الصالحون بين الأمم

Righteous Among the Nations (بالعبرية: חֲסִידֵי אֻמּוֹת הָעוֹלָם‎, ḥasidei ummot ha'olam; "righteous (plural) of the world's nations") is an honorific used by the State of Israel to describe non-Jews who risked their lives during the Holocaust to save Jews from extermination by the Nazis for altruistic reasons. The term originates with the concept of "righteous gentiles", a term used in rabbinic Judaism to refer to non-Jews, called ger toshav, who abide by the Seven Laws of Noah.


When Yad Vashem, the Shoah Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority, was established in 1953 by the Knesset, one of its tasks was to commemorate the "Righteous Among the Nations". The Righteous were defined as non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust.

Since 1963, a commission headed by a justice of the Supreme Court of Israel has been charged with the duty of awarding the honorary title "Righteous Among the Nations". Guided in its work by certain criteria, the commission meticulously studies all documentation including evidence by survivors and other eyewitnesses, evaluates the historical circumstances and the element of risk to the rescuer, and then decides if the case meets the criteria. Those criteria are:[1]

  • Only a Jewish party can put forward a nomination
  • Helping a family member or helping a Jew who converted to Christianity is not ground for recognition;
  • Assistance has to be repeated or substantial
  • Assistance has to be given without any financial gain expected in return (although covering expenses such as food is acceptable)

The award has been given without regard to the social rank of the helper. It has been given to royalty such as Princess Alice of Battenberg, Queen Mother Helen of Romania and Queen Elisabeth of Belgium but also to others like the philosopher Jacques Ellul and to Amsterdam department store employee Hendrika Gerritsen.[2][3]

Memorial tree in Jerusalem, Israel honoring Irena Sendler, a Polish Roman Catholic nurse who saved 2,500 Jews
Obverse (left) and reverse (right) of the Righteous Medal

A person who is recognized as Righteous for having taken risks to help Jews during the Holocaust is awarded a medal in their name, a certificate of honor, and the privilege of having the name added to those on the Wall of Honor in the Garden of the Righteous at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem (the last is in lieu of a tree planting, which was discontinued for lack of space). The awards are distributed to the rescuers or their next of kin during ceremonies in Israel, or in their countries of residence through the offices of Israel's diplomatic representatives. These ceremonies are attended by local government representatives and are given wide media coverage.[بحاجة لمصدر]

The Yad Vashem Law authorizes Yad Vashem "to confer honorary citizenship upon the Righteous Among the Nations, and if they have died, the commemorative citizenship of the State of Israel, in recognition of their actions". Anyone who has been recognized as "Righteous" is entitled to apply to Yad Vashem for the certificate. If the person is no longer alive, their next of kin is entitled to request that commemorative citizenship be conferred on the Righteous who has died.[بحاجة لمصدر]

The Righteous Diploma of Maria Kotarba

In total, قالب:Total Righteous count men and women from 51 countries have been recognized,[4] amounting to more than 10,000 authenticated rescue stories. Yad Vashem's policy is to pursue the program for as long as petitions for this title are received and are supported by evidence that meets the criteria.[5]

Recipients who choose to live in the State of Israel are entitled to a pension equal to the average national wage and free health care, as well as assistance with housing and nursing care.[بحاجة لمصدر]

صالحون استقروا في إسرائيل

At least 130 Righteous non-Jews have settled in Israel. They were welcomed by Israeli authorities, and were granted citizenship. In the mid-1980s, they became entitled to special pensions. Some of them settled in British Mandatory Palestine before Israel's establishment shortly after World War II, or in the early years of the new state of Israel, while others came later. Those who came earlier often spoke fluent Hebrew and have integrated into Israeli society.[6] Children and grandchildren of Righteous Gentiles are entitled to a temporary residence visa in Israel, but not Israeli citizenship.[7]

علامات أخرى للتبجيل

A Righteous Among the Nations award ceremony in the Polish Senate, 2012

One Righteous Among the Nations, Saint Elizabeth Hesselblad of Sweden, has been canonized a saint in the Catholic Church.[8] Five others have been beatified: Giuseppe Girotti and Odoardo Focherini of Italy,[9][10] Klymentiy Sheptytsky of Ukraine,[11] Bernhard Lichtenberg of Germany,[12] and Sára Salkaházi of Hungary.

Maria Skobtsova of Paris and her companions are recognised as martyrs in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Her feast day is 20 July.

1940 issued visa by Consul Chiune Sugihara in Lithuania
Polish passport extended in 1941 by Righteous Among the Nations Chilean diplomat Samuel del Campo
University study booklet issued to Polish Righteous Among the Nations Wladyslaw Smolski in 1938

In 2015, Lithuania's first street sign honoring a Righteous Among the Nations was unveiled in Vilnius.[13] The street is named Onos Šimaitės gatvė, after Ona Šimaitė, a Vilnius University librarian who helped and rescued Jewish people in the Vilna Ghetto.[13]

In Zvolen, Slovakia, the Park of Generous Souls commemorates the Righteous Among the Nations from Slovakia.[14]

Beginning in 2018, China's most significant World War II museum, the War of Resistance Museum, features China's Righteous Among the Nations and other Chinese figures who helped Jews escape Europe.[15]

عدد الأوسمة حسب البلد

اعتبارا من 10 أغسطس 2023 (2023-08-10), the award has been made to 28,217 people. This Yad Vashem highlights that the table is not representative of the effort or proportion of Jews saved per country, and notes that these numbers "are not necessarily an indication of the actual number of rescuers in each country, but reflect the cases that were made available to Yad Vashem."[4]

البلد عدد الأوسمة أبرز الحاصلين تعداد 1939 الفائزن لكل 100,000 نسمة
 پولندا 7,177 Jan Karski, Maria Kotarba, Irena Sendler, Irena Adamowicz 34,849,000 20.59
 هولندا 5,910 Frits Philips, Jan Zwartendijk, Miep Gies, Bep Voskuijl, Corrie ten Boom 8,729,000 67.70
 فرنسا 4,150 Anne Beaumanoir, Jeanne Brousse, André and Magda Trocmé 42,000,000 9.88
 أوكرانيا 2,673 Klymentiy Sheptytsky 32,425,000 8.24
 بلجيكا 1,774 Queen Elisabeth of Belgium 8,387,000 21.15
 لتوانيا 918 Ona Šimaitė 2,575,000 35.65
 المجر 876 Endre Szervánszky, Sára Salkaházi 9,129,000 9.60
 إيطاليا 744 Giorgio Perlasca, Gino Bartali, Giuseppe Girotti, Odoardo Focherini, Carlo Angela 43,400,000 1.71
 بلاروس 676 5,568,994 12.14
 ألمانيا 641 Oskar Schindler, Wilm Hosenfeld, Hans von Dohnanyi, Bernhard Lichtenberg, Gustav Schröder, Karl Plagge 69,314,000 0.92
 سلوڤاكيا 621 2,655,000 23.39
 اليونان 362 Princess Alice of Battenberg, Damaskinos of Athens 7,222,000 5.01
 روسيا 215 108,377,000 0.20
 صربيا 139
 لاتڤيا 138 Jānis Lipke 1,994,500 6.97
 كرواتيا 130 Ivan Vranetić 4,235,000[16] 3.07
 التشيك 119 Victor Kugler
 النمسا 113 6,658,000 1.7
 مولدوڤا 79
 ألبانيا 75 Arslan Rezniqi 1,073,000 6.99
 رومانيا 69 Helen of Greece and Denmark 19,933,800 0.35
 النرويج 67 2,945,000 2.27
  سويسرا 49 Paul Grüninger 4,200,000 1.17
 البوسنة والهرسك 49 Nurija Pozderac
 أرمنيا 24
 المملكة المتحدة 22 Frank Foley, Sofka Skipwith, Jane Haining
 الدنمارك[أ] 22 Danish resistance movement 3,795,000 0.58
 بلغاريا 20 6,458,000 0.31
 سلوڤنيا 15
 شمال مقدونيا 10
 السويد 10 Raoul Wallenberg, Elizabeth Hesselblad
 إسپانيا 9 Ángel Sanz Briz, Eduardo Propper de Callejón
 الولايات المتحدة 5 Varian Fry, Martha Sharp, Waitstill Sharp, Roddie Edmonds
 إستونيا 3 Uku Masing 1,134,000 0.26
 إندونيسيا 3 Tole Madna, Mima Saina
 پيرو 3 José Maria Barreto
 الپرتغال 3 Aristides de Sousa Mendes
 البرازيل 2 Luis Martins de Souza Dantas, Aracy de Carvalho
 تشيلي 2 Samuel del Campo
Flag of تايوان تايوان 2 Ho Feng-Shan, Pan Junshun
 كوبا 1 Ámparo Otero Pappo
 مصر 1 Mohammed Helmy
 تركيا 1 Selahattin Ülkümen
 الجبل الأسود 1 Petar Zanković
 الإكوادور 1 Manuel Muñoz Borrero
 اليابان 1 Chiune Sugihara
 لوكسمبورگ 1 Victor Bodson
 ڤيتنام 1 Paul Nguyen Cong Anh
 أيرلندا 1 Mary Elmes
 السلڤادور 1 José Castellanos Contreras
 جورجيا 1 Sergei Metreveli

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ Paulsson, Gunnar S. (June 1998). "The Rescue of Jews by Non-Jews in Nazi-Occupied Poland". The Journal of Holocaust Education. 7 (1–2): 19–44. doi:10.1080/17504902.1998.11087056.
  2. ^ "Gerritsen, Hendrika Jacoba (Heinsius)". The Righteous Among the Nations. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem. Retrieved 6 April 2018.
  3. ^ "Familieberichten" [Family notices]. Het Parool. 28 December 1990. Retrieved 13 April 2018 – via Delpher.
  4. ^ أ ب خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة righteous_count
  5. ^ "First Arab Nominated for Holocaust Honor". Associated Press. 30 January 2007. Retrieved 1 February 2007.
  6. ^ Jeffay, Nathan (6 October 2011). "'Righteous' Moved to Israel After Saving Jews in Holocaust". The Forward. Retrieved 2013-09-06.
  7. ^ "Righteous Among the Nations Visa \ Residence permit in Israel". 6 October 2011. Retrieved 2021-07-03.
  8. ^ Greaves, Mark (18 December 2015). "Swedish Sister who hid Jews from the Nazis is to be canonised". Catholic Herald. Retrieved 19 December 2015.
  9. ^ "Blessed Giuseppe Girotti: Another Dominican Saint in the Making". Order of Preachers. Archived from the original on 28 December 2016. Retrieved 21 December 2016.
  10. ^ "Odoardo Focherini: Late journalist, hero and Blessed of the Catholic Church". Rome Reports. Archived from the original on 2021-11-07. Retrieved 19 June 2013.
  11. ^ "Beatification of the Servants of God on June 27, 2001". Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Archived from the original on 29 November 2014.
  12. ^ Gaydosh, Brenda (2017). Bernhard Lichtenberg. Roman Catholic Priest and Martyr of the Nazi Regime. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. p. 175. ISBN 978-1-4985-5311-7.
  13. ^ أ ب "Lithuania's first street honoring Holocaust Righteous unveiled in Vilnius". Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 25 September 2015. Retrieved 2015-09-26.
  14. ^ Nižňanský, Eduard (2014). "On Relations between the Slovak Majority and Jewish Minority During World War II". Yad Vashem Studies. 42 (2): 89. ISSN 0084-3296.
  15. ^ Mitter, Rana (2020). China's good war : how World War II is shaping a new nationalism. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. pp. 120–121. ISBN 978-0-674-98426-4. OCLC 1141442704.
  16. ^ Geiger 2013, p. 20.


  1. ^ While the title of Righteous is awarded to individuals, not groups, the Danish resistance viewed the Rescue of the Danish Jews as a collective act, and asked Yad Vashem not to recognize resistance members individually. Yad Vashem respected the request, and hence the number of Danish Righteous is relatively small.


وصلات خارجية

قالب:Righteous footer قالب:Orders, decorations, and medals of Israel