
تيشخ أيرلندا
إندا كني

منذ 9 مارس 2011
المقرSteward's Lodge, Farmleigh
المرشـِّحدويل إران
المعيـِّنرئيس أيرلندا
طول المدة5 سنوات حد أقصى للفترة، ولكن يمكن شغل عدد لا نهائي من الفترات، طالما يتمتع بتأييد الأغلبية في دويل إران.
الشاغل الافتتاحيإيمون ده ڤالـِرا[nb 1]
التشكل29 ديسمبر 1937[nb 1]
الموقع الإلكترونيwww.taoiseach.ie

تيشخ ‏(Taoiseach؛ /ˈtʃəx/؛ الأيرلندية: [ˈt̪ˠiːʃəx] ( استمع))[nb 2] هو رأس الحكومة أو رئيس وزراء أيرلندا. التيشخ يعينه الرئيس بمجرد تسميته من دويل إران، المجلس الأدنى في إريختاس (البرلمان)، ويجب، لكي يبقى في منصبه، أن يحتفظ بتأييد أغلبية في الدايل.[nb 3] التيشخ الحالي هو إندا كني، TD، الذي عُين في 9 مارس 2011.

The earliest known use of the term is from a 5th- or 6th-century ogham inscription in both the Gaelic and Brythonic languages.[2]

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قائمة شاغلي المنصب

رئيس المجلس التنفيذي

No. Name
پورتريه مدة المنصب Elected
Party Last office(s) held before election[nb 4]
1. W. T. Cosgrave
TD for Carlow–Kilkenny until 1927
TD for Cork Borough from 1927
William Thomas Cosgrave.jpg 6 December 1922 9 March 1932 1922 (3rd) 1st Cumann na nGaedheal Chairman of the Provisional Government (1922)
1923 (4th) 2nd
Jun.1927 (5th) 3rd
Sep.1927 (6th) 4th
2. Éamon de Valera
TD for Clare
Éamon de Valera 03.jpg 9 March 1932 29 December 1937 1932 (7th) 6th Fianna Fáil Leader of the Opposition (1927–1932)
1933 (8th) 7th
1937 (9th) 8th


No. Name
(Birth–Death); Constituency
پورتريه مدة المنصب اُنتُخِب
Govt. Party of Taoiseach
Other parties in govt.
Last office(s) held before election[nb 4]
2. Éamon de Valera
TD for Clare
Éamon de Valera 03.jpg 29 December 1937 18 February 1948 1st Fianna Fáil President of the Executive Council (1932–1937)
1938 (10th) 2nd
1943 (11th) 3rd
1944 (12th) 4th
3. John A. Costello
TD for Dublin South–East
18 February 1948 13 June 1951 1948 (13th) 5th Fine Gael
with Labour;
CnaP; CnaT;
National Labour until 1950
Attorney General of Ireland (1926–1932)
(2) Éamon de Valera
TD for Clare
Éamon de Valera 03.jpg 13 June 1951 2 June 1954 1951 (14th) 6th Fianna Fáil Leader of the Opposition (1948–1951)
(3) John A. Costello
TD for Dublin South–East
2 June 1954 20 March 1957 1954 (15th) 7th Fine Gael
with Labour;
Clann na Talmhan
Leader of the Opposition (1951–1954)
(2) Éamon de Valera
TD for Clare
Éamon de Valera 03.jpg 20 March 1957 23 June 1959 1957 (16th) 8th Fianna Fáil Leader of the Opposition (1954–1957)
4. Seán Lemass
TD for Dublin South–Central
23 June 1959 10 November 1966 9th Fianna Fáil Tánaiste (1957–1959)
Minister for Industry and Commerce (1957–1959)
1961 (17th) 10th
1965 (18th) 11th
5. Jack Lynch
TD for Cork Borough until 1969
TD for Cork City North–West from 1969
10 November 1966 14 March 1973 12th Fianna Fáil Minister for Finance (1965–1966)
1969 (19th) 13th
6. Liam Cosgrave
TD for Dún Laoghaire and Rathdown
14 March 1973 5 July 1977 1973 (20th) 14th Fine Gael
with Labour
Leader of the Opposition (1965–1973)
(5) Jack Lynch
TD for Cork City
5 July 1977 11 December 1979 1977 (21st) 15th Fianna Fáil Leader of the Opposition (1973–1977)
7. Charles Haughey
TD for Dublin Artane
11 December 1979 30 June 1981 16th Fianna Fáil Minister for Social Welfare (1977–1979)
Minister for Health (1977–1979)
8. Garret FitzGerald
TD for Dublin South–East
Garret FitzGerald Lisbon 2009 crop.jpg 30 June 1981 9 March 1982 1981 (22nd) 17th Fine Gael
with Labour
Leader of the Opposition (1977–1981)
(7) Charles Haughey
TD for Dublin North–Central
9 March 1982 14 December 1982 Feb.1982 (23rd) 18th Fianna Fáil Leader of the Opposition (1981–1982)
(8) Garret FitzGerald
TD for Dublin South–East
Garret FitzGerald Lisbon 2009 crop.jpg 14 December 1982 10 March 1987 Nov.1982 (24th) 19th Fine Gael
with Labour
Leader of the Opposition (1982)
(7) Charles Haughey
TD for Dublin North–Central
10 March 1987 11 February 1992 1987 (25th) 20th Fianna Fáil Leader of the Opposition (1982–1987)
1989 (26th) 21st Fianna Fáil
with PDs
9. Albert Reynolds
TD for Longford–Roscommon
11 February 1992 15 December 1994 22nd Fianna Fáil
with PDs
Minister for Finance (1988–1991)
1992 (27th) 23rd Fianna Fáil
with Labour
10. John Bruton
TD for Meath
BrutonJohn.png 15 December 1994 26 June 1997 24th Fine Gael
with Labour; Dem. Left
Leader of the Opposition (1990–1994)
11. Bertie Ahern
TD for Dublin Central
BertieAhernBerlin2007.jpg 26 June 1997 7 May 2008 1997 (28th) 25th Fianna Fáil
with PDs;
Greens from 2007
Leader of the Opposition (1994–1997)
2002 (29th) 26th
2007 (30th) 27th
12. Brian Cowen
TD for Laois–Offaly
Brian Cowen in Philadelphia.jpg 7 May 2008 9 March 2011 28th Fianna Fáil
PDs until Nov. 2009;
Greens until Jan. 2011
Tánaiste (2007–2008)
Minister for Finance (2004–2008)
13. Enda Kenny
TD for Mayo
EndaKenny.jpg 9 March 2011 Incumbent 2011 (31st) 29th Fine Gael
with Labour
Leader of the Opposition (2002–2011)

Living former officeholders

There are five living former taoisigh:

Taoiseach Term of office Date of birth
Liam Cosgrave 1973–1977 13 أبريل 1920 (العمر 104 سنوات)
Albert Reynolds 1992–1994 3 نوفمبر 1932 (العمر 91 سنة)
John Bruton 1994–1997 18 مايو 1947 (العمر 77 سنة)
Bertie Ahern 1997–2008 12 سبتمبر 1951 (العمر 73 سنة)
Brian Cowen 2008–2011 10 يناير 1960 (العمر 64 سنة)

The most recent death of a former taoiseach was that of Garret FitzGerald (1981–1982; 1982–1987) on 19 May 2011, aged 85.

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انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ أ ب Before the enactment of the 1937 Constitution of Ireland, the head of government was referred to as the President of the Executive Council. This office was first held by W. T. Cosgrave from 1922–32, and then by Éamon de Valera from 1932–37.
  2. ^ In English, the singular form "An Taoiseach" ([ən̪ ˈt̪ˠiːʃəx]) (باستخدام أداة التعريف في اللغة الأيرلندية an/ən/ بدلاً من the الإنگليزية) يمكن أيضاً استخدامه بدلاً من The Taoiseach.
  3. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة ConstitIrl
  4. ^ أ ب The last office held, excluding the office of Teachta Dála.


  1. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة RTE_10032011
  2. ^ John Thomas Koch (2006), Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia, ABC-CLIO, p. 1062, ISBN 1851094407, "An early word meaning 'leader' appears on a 5th- or 6th-century inscribed stone as both ogam Irish and British genitive TOVISACI: tywysog now means 'prince' in Welsh, the regular descriptive title used for Prince Charles, for example; while in Ireland, the corresponding Taoiseach is now the correct title, in both Irish and English, for the Prime Minister of the Irish Republic (Éire)." 

وصلات خارجية

قالب:Government of Ireland