الانتخابات الرئاسية الأمريكية 1796

United States presidential election, 1796

→ 1792 November 4 – December 7, 1796 1800 ←

All 276 electoral votes of the Electoral College for President and Vice President combined, 138 for each office individually
70 electoral (For President or Vice President ndividually) votes needed to win
  US Navy 031029-N-6236G-001 A painting of President John Adams (1735-1826), 2nd president of the United States, by Asher B. Durand (1767-1845)-crop.jpg Thomas Jefferson by Rembrandt Peale, 1800.jpg
المرشح John Adams Thomas Jefferson
الحزب فدرالي ديمقراطي-جمهوري
الولاية الأم مساتشوستس ڤرجينيا
Running mate Thomas Pinckney Aaron Burr
الأصوات الانتخابية 71 68
States carried 9 7
التصويت Popular 35,726 31,115
النسبة 53.4% 46.6%

Presidential election results map. Presidential electoral votes by state.
Because electors couldn't distinguish between their presidential and vice presidential choices until the passage of the Twelfth Amendment, the map above assumes that the presidential votes are exactly the votes for Adams or Jefferson. This leads to an anomaly: Maryland is listed as having cast 7 Federalist votes and 4 Democratic-Republican votes when Maryland had only 10 electors. One elector had run unopposed from his district, having pledged to vote for both Adams and Jefferson. [1] Green denotes states won by Jefferson, orange denotes states won by Adams. Numbers indicate the number of electoral votes allotted to each state.

President before election

George Washington
غير حزبي

Elected President

John Adams

The United States presidential election of 1796 was the 3rd quadrennial presidential election. It was held from Friday, November 4 to Wednesday, December 7, 1796. It was the first contested American presidential election and the only one in which a president and vice president were elected from opposing tickets. The ratification of the Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution made such a result unlikely in the future.

فيما يسمى (بخطاب الوداع) عام 1769 م ، رفض واشنطن أن يرشح نفسه للرئاسة لمرة ثالثة ، وعندما قام الفدراليون بالتخلي عن قادتهم – هاملتون وجي – الذين ساءت سمعتهم نظرا لمعاهدة جي مع بريطانيا ، واتجهوا إلى تأييد (الأرستقراطي المستقيم) جون آدمز كرئيس وتوماس كنائب للرئيس . أما الجمهوريون فقد رشحوا حفرسون كرئيس وإيرون بر (Aaron Burr) كنائب للرئيس . وعند تعداد الهيئات الناخبة حصل آدمز على 71 صوت ، بينما حصل جفرسون من الحزب المعارض على 68 صوت ، وحسب الدستور فإن صاحب الأغلبية الثانية يصبح نائبا للرئيس ، وهكذا كان الرئيس من الحزب الفدرالي ، بينما نائبه من الحزب المعارض . وكان على آدمز أن يواجه أصعب المشاكل لإدارته وهي العلاقة مع فرنسا.


المرشحون الفدراليون

Candidates gallery

Democratic-Republican candidates

Candidates gallery


النتائج حسب المقاطعة توضح جلياً نسبة المرشحين الفائزين في كل مقاطعة. Shades of blue are for Jefferson (Democratic-Republican) and shades of yellow are for Adams (Federalist).
مرشح رئاسي الحزب الولاية الأم عدد الأصوات(a), (b), (c) أصوات المجمع الانتخابي
العد النسبة
John Adams Federalist مساتشوستس 35,726 53.4% 71
Thomas Jefferson Democratic-Republican ڤرجينيا 31,115 46.6% 68
Thomas Pinckney Federalist South Carolina 59
Aaron Burr Democratic-Republican نيويورك 30
Samuel Adams Democratic-Republican مساتشوستس 15
Oliver Ellsworth Federalist Connecticut 11
George Clinton Democratic-Republican نيويورك 7
John Jay Federalist نيويورك 5
James Iredell Federalist كارولينا الشمالية 3
George Washington None ڤرجينيا 2
John Henry Democratic-Republican مريلاند 2
Samuel Johnston Federalist كارولينا الشمالية 2
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Federalist South Carolina 1
الإجمالي 66,841 100.0% 276
المطلوب للفوز 70

Source (Popular Vote): U.S. President National Vote. Our Campaigns. (February 11, 2006).
Source (Electoral Vote): Electoral College Box Scores 1789–1996. الموقع الرسمي للأرشيف الوطني الأمريكي. (July 30, 2005).

(a) Votes for Federalist electors have been assigned to John Adams and votes for Democratic-Republican electors have been assigned to Thomas Jefferson.
(b) Only 9 of the 16 states used any form of popular vote.
(c) Those states that did choose electors by popular vote had widely varying restrictions on suffrage via property requirements.

Electoral college selection

طريقة اختيار الناخبين الولاية
Each Elector appointed by the state legislature Connecticut
Rhode Island
South Carolina
State is divided into electoral districts, with one Elector chosen per district by the voters of that district كنتكي
كارولينا الشمالية
Each Elector chosen by voters statewide Georgia
  • Two Electors appointed by the state legislature
  • Each remaining Elector chosen by the state legislature from list of top two vote-getters in each Congressional district
Each Elector chosen by voters statewide; however, if no candidate wins majority, the state legislature appoints Elector from top two candidates نيو هامپشر
  • State is divided into electoral districts, with one Elector chosen per district
  • Each county chooses an electoral delegate by popular vote
  • Elector is chosen by electoral delegates of the counties within their district

انظر أيضاً



  • The North Carolina Electoral Vote: The People and the Process Behind the Vote. Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina Secretary of State. 1988.
Web references