تعطل حركة الطيران بعد بركان إيافيالايوكل 2010

Current event marker.png أحداث هذه المقالة هي أحداث جارية.
المعلومات المذكورة قد تتغير بسرعة مع تغير الحدث.
Approximate depiction of the ash cloud at 18:00 UTC on 17 April 2010. The current forecasts were updated at the London Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre's website (Met Office, UK).
مجال جوي مغلق (أحمر) إغلاق جزئي (برتقالي) 18 أبريل 2010.
خريطة توضح موقع بركان إيفيالايوكل، آيسلنده، والمجالات الجوية المتعطلة.
المطارات المغلقة بسبب بركان إيافيالايوكل. اللون الأحمر: مطارات مغلقة، اللون الأصفر:أغلق وسوف يتم افتتاحه. اللون الأخضر:أغلق وأعيد افتتاحه.

أدى الثوران الثاني لبركان إيافيالايوكل في آيسلندا في 14 أبريل 2010 إلى تعطل حركة الطيران في أجزاء واسعة من اوروبا.[1] ونتيجة لمخاوف من تناثر جسيمات بركانية في ممرات الطائرات وما يمكن أن يلحقه بأضرار في محركات الطائرات، فقد أغلقت المجالات الجوية في العديد من البلدان، وتعطل ملايين من المسافرين. ويعتبر هذا أكبر إغلاق مجالا جوي منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية.[2]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


محاولات فتح المجال الجوي

إغلاقات المجال الجوي

Flag of Austria.svg نمسا On 16 April 2010, Austro Control ceased air activities at airports in both Vienna and Linz; Salzburg and Innsbruck stopped flights at 18:00 UTC; and Graz and Klagenfurt followed at 21:00 UTC. At 00:30 on 18 April, all Austrian airports were closed until 14:00.قالب:Verification failed[3]
Flag of Belarus.svg بلاروس On Saturday 17 April, the airspace over Belarus was closed.[4]
Flag of Belgium.svg بلجيكا Belgium's airspace closed at 14:30 UTC on 15 April. It would remain closed until 08:00 UTC on Sunday 18 April at least, but would probably remain closed until 16:00 UTC.[5]
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg البوسنة والهرسك The airspace over Bosnia and Herzegovina was closed to traffic from 08:00  (06:00 UTC) until midnight (22:00 UTC) on 17 April.[6]
 بلغاريا On Sunday 18 April, all Bulgarian airports were closed.[7] However, at 14:00 local time the airports in Sofia and Plovdiv were open.[8]
 كرواتيا At 02:00 CET on 17 April, the air space over northern Croatia was closed, including Zagreb. At 08:00 CET the airports at Pula, Rijeka, Zadar and Lošinj were closed.[9][مطلوب توضيح]
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg التشيك On 16 April Czech airspace was closed, after partial closure forced some aircraft to land at Brno. Czech airspace would remain closed at least until 12:00 on 19 April. During 16 April, approximately 400 flights to and from پراگ were cancelled.
Flag of Denmark.svg الدنمارك Naviair, the state-owned company controlling Danish airspace, announced that Denmark's airspace would close at 16:00 UTC on 15 April.[10]

The 70th birthday celebration of Queen Margrethe II was affected; several European royals were invited, but had to cancel because of the disruption.[11][12]

Flag of Estonia.svg إستونيا On 15 April Estonian Air flights from Tallinn to Oslo, Copenhagen and لندن were cancelled due to airspace closures in Norway, Denmark and the المملكة المتحدة.[13] As the ash cloud spread over Estonia on the night of 16 April, most flights were cancelled.[14] All flights from Tallinn were cancelled until at least 00:00 UTC (03:00 local time) on 19 April.[15]
Flag of Finland.svg فنلندا Finland closed its airspace at 00:00 UTC+03 on 16 April, having previously closed northern, western and central parts of its airspace.[16]
Flag of France.svg فرنسا At 23:00 UTC+02 on 15 April, 24 airports, including Charles De Gaulle Airport were closed.[17] On 17 April, the Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile extended the suspension to 35 airports, including all باريس airports, until 08:00 UTC+2 on Monday 19 April.[18] On 18 April, the closure was extended to at least 15:00 UTC+2 on Monday 19 April for the باريس airports.[19]
Flag of Germany.svg ألمانيا On 16 April, all international airports in Germany were closed.[20] All airports were to remain closed until at least 18:00 UTC on Sunday 18 April.[21]
Flag of Hungary.svg المجر Hungary's airspace was closed at 17:00 UTC on 16 April.[22] It remained closed until at least 10:00 UTC on 18 April.[23]
Flag of Ireland.svg أيرلندا
For information on disruption in Northern Ireland, see the United Kingdom section below.

On 15 April 2010, the Irish Aviation Authority announced restrictions on flying in Irish airspace until 06:00 UTC+01 on Friday 16 April at the earliest, with the Dublin Airport Authority's Siobhan Moore describing the event as "extraordinary" on radio programme Today with Pat Kenny.[24] Restrictions were lifted on flights to and from Cork Airport, Shannon Airport and some regional airports by the day's end but restrictions remained at Dublin Airport until 11:00 UTC+1 due to reports from the Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre in London, UK saying that the ash cloud was hovering over the east coast at this point.[24] The government's emergency planning taskforce, which included several government departments (Foreign Affairs / Health and Children / Tourism, Culture and Sport / Transport), An Garda Síochána, Met Éireann, the Irish Aviation Authority and the Dublin Airport Authority, met on the evening of 15 April to discuss the unfolding emergency.[25]

On 16 April, Irish air space was reopened for domestic flights from 10:00 UTC+01 and westward transatlantic flights resumed from Dublin Airport.[26] Irish flights which were scheduled to fly eastwards over UK and continental European airspace were grounded however, as the ash plume still threatened their air.[26][26]

On 17 April, the ash spread to most of Ireland, and all airspace remains closed.[27] It was announced that airspace would close until 18:00 UTC+01 when the risk coverage would be further assessed.[28] It was then announced that all Irish airspace would remain closed until 13:00 on Sunday 18 April.[29]

On 18 April, it was announced by the IAA that airspace would remain closed unil 13:00 GMT+01 on Monday 19 April. A further announcement will be made at 09:00 on Monday. [30]

Flag of Italy.svg إيطاليا During the evening of 16 April 2010, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority has closed the Italian airspace limited to Northern Italy for the day of 17 April, excluding emergency flights and flights flying over 35,000 feet[31], from 06:00 UTC+02 until 14:00 UTC+02[32] and later extended to 20:00 UTC+02[31]. Lately the closure was extended to 08:00 UTC+02 of Monday 19 April[33].

Over 198 flights at the airports of Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport and Rome Ciampino Airport were cancelled[34][33], 325 flights were cancelled at the Malpensa Airport,[33] 111 at the Linate Airport,[34] 104 at the Naples Airport[33] and 43 at the Catania-Fontanarossa Airport.[34]

 كوسوڤو Kosovo closed its airspace at 18 April 00:00 UTC+02, cutting air access to Pristina International Airport. It will open at 18 April 14:00 UTC+02 when the ash cloud is expected to go away.[35]
Flag of Latvia.svg لاتفيا Latvian airspace was closed on 15 April at 21:00 UTC, cutting air access to Riga International Airport and other airports of local significance.[36]

The airspace will remain closed at least until 18 April, 12:00 UTC, but most probably until 22 April.[37]

Flag of Luxembourg.svg لوكسمبورگ Luxembourg Airport was also closed for virtually all flights on 16 April 2010 and remained closed at least until the evening of 18 April.[38][39]
 مولدوڤا Moldova's airspace was affected in the afternoon 16 April.[40]
 الجبل الأسود Air Traffic Services Agency of Serbia and Montenegro[41], shut down all traffic over Montenegro, part of international waters of the Adriatic Sea at 14:00 UTC, 17 April.[42]
Flag of the Netherlands.svg هولندا The airspace of The Netherlands closed at 17:00 UTC on 15 April.[43] and was to remain closed at least until 20:00 UTC on 18 April.[44]
Flag of Norway.svg نرويج Air travel in Norway was suspended from 14 April. Airports throughout Nord-Trøndelag, Nordland, Troms and Finnmark were re-opened at times, as those areas were least affected by the ash. The largest of these, Trondheim Airport, Værnes, was opened for six hours on 16 April. However, it and the other four largest airports in Norway (Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger & Sandefjord) remained closed as of 13:00 UTC on 17 April.

In addition to the effects on air travel, the total closure of Norwegian airspace included the 21 search and rescue and medical aircraft and helicopters in the country. The health authorities stated that the challenges faced were unprecedented in modern history, and ambulances and medical personnel were moved north and out of the cities to decentralize the service and supplant the loss of aerial transport.[45]

Flag of Poland.svg بولندا Poland closed the northern part of its airspace at 18:00 UTC on 15 April. On 16 April its whole airspace was shut down.[46]

The eruption also affected the funeral for the Polish president Lech Kaczyński, his wife Maria and all other passengers who died in a plane crash earlier in April 2010. Family members decided against postponing the ceremony to allow other countries' dignitaries to attend.

Flag of Romania.svg رومانيا Romania closed the north western part of its airspace on at 00:00 local time (UTC+03) on 17 April, including Oradea, Satu Mare, Baia Mare, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, and Timişoara airports. The two Bucharest airports were also closed. Romania's entire airspace closed at 18:00 local time (UTC+03) on 17 April until at least 12:00 on 19 April.[47][48]
Flag of Serbia.svg صربيا Air Traffic Services Agency of Serbia and Montenegro[41], shut down all traffic over Serbia at 14:00 UTC on 17 April.[49]
Flag of Slovakia.svg سلوفاكيا Slovakia's airspace was closed at 15:00 UTC on 16 April.[50]
Flag of Slovenia.svg سلوفينيا Slovenia was affected by the volcanic eruption in the evening, 16 April UTC+1. The Slovenian Transport Ministry has partially closed the Slovenian airspace to the north of the 46th parallel from the ground up to the height of 35,500 feet (10,800 m) at 22:00 UTC+1, 16 April, and over the entire territory of Slovenia from the ground up to the height of 35,500 feet (10,800 m)* at 6:00 UTC+1, 17 April. The closure is planned to last till the 01:00 UTC+1, 19 April.[51] This is the first closure of Slovenian airspace since the Ten-Day War.[52]
Flag of Spain.svg إسپانيا Aena decided to shut down 7 airports in northern Spain at 20:00 UTC+1 on 17 April and were planned to remain closed until 10:00 on the 18th. [53] However, one hour later, at 21:00 UTC+1 on 17th of April, they started to operate again.[54]. At 8:30 UTC+1 on 18 April 11 airports in the north of Spain were shut down including Barcelona airport (2nd largest). At 12:00 UTC+1 two more airports in the Balearic Islands were closed. All 13 airports are expected to re-open at 20:00 UTC+1 on 18 April. Other minor airports independent from Aena were shut down as well. [55]. They could, however, be re-opened a few hours later at 15:30 UTC+1 [56].
Flag of Sweden.svg السويد Sweden's airspace was closed at 20:00 UTC, 15 April. Updates can be found at www.lfv.se[57]
Flag of Switzerland.svg سويسرا Switzerland's Federal office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) issued a NOTAM[58] on 16 April at 14:15 UTC stating that the FIR Switzerland will be closed for VFR and IFR operations from 16 April, 21:59 UTC to 17 April, 18:00 UTC. Police, SAR and emergency medical helicopter flights are exempted from this measure.[59] Swiss International Air Lines informed its customers on 16 April that the Zurich, Basel, Geneva and Lugano airports would be closed, and that all flights going to those airports would be cancelled.[60] Also some minor airports, such as the one in Ambri were closed.
Flag of Ukraine.svg أوكرانيا Ministry of Transport of Ukraine closed majority of national air zones by 00:00 UTC+3 on 17 April. Only South Ukrainian airports have served air companies. Aircrafts flown from Egypt and Thailand to Kiev landed at Simferopol International Airport. All Ukrainian airspace was closed by 15:00 EEST 17 April.
Flag of the United Kingdom.png المملكة المتحدة
Arrivals board in Heathrow's Terminal 5 on 16 April.

Scotland was the third region in Europe, after Iceland and Norway, to be affected by the ash with all Scottish airports being closed to IFR flights by 04:00 BST on 15 April. The United Kingdom's controlled airspace was closed to IFR flights at 11:00 UTC (12:00 BST) on 15 April.[61] At 14:45 BST on Friday, 16 April, it was announced by NATS that restrictions preventing IFR flights (which includes all scheduled passenger services) in English and Welsh controlled airspace will remain in place until 13:00 BST (12:00 UTC) on 17 April at the earliest. On Saturday, 17 April, NATS extended this restriction until 01:00 BST (00:00 UTC) on Sunday, 18 April. However, later in the day, this restriction was further extended until 13:00 BST (12:00 UTC) on Sunday. Plans to lift ATC restrictions from 19:00 BST Friday 16 April over a large part of Scottish airspace including Scottish airports, Shetland, Orkney and also Northern Ireland were revoked due to deteriorating conditions.[62] However, later on Saturday, it was suggested that a few domestic flights may be able to take off from Scotland and Northern Ireland before 19:00 BST (18:00 UTC) on Saturday, although most aircraft will remain grounded.[63]

At 10:00 BST (09:00 UTC) on Sunday, 18 April, it was announced by NATS that the restrictions on flights in UK airspace would be extended until 01:00 BST (00:00 UTC) on Monday, 19 April.[64][65]

The ash has been photographed over the Shetland Islands.[66]

The Daily Mail quoted a spokesperson for the Association of British Travel Agents saying 'We estimate there could be as many as a million British people stranded abroad,' and reported the UK will soon face shortages of fresh items that are normally shipped in by air. British tourists in Spain were being told it would be at least 10 days before they could get home even if flights resume soon.[67]

There remains no restriction on VFR traffic. RAF Search and rescue aircraft continued to operate as normal, as did flights between Newquay and the Isles of Scilly which operate in uncontrolled airspace at an altitude no higher than 3,000 feet (910 m).[68] On 17 April it was reported that a low level of ash from the volcano had fallen on the Thames Valley area in southeast England.

The last commercial flight to leave UK airspace before the lockdown was imposed was a 11:25 BST (10:25 UTC) Thomson Airways flight on 14 April from Cardiff Airport to Sharm el-Sheikh International Airport.[69] There remained not a single commercial airliner in UK airspace until the morning of 16 April when an Air Transat flight was given clearance to leave Glasgow International Airport for Toronto Pearson International Airport.[70]

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الأثر الاجتماعي

التأثير على المسافرين

التأثير على القوات الجوية

الخسائر الإقتصادية

أعلنت المنظمة الدولية للنقل الجوي (إياتا) أن شركات الطيران خسرت حوالي 1.7 مليارات دولار، وأن حجم الأرباح الفائتة لشركات الطيران المتضررة بلغ 400 مليون دولار في اليوم الواحد خلال ذروة الأزمة، وحذرت من إفلاس أكثر من خمس شركات متوسطة وصغيرة الحجم بسبب نقص السيولة الناتجة عن هذه الأزمة. كما طالبت جمعية الشركات الجوية الأوروبية التي تضمُّ 36 شركة، بتقديم مساعدة لشركات الطيران لتمكينها من تحمل خسائرها، وقد قدّرت الجمعية عدد الرحلات التي ألغيت في أوروبا فقط بـ 95 ألف رحلة، كما أكدت المنظمة الدولية للطيران المدني أن تأثير الأزمة على شركات الطيران وحركة المسافرين يفوق إغلاق الأجواء الذي حدث بعد أحداث 11 سبتمبر 2001. الخسائر الإقتصادية الناتجة عن هذه الأزمة لم تقتصرْ على قطاع الطيران في أوروبا فقط، حيث تضرَّرت معظم شركات الطيران العالمية من هذه الأزمة، فقد كشفت الجمعية الأمريكية لصناعة السفر عن أن الأزمة الجوية في أوروبا كلَّفت الاقتصاد الأمريكي 650 مليون دولار، وتأثرت بها ستة آلاف وظيفة في الولايات المتحدة، وذكرت الجمعية أن 78% من الرحلات بين أوروبا والولايات المتحدة تم إلغاؤها خلال الأزمة. كما أفادت الحكومة الفرنسية أن إلغاء الرحلات كلَّف القطاع السياحي 200 مليون يورو على الأقل، كما تكبَّد قطاع السياحة في إسبانيا خسائر قدرها 252 مليون يورو. عربيًّا؛ أعلنت الخطوط الجوية السعودية أنها تكبدت خسائر تقارب 33 مليون دولار نتيجة إغلاق المجال الجوي الأوروبي، وأعلنت شركة طيران الإمارات التابعة لحكومة دبي خسائر بقيمة أكثر من 65 مليون دولار، وفي مصر إنخفضت حركة الطائرات بنسبة تصل إلى 35 %، أيضًا في الكويت وصلت الخسائر الأولية لمؤسسة الخطوط الجوية الكويتية خلال ثلاثة أيام فقط أثناء الأزمة إلى حوالي مليون دينار.[71]

انظر أيضا


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  2. ^ "Qantas cancels flights for a third day". The Sydney Morning Herald. 18 April 2010. Retrieved 18 April 2010.
  3. ^ Austria starts closing airspace due to volcano ash. Business Week. 16 April 2010.
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  61. ^ BBC News 19:40 UTC, Thursday, 15 April 2010
  62. ^ Volcanic ash cloud: UK flight ban worsens
  63. ^ BBC TV Red Button text service, page 104.
  64. ^ BBC News 10:40 BST (09:40 UTC), Sunday, 18 April 2010
  65. ^ NATS Updates
  66. ^ Space photograph of ash engulfing Britain
  67. ^ "Volcanic ash cloud: 100,000 Britons stranded in Europe as air traffic chiefs extend lockdown to 7am | Mail Online". Dailymail.co.uk. Retrieved 2010-04-17.
  68. ^ "Skybus beats the gloom", Western Morning News, 16 April 2010
  69. ^ [ http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/2010/04/16/flight-from-cardiff-airport-last-to-leave-uk-as-volcanic-ash-grounds-planes-91466-26254292/ Flight from Cardiff Airport last to leave UK]
  70. ^ Hope for passengers? Flight arrives in Toronto from Glasgow
  71. ^ أوروبا تحت الحصار

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معلومات ترسل للطائرات عن الرماد البركاني

  • Shannon Volmet on 5505 KHz and 8957 KHz USB.

Air travel disruption after the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption