الجامعة الفرنسية في مصر
Université française d’Égypte | |
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الشعار | “Faites la différence” |
تأسست | 2002 |
الرئيس | دينيس داربي |
نائب الرئيس | ديما الحسيني |
الموقع | الشروق، القاهرة ، مصر |
الحرم | الشروق، 40 كم (25 ميلاً) من وسط القاهرة |
اللغة | الفرنسية والإنجليزية والعربية |
الجامعات المؤسسة | جامعة باريس 3 - السوربون الجديدة، جامعة هوت ألزاس، جامعة كورسيكا وجامعة نانت |
الموقع الإلكتروني | ufe |
لجامعة الفرنسية في مصر هي جامعة خاصة غير ربحية، تأسست عام 2002 في القاهرة بمدينة الشروق.
تتكون من ثلاث كليات: إدارة الأعمال، والهندسة، واللغات التطبيقية. تتكون كل كلية من أقسام مختلفة. جميع الدبلومات التي تقدمها الجامعة تتم بالتنسيق مع جامعات فرنسية مرموقة مثل جامعة باريس 3 - السوربون الجديدة، جامعة نانت، جامعة هوت ألزاس (مولوز-كولمار) وجامعة كورسيكا باسكال باولي.
كما تم توقيع اتفاقية مع جامعة بيير وماري كوري بخصوص كلية الهندسة.[1]تقع الجامعة في مدينة الشروق على بعد 37 كم (23 ميلاً) من وسط القاهرة. وتستخدم الجامعة اللغات الفرنسية (أساساً) والإنجليزية والعربية في التدريس، ويتمكن خريجوها من استخدام هذه اللغات الثلاث في أي مجال عمل مرتبط بتخصصهم.[1]
تم افتتاح الجامعة في عام 2006 من قبل الرئيس جاك شيراك والرئيس حسني مبارك.[2]
مؤتمر الرياضيات الحيوية الأورومتوسطي
منعقدة في الفترة ما بين 26 و 28 يوليو 2007 من قبل جامعة سافوي و جامعة كورسيكا. اجتمع باحثون من أوروبا ومنطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط في مصر لمناقشة موضوعات الرياضيات الحيوية واستخدام الرياضيات في الطب لعلاج بعض الأمراض.[3]
المؤتمر الدولي للالكترونيات الدقيقة
استضاف قسم تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في جامعة واترلو، في الفترة من 29 إلى 31 ديسمبر 2007، مؤتمراً دولياً حول الإلكترونيات الدقيقة، بالتعاون مع جامعة واترلو الكندية وجمعية الأجهزة الإلكترونية التابعة لمعهد مهندسي الكهرباء والإلكترونيات.
أقيم المؤتمر تحت رعاية وزارة الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات ووزارة التعليم العالي.
تم تقديم عدد معين من الاتصالات في المجالات التالية: الأنظمة والدوائر المتكاملة، والتصميم بمساعدة الكمبيوتر للإلكترونيات الدقيقة وتكنولوجيا الميكروفون–إلكترونيات النانو. سيتم نشر أفضل الاتصالات في مجلد خاص من مجلة "Microelectronics Journal" (Elsevier).
استفادت هذه التجربة من الدعم المالي من شركات Mentor Graphics، وSi-Ware Systems، وIf-Vision، وNewport Media، وImodelit، والمعهد الوطني للاتصالات، ووزارة الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات. ساهم طلاب قسم تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في جامعة فرانكفورت بشكل كبير في تنظيم هذا الحدث وشاركوا فيه بشكل فعال.[4]
توقيع اتفاقية باريس 6
في 4 نوفمبر 2007 تم توقيع الاتفاقية بين جامعة باريس 6 واتحاد الطلاب الفرنسيين، بحضور الرئيسة السابقة لاتحاد الطلاب الفرنسيين تهاني عمر، ورئيس باريس 6 جان شارل بومرول، والسفير الفرنسي فيليب كوست. وتبع التوقيع حفل كوكتيل.
SIFE in the UFE
The UFE is the 2009 & 2010 SIFE World Champion. The university encourages its students to participate in social entrepreneurship projects that aim at reducing poverty, sustaining environment while at the same time creating economic opportunities for the underprivilidged communities. The SIFE competition is an annual competition that ranks the universities’ projects against social entrepreneurship criteria such as financial literacy, market economics, success skills, environment sustainability and entrepreneurship. Each criterion is sponsored by one or more business sponsors. For 3 consecutive years (from 2008 to 2010) and later on 2012, the SIFE UFE team has won Egypt's National Championship. Once more, it proved the authenticity of its projects winning the 2009 SIFE World Cup over universities from more than 40 countries. SIFE UFE by winning the 2010 SIFE World championship, It became the first university to ever win 2 World championships in a row.[بحاجة لمصدر]
Painting Exhibition
“The (ex)President of the French University of Egypt Tahani Omar inaugurated an artistic event at the veritable institution’s headquarters in Al-Shorouq City last week. The event hosted a miscellaneous art exhibition featuring 45 contemporary artists. West Al-Balad pop band performed many of their contemporary Arabic songs. Also some of the multi-talented students of the university who are also members of the university band enchanted the audience with absolutely delightful songs. A galaxy of dignitaries attended the event including the head of the projects at the university Violette Fayeq and a number of lecturers, professors, faculty heads and deans.” Al-Ahram Hébdo
CY Tech
In February 2023, CY Tech hosted the President of the French University in Egypt during their meeting with Cergy Paris University counterpart regarding institutional collaboration between the two educational bodies.[5]
Undergraduate campus
Only three faculties in the university are yet opened. The campus construction will continue in mid-2009 and the whole campus is expected to be finished after two years time. the photo besides is only an imaginary design & the real campus is only one building with three floors and no other constructions are added until now
Post-graduate campus
The university has another campus in El-Mohandesseen that is dedicated to post-graduate studies as well as extracurricular courses.
Three teaching languages
French (a language of culture and knowledge that creates bridges with French speaking countries), English (a globalization language) and Arabic (in order to work in Egypt and Arab countries). The student will learn how to use those three languages professionally at the work place during his 4 years of studies. Notice that these three languages are 3 of the 6 International Languages defined by the United Nations (English, Spanish, Chinese, French, Arabic and Russian), which makes them wanted anywhere in the world.
Double Diplomas
An Egyptian and a French/European one (University of Paris III: Sorbonne, University of Nantes). Faculty of engineering: Masters in the “PEC” and “TIC” departments which could be delivered by the Haute-Alsace University, the Corse University or Paris 6 University. L’UFE is the only university in Egypt that delivers a foreign diploma without its students being obligated to travel outside Egypt to get the foreign diploma (still, students can go continue their studies in France if they want.)
French systems and programs
The French University of Egypt has an agreement with the universities of Paris VI (1st scientific university in France), Paris III: Sorbonne, Nantes and Corse that all academic programs will be supervised and approved by these universities.
And that these universities will send its professors to teach at the UFE as well as providing the UFE with technical assistance.
Like many other Egyptian private Universities, the UFE has joint curricula with their French counterparts.
Engineering students at the UFE can now prepare their master's degree from Paris VI University. Paris VI is the best university in France, and rated 38th by the Academic Ranking for World Universities organization.[6] Today, no students from any other private university in Egypt can prepare the Master or the Doctorate degrees from any university included in the top 200 World universities, but the UFE students.
- Faculty of Applied Languages
The department has the following specializations:
- Electronics & Communication
- Architecture and Design of Integrated Circuits
- Networks and Computer Systems
- Microwave, Electromagnetism and Optoelectronics
- Production, energy and automatic control department (PEC)
The department covers all the domains of Mechanical Engineering & Fiber Science.[7]
- Architecture Department
School of Engineering
Today the faculty contains 8 Engineering specializations. The UFE Engineering faculty is the only Engineering faculty in Egypt to have the two specializations “Microwave, Electromagnetism & Optoelectronics” and the Architecture and Design of “Integrated Circuits”.
- Electricity and Magnetism lab
- Optics & LASER lab
- Microwaves and Antennas lab
- Optoelectronics lab
- Automatism lab
- Electronics & Communication lab
- Backbone Networks lab
- Data Transferring lab
- Computer labs
- Architecture and Design of Integrated Circuits informatics lab
- Numerical Analysis lab
- Materials lab
- Automatic Control lab
- Heat Transfer & Fluid Mechanic lab
- Vibrations lab
- Chemistry lab
- Off-campus access to the Ministry of Military Production labs
- Library
- Wi-Fi (Internet access anywhere in the campus)
- Electronics workshop
- Production Technology workshop
- Technical Drawing Hall
- Conference room (which at the moment presents lectures from Paris VI University)
- Online postgraduate courses in cooperation with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Rice University and the Carnegie Mellon University.[8]
As training the future teachers is a priority at the UFE, the UFE sends professors to do postgraduate studies in France. List of recent professors sent to France:
- Ahmed Ali, works at the LAAS laboratory at Toulouse university. He does doctoral studies in the field of electromagnetism, more specifically in the domain of antennas.
- Mootaz Allam, who is currently making researches at the Informatics laboratory at Paris 6 university. The domain of research is the analog electronics.
- Ahmed Gamal, currently making postgraduate studies at the ENSPS (École Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Stasbourg) laboratory in the field of signals treatment.
Convention with the University of Savoie
The students of the PEC department at the faculty of engineering will benefit from a new course on renewed energy. This course will be offered by the polytechnic school of Savoie University within the framework of a partnership in prospect.
Many students will have the opportunity to travel to Savoie and prepare a master's degree and work in the field of research at the University of Savoie.[9]
Business Faculty
The only university in Egypt harmonically coupling the study of management and informatics.
- Hany Nasr El-Din was invited to assist in the supports of the finals studies for the master's degree.
- Associate Pr. Asmaa Al-Sharif, traveled to Rennes for a doctoral week. After that, to Nantes University to participate in a conference at the “Maison des Sciences Humaines”. She co-presented a communication with Associate Pr. Eve Lamendour at the Nantes University.
- Lecturer Myriam RAYMOND, has been invited to teach in Université de Nantes a curriculum in International Economics & Business. She moreover participated with several papers both locally and internationally. Her research interests focus on the outsourced banking operations.
This is a list of UFE visitor professors:
- Pr. Alain VAILLY, from Nantes University, will give lectures in Modeling.
- Pr. Vélina SLAVOVA, from Bulgare University, will teach Introduction to the Bases of Information.
- Pr. Marie CATALO and Noel BARBU, from Nantes University.
- Pr. Eve LAMENDOUR, from Nantes University, to give lectures in Marketing.
- Pr. Pascale COUPARD, associated with Nantes University, to teach Management Risks for students in the 4th year in the Management department.
Applied Languages Faculty
The Applied Languages faculty at the UFE is in cooperation and under the supervision of the Paris III: Sorbonne University. The Sorbonne University is one of the top 5 universities in the world.
Created in April 2004, the International Center of Research, Development and Cooperation (CIDRE) has the role to allow to the UFE to become a national and international development pole. This center has as a priority to be in close contact with the world of the company, the local or international institutions concerned with research and with the various concerned organizations of the development.
The action of the CIDRE is spread on three axes:
The research
The CIDRE has as a principal role to undertake and organize research within the UFE. It must found a public image of the university as an establishment dedicated to research (participation in international conferences and publications in reviews specialized). To conclude from the agreements from Research and Development (R&D) with the companies leaders and to undertake activities of consulting form part of the principal concerns of the CIDRE.
The continued formation
To work out continuous training schemes in relation to the needs for the market east another priority of the CIDRE. It must set up a system of formation open to all, always with the concern of meeting the specific needs for the companies.
Outside relations
The CIDRE establishes bonds of co-operation with international organizations like UNESCO, the European Community, the Agency of the Francophonie... It develops projects of co-operation with the establishments concerned (Ministries for Industry and Oil).
Cooperation agreements
The co-operation with UNESCO is a pilot project dedicated to the use of modern technologies of teaching in the Egyptian, Arab and African universities. The agreement signed by the CIDER on October 8, 2003, allows inter alia in common developing courses on line with Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University and Rice University. To make it possible the UFE to produce a modern center of course online like adapting and implementing a system of management of teaching are other objectives of this agreement.
Ministry of Industry
A convention was signed on June 22, 2004, between the UFE and the Ministry for Industry. Under the terms of this convention, the Ministry will take part with the UFE, in the form of committee of follow-up, with the development of the training schemes, like with obtaining their financing. These programs are intended for executives of the private sector working in the fields of import/export, of the management of quality and the leadership
Ministry of Petrol
A convention was signed between the UFE and the Ministry for Oil 5 the Mars 2005. Under the terms of this convention, the Ministry offers to the French University of Egypt a financial assistance intended for the equipment of the laboratories, accommodates the students of three faculties in training courses and grants purses to best of them all while beginning to offer stations in the oil sector to them. As for the UFE, it takes part with the assistance of its partners, with the effort engaged by the Ministry for Oil for the improvement of the performances of the executives working in the oil sector, and this, through technical trainings specialized and consultations on request.
Online courses
These courses were developed within the framework of a project with the MIT and the UNESCO:
- Thermodynamics
- Electric and electronic circuits
- Solid state mechanics
- Electric materials[11]
UFE Partners
- Paris III: Sorbonne University
- Paris VI University
- Haute Alsace University
- Corse University
- Nantes University
- Centre de Recherche, Développement et Coopération Internationale
- Centre Français de Culture et de Coopération
- Ambassade de France en République Arabe d’Égypte
- Club d’Affaires Franco-Égyptien[12]
The university also has collaborations with:
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Rice University
- University of Savoie[13]
- ^ أ ب "French University of Egypt's official website". Archived from the original on 2009-02-26. Retrieved 2009-02-02.
- ^ "Inauguration page on the official website of the French University of Egypt". Archived from the original on 2008-02-20. Retrieved 2008-04-18.
- ^ "Corse university informs on the event". Archived from the original on 2008-06-01. Retrieved 2008-04-18.
- ^ "The UFE gazette January 2008" (PDF). Retrieved 2008-07-23.[dead link]
- ^ Devautour, Valentin. "The President of the French University of Egypt at CY Tech". CY Tech (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2023-05-11.
- ^ "Website of the Academic Ranking of World Universities organization". Retrieved 2008-09-28.
- ^ "UFE faculties and academic divisions". Archived from the original on 2008-02-01. Retrieved 2008-04-18.
- ^ "References from the official website". Archived from the original on 2007-10-13. Retrieved 2008-07-23.
- ^ "French University of Egypt's La Gazette January 2008" (PDF). Retrieved 2008-09-03.[dead link]
- ^ "Official website's page on the university research". Archived from the original on 2008-09-30. Retrieved 2008-07-23.
- ^ "UFE CIDRE page as a reference to the whole "Cooperation agreements" category". Archived from the original on 2008-09-30. Retrieved 2008-04-18.
- ^ "Official partners of the French University of Egypt". Archived from the original on 2008-09-30. Retrieved 2008-09-03.
- ^ "Research partners of the French University of Egypt". Archived from the original on 2007-10-13. Retrieved 2008-09-03.
External links
- Official website Archived 2018-06-10 at the Wayback Machine
- Official website (in فرنسية)
- President Jacques Chirac’s discussion on the UFE
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- French University of Egypt
- Universities and colleges established in 2002
- 2002 establishments in Egypt