا للتطبيق على الجلد .وهناك كريمات تطبق على الاغشية المخاطية مثل الكريمات التي تطبق على المستقيم وكذلك التي تطبق على المهبل.‏

الكريمات تعتبر منتجات صيدلانية.وحتى مستحضرات التجميل تعتمد على تقنيات مطورة من قبل الصيدلة. والكريمات الغير طبية تستخدم بشكل واسع في‎ ‎‏ العديد من الامراض الجلدية‎ and unmedicated creams are highly used in a variety of skin conditions (dermatoses). The use of the Finger tip unit concept may be helpful in guiding how much topical cream is required to cover different areas.

Creams are semi-solid emulsions, that is mixtures of oil and water. They are divided into two types: oil-in-water (O/W) creams which are composed of small droplets of oil dispersed in a continuous aqueous phase, and water-in-oil (W/O) creams which are composed of small droplets of water dispersed in a continuous oily phase. Oil-in-water creams are more comfortable and cosmetically acceptable as they are less greasy and more easily washed off using water. Water-in-oil creams are more difficult to handle but many drugs which are incorporated into creams are hydrophobic and will be released more readily from a water-in-oil cream than an oil-in-water cream. Water-in-oil creams are also more moisturising as they provide an oily barrier which reduces water loss from the stratum corneum, the outmost layer of the skin.

Creams are semi-solid emulsions, that is mixtures of oil and water. They are divided into two types: oil-in-water (O/W) creams which are composed of small droplets of oil dispersed in a continuous aqueous phase, and water-in-oil (W/O) creams which are composed of small droplets of water dispersed in a continuous oily phase. Oil-in-water creams are more comfortable and cosmetically acceptable as they are less greasy and more easily washed off using water. Water-in-oil creams are more difficult to handle but many drugs which are incorporated into creams are hydrophobic and will be released more readily from a water-in-oil cream than an oil-in-water cream. Water-in-oil creams are also more moisturising as they provide an oily barrier which reduces water loss from the stratum corneum, the outmost layer of the skin.

Topical medication forms


  • Cream - Emulsion of oil and water in approximately equal proportions. Penetrates stratum corneum outer layer of skin well.
  • Ointment - Combines oil (80%) and water (20%). Effective barrier against moisture loss.
  • Gel - Liquefies upon contact with the skin.
  • Paste - Combines three agents - oil, water, and powder; an ointment in which a powder is suspended.
  • Powder
  • Liniment


  1. ^ Doctor, why are you prescribing an ointment?; American Academy of Dermatology; http://www.skincarephysicians.com/eczemanet/doctor.html

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